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Evolution of Language Teaching Methodology

1. Traditional Grammar-Translation Method

The traditional grammar-translation method, dating back to the 19th century, focused primarily
on the translation of texts and the rote memorization of grammatical rules. Teachers emphasized
the importance of precise grammar usage and vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading
and writing exercises. Mother tongue used as a medium of instruction in classroom. Students
memorized the rules of grammar and translate passages from mother tongue to target language
and vice versa.


1. This method is simple and cheaper. You do not require expensive AV aids.
2. It is very useful method for teaching large classes.
3. Abstract and difficult terms can be explained in the mother tongue of students.
4. Systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students’
ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences.
5. It enriches student’s vocabulary of English language as students learn to consult
dictionaries to know the meaning of new words


1. Students learn language passively. They do not actively participate in class.

2. It encourages rote learning.
3. It doesn’t help the students to learn correct pronunciation of English Language
4. Overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on
the first language
5. Memorizing grammar rules does not enable students to effectively communicate in the
target language.

2. Audio-Lingual Method (Army Method)

In the mid-20th century, the audio-lingual method gained popularity as an alternative to the
grammar-translation approach. It is based on the Skinner’s Behaviorism theory, which postulates
that humans can be trained through a system of reinforcement. This methodology emphasized
the importance of oral skills and focused on repetitive drills and pattern practices to learn foreign
language. The audio-lingual method advised that students should be taught a language directly,
without using native language to explain new words or grammar in target language. This method
did not focus on teaching vocabulary. Dialogues and audio recordings were extensively used to
reinforce language patterns and structures.


1. Students get plenty of chance to speak target language in the class.

2. One main advantage of the ALM is that teaching is carried out through graded exercises.
We start with simple and useful exercises and gradually move on to the difficult ones.
3. The dialogues are based on everyday life situations. Students get involved in the process
and learn how to react to a real life situation verbally.
4. Students actively participate in class.
5. Focus on correct pronunciation.


1. Constant drilling of a pattern becomes boring for the class. Students lose interest
because of repetition.
2. A teacher has to be very experienced and skillful in handling his class. His effort will not
bear fruit if he/she slows down or fails to control a large class.
3. Language drills of unrelated structures and piecemeal dialogues do not give the learner
the ability to communicate effectively. He may memorize them but may fail to use them
when required.

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