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1 AI (Artificial intelligence)
The concept of "Artificial intelligence" (abbreviated as AI) first appeared in the
summer of 1956 when American computer scientist John McCarthy introduced it at
the Dartmouth Conference to describe science. techniques to create intelligent
machines that can imitate human behavior (Jain and Research 2018). However,
there is a more comprehensive definition of artificial intelligence. According to
Balaban and Kartal (2015), artificial intelligence Creativity is the science of
designing systems that can think like humans, can learn and perform tasks that
require human intelligence. The purpose of this work is to enable machines to
machinery that performs human actions, such as perceiving, remembering, reading,
inferring, comparing, making decisions, suggesting, or performing.
Regarding this topic, the world has had many studies such as Kushmar's research
Lesia Viktorivna and colleagues (2022) examined the role and effectiveness of
artificial intelligence in learning English, Zuraina Ali (2020) studied the effects of
artificial intelligence on teaching. and language learning in the two skills of
reading and writing, or research by Reema Ali Aljohani (2021) investigating
teachers' and students' perceptions of using artificial intelligence to improve
English learning in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia... Those studies have shown that
people have both positive and negative views about the impact of artificial
intelligence on foreign language learning, many studies show that AI has Helps a
lot in improving language skills and creating excitement for learners.
1.2. Chat GPT
ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a chatbot developed
by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022. Based on a large language
model, it enables users to refine and steer a conversation towards a desired length,
format, style, level of detail, and language.
In the research article "Using ChatGPT in Education: Human Reflection on
ChatGPT's Self-Reflection" (Eugène Loos et al., 2023), with the goal of finding
out the function of ChatGPT in an educational environment, and expressing its
influence The impact of artificial intelligence on education and research in the
future. Through the research, the authors have shown that GPT Chat has high
applicability in learning, analyzed the potential applications of GPT Chat in higher
education institutions, and the self-reflection ability of GPT Chat. for answering
students' questions about learning issues and especially pointing out Chat GPT's
weakness in creating documents.

1.3. Writng skill

Writing skills are the abilities used to clearly communicate ideas through writing in
various forms. Technical knowledge about writing conventions, style guides and
formatting for different situations is also an important part of writing abilities.
Knowing what situations call for different styles of writing and being able to set an
appropriate tone over text are both good writing abilities that any person can use at
“We’re seeing that written communication is even more critical than it once was,”
Bryana Holcomb, business, and success coach, says. “Some of the most important
writing skills that every employee should have include grammar, clarity,
appropriate tone, and the ability to be concise when needed.
Having strong skills in writing requires understanding the five major elements of
writing, which are: purpose, audience, clarity, Unity, conherence.

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