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By: Nikhia Weems

A Few Facts About Me!

- I like to play basketball in my free time.

- I like to make others laugh.
- I like to shop a lot.
About My Family

- I have two siblings

- I am the oldest child of those two siblings -
I live with my mother.
- I have a dog named rider.
My Favorite….
My favorite food is shrimp . My

favorite tv show is spongebob.

My favorite brand is Nike.

I Dislike….

I don’t like turkey.

I don’t like soda.

I hate when people smack in my

ear. I also hate liars .

My Plans After High School

I want to be a pediatrician , I want to get married in my twenties , I want to

have a son.
My Goals For My Senior Year
To strive and be at the top of my class. Meaning I would have to focus a lot
more and put in a lot of time to achieve my life goals.
Other Facts About Me

- I have a very unique middle name. -

I’m very tall for my age.

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