Intro To Journalism.

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● Who is a journalist?

A journalist is an individual who gathers news in the form of text, audios and pictures and
process it into a news worthy form and disseminates it to the public.

● What is Journalism?

It's the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, news website or
preparing for news to be broadcast.

● Who do people study journalism?

1. Discover new things

If you love finding out new things journalism is perfect course for you

2. Work in the field

As a journalist you will be able to apply the concept that you have learn
hands-on. Rather than spending your time on tedious tasks, you will have
the opportunity to work with different people in a variety of settings.

3. Interact with all kinds of people.

Do you consider yourself to be a people person?

With a Journalism career, you will meet many new people that you may
not have meet otherwise. You will get to know people from all works of life
and get the opportunity to hear their stories. This can allow you to gain
new perspective that will benefit you both in your career and life .

4. Build your network.

In today's world networking is a valuable skill to have. As a journalist you

will work with others to accomplish tasks, which will teach you how to
work as a team and provide you with opportunities to build your
professional network. The connections you make will benefit you in your
career and lead to opportunities further down the road.

● Importance of Journalism.

1. Supporting Economic health

Local Journalism support economic health by highlighting local businesses,
events and opportunities.such exposure can boost local economies and foster
community support.

2. Educating the public.

Journalism educate the public on various topics, including scientific

breakthroughs, health, advisories and technological advancements in dept
articles, documentaries and interviews provide the public with knowledge that can
influence personal choices and overall lifestyle

3. Serving as a historical record.

Journalism captures moment as they happen, creating a running record of

events, decisions and key figures. This Chronicles are invaluable for
historians,researchers and future generations to understand different era's
socio-political and cultural context.

4. A unifying force.

Journalism has the power to share stories from various coners of the globe. This helps in
fostering empathy and understanding when people read about the challenges and triumphs of
communities different from theirs, it creates a sense of shared humanity. In essence, Journalism
can be a force that unties rather than divides.

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