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Guba, Marianne Janele G.

3NU04 September 26, 2021

Essay Questions:

1. Which of the approach do you agree most? Defend your answer.

Out of the four approaches to Globalization, I prefer the “Global Capitalism

approach” the most after weighing what has the least negative impact to different social
classes in each country in the world. Capitalism is not only an economical system but also
a cultural system that increases wealth by innovation and production. In the old days,
merchant capitalism exists wherein trading is their way of capitalism which then lead them
to creating joint stock that emerged the concept of globalization and international trades. It
helped prevent wars and improved the production of products across the world by having
certain social and trading policies. This meant that there is a possibility that anyone can
prosper in capitalism.

Although, Capitalism has its shortcomings like long working hours, low wages, and
especially child labor, still, it had helped a lot of economies by having increased production
that lead to further innovations to increase yields which is pertained as a positive feedback
to the economy. From the merchant capitalism, we have moved into Industrial Capitalism
to mixed capitalist system.

I am really not a fan of capitalism especially here in our country where Capitalism
is incorporated with corruption. However, with those four approaches of Globalization that
are given, I think that this would be the best because If I chose the World-system approach,
it still may bring potential conflict over supply and have less government accountability.
The truth in this world-system is that the Core countries are really the ones who benefit
from the peripheral countries and it indicates the death of the individuality of a country by
the concept of dependency theory. I do not prefer the Global-Culture either because it
promotes or influence every country in the whole world to be identified as one culture. The
downside to this is that every country’s identity would be affected as well as every
individual’s identity which then lead to a mundane life. The last approach is the Global-
Society approach, although it promotes having a unified society it will also be the downfall
of a country’s individuality as it only gives power to a certain higher institution and we
have to follow only their policies to move. This would make us feel that we also have to
depend always and that our country would be perceived that we could not have
improvements with our ideas and own beliefs. We may need other’s guidance but It is still
important to have different societies working together not only a single community with a
single idea.

I know that Capitalism is an imperfect system but it is the best system that we could
have so far. The only way this would not be referred to as an inequality system in our
society is that when government interventions are improved and child labor as long as
minimum wage are being addressed.
2. Is it more positive to adapt foreign culture if it worked for other countries?

Westernization have already emerged even in the late centuries and our country is
known among us that it is deeply westernized or influenced by other countries. It may be a
threat to our identity and individuality as a whole but it in fact has a more positive outcome
than its downsides. Particularly in this time and kind of world that we are living in, I am in
favor of having to adopt some foreign culture if it would help us rise from being a dying
country today. I know that our country truly have its undeniable beauty of culture and
places but if a little sacrifice should be done in order to improve our problems, then I would
not deny the opportunity of being influenced. I am not saying that we could not do any
better but seeing the state our country is in now would really bring us to find what is the
less worse in the options that we have. As long as we would still remember and practice
our culture, there would be more benefits we could get in being westernized. The influence
of other countries to our economic productivity, political ideas, and ways of living
especially in this pandemic, would have a huge progress in our society and industry. We
could not ever deny the advancements of technology and civilization.

3. Do you think that Capitalism right now should be discouraged for a new model for

Capitalism’s best interest is to make profit and we know that wealthy people are
the ones who benefits from it the most. In my opinion, It should not be discouraged because
I could not think of any better alternatives to this system. If socialism would be an
alternative to this, then I think that it is not good either because Socialism won’t solve the
issue that a lot of people are complaining for. Socialism breeds laziness because the truth
is people who have the mindset of dependency will always feel entitled to have for free,
what people worked hard for. If socialism is really the solution then there would be no
poverty anymore. Capitalism is the driving force of successful business and those
businesses provide jobs for the poor so everyone would still have the chance to prosper
from it. There are still a lot of reasons why capitalism succeeds more than socialism but at
the same time capitalism when taken in extremes, is abusive.
4. How does Capitalism impact your profession?

What I do not like about the downsides of Capitalism especially in the Philippines,
are the long job hours with low wages, unemployed stans, and the healthcare system.
Honestly, the healthcare system in our country is awful and deficient that we have to
borrow money from other countries to resolve our healthcare system faults because they
do not use the money and resources properly. It is one of the reason why nurses who
graduate in the Philippines are moving out the country and have the desire to work there.
It is known that foreign countries have high rates or salary for nurses and they particularly
give much importance to Filipino nurses. Hospitals in our country treat nurses as if they
did not struggle to pay expensive fees for their studies and duties. Nurses here do not get
what they deserve because imagine working a 9-5 job, risking your own and your families’
health especially in this pandemic. They suffer from the shortages of medical resources
that the lack of PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) is there problem when it is supposed
to be free and given. Improvements and a little justice to nurses’ wages have been done
these past 2 years but I do think that it is still not enough knowing how much this capitalism
system gives much money to the already wealthy but the wealthy and the government
cannot even give enough help for nurses and the poor in this pandemic that we have today.

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