Lecture #04, Microprocessor

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EEE-3103: Microprocessor and Interfacing

Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University of Dhaka

Prof. Sazzad M.S. Imran, PhD

Operations of Instruction Queue
Pipelining procedure saves time.
Operations of Instruction Queue
Queue operation.

CS:IP odd  1 byte instruction

even  2 bytes instruction
Registers of 8086
There are 14 16-bit registers.
Different groups are,
- Data group,
- Pointers and index group,
- Status and control flag group, and
- Segment group.

Data group- AX, BX, CX and DX.

Pointer and Index group- SP, BP, SI, DI and IP.

Segment group- ES, CS, DS and SS.

Control flag group- single 16-bit flag register.

Registers of 8086
General Purpose of Data Registers:
All 4 registers can be used
- bytewise or wordwise.
- as source or destination of operand.

Particular registers are earmarked for specific

CX = string operations.
DX = hold address of I/O port.
AX = hold data for I/O operations.
BX = hold offset address.
Registers of 8086

Status Registers:
16-bit register  flag register or Program Status Word (PSW).
7 bits remain unused,
9 are used to indicate conditions of flags.
9 flags  6 condition flags + 3 control flags.
Control flags = TF, IF and DF.
Condition flags = OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF and CF.

CF = 1 if
carry out of MSB position resulting from addition operation or
borrow is needed out of MSB position during subtraction.
Registers of 8086

Status Registers:
PF = 1 if
lower 8-bits of result of operation contains even number of 1’s.

AF = 1 if
carry out of bit 3 resulting from addition operation or
borrow required from bit 4 into bit 3 during subtraction operation.

ZF = 1 if
result of arithmetic or logical operation is zero.
Registers of 8086

Status Registers:
SF = 1 if
MSB of result of operation is 1.
used for unsigned numbers.

OF = 1 if
result is too large to be fitted in number of destination bits available.
used for signed arithmetic operation.

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