Civic Ceremony November 28th

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Civic Ceremony November 28th, 2023

Marlon: Good morning teachers and students. Today Tuesday November 28th is the turn of
6th grade, group B to honor our national flag. Let’s receive it with the respect that it
• Atención escuela, Firmes Ya!
• ¡Saludar Ya!
• ¡Firmes Ya!
Marlon: Up next, we are going to sing aur national anthem.
Marlon: Now we are going to dismiss our honorable flag with respect.
• ¡Atención escuela, Firmes Ya!
• ¡Saludar Ya!
• ¡Firmes Ya!
Marlon: To continue with this civic ceremony my classmates are going to tell some
important dates that happened this week.
• Sofia: November 27th of 1838, the Cake War begins in Mexico City.
• Pia: November 27th of 1911, it is published “No reelection” decree. Making it
impossible for presidents and governors to be reelected.
• Luciano: November 28th of 1911, Emiliano Zapata proclaimed “El Plan de Ayala”,
which helped the farmer´s rights.
• Santiago: November 29th of 1952, the Olympic stadium in University City is
Marlon: Now my classmate Hedi is going to talk about the value “Justice”.
Heidi: Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves. Justice is done when I
treat everyone equally, when I follow the rules, when I assume consequences and
acknowledging when I lost and won.
Marlon: To conclude with this ceremony, we are going to sing Liceo´s National Anthem
and the State of Mexico´s Anthem.
Marlon: 6th grade, group B is thankful for your attention.
• Sofia: November 27th of 1838, the Cake War begins in Mexico City.

• Pia: November 27th of 1911, it is published “No reelection” decree. Making it

impossible for presidents and governors to be reelected.

• Luciano: November 28th of 1911, Emiliano Zapata proclaimed “El Plan de Ayala”,
which helped the farmer´s rights.

• Santiago: November 29th of 1952, the Olympic stadium in University City is


• Heidi: Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves. Justice is done
when I treat everyone equally, when I follow the rules, when I assume consequences
and acknowledging when I lost and won.

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