How To Automate File Transfer - Windows (With WinSCP Via FTPS) - BibliU

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How to Automate File Transfer - Windows

(with WinSCP via FTPS)
Josh Rankin

👤 2 years ago · Updated


Who should read this document?

Preferably a technology coordinator or curriculum director at either the school or district level, who
is able to:

maintain or access course rosters

access and upload student information
download institution programmes, and set up data integrations (i.e. FTP integration)

Prepare Environment
Folder containing binary files of WinSCP. To download portable version of WinSCP:
e.g. C:\Apps\WinSCP
Create connection in WinSCP

Step 1: Setting up an FTPS connection with BibliU

What you’ll need before you start:

1. An FTP client - this is a piece of software that allows your system to connect to the FTP

A common choice is WinSCP which works on Windows. It can be downloaded here:

2. FTP Login Details - BibliU will send you through a unique username and password:

Example - username : exampleInstitution password : aHfsdhlkT6sd

1. BibliU’s FTP details - these are our specifications for how we set up an FTP integration.
Protocol: ftp-ssl (ftps) (preferred, secure) or ftp (fallback, not secure)
Server Address:
Port: 21

Configuring the FTP

This uses WinSCP for the purposes of explaining how to set up an FTP connection.

1. Open WinSCP and click on the "Open Connection" button in the top left corner

2. Use the drop down to set the connection protocol to "FTP" and make it secure activating
TLS/SSL Encryption.

3. Fill in the "Server" address as

4. Check the port number is 21

5. Enter the username and password sent to you

6. Click connect

7. You will be presented with a file browser of your folder on the BibliU FTP server to upload your
Prepare script to run FTPS transfer
2 scripts will need to be created that will help to automate file transfer with WinSCP:

1. ftprun.cmd - file responsible for starting WinSCP commands

2. ftpscript.txt - list of commands for WinSCP to execute

C:\\Apps\\WinSCP\\ /script=C:\\Data\\Scripts\\ftpscript.txt
option batch continue
option confirm off
open ftpes://
lcd C:\local\ftp\folder
cd /enrollment/
put localfile.csv
In ftpscript.txt , line open name-of-the-connection-on-winscp indicates the
connection name that was created on the first step.

Now that you have your batch script setup, we can automate with the windows task scheduler…

1. Open Start.

2. Search for Task Scheduler and click the top result to open the app.
3. Right-click the "Task Scheduler Library" branch and select the New Folder option.

4. Confirm a name for the folder — for example, BibliUAutomation note: You don't need to create
a folder, but keeping the system and your tasks separate is recommended.
5. Click the OK button.

6. Expand the "Task Scheduler Library" branch.

7. Right-click the folder that you created.

8. Select the Create Basic Task option.

9. Fill out the name and a schedule which best fits your University’s data schedule!
10. Select “Start a Program”
11. Find the script that we created above.
12. Finish!


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