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TCE 112: Trini+an Chris+an Educa+on 112

The Second Great Commandment

The Wri0ng of the Bible

“‘...Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt. 22:39)
Canon of Scriptures
Brief Review Refresher What is a canon?
TCE 111 Chris0an Educa0on - A Greek word, referred to a “stalk of reed” that was
used to measure.
Body of knowledge/science - Later, known to be “a standard concept of
❖Holy Scriptures – Old and New Testaments – Bible measurement”.
*Biblically based
❖Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ Canon of the Old Testament
❖Teachings/Doctrines/Dogmas of the Church
❖TradiOon of the Church

What is the Bible?

• Word of God
• Testament/Covenant
• Holy/Sacred Book or Scripture
• Ta Biblia
• Revealed Word of God
• Book of books
• Mini-library

- There is no single definiOon and meaning of the

Bible. Either a person defines it technically or
according to his/her personal convicOon.
- The Bible was originally wri\en in Hebrew, Aramaic
and Greek

Divisions of the Bible

1. The Old Testament
2. The New Testament

The Old Testament: Total Number of Books

39 books = Protestants and other Churches
46 books = Roman Catholic Church

Why the different number of books?

*For the Protestants = Apocryphal Books
Apocrypha = “things that are hidden” (Greek word)

*For the Roman Catholics = Deuterocanonical Books

1. Tobit
The Apocryphal Books or Deuterocanonicals
2. Judith
3. The Wisdom of Solomon 15 Books = TradiOonal Number
4. EcclesiasOcus 14 Books = Present Form
*Le\er of Jeremiah became the final chapter of Baruch.
5. Baruch
6. The First Book of Maccabees
The 15 Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books
7. The Second Book of Maccabees
1. The First Book of Esdras
2. The Second Book of Esdras
Deuterocanonicals = second set of standard or
3. Tobit
authorized/accepted books.
4. Judith
5. The AddiOons to the Book of Esther

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TCE 112: Trini+an Chris+an Educa+on 112
The Second Great Commandment

6. The Wisdom of Solomon

7. EcclesiasOcus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach
8. Baruch
9. The Le\er of Jeremiah (This le\er is incorporated as
the last chapter of Baruch)
10. The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young
11. Susanna
12. Bel and the Dragon
13. The Prayer of Manasseh
14. The First Book of Maccabees
15. The Second Book of Maccabees

The Septuagint Bible

- This is the Old Testament Bible translaOon from the
Hebrew language into the Koine Greek language. In the passing of centuries, the Church/ChrisOanity
conOnued to spread and gained power, the Bible also
Septuagint undergone changes.
- it means The translaOon of the Seventy.
- LXX: Roman Numerals commonly used abbreviaOon The LaOn language became the official language of the
- The Septuagint contains the Apocryphal books church and also widely used by the Western Church.
- In the course of Ome The Septuagint became known
as the Greek Version of the Bible (Old and New Vulgate - the LaOn version of the Bible
1517: The ReformaOon
The Canon of the New Testament *MarOn Luther – a German Reformer
The WriOng of the New Testament
English Version of the Bible (translaOon)
The Intertestamental Period *Tyndale Bible – 1526 *Bishop’s Bible - 1568
- “Silent Years” = 400 years *Great Bible – 1539 *King James Version - 1611
- only silent/quiet in the sense that there were no *Geneva Bible – 1560 *etc.
prophets from God who were wriOng Scripture
- Koine’ Greek = original language Philippine Church History
- 27 total number of books use by all churches
1521: The discovery of the Philippines and the spread of

*Vulgate Bible

1898: The coming of the Americans and introducOon of


*English Bible
- American Standard Version
- New InternaOonal Version

The Words of God translated into the common language/s of

the Filipinos

1905: The Filipino Bible

*Ang Biblia
*Magandang Balita Biblia

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TCE 112: Trini+an Chris+an Educa+on 112
The Second Great Commandment

The Philippine Bible Society is one of the primary movers of - most general type of love in Scripture, encompassing
translaOng the Bible into different Regional love for fellow humans.
Languages/Dialects - PLATONIC, means “without physical a\racOon.”

What official version of the Bible is used by the Church? STORGE

Example of versions officially use by the Roman Catholic - describes family love, the affecOonate bond that
Church and the Protestant Churches: develops naturally between parents and children,
PROTESTANT CHURCH, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and brothers and sisters (kinship).
OTHERS - love of family.
• King James Version • The Living Bible Catholic - Although it closely resembles philia (a love without
• Revised Standard Version Ed. physical a\racOon).
• Geneva Bible. • The New American Bible - natural form of affecOon that oten flows between
• New InternaOonal Version • Revised Standard Version parents and their children, and children for their
– Catholic Ed. parents.
• Jerusalem Bible
Each version of the Bible has its own literary style that is - the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.
unique from the others. - God's immeasurable, incomparable love for
We modern-day ChrisOans, believed that the Bible contains - It is the divine love that comes from God. Agape love
everything that is necessary to salvaOon. However, we can is perfect, uncondiOonal, sacrificial, and pure.
only achieved it by using the Bible meaningfully, that is, we
read, pray, study, reflect and live the words of God with faith. Other kinds of love


MASTER WHAT IS THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT? - a feeling when a person go through the early stages
of falling in love with someone, like the affecOon
AND MIGHT" (Ma\hew 22:37-38)
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself" - form of self-love is not the unhealthy vanity,
(Ma\hew 22:39) selfishness or, self- obsession that is focused on
personal fame, gain and fortune. It is understood
What is Love? that to love others, we must first learn to love
- intense feeling of deep affecOon. ourselves.
- A\racOon base on sexual desire.
- Love is one of the most powerful emoOons a human “PRAGMA” OR ENDURING LOVE
can experience. - a love that has aged, matured, and developed over
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a Ome.
- beyond the physical, it has transcended the casual,
Love in the Bible and it is a unique harmony that has formed over
Types of love Ome.


- is the Greek word for sensual or romanOc love. - a type of love that leads a partner into a type of
- The term originated from the mythological Greek madness and obsessiveness.
god of love - EROS. - A person can become possessive and jealous lovers,
- In the Roman Culture counterpart is CUPID. feeling as though they desperately “need” their
- an inOmate love in the Bible that most ChrisOans
pracOce toward each other.
- describes the powerful emoOonal bond seen in deep
- considered a love between equals
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The Second Great Commandment

WHO IS MY/OUR NEIGHBOR? may have even plo\ed revenge at one point or
- A person who lives nearby, normally in a house or another in life. Forgive. Let it go. Forgive and move
apartment that is next door or, in the case of houses, on...
(people living) across the street. “A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but
- Social context: family members/relaOves and friends for neglecOng his neighbors.”
- Biblical context: sick people, needy and helpless, = Richard Whately, BriOsh Theologian 1787-1863
sinners and enemies
- The whole of mankind is our neighbor. The Giving of the 10 Commandments
- From Egypt, the Israelites made a stop-over at Mt.
How to love our neighbors? Sinai/Horeb.
- Love can be realized or consummated primarily - Moses went up the mountain and received the 10
through our words, thoughts, acOons, or works. Commandments.
- Like simple acts of kindness, showing compassion - The Hebrews were given the choice to accept or
and mercy, etc. reject it.
- Jesus, within his ministry showed love to the - The People Accepted the 10 Commandments
different members of the community regardless of
their race, social status, and situaOon in life. He The Ten Commandments/Decalogue/The Ten Words [ Ex.
treated them all as neighbors – loving them equally. 20:1-17; Dt. 5:1-22 ]

5 ways to love our neighbors. Purpose and Relevance of the Commandments

So what does loving our neighbors look like? In - given to the Israelites to guide them in their daily life
acOon: Loving our neighbor goes far beyond peering over the as they journey towards Canaan and onwards when
fence. To love our neighbor means to serve our communiOes they eventually possessed the land.
in ways that is appropriate to the needs of Ome. A conOnuous - The commandments is oten misunderstood. People
flow of goodwill and peaceful think of them as a negaOve list of “Thou shalt not”.
intent. - God is sezng limitaOons to man’s freedom within
which people are to live freely. Within those
1. Be Generous - There are many things we can give boundaries there is freedom, not imprisonment,
away and all but one of them are free. Our Ome, because the commandments (synonymously laws,
talents, kindness, compassion, joy, and prayers are all rules and regulaOons) protect the society from
free-flowing things meant not for hoarding but behavior which would destroy it.
conOnuous sharing. We should be generous with our
material wealth as well, even when it is small.

2. Be Ethical - Being ethical means conforming to

accepted moral standards. It is doing the right thing,
even when no one else is around to witness it. It is
choosing to not lie, cheat, steal or hurt others. It
includes also stepping up to intervene when you are
a witness to wrongdoing.

3. Be Fair - Judge all things and people honestly. We

aren’t to show parOality to a poor man just because
of his situaOon, but the same applies to a rich man as
- The primary command is the first: Thou shall not
well. Only a person’s character should determine
have other gods before me. "Monotheism" - the
what judgment we render. Be fair in all that we do.
belief in and the worship of one God only - is the
very heart of the covenant.
4. Be Kind - Being kind means having empathy and/or
- In the Protestant Church List the first four
sympathy. Feeling what the other person is feeling.
commandments regulate/define man's relaOonship
Understanding someone else's suffering. Kindness
with God, while the Roman Catholic Church List, the
improves our quality of life at home and the
first three. The next six/seven other commandments
community. It brings people together.
define our relaOonship with our fellowmen. They are
a concrete example on how to show our love to Him.
5. Be Peaceful - Man is capable to hate others. We
someOmes held grudges and anger inside of us. We
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The Second Great Commandment

THE FIRST COMMANDMENT heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,...” in

the worship of the living God.
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other What Is God Like, Physically/How God LOOK like?
gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3). - Only God can reveal what He is like. Seemingly, in the
Second Commandment God tells mankind: “Don't try
MONOTHEISM VS POLYTHEISM to tell Me what I am like. I will tell you what I am like!
It is important that you correctly understand that I
- There is only One God. He is the source of all that we will accept no representaOons of Me.” This is, to put
are. The First Commandment teaches us to know and nothing in the place of God.
love only One God (MonotheisOc belief). To - Jesus made this clear when He said, “God is Spirit,
gratefully accept His Lordship and worship Him and those who worship Him must worship in spirit
above everything. and truth” (John 4:24). We are not to worship God
- We should allow nothing to come before Him and with images and meaningless rituals.
prevent us from serving and obeying Him, either an - Yet God did create on earth a likeness of Himself in
object or a human being. Nothing and nobody is humans. He specifically tells us that “God created
more important than our creator. man in his own image;... male and female created he
- "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not them.” Genesis 1:27
worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter - And we have perfect pa\ern of God’s character.
more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Ma\ew 10:37) Jesus Christ, as a human being, so perfectly
represented what God is like that He told His
Some AcOons and PracOce Against the First Commandment disciples, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father”
• Idolatry – The worship of images, idols and other (John 14:9).]
material things
• Adhering to supersOOous beliefs and pracOces – The AcOons and PracOces Against the Second Commandment
use of charms or spells, believes in dreams and folk - The Second Commandment explicitly forbids the use
pracOces. of any type of inanimate or lifeless imagery.
• The pracOce of divinaOon: the seeking knowledge of - IDOLATRY = Although no single biblical passage
the future or to supposed to “unveil” the future by contains a complete definiOon of idolatry, the subject
Supernatural means. is addressed in numerous passages, so that idolatry
- Fortune-telling or having one’s fortune told. God may be summarized as the worship of idols or
does not reveal to anyone, anybody’s future. He is images; the worship of polytheisOc gods by use of
the author of life; He alone knows the future of a idols or images; the worship of created things (trees,
person. rocks, animals, astronomical bodies, or another
- Conjuring up the dead human being); and the use of idols in the worship of
- ConsulOng Horoscope, Astrology and mediums. God.
*These acOons and pracOces contradict the honor, respect, - MarOn Luther taught that whatever a person places
and loving fear that we owe to God alone. their trust or prioriOes in, other than God, can
become an idol.
THE SECOND COMMANDMENT - The Second Commandment reminds us that God is
far greater than anything we can see or imagine . We
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any must never let that knowledge be pushed aside using
likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the some image or likeness in our worship of God!
earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”

- The first commandment emphasized that there is "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for
nothing more important than God, including human the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in
being. The second commandment is closely linked vain” (Exodus 20:7).
with the first. We must not reduce God to a likeness
of a physical object. Doing so is unquesOonably The Purpose And Meaning Of The Third Commandment
unacceptable to God. - God is idenOfied with his name. Therefore, we
- It explicitly forbids the use of any type of inanimate should use his name with the greatest respect.
or lifeless imagery, “any likeness of anything that is in - Respect for God’s name is respect to God Himself

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The Second Great Commandment

- Respect is the cornerstone/basis/foundaOon of good brings everyday work to a halt and provides a “break
relaOonships. for relaxaOon” of both mind and body.
- The quality of our relaOonship with God depends on
the love and regard we have for Him. It also depends How Do We Observe The Sabbath:
on the way we express respect for Him in the - On Sabbath, the faithful are to refrain from engaging
presence of others. Having a relaOonship with God in work or acOviOes that hinder the worship owed to
demands that we represent Him accurately, sincerely God. A day for man to relax, and recuperate both
and respec|ully by using His name appropriately. We body and soul, that as an end, we may be\er serve
are expected always to honour who and what He is. Him and our neighbor.”
- As a Family: Once a week, we devote Ome and care
What the 3rd Commandment Forbids to our families and relaOves (family bonding).
- The use of God's name in a degrading or in any way - Sabbath is a Ome for reflecOon, silence, and
disrespec|ul manner meditaOon which deepen the growth of spiritual life.
- To insult God’s name is to insult and show disrespect
to the person of God. When we use the name of Types Of Work/AcOviOes
God, we should do it with honour and respect.
- Conversely, the use of God's name in a humorous 1. Servile Work = work that is physical in nature and
and degrading manner. generally forbidden on Sabbath Day. These are heavy
- Abuse of God’s name or improper use of the name of manual works, or such work as in a given society
God, e.g. expression (OMG!) and comment (“alam ng people commonly associate with strenuous
Diyos”). effort/work.
- Profanity = defiling the name of God, like curse, 2. Liberal Works = work that is recreaOonal, relaxing or
swear word, bad language, sacrilege, blasphemy. performed out of charity for others. Examples:
- Making promises and oath not meant to be fulfilled Singing in choir, reading, studying, wriOng, painOng.
are also common sin committed.
- We must always remember that the Lord’s name is Human AcOviOes and Necessary Servile Work on Sabbath Day
- We must take it to heart and it is clear that God • Charity (altruism) is always allowed on the Lord’s
Himself does not take it lightly the acts of Day.
disrespecting his name; “for the LORD will not hold • Family needs or important social service can
him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” legiOmately excuse from the obligaOon of Sunday
- “In essence, God must not be subject of ridicule nor rest. The faithful should see to it that legiOmate
disrespect by “abusing” His name of anyone least of excuses do not lead to habits prejudicial (harmful) to
all those He has created out of nothing, i.e man.” sabbath, family life, and health.
• Necessary servile work is also permi\ed: police,
THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT firemen, medical personnel, taxis, gas staOons,
restaurants and feeding live stocks.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall • Also playing at a\ending sporOng events or leisure
labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath trips are both fine, as long as they are kept with the
to the LORD your God;...” (Exodus 20:8-11). proper perspecOve of the Lord’s day and not seen as
more important than the Lord or Holy Eucharist.
The Beginning, Purpose And Meaning Of The Fourth
Commandment: The ChrisOan Sabbath
- Majority of ChrisOans Churches, the observance of
- The word “Sabbath” from the Hebrew verb Shabbat, the Sabbath is transferred to Sunday, the day that
means "to rest from labor", the day of rest. In Jesus rose from the dead – the ResurrecOon. Jesus
Abrahamic religions, the Sabbath is a day set aside rose from the dead "on the first day of the week.
for rest and worship. According to the Book of - It symbolizes the new creaOon ushered in by Christ's
Exodus, the Sabbath is a day of rest on the seventh ResurrecOon. For ChrisOans it has become the first of
day, commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of all days, the first of all feasts, the Lord's Day.
rest, as God rested from creaOon.
- God's acOon in creaOon is the model for human THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT
acOon. If God "rested and was refreshed" on the
seventh day, man too ought to "rest" and should let “Honor your father and your mother,..” (Exodus 20:12).
himself and others, "be refreshed." The sabbath
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The Second Great Commandment

The Purpose And Meaning Of The Fith Commandment When does the commandment end?
- The commandment is addressed explicitly to a - As the child grow up he conOnue to respect his
person in relaOonship to his/her parents - father and parents unOl emancipated (set free) through
mother. marriage.
- The commandment requires us to do the following - This is the Ome that he/she form his/her own family.
to our Parents: To give respect, show graOtude, - In marriage a person does not stop observing the
recognize their dignity and authority, and to offer commandment. As long as a person lives he is
assistance in their difficulOes when they grow old. morally connected to his parents, and thus, obey the
Other Individuals Included In The Commandment:
1. Members of the extended family, i.e. including THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT
grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relaOves and even
our ancestors. Thou shall not kill (Ex. 20:13)
2. The commandment extends to the members of the
society vested with due authority like relaOonship of The Meaning Of The Sixth Commandment And What It
students to teachers, employees to employers, and Forbids
ordinary ciOzens to those who govern.
The FoundaOon Of Giving Honor To Parents demands the utmost respect for human life and its
1. The Divine Fatherhood (i.e. we are all children of sacredness both in one self and in others. The central
God). God gave us human parents to take care of our prohibiOon is the condemnaOon of any direct,
physical, emoOonal and spiritual needs. In honoring intenOonal killing of innocent human being.
our parents we honor God.
2. Parental Love. From the beginning, the capability of THE SANCTITY OF LIFE (Gen. 1:27)
the person to love are first awakened by parental - “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it
love. It is an innate a\ribute of man to reciprocate involves the creaOve acOon of God and it remains
the love given him by his parents - father and forever in a special relaOonship with the Creator,
mother. A concrete manifestaOon of that love is who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from
honoring them. its beginning unOl its end: no one can under any
circumstance claim for himself the right directly to
What the 5th commandment forbids destroy an innocent human being.”
- DISRESPECT - We believe that human beings are created by God in
- ISOBEDIENCE His image. Therefore, every person, from concepOon
- SHAME to natural death, possesses inherent dignity and
- HATRED immeasurable worth—including preborn children,
- ABUSE OF AUTHORITY AND POWER elderly individuals, those with special needs and
- CHILD ABUSE others marginalized by society. We are called to
defend, protect, and value all human life.
LimitaOons of The Commandment
- Parental authority is limited by the rights of the Human AcOons and Thoughts Forbid By The Commandment
children. Children are not their parents’ property. • It denounced murderous anger and hatred as
They owe obedience to their parents in the context immoral.
and understanding that they are not yet capable of • It also forbids any indirect act, or failure to act, that
making their own decisions and taking full brings about a person’s death. For example, refusing
responsibility for their own acOons. to help a person in mortal danger.
- Parents must not a\empt to limit or influence their • Other acOons that put people in danger or lead to
children’s wills except as far as is necessary in the the loss of life are equally against the
children’s interest and welfare. Parental authority is commandment.
limited by the rights of the children.
- Parents should and must not interfere on the LimitaOons Of The Commandment
following: KILLING is ending the life of another living being.
• Such as choice of career/profession and MURDER = to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with
marriage premeditated malice
• Even includes unimportant ma\ers like HOMICIDE = Homicide is a broad term that can apply to both
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The Second Great Commandment

intenOonal and unintenOonal killing. JUST = refers to acOng or Why Adultery is Wrong?
being in conformity with what is morally upright or good
The Commandment And The Scriptures
When is the lost of life permissible and JusOfied?
JUST = refers to acOng or being in conformity with what - LeviOcus 20:10 “If a man commits adultery with the
is morally upright or good wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the
1. Self-defense (JusOfiable Homicide). “When one is adulteress shall surely be put to death.
force to defend his life, he is not guilty of murder - Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage be held in honor among
even if one gives the aggressor a lethal blow that led all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God
to death.” will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”
2. For the good and welfare of the society. In grave - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NIV Or do you not know that
cases punishing an aggressor that may even extend wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
to capital punishment so that he cannot inflict harm not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor
again. idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with
men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor
What does the Scriptures say about the Commandment? slanderers nor swindlers will inherit
- Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by
man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in The 7th commandment and the Scriptures forbid adultery
his own image. absolutely.
- LeviOcus 24:17 “‘Anyone who takes the life of a
human being is to be put to death. The CommandmentAnd Church Teachings
- RevelaOon 21:8 “But as for the cowardly, the
faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the The Church being the authority on morals and faith
sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, emphasizes:
their porOon will be in the lake that burns with fire - That sexual love must be done only under the
and sulfur, which is the second death.” sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Conjugal/Marital Love
takes away the place of sexual love (eroOc love) in
“Respect for a person’s life, his bodily and mental integrity marriage.
and health belongs to the fundamental rights of man. To this - Marriage must be Monogamous. One spouse at a
rights corresponds the duty of respecOng the health and life Ome.
of others as well as of one’s own person.” - Thomas Aquinas taught that ChrisOan marriage is a
sacrament contracted before the Church, has God as
THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT the witness to the bond of fidelity, and legiOmates
conjugal sexual contact between a man and a
Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery (Ex. 20:14) woman.
- In order to protect and sustain marriage, husband
Understanding the 7th Commandment and wife have to respect both the marriage bond
- The dicOonary defines “ADULTERY” as voluntary they freely made and the conjugal act prosper and
sexual intercourse between a married person and a exclusive to them.
person who is not his or her spouse.”
- Adultery refers to marital infidelity (unfaithfulness). The Marriage Vow
When two partners, of whom at least one is married "In the name of God, I, _____, take you, _____, to be
to another party, have sexual relaOons, even my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day
transient (temporary) ones – they commi\ed forward, for be\er, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
adultery. sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, unOl
- Fidelity = “faithful or loyal”. parted by death. This is my solemn vow."
- Jesus broadened the meaning of Adultery.
- Ma\hew 5:28 “But I say to you that everyone who The Commandment: Sexuality and SancOty of Marriage
looks at a woman with lus|ul intent has already - Sexuality is a git from God. Its primary purpose
commi\ed adultery with her in his heart.” according to Gen. 1:28 is the bearing of
- God established the union of man and
woman:Therefore a man shall leave his father and
mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall
become one flesh” (Gen.2:24).
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The Second Great Commandment

- Jesus confirmed the holiness of marriage in the New

Testament when He said, “So they are no longer two,
but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined
together, let no one separate” (Ma\. 19:6).

The 7th Commandment was designed to protect the sancOty

of marriage and show the importance of faithfulness (fidelity).

ProhibiOons And ViolaOons Of The Commandment

- Porneia from Greek word which means "generally,
every kind of extramarital, unlawful or unnatural
sexual intercourse/acOvity".
- Premarital sex- sexual acOvity pracOced bypeople
before they are married.
- ProsOtuOon- the sale of sexual services for a fee.
- BesOality- sexual acOvity between a person and an
- Incest- carnal union between members of the same
- MasturbaOon- the deliberate sOmulaOon of the
genital organs for pleasure.
- Rape- sexual violence against a defenseless person.
- Homosexuality- sexual behavior between members
of the same sex or gender.

NegaOve Effects of Adultery

- Adultery is an act of injusOce.

- He/she transgresses the rights of the other spouse,
and undermines the insOtuOon of marriage by
breaking the contract on which is based.
- A person who commits adultery fails in his/her
commitment. He/she does injury to the sign of the
covenant which the marriage bond is.
- He/she compromises the good of human generaOon
and the welfare of children who need their parents’
stable union

Let us always remember:

-When God created man and woman. He gave them personal

dignity (self-worth) equally to the one and the other. In this
essence man and woman must treat each other fairly and
-God designed man and woman in creaOon to be together
and to need each other. Through Marriage they are united.
The Divine Laws and in parOcular the Seventh
Commandment sancOfied the marriage relaOonship and
establish it as the foundaOon of the family, which in turn
stands also as the foundaOon and most important building
block of society

QC 9

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