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But it requires effective international relations. We bring solutions to great societal challenges, in
Sweden and globally. Wireless inductive charging is already finding its way into consumer
electronics, and in the not-too-distant future electric cars may simply need to be parked over a
special conductive pad to generate a magnetic field feeding energy to the batteries. Statistics in
Dutch policy debates on health and healthcare. Poulikakos B. Hofko L. Porot Xiaohu Lu H. Fischer
N. Kringos Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 5 Stay Connected With Semantic
Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar. Det ar inte bara sa att framtida reparationer kan
undvikas, med storre forstaelse for bitumen kan vi ocksa ta reda pa nar reparationer behover utforas.
Hugener Materials Science, Engineering 2014 Abstract. Tanken ar att Infrasweden2030 bade ska leda
till nya ideer och innovationer men ocksa en plan hur dessa ska implementeras i samhallet. All
internet sources were accessed in the month of August 2018. Health Res Policy Syst. 2019;17(1):55.
pmid:31159828. It is therefore insufficient to focus merely on preventing inconsistencies in societal
publications. Odds ratios were calculated to compare the frequencies of inconsistencies in societal
publications (1) authored by the first scientific author, (2) published on the institute’s or funder’s web
page or (3) published with no involvement of a scientific author who was part of the scientific
publication. We generate knowledge, innovations and future leaders of high industrial relevance and
strategic importance. Applied Energy. Volume 150, 15 July 2015, Pp 109-119. Du har tillsammans
med forskarkollegor fatt en vetenskaplig artikel om en supernova publicerad i Science, beratta mer.
Alla nyckelaktorer fran infrastrukturindustri, problemagare, institut och universitet i Sverige
medverkar i Infrasweden2030, vilket ska gora det till ett unikt och starkt strategiskt
innovationsprogram. What findings, results and researchers have attracted attention outside KTH.
KTH’s new Road2Science research centre will assemble expertise in every facet of designing the
highways of the future. We identified the included 46 publications after examining 84 scientific
publications in our sample (46 with the highest number of inadequacies and 38 with the lowest
number of inadequacies). Vi arbetar tvarvetenskapligt och tar hjalp av multiskaliga beraknings- och
laboratoriemodeller i utvecklingen av hallbar konstruktion och underhall av vagar och dess material.
Moreover, none of the included societal publications were written by other secondary authors of a
scientific publication. The societal impact of applied health research: Towards a quality assessment
system. Det handlar inte bara om tekniska aspekter, utan aven sociala och institutionella. We
conducted a qualitative, directed content analysis on societal publications derived from the scientific
publications to assess both reporting inadequacies and determine inconsistencies. Under the vignette
Newsmakers, we provide a selection of the latest news an. We identified inconsistences in 38 out of
156 societal publications (24.4%). In various societal publications, new results were introduced that
were not reported in the corresponding scientific publication (22 societal publications) (e.g. mention
of additional secondary analyses not included in the scientific publication, or mention of an
additional theme not included in a qualitative analyses). Whereas the previous studies in the field of
biomedicine focused largely on press releases and newspapers, broader insights are needed into the
full scope of societal HSR publications, including information sources such as fact sheets, web pages
and articles in professional journals. Feedback? Contact Us 16 Citations Citation Type Has PDF
Author More Filters More Filters Filters Sort by Relevance Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by
Citation Count Sort by Recency Impact of asphalt aging temperature on chemo-mechanics L. We
first conducted a directed qualitative content analysis of scientific HSR publications and related
societal publications that derived from them, followed by a quantitative description of the results.
Det gor att stora miljovinster kan uppnas genom att fokusera pa mer hallbara och smarta vagar.
By cooperating across national borders - solar, wind and hydroelectric power can supply the whole of
Europe with green electricity, according to a study by KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Messages
could be a single sentence or a section of the text elaborating on the same topic; a single research
result or a concluding statement was marked as a distinct message. To create beautiful, creepy or fun
things from simple materials (though often a lot of it). Funders of HSR increasingly demand
strategies to achieve a societal impact. We bring solutions to great societal challenges, in Sweden and
globally. We found reporting inadequacies in 22 scientific publications (51.2%). In 45 societal
publications (28.9%), we found replications of these reporting inadequacies. Further training and
time dedicated to societal reporting and to communicating about scientific work in lay language
would better equip researchers to take active roles in the writing of societal publications. Causal
language and strength of inference in academic and media articles shared in social media
(CLAIMS): A systematic review. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(5). pmid:29847549. Causal interpretation of
correlational studies—Analysis of medical news on the website of the official journal for German
physicians. PLoS One. 2018;13(5):e0196833. Alternative Perspectives on Impact: The Potential of
ALMs and Altmetrics to Inform Funders about Research Impact. From our checklists of
inadequacies in scientific reporting, we identified nine types of inadequacies that were replicated in
societal publications. In one societal publication out of 156 societal publications (0.6%), a study
objective was added and discussed that was not included in the scientific publication (nor in any
related research project). Some publications gave interpretations of the study results that were not
included in the scientific work (17 publications) or added strong rhetoric to conclusions that was
inconsistent with the scientific verdict (e.g. implying that a problem was worse; 12 publications). This
is one of the messages in the new handbook, Climate Change and Technology, on one of the major
issues of ou. Such would not have been feasible considering the variety of societal publications
studied, ranging from tweets to professional journals. Additionally, researchers should be aware that
reporting inadequacies in their scientific publications may get replicated in societal publications and
subsequently affect policy and practice. Kringos Published 17 March 2016 Engineering, Materials
Science Properties of asphalt concrete after aging are important parameters in determining the long-
term performance of these materials. Statistics in Dutch policy debates on health and healthcare.
Even if a researcher tries to avoid inconsistencies in a subsequent societal publication, such reporting
inadequacies in the original work may well find their way to a broader audience. Developing a CIHR
Framework to Measure The Impact of Health Research. Vi arbetar tvarvetenskapligt och tar hjalp av
multiskaliga beraknings- och laboratoriemodeller i utvecklingen av hallbar konstruktion och underhall
av vagar och dess material. Det senare tankt att bland annat resultera i mindre utslapp och hogre
trafiksakerhet. Publications that were selected by both researchers were included. Da
Vetenskapsradet mycket sallan beviljar projekt som beror bygg- och anlaggningsomradet vittnar
detta om en betydande vetenskaplig hojd for ett projekt med koppling till bygg- och
anlaggningssektorn. A directed content analyses is a more structured approach than traditional
content analyses. That is when I received a phone call of our communication officer that was
assisting me with the posters and she pointed out that 'shiny' was not lagom. Amsterdam: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 2002. 18. BMJ: British Medical Journal. 2014;349.
pmid:25498121. Poulikakos B. Hofko L. Porot Xiaohu Lu H. Fischer N. Kringos Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 5 Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is
Semantic Scholar. We first conducted a directed qualitative content analysis of scientific HSR
publications and related societal publications that derived from them, followed by a quantitative
description of the results.
We identified inconsistencies in conclusions in 64 out of 156 societal publications (41.0%). The
majority of inconsistencies in societal publications concerned the scientific research conclusions.
HSR institutions, funders, and scientific and societal publication platforms should invest in a
supportive publication culture to further incentivise the responsible and skilled involvement of
researchers in writing both scientific and societal publications. A stronger relation between the
involvement of researchers in writing societal publications and consistency with their scientific
publications may be desirable. Whereas the previous studies in the field of biomedicine focused
largely on press releases and newspapers, broader insights are needed into the full scope of societal
HSR publications, including information sources such as fact sheets, web pages and articles in
professional journals. Dessa beskriver bland annat hur man ska jobba med innovation och utbildning.
KTH’s new Road2Science research centre will assemble expertise in every facet of designing the
highways of the future. This study investigates a) inconsistencies between scientific peer-reviewed
health services research (HSR) publications and non-scientific societal publications and b) replication
of reporting inadequacies from these scientific publications to corresponding societal publications.
Some quantitative results were altered with respect to the figures given in the scientific publication
(e.g. differing exact percentages) or qualitative results were worded differently, causing the core
meaning of the scientific findings to change (13 publications). Such issues arise not only in news
articles or press releases, but also in societal publications such as professional journal articles aimed
directly at policy and practice. Det handlar inte bara om tekniska aspekter, utan aven sociala och
institutionella. Such would not have been feasible considering the variety of societal publications
studied, ranging from tweets to professional journals. Characteristics of the analysed societal
publications. If you’re an Indian or Chinese student, you might come to study at KTH and at the
same time be part of the network in your home country. Click the target next to the incorrect Subject
Area and let us know. Feedback? Contact Us 16 Citations Citation Type Has PDF Author More
Filters More Filters Filters Sort by Relevance Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count
Sort by Recency Impact of asphalt aging temperature on chemo-mechanics L. Det gor att stora
miljovinster kan uppnas genom att fokusera pa mer hallbara och smarta vagar. We generate
knowledge, innovations and future leaders of high industrial relevance and strategic importance.
This paper focuses on developing a robust and fundamental understanding of the effect of
temperature on aging by connecting the chemistry of bitumen to its mechanics. Om vagarna i sa fall
skulle halla 40 ar istallet for dagens 20 skulle det innebara en besparing pa 1 miljard kronor arligen
pa det svenska statliga vagnatet. Men det bygger pa fungerande internationella relationer. By
cooperating across national borders - solar, wind and hydroelectric power can supply the whole of
Europe with green electricity, according to a study by KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She is
also the Director of the KTH Road2Science Competence Centre. Multiple types of inconsistencies
were sometimes identified within a single societal publication, such as altered conclusions or
differing interpretations of outcomes. Kringos Published 17 March 2016 Engineering, Materials
Science Properties of asphalt concrete after aging are important parameters in determining the long-
term performance of these materials. The association between exaggeration in health related science
news and academic press releases: retrospective observational study. So what could be left to learn
about one of the world’s most common construction materials? Plenty. We included societal
publications that (1) were in the public domain, (2) contained messages on the same research as the
corresponding scientific publication (including statements on the results, conclusions, discussion,
recommendations or implications) and (3) were written in Dutch (aside from social media messages
communicating the title of the publication). We conducted a qualitative, directed content analysis on
societal publications derived from the scientific publications to assess both reporting inadequacies
and determine inconsistencies. Christer Fuglesang, Director of the KTH Space Centre and an
astronaut too, was also present. We did not assess omitted messages; that is, we did not identify
scientific reporting inadequacies attributable to the absence of common elements such as limitations,
recommendations or contradictory evidence.
Health services research: an evolving definition of the field. We found reporting inadequacies in 22
scientific publications (51.2%). In 45 societal publications (28.9%), we found replications of these
reporting inadequacies. In four societal publications out of 156 societal publications (2.6%),
implications for policy and practice were reported that were not mentioned in the scientific
publication (e.g. the societal publication mentions the possible implication that the findings might aid
in saving time in healthcare provision, although this was not mentioned in the scientific publication).
Because of its viscosity, the asphalt cement has to be heated to properly coat and bind the aggregate.
Her research focuses on asphalt roads, the development of computational and multi-scale models for
long-term performance predictions, and innovation speed in the transportation infrastructure sector.
We examined 188 societal publications obtained in our internet search and excluded 32 of them from
further analysis because they only described the applied methodology without reference to study
results. This paper focuses on developing a robust and fundamental understanding of the effect of
temperature on aging by connecting the chemistry of bitumen to its mechanics. Two researchers
independently selected publications based on these definitions. Vad som gor att sprickor i vissa
vagbanor har reparerat sig per automatik medan andra finns kvar. We identified the included 46
publications after examining 84 scientific publications in our sample (46 with the highest number of
inadequacies and 38 with the lowest number of inadequacies). A waiver for ethical approval was
obtained for this study from the Medical Ethics Review Committee at Amsterdam UMC. Joining the
conversation: newspaper journalists’ views on working with researchers. Chailleux Materials Science,
Engineering 2014 In the past years a wide discussion has been held among asphalt researchers
regarding the existence and interpretation of observed microstructures on bitumen surfaces. He is a
certified Coder from the Health Insurance Organization. With a gigantic network of flat, black
surfaces reaching into virtually every community, roads are natural collectors of solar energy that
could theoretically be captured, stored and put to use by laying pipes to carry a heat-transfer fluid.
Funding: This study was funded by grant number 445001003 from the Netherlands Organisation for
Health Research and Development (ZonMw). We did not include scientific publications with the
median of 6 reporting inadequacies. There is no straightforward rule for what is allowed in terms of
rhetorical wordings or simplifications of scientific results in either scientific or societal publications.
Darutover finns det ett kommunalt vagnat inom vilket besparingspotentialen ar lika stor. Some
publications gave interpretations of the study results that were not included in the scientific work (17
publications) or added strong rhetoric to conclusions that was inconsistent with the scientific verdict
(e.g. implying that a problem was worse; 12 publications). For instance, Swedish granite isn’t the best
raw material, so we have to go to Germany or Norway to get high-quality rocks for our roads,”
Kringos says. “If we can develop asphalt coatings that work with our local granite, we can cut both
costs and environmental impacts.”. So what could be left to learn about one of the world’s most
common construction materials? Plenty. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 2018;162(1).
pmid:30295017. All internet sources were accessed in the month of August 2018. Detta ar det forsta
innovationsprogrammet i Vinnovas strategiska satsning som KTH koordinerar. In one societal
publication out of 156 societal publications (0.6%), a study objective was added and discussed that
was not included in the scientific publication (nor in any related research project). However, the
scientific publication mentions this is only effective if another party takes action, which was
considered unlikely); (3) elements of recommendations given in societal publications were omitted in
the scientific publication (6 societal publications) (e.g. the societal publication states what the results
cannot be used for, while the scientific publication does not). We first conducted a directed
qualitative content analysis of scientific HSR publications and related societal publications that
derived from them, followed by a quantitative description of the results. All authors had full access
to the data during the conduct of the study and they take responsibility for the integrity of the data
and the analysis.
Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 2002. 18. Det ar inte bara sa att
framtida reparationer kan undvikas, med storre forstaelse for bitumen kan vi ocksa ta reda pa nar
reparationer behover utforas. Multiple messages might be identified in a single societal publication.
Occurrence and nature of questionable research practices in the reporting of messages and
conclusions in international scientific Health Services Research publications: a structured assessment
of publications authored by researchers in the Netherlands. BMJ Open. 2019;9(5):e027903.
pmid:31097488. Whereas the previous studies in the field of biomedicine focused largely on press
releases and newspapers, broader insights are needed into the full scope of societal HSR
publications, including information sources such as fact sheets, web pages and articles in
professional journals. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods studies were included. There is
little debate on questions such as whether conclusions and recommendations are adequately reported
in scientific literature, the extent to which messages in societal publications may justifiably be
simplified, how much detail needs to be provided, and whether a researcher or journalist may add
interpretations in societal publications that would not be accepted in scientific literature. All authors
had full access to the data during the conduct of the study and they take responsibility for the
integrity of the data and the analysis. Any new key terms found during the search were added.
Published in 2016 Impact of temperature on short- and long-term aging of asphalt binders L. Dessa
beskriver bland annat hur man ska jobba med innovation och utbildning. Semantic Scholar is a free,
AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Three tests were
performed, each comparing one category to the other two categories combined. Characteristics of the
analysed societal publications. There is no straightforward rule for what is allowed in terms of
rhetorical wordings or simplifications of scientific results in either scientific or societal publications.
Under the vignette Newsmakers, we provide a selection of the latest news an. Du har tillsammans
med forskarkollegor fatt en vetenskaplig artikel om en supernova publicerad i Science, beratta mer.
Some publications gave interpretations of the study results that were not included in the scientific
work (17 publications) or added strong rhetoric to conclusions that was inconsistent with the
scientific verdict (e.g. implying that a problem was worse; 12 publications). Om vagarna i sa fall
skulle halla 40 ar istallet for dagens 20 skulle det innebara en besparing pa 1 miljard kronor arligen
pa det svenska statliga vagnatet. Because of its viscosity, the asphalt cement has to be heated to
properly coat and bind the aggregate. Most frequently this involves inadequately reported
conclusions, policy and practice recommendations, and titles. This is where research and practice
need to come together,” Kringos says. To think out the process on how to make it, learn new
techniques, collect my tools and then to start building. Click the target next to the incorrect Subject
Area and let us know. Markets are growing closer all the time, and we intend to be part of that.”. We
identified inconsistencies in conclusions in 64 out of 156 societal publications (41.0%). The majority
of inconsistencies in societal publications concerned the scientific research conclusions. KTH’s new
Road2Science research centre will assemble expertise in every facet of designing the highways of
the future. Jo, som bekant ar bitumen det svarta i asfalt, och en restprodukt fran framstallningen av
till exempel bensin fran olja. Wireless inductive charging is already finding its way into consumer
electronics, and in the not-too-distant future electric cars may simply need to be parked over a
special conductive pad to generate a magnetic field feeding energy to the batteries.

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