Unit 1 Handout-Cnd

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Program- Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Academic Year :2023-2024 Semester-6Scheme-I
Course- Computer Networking and Data Communication
Course Code-22634
Name of faculty: MrsM.R.Talware
Contact Hrs- 3 Hrs/ Week Practical:- Hrs/Week- 2 Hrs/ Week
Course Outcomes:-

CO Course Outcome (CO) Statements PO addressed

C22634.a Maintain wired computer network topologies. 2,3

Use the relevant network model for the specified data communication
C22634.b 2,3,4
Maintain relevant transmission medium and modem for data
C22634.c 2,3,4
Analyze error detection/correction and flow control of data in the data
C22634.d 2,3
C22634.e Configure the network component and assign IP address 2,3,4

Text/ Reference Book:-

Sr No. Author Title Publisher
1 Computer Networks. Tanenbaum, A. S McGraw Hill, Education New Delhi, 2015: ISBN
2 Data Communication Forouzan, Behrouz A Pearson Education, New Delhi, India, Fourth
and Networking Edition, 2011
ISBN : 9788131787571
3 Introduction to Data Tomasi, W. Pearson Education, New Delhi, India, 2007 ISBN
Communications and : 9788131709306
4 Data and Computer Stallings, W. Prentice Hall India,10 di Edition, 2013 ISBN :
Communications 9780133506488

5 Computer Networks Kurose, James F. ; Pearson Education, New D Third Edition, 2011
Ross, Keith W. ISBN : 9788177588781

Web Source References:-

Sr No Description
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAopORgAcbQ
2. nptel.ac.in/courses/106105081/2
3. https./. /www.ics.uci.edu/~magda/Courses/netsys27O/chl_vl.pp
4 nptel.ac.in/courses/106105082/19
5 nptel.ac.in/courses/106105082/17
6 http:I/www.nptel.iitm.ac.inlcourses
7 nptel.ac.in/courses/106106157/52
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Data Communication and network topology

Course Outcome :22634.a Maintain wired computer network topologies.

1. Draw block diagram of communication system.

2. List the characteristics of data communication system.

Characteristics of Data Communications:

The effectiveness of a data communications system depends on four fundamental characteristics:
delivery, accuracy, timeliness, and jitter.
1. Delivery:
The system must deliver data to the correct destination. Data must be received by the intended device
or user and only by that device or user.
2. Accuracy:
The system must deliver the data accurately. Data that have been altered in transmission and left
uncorrected are unusable.
3. Timeliness:
The system must deliver data in a timely manner. Data delivered late are useless. In the case of video
and audio, timely delivery means delivering data as they are produced, in the same order that they are
produced, and without significant delay. This kind of delivery is called real-time transmission.
4. Jitter:
Jitter refers to the variation in the packet arrival time. It is the uneven delay in the delivery of audio or
video packets. For example, let us assume that video packets are sent every 3D ms. If some of the
packets arrive with 3D-ms delay and others with 4D-ms delay, an uneven quality in the video is the

3. Describe the different components of communication system.

Components of Data Communication

1. Message: It is the information to be delivered.

2. Sender: Sender is the person who is sending the message.
3. Receiver: Receiver is the person to whom the message is being sent to.
4. Medium: It is the medium through which the message is sent. For example: A Modem.
5. Protocol: These are some set of rules which govern data communication.

4. Define Protocol.

A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications. It represents an agreement

between the communicating devices. Without a protocol, two devices may be connected
but not communicating, just as a person speaking French cannot be understood by a person
who speaks only Japanese.

5. Define standards. List different standard organizations

A standards organization, sometimes referred to as a standards body, is an organization with authority

to endorse official standards for given applications.

Examples of standards organizations include:

● ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is the primary organization for fostering the
development of technology standards in the United States.
● The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) fosters the development of standards
that often become national and international standards.
● The BSI (British Standards Institution) is a service organization that produces standards across a
wide variety of industry sectors.
● The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is the body that defines standard Internet
operating protocols such as TCP/IP.
● OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) exists to
promote product-independent standards for information formats such as XML and HTML.

Standards that are endorsed by these and similar organizations are known as de jure standards. De
facto standards, on the other hand, are technologies, products or methods that are very widely used
although they have no official standing.

6. Define i) Bit rate ii) Baud rate iii) Data transmission rate

signaling rate
In telecommunication, data signaling rate (DSR), also known as gross bit rate, is the
aggregate rate at which data pass a point in the transmission path of a data transmission system. The
DSR is usually expressed in bits per second.
Data rate
The actual rate of data flow i.e. “data transmission rate” is often expressed in terms of the number
of bits transmitted per second (bps).

Bitrate, as the name implies, describes the rate at which bits are transferred from one location to
another. In other words, it measures how much data is transmitted in a given amount of time. Bitrate is
commonly measured in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), or megabits per second

The baud rate is the rate at which information is transferred in a communication channel. In the
serial port context, "9600 baud" means that the serial port is capable of transferring a maximum of
9600 bits per second.

7. Compare Serial and Parallel transmission

8. Compare Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission

9. Define Isochronous transmission.

Isochronous data transfer lies somewhat in between the two other data transmission types. It sends
Asynchronous data over a Synchronous transmission system. In such systems each data source is
given only a fixed time to transmit its data. In that fixed interval of time, that data source can transfer
data at whatever intervals it wants. If it has data which requires less time than the time allotted then it
simply wastes the extra time by staying idle. Otherwise if it has data which requires more time to
transmit than given then it sends the remaining data in its next turn. These systems do not have error
check mechanism because it is not possible to re-transmit the data after an error due to strict timing

10. State two advantages of computer networks. 2M

Ans: Two advantages of computer networks

1. Enhancement of Communication and Information Availability.
2. Convenient Sharing of Resources.
3. Easy File/Data Sharing.
4. Highly Flexible.
5. Affordable.
6. Increases Cost Efficiency.
7. Networking Boosts Storage Capacity

11. Draw labeled frame format of serial and parallel data transmission.

12) Explain with neat labelled diagram the working of star topology. State its any two

Working of star topology:

All hosts in Star topology are connected to a central device, known as hub device, using a
point-to-point connection. That is, there exists a point to point connection between hosts and hub. If
hub fails, connectivity of all hosts to all other hosts fails. Every communication between hosts, takes
place through only the hub. Star topology is not expensive as to connect one more host, only one
cable is required and configuration is simple.

Advantages of Star Topology

1. Easy to Install and Configure
2. Easy to Troubleshoot
3. Scalability
4. Improved Performance
5. High Security

13) Suggest the topology for military application with justification. Give advantages and
disadvantages of that topology.
For military applications, a suitable computer network topology is a mesh topology.
● The mesh topology is well-suited for military applications due to the following reasons:
● Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: The mesh topology provides multiple paths for data
transmission, ensuring that if one path or node fails, alternative paths can be utilized.
● Flexibility and Scalability: The mesh topology allows for easy expansion and scalability
as new nodes can be added without affecting the existing network infrastructure.
● Enhanced Security: The mesh topology enables the implementation of secure
communication protocols and encryption mechanisms across multiple paths.

Advantages of mesh topology:

● Multiple devices can transmit data at the same time, allowing for high amounts of traffic
● If one device fails, data transmission is not impacted in the rest of the network
● Adding devices to the network does not disrupt data transmission
● Troubleshooting is easier than with alternative topologies
● Improved Security: With multiple paths and encryption capabilities, the mesh topology
enhances the security and confidentiality of military communications

Disadvantages of Mesh Topology

● Network installation and maintenance is time and resource intensive
● High power requirement due to all the devices needing to remain active all the time
● Requires a large amount of cables and ports
● The potential for a large amount of redundant connections increases costs and reduces

14) Draw a diagram and describe the following topologies stating their applications.
i) Hybrid
ii) Bus

Hybrid Topology
● A hybrid topology is a kind of network topology that is a combination of two or more
network topologies, such as Mesh topology, Bus topology, and Ring topology.
● Its usage and choice are dependent on its deployments and requirements like the
performance of the desired network, and the number of computers, their locations
● This topology presents a blend of characteristics of all basic types. In this type, whole
Computer Network is divided into Network Segments. Each Network Segments connects
with Network Backbone

Application of Hybrid Topology

● Automated Industry
● Banks
● Multi National Offices
● Educational Institute
● Research Organization

Bus Topology
● Computers and peripherals are called nodes and are each connected to a single cable on
which data can be sent.
● A bus network topology has a terminator on each end. These are needed to ensure that the
network functions correctly.

Bus Topology Application

● A bus topology is used to connect two floors using a single line.
● A bus topology is used by an Ethernet network
● In this type of network topology, one computer works like a server whereas the other
works as a client.
● The main function of the server is to exchange information between different client
● Bus topology network is used to add the printers, I/O devices in the offices or home.

15)Draw and describe architecture for a network using star topology to establish a
laboratory with 10 computers
16)Classify networks on the basis of transmission technologies. 2M
Ans: Classification of networks on the basis of transmission technologies
1. Broadcast Network
2. Point-to-Point Network

17) Explain peer to peer and client server architecture with suitable example.
ANS: Peer to peer architecture:
● The peer to peer computing architecture contains nodes that are equal participants in data
sharing. The nodes interact with each other as required and share resources.
● There is no master or controller or central server in this computer network and computers
join hands to share files, printers and Internet access.
● Peer to peer relationship is suitable for small networks having less than 10 computers on a
single LAN, where each PC acts as an independent workstation and maintaining its own
security that stores data on its own disk but which can share it with all other PCs on the
● Software for peer-to-peer network is included with most modern desktop operating
systems such as Windows and Mac OS.
It is a popular example of a peer-to-peer architecture. In BitTorrent, users who want to download
a file are both clients and servers. When a user downloads a file, they simultaneously upload parts
of the file to other users who request it. This decentralized approach allows for efficient
distribution of large files as the burden of serving the file is shared among multiple peers.
Client server architecture
● A Computer networking model where one or more powerful computers (servers) provide
the different computer network services and all other users of computer network (clients)
access those services to perform user’s tasks is known as client/server computer
networking model
● In client server computing, the clients request a resource and the server provides that
● A server may serve multiple clients at the same time while a client is in contact with only
one server.

Web browsing
When we enter a URL in our browser, it sends a request to the appropriate web server, which then
responds by sending the requested webpage back to your browser. The client (browser) and the
server (web server) interact to enable the browsing experience.

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