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Course syllabus

Integrated therapeutics I Course syllabus

Course name: Integrated Therapeutics I
Course code: Phar3162
Module name: Pharmacotherapeutics module
Module code: Phar-M3161
Course ECTS: 7 ECTS
Totally required hours for the module: 7x27 = 189 hours
Lecture: 60 hours
Ward attachment: 30 hours
Tutorial: 34 hours
Home study: 46 hours
Assessment: 14 hours
Project work/presentation: 15 hours
Year/Semester course offered: Year III/Semester I
Pre-requisite if any: Pharmacology I
Course description:
This course is designed to introduce the pharmacy student to the study of integrated therapeutics.
It will provide introductory information designed to assist the student to begin understanding the
rationale upon which many drug therapy decisions are based. Principles, concepts, processes, and
skills in pharmacotherapy will be emphasized. Therapeutic topics and case studies will be used to
provide students with the opportunity to apply these skills.
This course will also enable students to understand and interpret the common diagnostic tests.
Gastrointestinal and dermatological disorders will be addressed in the therapeutics section
Course objectives:
At the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Apply the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process
2. Perform a brief patient assessment, including: ○ Interviewing a patient ○ Obtaining current
medication list
3. Identify drug therapy problems by evaluating drugs for indication, effectiveness, safety,
4. Develop individualized and clinically appropriate care plans for a patient with one to three
simple conditions
5. Educate patients on their drug therapy and assess for patient understanding
6. Communicate effectively with all patients and their families
7. Accept responsibility of providing continuing care to patients
8. understand the various factors that may influence drug therapy in a patient
9. Understand how to gather relevant patient information during drug therapy
10. Interpret common diagnostic tests used
11. Understand the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring parameters of
therapy outcomes in the management of common gastrointestinal and dermatological disorders
Course mode of delivery: Parallel
Course learning and teaching methods:
During this course the following mode of teaching will be employed:
 Illustrated lectures and group discussions
 Individual and group exercise and assignment
 Ward attachment at least 2 hours/day, one afternoon a week
 Role plays and case studies
 Simulation
 Audiovisuals
 Clinical scenarios
 Tutorials
 Demonstration

Assessment mechanisms:
 Quizzes: 10%
 Seminar presentations: 10%
 Mid Exam: 20%
 Bedside presentation: 15%
 Assignments 5%
 Final Exam 40%
Teachers’ and students’ role
Roles of Instructors:
Instructors should be well versed in the outcomes expected of students and the pedagogical
methods that best enhance learning. Accordingly, they will be expected to:
 Be a facilitator (introduce the subject; give guidance, moderate discussions, etc.)
 Closely supervise in actual practice in different clinical and community settings
 Assists students in resolving ever-increasing ethical dilemma in the service delivery
 Foster and assess self-initiated student learning
 Read and comment assignments of students on time
 Prepare his/her lessons and deliver lectures
 Provide available an nd necessary reference materials
 Encourage active participation of students in the teaching learning process;
 Strive to be the role model ethically and professionally
Roles of Students
Students are expected to:
 Make every effort to apply valid research findings and theoretical teachings into
practice in various practice settings
 Engage in learning by doing independent study, project work; group work, etc.
 Be active learners (participate effectively in group assignments, perform practice
actively, make presentations, write reports, prepare seminars etc.);
 Critically assess laws, regulations, journal articles and related topics from different

Required readings (Text)
1. Lee, Mary. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Basic skills in interpreting
laboratory data Ashp Publication, 2017
2. Dipiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Pharmacotherapy, a Pathophysiologic Approach.
10th or later edition.
3. A Practical Guide to Pharmaceutical Care, American Pharmacists Association, 3 rd
Recommended readings
4. Koda - Kimble MA, Young LY, Kradjan WA, Applied Therapeutics, The Clinical
Use of Drugs. 11th or later edition.
5. Walker R and Edwards C. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 3rd or later edition.
6. Kasper, Braunwald, et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th or later edition
7. Tierney, McPhee, Papadakis. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2020 or later
8. Conn’s Current therapy 2020
9. Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 32nd edition
10. Jacobs & DeMott Laboratory Test Handbook, 5th edition
11. Handouts including copies of PowerPoint slides from lectures
12. Guidelines and articles as specified by the instructor
Course Schedule
Contact Topic/sub-topic/chapter/Assessments/Assignments Reading Material
Week #
2 hrs Introduction to Pharmacotherapy Reference No. 1,
2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: The pharmacist in 3, 10
patient care, medical terminologies & common medical
abbreviations, pharmaceutical care as a general practice
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: Clinical & economic
impact of pharmaceutical care practice, Practice
responsibilities, The practitioner's philosophy of practice
2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: Pharmaceutical
care process (Assessment: drug related needs, components
of drug therapy problems, identification of drug therapy
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: Pharmaceutical
care process (care plan: establishing goals of therapy,
interventions, schedule and plan for follow-up)

3 2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: Pharmaceutical

care process (follow-up evaluation: determining the clinical
outcome status, evaluation for new drug therapy problems,
schedule for continuous follow-up evaluations)
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs An overview of pharmaceutical care: documentation in
pharmaceutical care, ethical considerations in practice
4 2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: General principles
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Electrolytes
4 2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Electrolytes
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Hematology
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Hematology
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Renal function tests
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Renal function tests
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Liver function tests
6 2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Liver function tests
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Urinalysis
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Cardiovascular tests
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Endocrine function tests
2 hrs Diagnostic test: Lipid Panel
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Pulmonary Function Testing

9 2 hrs Diagnostic Tests: Microbiology

2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Diagnostic imaging and common bed-side procedures

10 Basic electrocardiography, echocardiography

2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs 50% Assessment
2 hrs Drug Therapy in Specific Patient Groups: Neonates and
10 Pediatrics
2 hrs Drug Therapy in Specific Patient Groups: Geriatrics
2 hrs Drug Therapy in Specific Patient Groups: Pregnancy and Reference No. 1,
lactation 3, 5
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Gastrointestinal Reference No. 1,
tract evaluation & GERD 3, 6
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: IBD, IBS,
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Peptic ulcer
12 disease
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Nausea,
Vomiting, Constipation and Diarrhea
13 2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Drug induced
liver disease, Pancreatitis
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Portal
14 hypertension & cirrhosis
2 hrs Gastrointestinal Disorders therapeutics: Viral hepatitis
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
15 2 hrs Respiratory disorders Pharmacotherapy: Asthma
2 hrs Respiratory disorders Pharmacotherapy: COPD
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
2 hrs Respiratory disorders Pharmacotherapy: ARDS & Neonatal
Respiratory distress syndrome –with pediatrics
2 hrs Respiratory disorders Pharmacotherapy: Drug-induced
pulmonary diseases and cystic fibrosis Reference1, 6
2 hrs Bed-side/ward attachment
50% Assessment

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