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Word Work~ Chapters 5 & 6

YouTube Reading of A Long Walk to Water

Visualization ~ While you are listening to A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park or after
you finish reading the chapters, please draw and color a picture that you create in your head
while listening to each chapter in the text.

 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Take Quiz

Visualizing is a reading strategy that helps students create a picture in their heads of what they're
reading. It's almost as if students are making videos or movies in their heads, all built from their
background knowledge, their imagination, and the content of the text.

Vocabulary -Please complete the vocabulary slides in Literacy Google Classroom for A Long
Walk to Water Chapters 5 & 6.

 Vocabulary


*Together we will complete a RACE RESPONSE that goes with Chapters 5

and 6.
*Complete ALWTW Organizers for Chapters 5 & 6


It's all about gourds!! Together we will watch this video Gourd Info

*You will receive a gourd drawing that will let you practice drawing what you would like to put
on one of our gourds.

More gourd art next week!!

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