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Building Permit Services

Specialists : BCIN Designers in
Brampton & Toronto.
Since 2012, ITI Building Permit Designer Inc. has been relied upon by t he indust ries of
Ont ario Building Code, int erior design, engineering, and const ruct ion t o assist t hem in
adapt ing t o new t echnologies and improving t he effect iveness of t heir procedures.
Specialized in convert ing Single Unit Dwelling t o Duplex, Triplex or Fourplex.

Our BCIN Designers in Ontario provide design services & issue const ruct ion
drawings. If you are unaware of what BCIN st ands for, it means Building Code

Ident ificat ion Number, as st at ed under art icle of t he Ont ario Building Code. If
you don’t have a BCIN, t hen you won’t get a building permit .

The Minist ry of Municipal Affairs and Housing began looking int o ways t o develop a
cert ified body of home designers and expedit e t he building permit process across all
of Ont ario near t he end of 1999. Bill 124, which went int o effect in 2006, was t he result
of t heir effort s. This bill also has ot her requirement s t hat a BCIN designer needs t o

Qualificat ion is required for building officials, BCIN designers, and archit ect s who want
t o provide design services and submit home designs for const ruct ion permit s.

All businesses int ending t o ut ilize t heir home plans for obt aining const ruct ion permit s
in Ont ario would be required t o get and regist er liabilit y insurance. Time frames
est ablished by t he BCIN designer for t he processing and issuance of a const ruct ion
permit , Mandat ory use of a provincial permit applicat ion form and new rules affect ing
permit fees.

iTi Building Permit Designer have BCIN designers in Ontario who meet all

requirement s of Bill 124 and are licensed under art icle of t he Ont ario Building
Code. Alt hough t here are ot her qualificat ions and experience you should seek in a
BCIN designer, make sure t hey have a BCIN license. Cont act us if you are in need of a
building permit or BCIN designer.



To guarant ee qualit y in each of our deliverables,

we follow a set of rules and guidelines.


Please let us know if you require urgent

assist ance, and we will t ry t o meet your needs.

Conf identiality

Please rely on us t o prot ect your privacy, as we

are aware t hat t he input s provided cont ain
sensit ive commercial informat ion.

Residential / Commercial

Call VIVEK : +1-647 973 1733


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Track Application Status

To t rack your building permit applicat ion st at us click on t he corresponding cit y or t own name below:



BCIN Design Services

When is a Building Permit Required?

You will need a building permit if you plan t o:

Construction for a new building

Construct an addition to an existing building
Make structural alterations
Renovate, repair or add to a building
Demolish or remove all or a portion of a building
Change a building’s use
Install, change, or remove partitions and/or load bearing walls
Make new openings for, or change the size of, doors and
Build a garage, balcony or deck
Excavate a basement or construct a foundation


Vivek has a great knowled

I got designed my Basement Drawing which it ipermit is doing our building permit for t he Building Code, and his gui
was, approved very short t ime by Cit y of new house in Oakville, we are very sat isfied t o complet e our second
Brampt on and Now Basement is legal and wit h t hem. We are General Cont ract ors and issues. He has great exp
Rent ed. we always need such good persons. rat es are reasonable co
service he offers. Gr
Gurdev Jawanda Milentije Djordjevic
Neha Gan

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Contact Us
We have been act ive since 2012, and specialize is permit s in resident ial, commercial and indust rial designs. We serve all over Great er Toront o Area
beyond. Reach out for a quot e.





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Address Usef ull Links

603 Argus Rd #201, Oakville, ON L6J 6G6,

Member Stories
Serving Ont ario since 2012 as BCIN designer in +1-647 973 1733
Building Permit Relat ed field. "Take a Permit it s
t he Law".

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