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Digital Infrastructure Development: For digital payments to become widely used, it is

necessary to first establish a solid digital infrastructure. The government should make an
effort to improve internet access in underserved areas, such as rural and outlying regions.
There has to be affordable data plans, better mobile internet coverage, and dependable
broadband networks established up. With better network speeds, customers will have less
trouble using online payment systems and other digital services.

2. Awareness and Education Campaigns: To familiarize the less fortunate with digital
payment methods, government authorities, in collaboration with banks and financial
institutions, should initiate extensive awareness and education campaigns. These efforts need
to educate the public about the advantages, precautions, and best practices of using digital
payment systems. Workshops and training sessions can be held in community centers,
schools, and public gatherings.

3. Local Language Support: Local language support is especially important in economically

depressed areas, where a large percentage of the population speaks a language other than
English fluently. Therefore, multilingual support should be built into digital payment
platforms. This will assist ensure that users can successfully browse and understand digital
payment procedures regardless of language obstacles.

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