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Assessment Task 2 – Informative Essay

Physical fitness is important in boosting our

physical and mental health. It helps to promote
optimum fitness in our body before and after
working. Attaining physical fitness requires various
types of physical activities.

In my everyday routine especially in the morning, I

do some repetitions of push-ups. I also do cycling
every weekend which also serves as my cardio
exercise. I assured myself that I've maintained my
desired physical fitness, because these activities
help to improve my upper and lower body

There are many activities that can be done in

physical education. One of the best activities that
I've performed is the Aerobics Exercise. I like this
activity because it boosts my Circulatory System,
and also enhances my endurance and stamina. The
most pleasing part is that it can be done outdoor
or indoor without paying more expenses.

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