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All rates written as In general for the overall reaction

aA + bB 🠆 cC + dD
Overall rxn Rate

Rate laws for: a A 🠆 Products (all the following equations assume that k is for the
overall reaction)

Zero Order First Order Second Order

Rate = ak Rate = ak[A] Rate = ak[A]2

ln[A]0 - ln[A]t = akt

[A0] - [A]1 = adkt

[A]t = -akt + [A]0 ln[A]t = -akt + ln[A]0

Variation in the concentration vs A plot between ln[R] and t for a first order
time plot for a zero order reaction reaction

Plot of log [R]0/[R] us time for a Temperature dependence of rate

first lot between ln[R] order (Arrhenius Equation)

When finding the new k at a new T….

Note this is the typical arrhenius equation

where you have 2 specific rate constants at
2 specific temperature. Remember they
come in pairs. Also note how the arrhenius
factor A, has factored OUT of the equation.

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