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1 Read the text and tick () A, B, or C.

My busy week ..
Three of our readers tell us about their lives.

Maria Jose lives in Tenerife, Spain. She gets up at 7 o’clock and goes for a walk on
the beach. Then she has a shower and makes breakfast for her husband and her two
children. She takes the children to school and starts work at 9 o’clock. Maria Jose is a
guide and in the morning she shows tourists around the island. She always goes
home for lunch and then in the afternoon she works in the tourist office in Santa Cruz.
She works from Monday to Friday, and twice a month she also goes to work on
Saturday. In her free time she reads books with the children and does exercise with
her friend, Carmen.

Kenzo is a bank manager. He works in Osaka, Japan. He usually gets up very early
and leaves his flat at 7 o’clock. He takes the train to work and arrives at the bank at 8
o’clock. Kenzo works for 8 hours with a short break for lunch in a café. When he gets
home, he normally listens to music and his wife, Mika, cooks dinner for them. At the
weekend, he plays golf or tennis with friends. On Saturdays, he and Mika often go to
his parents’ house in the afternoon for tea. But sometimes he goes to work on
Saturday and then he feels stressed.

Francoise is from Switzerland. She’s a teacher in a school in Geneva. She is at school

for 7 hours every day and also works at home in the evenings but she doesn’t work at
the weekend. Francoise has a lot of friends and they like to have dinner in expensive
restaurants. She goes to bed very late on Saturday evenings. Francoise doesn’t do
sports or go to the gym, but she has two dogs and she takes them for long walks on
Sunday afternoons. Once a month she visits her sister and brother-in-law who live in

Example: Maria Jose gets up at _____.

A 8.00  B 7.30  C 7.00 
1 Before Maria Jose has a shower, she _____.
A makes breakfast  B goes for a walk  C takes the children to school 
2 She has lunch _____.
A at home  B in a café  C with her family 
3 She shows tourists around the island __________.
A in the afternoon  B in the morning  C every Saturday 
4 Kenzo __________ gets up very early.
A sometimes  B always  C usually 
5 He normally __________ after work.
A cooks dinner for his wife  B plays golf  C listens to music 
6 He __________ with his parents.
A has tea  B plays tennis  C watches TV 
7 Francoise works for __________ hours a day.
A 8  B 7  C 6 
8 She __________ goes to the gym.
A often  B sometimes  C never 


Describe your favourite day of the week. Answer these questions. (75–100
1 What is your favourite day of the week? Why?
2 What time do you get up?
3 What do you usually do in the morning / afternoon / evening?
4 Do you always do the same thing? Why?
5 What time do you go to bed?

My favourite day of the week

My favourite day is … .

Writing total 10

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