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My name is MIRZA SIKANDAR TARIQ. I am an aspiring resident of Faisalabad, Pakistan. In

2019, I completed my SSC from the Federal Board of Faisalabad. My major subjects were
mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and I got 910 marks out of 1100. In 2021, I will have
completed my HSSC at BISE, Pakistan. My major subjects in HSSC were mathematics, physics,
and chemistry, and I got 782/110 marks.

From the beginning, my aim was always to get admission and study in the UK because of their
quality education and environment, different cultural experiences, and also because a degree from
a UK university can enhance your employability globally. Now I want to avail myself of this
chance after completing my HSSC. I found that the Software Engineering BSc (Hons) from the
UK is much more beneficial, so because of my interest and for a better future, I decided to be
admitted to the Software Engineering BSc (Hons) from the University of Chester.


The UK is a popular destination for international students due to its high-quality education system,
diverse culture, and English language proficiency. Courses in the UK education system is shorter
and more intensive than in many other countries, which means I graduate sooner without
compromising on quality. While I can complete an undergraduate program in three years, I'll be
able to finish a graduate program or post-graduation in the UK in just one year. International
students are attracted to the quality education, work opportunities, great student life, and cultural
diversity. The society of the United Kingdom is much more tolerant than that of the United States,
Australia, Canada, and other European countries. People from different nations, cultures, and
religions are welcomed in the United Kingdom.

There are plenty of towns and cities that make this so beautiful, and it is surrounded by picturesque
countryside that beckons. If I get outdoors and enjoy the parks, woodlands, moors, and hills of
England, then I am never far away from stunning scenery.


The University of Chester is one of the oldest higher education providers in the UK, having
recently celebrated its 182nd year of teaching. With 15,000 students from 130 countries
worldwide, Chester provides a vibrant, diverse, and safe home for those travelling from overseas
to study. International students get a range of opportunities that help them gain experience, skills,
and knowledge. Students can select their favorite program from over 200 courses at undergraduate,
postgraduate, and research degree levels. The University of Chester is one of the UK's top
universities to study abroad.

Databases I:

 SQL (structured query language)

 CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete
 Queries
 Normalization
 Database design
 Data types
 Relational databases
 Keys
 Entity relationship diagrams
 Database Security
 Database Administration

Foundations of Cybersecurity: Concepts:

An introduction to the cybersecurity realm:

 Foundations of computer systems, software, and networking, with respect to the

cybersecurity perspective
 Threats, resolutions, and auditing relating to IT systems and governance
 Speaking Cyber: A Core Understanding of Cybersecurity Terminologies.

Mathematics for Computing:

 Linear algebra: vectors, matrices (2D and 3D);

 Geometric and trigonometric problem solving;
 Logarithmic functions;
 Simple differential equations;
 Set theory;
 simultaneous equations;

Operating Systems and Hardware:

 Computer architecture
 State machines
 Basic computing mathematics: binary and hexadecimal number systems; simple uses of
binary and hexadecimal; basic probability and random numbers
 Computer systems components, data representation, fetch-execute cycle, logic gates and
Boolean algebra, how computer systems work, interrupts, and input/output
 Levels and types of software, memory and secondary storage, operating systems (local and
network), user interfaces, process management, memory management, and file
Professional Skills for Computing:

 Plagiarism
 Literature searching
 Professional Bodies
 Employability
 Ethics
 Law (data protection, computer misuse act)
 Copyright and intellectual property
 Personal reflection
 Feedback
 Questionnaire design: Likert scale, numerical data, coding,
 Correlation
 Parametric and non-parametric tests

Programming I:

 Integrated Development Environments

 Syntax, semantics, and basic debugging
 Data Types: Primitives and Objects
 Control Flow: conditional and iterative (including collection iterators)
 Basic collection types, e.g., arrays
 Input and Output (Console and File-Based)
 Method calls and parameter passing
 Object Orientation: Behavior and State
 Class implementation: properties, methods, and constructors
 Static methods and variables
 Unit testing
 Inheritance, subtyping, and method overriding
 Basic refactoring
 Recursion
 GUIs, event handlers, and event-driven programming

Web Development:

 Internet and web terminology, protocols, and infrastructure

 Web document structure and content (e.g., HTML)
 Web aesthetics (e.g., CSS)
 Web scripting (e.g., JavaScript)
 Web requests (e.g., use of HTTP verbs)
 Using Internet and Web tools (e.g., IDEs, FTP clients)

I do not doubt that this program will improve my comprehension of engineering skill. After
returning to Pakistan, I plan to work in Pakistan as a software engineer. In Pakistan, the demand
for software engineers is rapidly increasing due to the country's flourishing IT industry and its
emergence as a global outsourcing hub. BS software engineering graduates have excellent career
prospects in various sectors, including software development companies. IT consultancies. After
graduation, I would be able to earn between 3.5 million and 4.5 million annually, enabling me to
meet my financial goals.

Thank you for the assessment of my application.

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