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Religious Education 15
To Be Human Is…?

Checklist for Unit Completion:

Learning Activity # 5 – D2L Quiz (auto-graded on D2L out of 15)

Learning Activity # 7 – Religious Comparison chart /45

Learning Activity # 12 – D2L Discussion posts /5

Final Learning Guide Mark /50 _____%

Marking Teacher’s Signature Date

Log onto D2L, and under the Assessments > Quizzes section, complete the
Learning Activity #5 Quiz. (15 marks & worth 2 % of overall grade)


This activity can be completed using the Seminar power point or google site found on
The chart below summarizes key points in the two Creation Stories found in the Book of
Genesis in the Bible, according to the Catholic Christian tradition.

1st Creation 2nd Creation Story

Story (Genesis 2:4b -3:24)
(Genesis 1:1 – 2:4a)
How is God described As the true Creator – God is portrayed as a Potter (Gen. 2:7).
in the story? the source of everything God is seen with human characteristics
that exists. and intimately connected to creation and
Gave order to creation. humans.
In 6 days, God created God walks through the garden (Gen. 3:9).
day & night, the Yahwist tradition
heavens (air/water),
earth, sun, moon, stars,
birds and fish, plants
and animals, and
What is the main The world is created by Emphasis on creation of humankind and
emphasis in the story? one God out of love. their relationship to God, to one another,
and to creation.
Life is a gift.
How is the human Humans are created The have dominion over the Earth, and are
person described in the male and female, in the equal, social, relational beings.
story? image and likeness of Capable of sin and knowing right from
God. wrong, although fundamentally good.
Humans are good.
Is creation described Good Creation is good. Humans are
as good or evil? fundamentally good, but capable of sin.
How is the relationship Humans are stewards of Adam – a creature made from the earth,
between human beings creation, and caretakers but having dominion over earth. Humans
and the earth of the land, plants and are to care for and cultivate the earth.
described? animals.
LEARNING ACTIVITY #7 CONTINUED: This seminar activity will provide a comparison
of the creation stories found in Christianity (from the previous chart) with Judaism, Islam
and Aboriginal/First Nations Metis Inuit (FNMI) creation stories. Complete this chart:

How is God described in

Is creation described as
person described in the

between human beings

How is the relationship
emphasis in the story?

How is the human

What is the main

and the earth

good or evil?

the story?


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