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Video-based action recognition

Balgynbek Dikhan Rustem Sankubayev

School of Engineering and Digital Sciences School of Engineering and Digital Sciences
Data Science Computer Science

Sultan Abylkairov
School of Sciences and Humanities

1. Introduction passing a wide spectrum of sports and physical activities.

Furthermore, it presents challenging real-world scenarios,
In today’s society the advancements in camera technol- including variations in lighting, backgrounds, camera an-
ogy have made it more affordable and accessible to every- gles, and instances of occlusion. These inherent complexi-
one. Every mobile phone now comes with its built-in cam- ties make it an ideal testing ground for algorithms designed
era. Video devices are also widely used in fields such as to address real-world challenges.
security, traffic management, healthcare, sports and more.
The abundance of video data generated from these sources
3. Technical approach
offers opportunities for research within the computer vision
community. For example, having the ability to understand 3.1. Dataset
actions is crucial, in many important applications that im-
The first step is to download the UCF Sports Dataset
pact society greatly including intelligent surveillance [9],
[14], which consists of video clips showcasing ten actions.
patient monitoring, sports analysis and human computer in-
The dataset contains a total of 150 sequences with a reso-
teraction [13].
lution of 720 x 480. It is. Covers actions, like diving, golf
swing, kicking, lifting riding horse running, skateboarding,
2. Literature Review swinging bench, swinging side and walking. These actions
In the field of recognizing human actions, researchers represent a range of scenarios and perspectives. The dataset
have conducted numerous studies using various methods is divided into two subsets; training and testing. This initial
and types of data. In the early stages of research, the focus phase sets the foundation for model training and evaluation.
was on using RGB or grayscale video as input, mainly be- Data preprocessing plays a role in ensuring consistency
cause of their wide availability and ease of use [11]. How- across the dataset. This involves standardizing video pa-
ever, in recent years, there has been a notable shift towards rameters such as resolutions and frame rates. Additionally
the exploration of alternative data modalities, as evidenced individual frames are extracted from the video clips to serve
by numerous works [1, 10, 12, 5, 17, 4, 19, 7]. These modal- as the basis for feature extraction.
ities include, but are not limited to, skeletal data, depth in-
3.2. Baseline
formation, infrared sequences, point clouds, event streams,
audio, acceleration, radar, and more. This trend has been To capture information from the video frames we uti-
driven by the proliferation of accurate and cost-effective lize the Space Time Interest Point (STIP) feature extrac-
sensor technologies. Moreover Convolutional Neural Net- tion method [8]. STIP helps capture details about motion
works (CNN) [18, 3, 6], and Long Short-Term Memory net- patterns within each frame and enables us to identify pat-
works (LSTM) [2] have demonstrated remarkable perfor- terns that define different actions. We systematically extract
mance when applied to human action recognition. STIP features from every frame to create a representation
In this project, we have chosen to utilize the freely avail- of action dynamics. The approach involves conducting a
able UCF Sports Dataset [16]. We find this dataset partic- series of experiments to find the parameters for extracting
ularly valuable due to its rich diversity of actions, encom- features, such as scale and location thresholds.

During data representation each video is converted into a on incorporating the chosen STIP feature extraction method
sequence of STIP feature vectors. To improve action recog- and SVM classifier.
nition techniques are used to segment videos into segments As we move forward with developing and testing our
or shots. This helps the model effectively identify action action recognition system we expect to see some results.
sequences. These findings will help shape our project and add to our
understanding of video based action recognition using the
3.3. Main approach UCF Sports Dataset.
In this step we choose the Support Vector Machine
(SVM) [15] as our classification model to differentiate be- 5. Conclusion
tween ten actions. SVM is a used algorithm in machine The proposed technical method provides a structure
learning and computer vision in video based action recog- for video-based action recognition using the UCF Sports
nition. Selecting the SVM configuration ensures perfor- Dataset. It emphasizes the significance of data prepara-
mance, in action recognition tasks. tion, extracting features, selecting models and conducting
We train our model using the SVM classifier and STIP evaluations to guarantee the recognition systems accuracy
features extracted from video frames. The training process and dependability. This project makes a contribution to the
involves refining the SVM model by experimenting with field of computer vision and action recognition by provid-
regularization settings to enhance its accuracy and overall ing insights into designing models, optimizing parameters
performance. and employing evaluation strategies.
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