Bitcoin and The Black Market British English PDF

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Bitcoin and the black market

Lesson code: 11A7-U6J9-59G8 UPPER-INTERMEDIATE
British English

1 Warm-up
What do you know about bitcoin?

2 Key vocabulary
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1. a cryptocurrency A a. a digital form of money produced by a public company

2. money laundering E b. a record of money received and paid
3. a seizure F c. a situation where there is more effort to punish people for a specific crime
4. conceal H d. attracting a lot of attention in the media
5. high-profile D e. moving and transferring illegal money to make it seem legal
6. a ledger b f. taking something using legal authority
7. reconstruct g g. to build or create something again
8. a crackdown h. to keep something secret

3 Before you read

You are going to read an article about bitcoin and illegal trading on the internet. Choose the best
answers for the questions below, then check your answers by scanning the text on the next page.

1. What is the estimated value of bitcoin connected with illegal activity?

a. $5 billion b. $36 billion c. $72 billion

2. According to the article, how many bitcoin transactions are connected with illegal activity?
a. almost a third b. almost a quarter c. almost half

3. Why is bitcoin so popular with criminals?

a. They can hide their real identities.
b. It's easy to make a lot of money illegally.
c. They prefer to use the internet to make payments.


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Bitcoin and the black market

Bitcoin price is so high because

criminals are using it for illegal trades,
research suggests
If they were to reject it for other digital currencies, its value is `likely' to fall,
according to the study

1 Almost half of all bitcoin transactions are their analysis, and managed to use the blockchain
associated with illegal activity, a new study has to reconstruct a network of transactions between
concluded. market participants from there.

2 Researchers have also linked a quarter of bitcoin 10 The researchers said that although individual
users with crime, such as hacks, money identities seem to be masked by a 26-35
laundering and the trading of drugs and illegal character address, the public nature of blockchain
pornography. allowed them to link bitcoin transactions to
individual `users' (market participants) and then
3 Worryingly for investors, they believe that the further identify the users that had bitcoin seized by
popularity of the cryptocurrency amongst authorities.
criminals is a major contributor to its value.
11 That's potentially extremely worrying for
4 The study, which was conducted by researchers bitcoin-using criminals, who the researchers say
from the University of Sydney and the University are now looking at alternative cryptocurrencies
of Technology Sydney, found that 44 per cent of that are better at concealing a user's activity.
bitcoin transactions and 25 per cent of all users
were associated with illegal activity. 12 "We find that the emergence of such alternative
cryptocurrencies is also associated with a
5 Their findings from April 2017, the most recent decrease in the proportion of illegal activity in
part of the research sample, suggested that bitcoin," the study reads.
around 24 million bitcoin market participants use
the cryptocurrency "primarily for illegal purposes". 13 However, they also believe that bitcoin could
become less useful and less valuable if criminals
6 These bitcoin users are estimated to conduct turn away from it.
around 36 million transactions per year, with a
total value of around $72 billion, and collectively 14 The researchers say their paper suggests that a
hold around $8 billion worth of bitcoin, the significant part of the basic value of bitcoin as a
researchers say. payment system comes from its ability to make
illegal trade easier.
7 One of the main reasons bitcoin is so popular with
criminals is that the cryptocurrency allows users 15 "This has ethical implications for those that view
to conceal their identities. bitcoin as an investment, as well as valuation
8 However, it isn`t completely anonymous, as every
transaction is recorded on a digital public ledger 16 For example, changes in the demand to use
called the blockchain, and it`s possible to use this bitcoin in illegal trade (e.g., due to law
information to identify specific individuals. enforcement crackdowns) are likely to impact its
fundamental value."
9 The researchers say they used high-profile bitcoin
seizures - including an FBI raid on the Silk Road Adapted from the Independent, by Aatif
Dark Web marketplace - as a starting point for Sulleyman, 24th of January 2018


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Bitcoin and the black market

4 Find the words

Find a word or phrase in the text which means....

1. a big part of the value of (sth) (phrase, P.3):

2. connected to (phrase, P.4):
3. carry out (sth) (verb, P.6):
4. the first stage of a process (three word noun, P.9):
5. hidden (verb - past participle form, P.10):
6. appearance or arrival of (sth) (noun, P.12):
7. results of an action (noun - plural, P.15):

5 Adverbs
Complete the sentences with the adverbs below.

collectively completely potentially primarily worryingly

1. Transactions with bitcoin are never anonymous.

2. , the price of the company's shares has fallen again.
3. The users hold around $8 billion worth of bitcoin.
4. The scandal could be disastrous for the company.
5. , the reason people play the game is to make a lot of money.

6 Talking point
Ask and answer the questions below in pairs or small groups.

1. Have you ever used bitcoin? If not, would you give it a try? Why/why not?
2. What do you think the advantages/disadvantages are of using a digital currency instead of cash?
3. Do you think the high value of bitcoin is connected to illegal activity, or do you think there are other
reasons why its so high?


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Bitcoin and the black market - Key

1- Warm-up

Encourage a short discussion.

2- Key vocabulary

Give examples of each word where necessary. Students can work in pairs and then check with the teacher.
1. a 2. e 3. f 4. h 5. d 6. b 7. g 8. c

3- Before you read

Students can work alone and check in pairs. Have students scan the article quickly. Go through the answers.
1. c 2. c 3. a

4- Find the words

1. a major contributor (to)

2. associated with
3. conduct (around 36 million transactions per year)
4. a starting point
5. masked
6. emergence of (alternative cryptocurrencies)
7. implications

5- Adverbs

Students can work alone and then check in pairs for this exercise.
1. completely 2. worryingly 3. collectively 4. potentially 5. primarily

6- Talking point

Monitor the activity. Make a note of any typical errors and write useful vocabulary on the board.


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