Proyecto Ingles Esca

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My daily routine.

I often wake up at 9AM on weekdays. I usually eat breakfast in the kitchen before
leaving for school. At school, I often have class with friends. I sometimes grab lunch
with friends on Tuesday afternoons. After getting home from school, I usually eat
dinner in the evening and watch instagram. On weekends, I often sleep in later, then
i eat something on Saturday around 12AM. On Saturdays, I usually spend time at the
park playing soccer with my friends. On Sundays, I sometimes meet up with family or
friends for lunch before spending the afternoon cleaning around my bedroom. I
usually don’t stay up too late on Sunday nights since I have to get up early on
Monday morning for school.

My visit to
I can swim
I can relax in the soft sand.
I can go surfing.
I can build sandcastles.
I can tan under the sun.
I can eat fresh seafood.
I can go snorkeling to see fish.
I can eat coconuts.
I can’t bring glass bottles or containers onto most beaches.
I can’t collect live sea creatures.
I can’t swim outside of some beach areas.
I can’t drive cars or jet skis directly onto beaches unless they are approved off-road
I can’t do fires.

My ideal dish:

There is a bowl of mixed greens as the base including spinach. There is half an
avocado sliced on top along with one chopped tomato, one chopped yellow
pepper, and one chopped cucumber. There are also garbanzo beans and quinoa
mixed. On the side there are two hard boiled eggs that have been sliced in half.
For crunch and texture there are roasted unsalted almonds as well as roasted
pumpkin seeds sprinkled over the top along with parmesan cheese. For dressing
there is a simple olive oil and lemon juice vinaigrette over the salad. There is also
a glass of cold, refreshing water with lemon slices to enjoy alongside this fresh
and healthy homemade salad bowl.

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