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Q3 Vocabulary

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1. The responsibilities of the new role were _____ with a commensurate

significant salary increase, acknowledging her exper-
tise and value to the company.

2. Her _____ glance made it clear she had no respect for contemptuous
his objections.

3. When she accepted the job offer, she didn't realize the contingencies
numerous _____ attached, like mandatory overtime
and weekend work, which made her reconsider her

4. The magician's performance stretched the audi- credulity

ence's _____ to its limits, leaving them in awe.

5. The leaves danced in the _____ formed by the wind eddies

swirling through the alley.

6. As a special visitor, he was _____ from the usual exempt

parking restrictions in the city.

7. She managed to _____ surprise when they announced feign

her name as the winner, even though she had over-
heard the judges earlier.

8. The room's _____, with its bright colors and excessive gaudiness
decorations, was overwhelming to the guests.

9. For many researchers, finding a cure for this disease grail

is the Holy _____ of their field.

10. The _____ of the Day Break neighborhood was evi- homogeneity
dent in the uniform design of each house and neatly
trimmed lawns.

11. He acted _____ , making a decision without consider- impetuously

ing the consequences, driven by his emotions.

12. She was _____ upon hearing she had won the lottery, incredulous
unable to believe her sudden stroke of luck.
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13. The beauty of the sunset was _____, leaving everyone ineffable
speechless and in awe.

14. The politician's speech was filled with _____, subtly innuendo
undermining his opponent without direct accusation.

15. The malware was _____, silently infecting thousands insidious

of computers without detection.

16. His sense of _____ brought much-needed laughter to levity

the otherwise solemn meeting.

17. A single scratch would _____ the surface of the pol- mar
ished table, making it less appealing.

18. The politician's promises were _____, designed to meretricious

dazzle voters without offering real solutions.

19. The elegant _____ on the handkerchief, intricately em- monogram

broidered, added a personal touch to the thoughtful

20. The ancient ruins were nearly _____ by centuries of obliterated

neglect and the relentless winds.

21. The politician's speech seemed to _____ to the wealth- pander

iest donors, ignoring the pressing needs of the major-
ity of constituents.

22. Please store all _____ foods in the refrigerator to pre- perishable
vent spoilage.

23. Only a select few were _____ to the secret plans of the privy
surprise party.

24. The _____ of the quaint bookstore greeted every cus- proprietor
tomer with a warm smile and personalized recommen-

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25. His _____ outlook on life, shaped by a small-town provincial
upbringing, sometimes clashed with the diverse and
sophisticated perspectives of his big-city colleagues.

26. Despite the constant _____ from his rival, he main- provocation
tained his composure and refused to retaliate.

27. Known for his _____ attention to detail, the chef en- punctilious
sured every dish was presented perfectly.

28. The decision to relocate the company had far-reach- ramifications

ing _____, affecting employees and their families.

29. The door opened with a _____ harsh sound, signaling raspingly
years of neglect and the urgent need for oil.

30. After hiking all day, she ate _____, barely pausing for ravenously
breath between bites.

31. The _____ carpet, worn from years of use, held mem- threadbare
ories of countless footsteps and stories.

32. The villain faced _____ for his deeds, finally being retribution
brought to justice by the efforts of the determined

33. The movie's appeal lay in its _____, tugging at the sentimentality
heartstrings of audiences worldwide.

34. The essay was _____ and difficult to read, filled with turgid
complex sentences and jargon.

35. The company _____ manipulated the data, misleading unscrupulously

its investors.

36. The advice given, though _____, proved valuable to unsought

her in making the right decision.

37. He _____ into the dense forest, driven by curiosity and ventured
a desire for adventure.
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38. They decided to look for a coffee shop in the _____ of vicinity
the park to rest and chat.

39. The solution to the puzzle proved _____, evading even elusive
the most determined attempts to solve it.

40. adj. concerned with beauty or the appreciation of aesthetic


41. adj. corresponding in size or degree- in proportion commensurate

42. adj. showing or expressing disdain or scorn

43. having a lack of respect for something or someone. contemptuous

44. n. something liable to happen as an adjunct to or contingencies

result of something else.

45. n. tendency to readily believe or trust, often without credulity

sufficient evidence or proof- gullibility.

46. adj. (of a place) deserted of people and in a state of desolate

bleak and dismal emptiness.

47. adj. (of a person's hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy- disheveled


48. n. currents or small whirlpools that move contrary to eddies

the main current, usually in a circular motion.

49. adj. not subject or liable exempt

50. v. pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury). feign

51. n. the quality of being unpleasantly bright in color or gaudiness


52. n. a thing that is eagerly pursued or sought after grail

53. homogeneity
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n. the quality or state of being all the same or all of the
same kind.

54. adv. quickly and without thinking carefully about the impetuously

55. n. (with reference to reincarnation) one of a series of incarnation

lifetimes that a person spends on earth.

56. adj. (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable incredulous

to believe something

57. adj. too great or extreme to be expressed or described ineffable

in words

58. n. a statement which indirectly suggests that some- innuendo

one has done something immoral, improper, etc.

59. adj. proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with insidious

harmful effects

60. n. humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a levity

serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due

61. n. the intention or desire to do evil, ill will malice

62. v. impair the appearance of- disfigure. mar

63. adj. apparently attractive but having in reality no value meretricious

or integrity

64. n. a motif of two or more letters, typically a person's monogram

initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in
a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a
personal possession

65. v. destroy utterly- wipe out. obliterated

66. pander

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v. gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire,
need, or habit or a person with such a desire)

67. adj. (especially of food) likely to decay or go bad perishable


68. adj. confined to words, theories, or ideals, and not Platonic

leading to practical action

69. adj. sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or privy


70. n. the owner of a business, or a holder of property proprietor

71. n. lacking the polish of urban society- unsophisticated provincial

72. n. action or speech that makes someone annoyed or provocation

angry, especially deliberately

73. adj. showing great attention to detail or correct behav- punctilious


74. n. a consequence of an action or event, especially ramifications

when complex or unwelcome

75. adv. in a harsh and grating manner raspingly

76. adv. in an extremely hungry way ravenously

77. adj. strongly reminiscent or suggestive of redolent

78. n. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for retribution

a wrong or criminal act

79. n. excessive tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia sentimentality

80. n. the attitude of doubting knowledge claims skepticism

81. adj. connected with the process of forming and look- spectroscopic
ing at spectra with a spectroscope.

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82. adj. (of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) becoming threadbare
thin and tattered with age.

83. adj. not permanent transitory

84. adj. a man's headdress, worn especially by Muslims, turbaned

Hindus, and Sikhs, made by swathing a length of linen,
silk, etc, around the head or around a caplike base.

85. n. swollen and distended or congested turgid

86. adv. in a way that does not show moral principles or unscrupulously
is not honest or fair

87. adj. not searched for, requested, or desired. unsought

88. v. dare to do something or go somewhere that may be ventured

dangerous or unpleasant.

89. n. the surrounding area or nearby region, often within vicinity

short distance or easy reach.

90. adj. difficult to find, catch, or achieve elusive


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