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They felt as if they were standing on top of the world.

These two days of climbing were the

most terrifying, but the ambition of these six sturdy men was greater than the mountain
they were climbing. At first, their decision to climb Mount Kilimanjaro was categorised as
dangerous and impossible to achieve, yet they didn't throw in the towel too quickly,
without even trying.

Tired of the journey of the last days, with the sun warming their wrinkled face, they were
thinking about the last days.

As they were climbing with those heavy backpacks on their shoulders, while holding steady
on the rope, a shrill sound burst in the sky. The climbers glanced at the sky simultaneously.
There was a hawk. The climbers couldn't get their gaze off the bird.

Suddenly, they all felt a little vibration. "There is no way this is happening now" one of the
climbers shouted.The clock is ticking and the earthquake is coming. Frightened, they were
watching how big rocks were falling down the mountain's slope near them. The small
earthquake ended well. They were the luckiest that day.

The climbers continued their journey. On their path to the peak they noticed the same
hawk several times flying in the sky close to them. The hawk played havoc with them all the
time; once it appeared something bad happened: the rope slackened, fog surrounded them
or it started raining.

At last, they have luckily overcome these incidents and could admire the beauty that
someone still thinks it's impossible to view.

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