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What is Activism?

Activism is quite simply taking action to effect social change; this can
occur in a myriad of ways and in a variety of forms. Often it is
concerned with ‘how to change the world’ through social, political,
economic or environmental change. This can be led by individuals but is
often done collectively through social movements.

Activist or Activism?

It’s not where you’re from; it’s not where you’re at: it’s what you do.
Many people can be classified as activists and many actions can be
interpreted as activism, but this doesn’t mean that all activism is carried
out by activists. The term activist itself is contentious, as what
constitutes an activist and what actions can be defined as activism are
often contested.
We at a Permanent Culture Now would prefer not to use the term
‘activist’ in the classical sense as it creates a division between those who
define themselves as activists and those who carry out activism. We feel
it is more important to look at the actions being undertaken rather than
how individuals define themselves.

The activist is a specialist or an expert in social change. To think of

yourself as being an activist means to think of yourself as being
somehow privileged or more advanced than others in your appreciation
of the need for social change, in the knowledge of how to achieve it and
as leading or being in the forefront of the practical struggle to create this
change… Defining ourselves as activists’ means defining our actions as
the ones which will bring about social change, thus disregarding the
activity of thousands upon thousands of other non-activists. Activism is
based upon this misconception that it is only activists that do social
Media activism is a broad category of activism that utilizes media and
communication technologies for social and political movements.
Media activism is a broad category of activism that utilizes media and
communication technologies for social and political movements.
Methods of media activism include publishing news on websites,
creating video and audio investigations, spreading information about
protests, and organizing campaigns relating to media and
communications policies. Social media is often used as a form of media
activism. Because of the interactive features and widespread adoption,
users can quickly disseminate information and rally supporters.
Platforms like Facebook and Twitter can reach a much larger audience
than traditional media.

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