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Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of digital marketing that utilizes social networking
platforms to increase brand or product exposure and cultivate relationships with
• Engage with customers
• Promote what they are interested into

Benefits of using Social Media for Consumers:

• Entertainment – to have fun
• Social interaction – connecting
• Information – search
• Building a personal identity
• Communication – with brands
• Community – joining in
• Rewards – offers and discounts
• Buying – shopping
• Reviews – sharing experience, views, opinions

Benefits for the Organisations:

• To entertain
• To interact
• To provide information
• To gain brand recognition
• To communicate
• To develop an online community
• To provide offers
• To sell products and services
• To provide service updates
• To gain product reviews
• To elicit feedback
• To deliver customer service

Key Social Media Platforms:


- Corporate Social networking tool
- Professional networking, Recruitment, internal marketing, corporate news
- owned by Microsoft

- Core value proposition – database
- Facebook, the largest social platform, is a highly effective channel for large scale
audience reach.
- Mid – older millennials – 27+ and older age groups

- Main revenue source – advertising
- Real-time, sponsoring major events, Customer service, Sharing company news,
product launches

- Image sharing network – used by fashion, tourism and food sectors
- Visual- sharing moments and stories, photos, videos.
- Owned by Facebook but attracts a younger audience and on mobile; Facebook ads
- Owned by facebook

- Niche social media platform – images with brief descriptions
- image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of

- Multimedia messaging app
- Image and video messaging, multimedia, mobile, temporary story telling
- Glasses = “facial lenses” – augmented reality
- Life for only a short time

Tik Tok:
- Their mission is “to capture and present the world’s creativity, knowledge, and
precious life moments, directly from the mobile phone”.
- IOS and Android media app that can be used for creating and sharing short videos.
- Anyone can become a content provider

Click-Through Rate (CTR):

 Not an effective measurement for online branding campaigns.
 It’s a direct response metric and often used as a proxy to assess the success of brand
 Fails to communicate the effect of the campaign on the vast majority of people,
those who didn’t actually click
 Industry still relies on it as we invest in what we understand.

Key Questions to ask:

1. Did the media do its job?
2. Did the campaign build trust in the brand?
 The wonderful numbers provided by the media are fine…
3. What matters is what effect the message had on the brand.
4. Measure how people feel about the brand before the Campaign. How much they like
it. Then measure how they feel after.

 The key to any form of media communication is making emotional contact with the
- The basic principles remain the same.
- Because The Relationship is at the core.
- And the job is to build trust –
- for online brands as well as off-line.
- Online content is becoming more and more emotionally involving.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

• Helps to build relationships with customers
• Is agile
• Allows for flexibility with creative assets
• Generally, yields a high ROI

What are the main responsibilities of a social media marketer?

The Buyer’s Journey and Social Media Marketing:

Social media will feature in all stages of the Buyer's Journey to some degree but for the
most part, its biggest impact is in the top-of-funnel areas and retention

Growing and engaging the audience using social media

The Value of Building a Social Media Community

Best Practices:
1. Develop an authentic, consistent brand voice.
2. Be responsive.
3. Engage with your followers.
4. 80% of share content should be helpful to your audience.
5. 20% of shared content should be promotional.
6. Have recurring topics.
7. Use a personal identifier.
8. Pay attention to content that resonates with your audience.

Engaging with an Audience Using Social Media:

 Grab attention in the first three seconds.
 Create for sound off – provide value.
 Align videos to how the majority prefers to view them.
 Build in a “play more” function.
 Use “Live” to capture live events.

Facebook Page posts:

- Facebook Page Posts are great ways to generate engagement with your fans and
target audiences. Through Page Posts, you can share company news, product
announcements, tips, contests, events, stories, and more.
Facebook has many types of posts:

- Link Post are posts that link to a website off the Facebook platform.
- Canvases – full screen, mobile optimised, post click experience – images, video, text,
links View external material without leaving Facebook

Instagram Practices:
- Keep captions short.
- Don’t use more than three hashtags.
- Ensure images have a strong focal point.
- Use impactful filters.
- Ensure the company logo is visible.
- Create high quality, behind-the-scenes or live videos.
- Post unexpected moments.
- Share a unique business perspective.
- Use social influencers where appropriate.

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