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1. What does CSR stand for in the context of business ethics?

a. Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
b. Corporate Social Responsibility
c. Corporate Stakeholder Relations
d. Corporate Strategic Resilience
2. Which international organization provides guidelines for CSR through its
Global Compact initiative?
a. World Health Organization (WHO)
b. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
c. United Nations (UN)
d. World Trade Organization (WTO)
3. What is the primary goal of CSR in the international context?
a. Maximizing shareholder profits
b. Enhancing brand reputation
c. Contributing to sustainable development
d. Reducing employee turnover
4. Which of the following is NOT a common stakeholder group considered
in international CSR efforts?
a. Shareholders
b. Customers
c. Competitors
d. Local communities
5. What is the concept that suggests companies should adopt a triple-
bottom-line approach, considering social, environmental, and financial
a. Corporate Citizenship
b. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
c. Triple P Bottom Line
d. Integrated Reporting

6. Which principle of the United Nations Global Compact focuses on the

elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor?
a. Principle 1: Human Rights
b. Principle 4: Labor
c. Principle 7: Anti-Corruption
d. Principle 10: Environment
7. In the international context, what does the acronym SDGs stand for?
a. Sustainable Development Goals
b. Socially Driven Growth Strategies
c. Strategic Development Guidelines
d. Sustainable Diversity Goals
8. Which of the following is an example of a global initiative that
encourages companies to report on their environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) performance?
a. ISO 9001
b. GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative)
c. SWOT Analysis
d. CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)
9. What is the concept that involves companies going beyond compliance
with laws and regulations to proactively address social and
environmental issues?
a. Corporate Governance
b. Corporate Citizenship
c. Corporate Compliance
d. Corporate Ethics
10. Which international agreement emphasizes the importance of businesses
respecting human rights, including the rights of indigenous peoples?
a. Kyoto Protocol
b. Paris Agreement
c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
d. Indigenous Rights Charter
11. Which international framework focuses on encouraging responsible
business conduct by multinational enterprises?
a. ISO 14001
b. SA8000
c. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
d. ILO Conventions

12. In the context of international CSR, what is the term for the integration
of social and environmental considerations into business decision-
making processes and corporate strategy?
a. Social Marketing
b. Ethical Consumerism
c. Sustainable Business Practices
d. Greenwashing
13. Which dimension of CSR involves companies supporting community
development initiatives and philanthropic projects on a global scale?
a. Environmental Responsibility
b. Economic Responsibility
c. Social Responsibility
d. Cultural Responsibility
14. What international standard provides guidelines for anti-bribery
management systems, emphasizing ethical business practices?
a. ISO 9001
b. ISO 14001
c. ISO 26000
d. ISO 37001
15. Which international organization works towards the promotion of fair
labor practices, including the elimination of child labor and forced labor?
a. International Labour Organization (ILO)
b. World Health Organization (WHO)
c. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
d. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

1. b. Corporate Social Responsibility
2. c. United Nations (UN)
3. c. Contributing to sustainable development
4. c. Competitors
5. c. Triple P Bottom Line
6. b. Principle 4: Labor
7. a. Sustainable Development Goals
8. b. GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative)
9. b. Corporate Citizenship
10. c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
11. c. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
12. c. Sustainable Business Practices
13. c. Social Responsibility
14. d. ISO 37001
15. a. International Labour Organization (ILO)

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