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a rated maximum capacity of ~ 250 kg /h, but the distribution of solids and other heavy mineral contents.

actual feed capacity naturally depends on the nature • Gold recoveries of 70% to 75% have been achieved
of the material. from auriferous sulfide ores. Concentration ratios of
20 to 25: 1 are possible . Gold recovery is relatively
Mark VIlA Reichert spiral concentrator moderate (20% to 23%) in the fraction smaller than
37 urn , but substantially higher (50% to 60%) in the
The operating principle of this spiral has been fraction smaller than 74 /-1m .
described elsewhere (Balderson, 1982; Forssberg and • A test with an artificial ore containing ' 'free gold
Johansson, 1984; Sivamohan and Forssberg, 1985). particles" (milled lead shot) gave 40% recovery and
Pulp density and feed rate are two decisive param- 850/0 Pb grade in the <38 /-1m fraction . Overall recovery
eters in gravity concentrators based on the principle was 60.30/0 at a grade of 26.25% Pb .
of flowing film concentration. The artificial ore
(galena and sand mixture) was used to study the
influence of these two variables on the performance Reichert Mark VIlA spiral concentrator
of the said spiral. The pulp density was varied between
400/0 to 600/0 solids by weight, and the feed rate was • The optimum pulp density is 55% to 60% solids by
varied between 0.6 and 4 t/h. A selectivity factor can weight.
be defined as E =R(Pb) -R(sand), where R(Pb) • The optimum feed rate is <3 t/h .
and R(sand) are the lead and sand recoveries, respec- • Recoveries down to about 20 /-1m are considered
tively, in the concentrate product. The experimental to be impressive . •
results indicated that the best selectivity is obtained
at higher pulp density and lower feed rate. Selectivity
falls off very sharply at higher feed rates. A feed rate
of <3 t/h is found to be the optimum. Further, the References
results suggested that very high recoveries down to Anon ., 1983, Bullet in on the Knels on Con centrator, Bateman Eng inee ring Inc ..
"'20 urn are possible under optimum conditions. Col orado , USA .
Balde rson , G.F., 1982, " Rec ent Deveiopments and Appli cation s of Spir al Concen -
Summary tr ator s," prep rint , The Aus . IMM North·We st Queen sland Branch Mill Operato rs'
Confe rence , September, pp . 57·73.
Fors sberg, E., and Johansso n, B., 1984, " A presentation ot gravity eq uipment fo r
Knelson separator treatment of fine material ," MinFo Report 1902, Techni c al University o f Lulea .
Sweden , 32 pp .
• Feed rate and water pressure are decisive param- Sivamohan , R., and For ssberg, E., 1985, " Principies of Spirai Con cent rat ion ,"
eters. They seem to be closely related to the size International Journal 01 Mineral Processing. Vol. 15. pp . 173·181.


Geochemical modeling of in situ leaching

in a heterogeneous porous medium
n.n. Schmidt and S.E. Follin

Introduction The ISL hydrology model generates a leachant flow

streamline pattern between injection and recovery
Mineral recovery from an in situ leaching operation points in a flow domain incorporating regions of
is determined by the often complex interaction of arbitrary permeability. The ISLGC transport model
hYdrology, mass transport, and chemical kinetics. The describes the changing solution concentrations of
operating conditions of many pilot and production uranium and oxygen and the changing mineral con-
Scale uranium leaching operations involve hetero- centrations of uranium and pyrite resulting from
geneities in aquifer permeability. Differences in convection, longitudinal dispersion , and oxidation
Permeability may be naturally occurring, the result of reactions.
differences in grain size or cementation, or they may
be induced by leaching activity. Variations in permea- ISL hydrology model
bility directly affect the fluid flow streamline pattern,
OUid flux, and so also leaching geochemistry and Basic equations
Uranium recovery. An in situ leaching hydrology
model (ISL) and a mass transport-oxidation rate The differential equation for steady-state two-
model (ISLGC) have been developed for use in making dimensional flow in an isotropic porous medium is
S~te specific predictions of the leachability and produc-
~lve potential of heterogeneous ore deposits, and for
he optimal design of leachant injection and recovery R.D. Schmidt and S.E. Follin are with the US Bureau of Mines,
?perations. The two models are linked by output and Minneapol is, MN. SME preprint 85·348, SME Fall Meeting,
lllput requirements. Albuquerque, NM, October 1985. Manuscript October 1985.


Laplace 's equation, which can be written in terms of by superposition of solutions. Since Eq. 5 cannot be
the discharge potential, lI>, as inverted, points along a streamline are traced by
calculating successive points z j for which

The discharge potential , for confined flow , is defined using the Newton-Raphson iterative method.
lI> = kH~ + Cc ( 2)
ISLGC mass transport/oxidation
where k is the aquifer permeability, H is the width of rate model
the flow region normal to the x and y planes, and ~ is
the piezometric head relative to a normal datum plane.
An analytic complex function Q = Q(z ) is introduced Basic equations
A system of four one-dimensional convection-
Q(z ) = lI> (z ) + ilV (z ) , ( 3) dispersion equations with reaction terms is used to
describe change in uranium and oxygen concentra-
where z = x + iy . The real part of the complex poten- tions in solution during in situ leaching. The equations,
tial function, Re[Q(z)] = lI>(z ), is the discharge poten- along with appropriate boundary conditions, are pre-
tial as given by Eq. 2 and the imaginary part, Im[Q(z )] sented in the following . Since IV is constant along each
= lV(z), is termed the stream function . The stream streamline, the mass transport equations for each
function is constant along streamlines, and the total streamline are reduced to one dimension in the corn -
discharge between two streamlines is equal to the plex potential plane , with lI> as the variable represent-
difference in their stream function values. ing position along the streamline. In Eqs. 7 through 10,
each streamline is represented by n nodes. Porosity
P ermeability zon es is ~.
The concentr a ti on of uranium in solution (C u) along
Piezometric head is continuous at the boundary a streamline is given by
between two zones of differing permeability, denoted
k o and k l. It follows from Eq. 2, therefore, that lI>o and
lI>l will be discontinuous at the permeability zone a acu + (J a2c u + Ru = lI> ac u (7)
boundary. To model this discontinuity in potential, ISL all> all> 2 at
makes use of the complex potential expression for line with Cu = C u (lI>,t)
doublets as presented by Strack and Haitjema (1981) .
The real part of the doublet expression, Re[Qp (z )], Cu (O,t) = c,
is discontinuous across the line doublet. The magni- Cu (lI> ,O ) = °

tude of the discontinuity is termed the doublet strength.
The imaginary part, Irn [Qp (z )] is continuous every- aCu (lI> n,t )
where, so discharge normal to the line doublet is all>
continuous, and continuity of flow across the zone Ru = Ru (Co'W u )
boundary is preserved.
Doublets with varying strength are distributed along where C u is the uranium concentration in the injected
the boundary of permeability zones to account for the lixiviant, and R u is the rate at which uranium enters
jump in permeability k l -k o' If z = 6, where 6 is a solution (due to oxidation).
point on the line doublet, the doublet strength, S(6), The concentration of dissolved oxygen (Co) along a
may be expressed in terms of lI>o(6) as streamline is given by

S(6) = (k l ~o k O) lI>o (6) (4 ) a aco + (J a2co - (6R o + fARu) = lI> aco (8)
all> all>2 at
where lI>o is the discharge potential in zone k o. with Co = Co (lI> ,t )
The doublet strengths, S(6 ), along permeability zone Co(O ,t) = Co
boundaries are not known in advance . Their values
depend on the potential, along the boundary. Imposing Co (lI>, O) =°
condition (4) at a number of control points along the
zone boundary results in a set of equations for which
aCo (lI>n,t) =
the unknown strength parameters S(6 ) may be solved.
n, = R o(Co ,Wp )
Comprehensive potential and
streamline tracing where Co is the oxygen concentration in the injected
Iixiviant, R o is the rate at which oxygen is consumed
The potential functions of wells, Qw(z ), and uniform by oxidation of uranium, and 6 and fA are stoichiO-
flow , Qf(Z), are also introduced in ISL. In modeling metric constants.
in situ leaching hydrology , the strengths (r e cha r ge The uranium concentration in the deposit, Wu , along
and discharge rates) of injection and recovery wells a streamline is described by
are considered known.
Once the doublet strengths are determined, the dis- aw
__u = -Ru (9)
charge potential and stream function at an arbitrary at
point z in the flow domain are obtained from with Wu = Wu(lI> ,t)
Wu(lI> ,O) = Wu(lI»


where Wu(<l» is the initial concentration of uranium within the Tordilla sandstone ranging from 60 to 5862
along the streamline . Similarly, the concentration of millidarcys in one case , and between 692 and 2356
a second oxygen consuming mineral, Wp, in the millidarcys in another (Stover, 1984).
formation is described as A post-leach core revealed high grade mineraliza-
tion was present between 60.7 and 61.3 m subsurface ,
awp = a, (10) in an extremely low permeability ca lcite cemented
at streak. Vertical spreading of leach solution within the
Tordilla sandstone had occurred ; however, the cement-
with Wp = w, (<l>,t) ed layer showed no signs of oxidation. Overlying and
Wp(<l>,O) = Wp(<l» underlying the calcite layer, between 57 and 64 m ,
were sandstone layers showing obvious signs of oxida-
where Wp (<l» is the initial concentration of the mineral tion and a relatively uniform ammonia concentration
along the streamline . (Stover, 1984) . Ammonia was introduced during
The rates R u and Ro are half-order and first-order leaching.
functions of Co, respectively , and are derived from
laboratory oxidation rate experiments (Bommer, Prior g eochemical mod eling
(1979 ). The rate coefficients in the expressions for R u
and R o are site dependent. The convection/dispersion Gullinger (1983) conducted laboratory leaching and
coefficients Q' = a(<l> ,lJI) and {J = (J(<l>,lJI) are derived geochemical modeling studies on ore samples from
from fluid flow parameters (Bommer, 1979). They are the Hobson sit e , using half-order expressions to
calculated by the ISL model and passed to the ISLGC describe the oxidation rate of two uranium species.
model. Transverse dispersion is neglected. Guilinger's simulation results corresponded well to the
uranium recovery achieved in laboratory leaching
ISLGC numerical methods experiments with disaggregated samples of Hobson
ore material, but showed little correspondence with
A second-order finite difference approximation is the leaching results at the Hobson field site .
Used to discretize the system of Eqs. 7 through 10. The A uranium recovery curve based on Guilinger's
finite difference scheme transforms the system of four simulation of Hassler cell leaching experiments is
coupled partial differential equations into a system of compared with actual composite recovery data from
nonlinear algebraic equations and an equal number of the Hobson field site in Price et al. (1984). A significant
Unknowns. The number of equations is four times the difference between field and simulated uranium
number of nodes on a streamline. A Newton-Raphson re covery is noted. While the model used by Guilinger
(N-R) iterative scheme is used to solve this nonlinear predicts 80% recovery after injection of 40 pore
system of algebraic equations. This scheme reduces volumes, well field recovery was approaching only
the computation to solving a sequence of linear 27% after 96 pore volumes. The difference was judged
systems. Each linear system is then solved using to be mainly due to the lack of conta ct between
sUccessive over relaxation (SOR). uranium ore and leach solution, as a result of permea-
The SOR procedure is an iterative method for bility differences in the ore formation .
Solving systems of linear equations. Thus it computes
a sequence of approximations that converge to the true ISL application
Solution. Experience with ISLGC indicates that SOR
gives satisfactory results, although convergence in The effect of contrasting zones of permeability on
this case is not guaranteed by the standard theory. leachant flow at the Hobson site can be simulated in
two dimensions with the ISL hydrology model. The
Application of ISL and ISLGC models cross-sectional streamline pattern between a single
pair of injection and recovery screens, shown in Fig. 1,
Inhomogeneities in aquifer permeability are present is generated using parameter values that closely
at many in situ leaching sites. They add complexity to approximate field conditions at the Hobson leach site
the leachant flow pattern and often have a significant (Schmidt and Follin, 1985). The permeability ratio
impact on mineral recovery. between barren and mineralized zones is kl /k o = 10.
In light of the post-leach core analysis (which indi-
Hobson site cated that the m ineralized zone was highly cemented),
the 10 to 1 difference in permeability between layers
Price et al. (1984) describe the inhomogeneities in k l and k o is probably a conservative estimate of the
Permeability and mineralization that existed at the actual permeability difference that exists at the
Bobson leach site in Karnes County, Texas. Uranium Hobson site . Assuming that the low permeability zone
roll·front deposition in the Tordilla sandstone occurred in Fig. 1 is also the zone of high grade mineralization,
Primarily within low permeability silty sandstone then it is apparent that mlneral-leachant contact is
layers that are overlain and underlain by higher reduced to an area within a 1-m radius of the injection
Permeability sand deposits containing little or no and recovery screens. Clearly, permeability differ-
leachable uranium. The authors report that uranium ences greater than 10 to 1 could do little more to inhibit
recovery from several five-spot patterns was much contact between ore material and leach solution. In
lOwer than anticipated. this regard, whether the mineralized zone is an
Geophysical logs indicate the mineralized zone is extremely low permeability calcite cemented material
approximately 1 m thick and less than 62 m from the or a very fine grained silty sand, as presumed in this
SUrface. The overlying and underlying sands range simulation, makes little difference in the streamline
from 2 to 4 m in thickness. Above and below the pattern or in the performance of the leachant injection
1'ordilla sandstone are the Fashing Clay and Dubose and recovery scheme simulated here.
Confining beds (Price et aI. , 1984). A preleach core It is possible to induce uniform one-dimensional flow
analysis showed horizontal permeability contrasts through the low permeability zone shown in Fig. 1 by
between the mineralized zone and adjacent sands artificially creating hydraulic barriers to leachant


leachant leac han t
re c overy 1nj e c t ion
screen s cr e en

Fig. 1 - Streamline pattern in a heterogeneous cross section

flow outside the low permeability zone. The streamline possible to closely approximate the theoretical uranium
pattern in Fig. 2 is obtained with input parameters that recovery curve prepared by Guilinger and presented
are the same as those used to obtain Fig. 1. In Fig. 2, by Price et al. for the Hobson ore . During the first 15 or
however, injection and recovery of ground water above 20 pore volumes injected, the ISLGC recovery curve in
and below the mineralized zone is used to confine the Fig. 3 (represented by a solid line) is only a fair match
leach solution to the mineralized zone . The injection with the Guilinger laboratory results (reprinted here
and recovery rates of ground water and leachant are and represented by a dashed line). The difference is
proportional to the transmissivities of the two zones. the result of assuming, in ISLGC, a single intermediate
reaction rate for the Hobson ores, whereas two uranium
ISLGC application species, fast and slow reacting, were identified by
Guilinger. The difference between laboratory and
The condition in Fig. 2, of induced one-dimensional simulated recovery diminishes rapidly, however, after
flow, closely approximates the flow conditions simu- about 40 pore volumes, and the model is a very good
lated by Guilinger in laboratory leaching experiments match thereafter. With this single exception, the
using samples of the Hobson ore material. Using the reaction parameter values input to ISLGC are exactly
streamline pattern of Fig. 2 as input to ISLGC, it is those obtained by Guilinger (Schmidt and Follin, 1985).


---- --
gro undwater groundwater
re c overy injection
s creen s creen

leachant ieachant
re covery injection
screen screen

..-- ~

- -
groundwa t e r k gro undwater
re co very in j e ction

ec r een s cre en

k l f kO • 10 k l fk 2 • 1000

Fig. 2 - Streamline pattern in a heterogeneous cross section with artificial confinement


The contributions of individual streamlines to th e
total uranium re covery are shown in Fig. 5. Inj ected
leach solution is equally divided into seven sy m me tr ic
Cl streamline pairs (see Fig. 1). Figure 5 indicates that
,., N
- - - - Pr i c e . Bobe ck e illlulat e d r ecov e r y
- I SL/ I SLGC simu lated r ec c ve ry
streamlines originating in the middle of the injection
sc reen are the most productive . The leach solution
w 0
represented by these interior streamlines remains
"" '" inside the low permeability zone , in contact with high
grade mineralization, for a longer time . In Fig. 1, the
strea m lin e pair tha t is numbered 1 a ccounts for about
50% of total simulated recovery.


"" r-"'
10 zo 3D 40 49 59 59 79 69 99 >
w ~

'" .o I
Fig. 3 - Fract ional uranium recovery with homogeneous ore ~ ~j
and one-dimen sional f low
:0 co

If hydrology data for the streamline pattern of Fig. 1

is input to ISLGC, instead of that for Fig. 2 (reaction
rate parameters remain the same, however ), a simu-
lation of the Hobson site is obtained that closely
resembles the low uranium recovery rate observed in o
the field . The simulated uranium recovery curve in " 10 30 4 0
f' :J f«
~O 5!
i J

Fig. 4 takes into account the layered permeability and

Fig. 5 - Fractional contribution to uranium recovery of
mineralized zone . It is superimposed on actual recov- indi vidual streamlines
ery data from the Hobson site , reprinted from Price
et al , (1984) . In Fig. 4, simulated uranium recovery,
after injecting 100 pore volumes of leach solution, is Conclusions
approximately 21% , compared to an average of 28%
recovery at the Hobson field site. The correspondence shown in Fig. 4 between
observed and simulated uranium recovery quantita-
tively confirms the conclusions of earlier investigators
regarding the role of the low permeability mineralized
zone in determining uranium recovery at the Hobson
site . It is often possible to learn much about the
'" leaching beha vior of a large and complex field site by
'" modeling a small portion of it, provided that what is
Q:: modeled inc ludes representative hydrologi c and
UJ r- '"
mineralogic variability. •
Q:: "'
'" References
::> • Hob.on re cove r y wel h
Bomm er, P.M., 1979. " A Streamli ne Co ncen t ration Balance Model for to-s uo
Uranium Leaching and Site Rest ora t ion ." PhD Dissertat ion, Univers ity of Texas at
Aust in, Aust in, TX.
::> co

" "' Guil inger, T.R., 1983, " An Experim ent al Theoret ical St ud y of Uranium and Pyri te

'" IS L!lSLGC . 1l11ulated re c overy
-. .-". Dissol ut ion Ki netics, " PhD Dissertat ion, University 0 1 Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Price, J.G., Bobe ck, P., Guilinger, T.R., Lake , L.W., Schechter, R.S., Stover, R.S..
and Mays , W., 1984, " Case Hist ory of an In Situ Uranium Leaching Pro jec t,"
Uranium , Vol. 1, January, pp. 335 ·36 1.
~ Schmidt, R.D., and Fo ll in, S.E., 1985, " Geoc hemical Modeling of In Situ Leach ing
in a Heterogeneous Porous Medium," SM E preprint 85·348, SME Fall Meeting,
Albu querque , NM , Oc t. 16·18, 9 pp .
Stover, D.E., 1984, " Post Leach Core from Hobson - Memorandum and Rep ort ,"
0 10 zo 3D 40 50 51 71 61 91 10 1
Fisher, Harden and Fisher Enviro nmental Consu ltants, Co rpus Chr ist i, TX.
St rack, O.D.L., and Hait jema, H.M., 1981. " Modeling Double Aquil er Flow us ing a
Co mp rehe ns ive Potent ial and Dis tributed Singu laritie s 2. So lut ion l or lnhomo -
geneo us Perm eabil it ies," Water Reso urc es Research , Vo l. 17, Oct ober , pp . 1551·
Fig. 4 - Fractional uranium recovery from the Hobs on site 1560.


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