Observation Log

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CHILD Day of the Week (or Content: Strengths, Additional thoughts

days in a week) and or weaknesses

CHILD 1 Monday ELA: Child A is Child 1 is very
2.5.2024 participating in friendly and talkative
decoding stations and and seems to be
is pulled for decoding at a faster
individual rate than what was
intervention using observed by the
Elkonin boxes. The student’s peers. The
student then moves students seem very
back into stations friendly and eager to
which consist of learn.
decoding activities.
Strengths: Child 1
worked well with
Elkonin boxes and
was able to decode
most words at the
stations. Very
communicative and
ready to participate.
Weaknesses: Child 1
has no identified
weaknesses at the
time, the student is
practiced in
CHILD 2 Monday ELA: Child 2 is not This student is
2.25.2024 participating in currently in the
stations, rather he is process of being
on his computer diagnosed with
doing a program. His Autism and is
ability to answer any receiving multiple
of the questions services throughout
coherently and the week for multiple
directly is unknown hours a day for ELA.
at this point. He
seems to struggle
with his ability to
Strengths: He seems
very communicative,
whether that be for
him needing help
with the work or
something personal.
Weaknesses: It is
evident in child 2’s
work and through
oral speech, that
English is a
struggling content for
this student.
CHILD 1 Monday Math: Whole group The student is very
2.5.2024 instruction (adding quick to participate
two-digit numbers and respond to
and one-digit prompts within whole
numbers) During this group instruction and
time, child 1 was individual
raising her hand to
participate. One
question was 10+6, in
which the student
said she knew the
answer was 16
because when we add
to 10, “it is like
adding to zero and
adding the one!” The
students worked at
the same pace as the
lesson went, with
little struggle.
Overall, she
understood the
concepts being
Strengths: The
student’s strengths
during this lesson
were her participation
and conceptual
understanding. Of the
content. Her number
recognition as well as
her ability to perform
the addition operation
Weaknesses: During
this time there were
no demonstrated
CHILD 2 Monday Math: Throughout His enthusiasm and
2.5.2024 whole group high energy levels
instruction, child 2 can be redirected in a
was unable to focus. manner that
One of his positively benefits
intervention him. By in
specialists was also in cooperating more
the room as she aids things he is interested
with a group of in may be a suitable
students in the class alternative to getting
which he falls into. his attention and
During this keeping him on task
instruction with the
IS, he was rolling on
the carpet and
making noises. He
had high energy
levels through the
remainder of the
instruction given. He
was distracting his
peers as well. When
asked to participate
he would guess
numbers until he was
either moved on from
or got it right. When
walking around to
view his work, his
paper was covered in
scribbling and
attempted numbers.
From this
observation, he was
off task and not
reluctant to do work,
but too unfocused to
do the work at task.
Strengths: High
energy levels show
the student is
enthusiastic and can
be redirected to use
this energy in his
Weaknesses: His lack
of focus, guessing
numbers, disruption
of other students,
scribbling on his
work, and his off-task
behavior are all
behaviors that need to
be redirected into
learning, when

CHILD 1 Wednesday ELA: Intervention: I thought she was
2.21.2024 Students are trying to impress me
individually pulled because I was in a
for intervention. seat over. For
Child 1 came up and feedback, I verbally
began the assessment. told the student I was
The assessment had impressed by her
students decode decoding skills.
words in the form of
Elkonin boxes, then
asked students to read
specific heart words.
Child 1 flew through
the Elkonin boxes, I
was impressed, and I
let the student know
that when completed
as feedback. Heart
words were also easy
for this student to get
through, and child 1
expressed how they
practice at home with
mom and dad.
Strengths: The
student seems to be
on level with the
ability to decode
words, as well as
recognize heart
Weaknesses: The
student may benefit
from slowing down
for fewer accidental
errors during Elkonin
boxes, the student
must be sure she is
using the proper letter
sounds when
CHILD 2 Wednesday ELA: Intervention: It seems child 2 has
2.21.2024 Child 2 was pulled fewer distractions
for personal when accompanied
intervention. When by an adult figure
he came up, he was during whatever the
immediately assignment is. For
discussing other example, when he is
topics. Once he got individually guided
on task, it was and watched over
apparent he would (like a walking
guess for most letter checklist) he
sounds and was still performs these skills
struggling to remain better. He may
on task. The student benefit from constant
also struggled to reminders as to
recognize pre-learned directions and the
heart words, missing task, a self-checklist
most. for example.
Strengths: The
student can do the
work in an effective
way when shadowed
by an adult and given
support and guidance.
Weaknesses: The
student struggles with
decoding skills, and
the ability to remain
on task to perform
these skills.
CHILD 1 Wednesday Math: Child 1 was on The student is eager
2.21.2024 the Chromebooks for to show off her
this time since an abilities to any
outside source was trusted adult. I have
pulling students for seen her raise her
testing. Child 1 was hand to show off her
working on additional skills, and she has
problems on the simply called me
application. When I over too. This is great
walked around, she academic enthusiasm
showed me how she to have at early age
could solve equations
by using tally marks
or her fingers. We
worked on an
additional problem
together, 8 plus 8.
Using tally marks and
chunking the world
problem alleviated
the struggle. The
student was able to
use these strategies to
get the correct
Strengths: The
student is strong in
number recognition
and addition skills
Weaknesses: The
student may need to
be introduced to
addition strategies
that can be used for
larger number values
CHILD 2 Wednesday Math: During He works hard to stay
2.21.2024 computer time, this on task. He is very
student had to be self-aware in the
redirected to remain sense he disrupts his
on task. He did truly own learning
little work during this sometimes by looking
time and had to move at things, grabbing
his behavior card them, or talking to
down on the behavior peers.
chart. Within 10
minutes after moving
his card, he calmed
down and worked on
his math problems
Strengths: The ability
to calm down and
recognize he is off
task and his
engagement in his
math work. He has
much resilience
through himself and
his work
Difficulty staying on
task, and his
challenges. These
behaviors are leaving
productivity concerns
for the student and
his future education

CHILD 1 Friday ELA: Students I think outside of the
2.23.2024 worked on a classroom this
decoding activity student works on her
while being called up heart words with her
for individual check- parents, as she states
ins. Child 1 came up they always make
for her check-in, sure she does her
which consisted of a homework. This
quick decoding schooling that
activity and reciting follows school, is
heart words. She got aiding in her abilities
10 of the decoding to decode words and
words correct, out of strengthen her
10. The heart words phonemic awareness
were newly assigned,
so this check-in was a
time to see if students
were practicing
outside class. Child 1
was able to decode
the new heart words
with little struggle,
occasionally stopping
to sound out words
aloud before
attempting to say
Strengths: Her
practice and
preparation for the
heart words show she
practices outside of
class. Her ability to
decode words reflects
an understanding of
phonics principles
and the ability to
apply decoding
Weaknesses: Her
occasional struggle
with sounding out,
but this is age
CHILD 2 Friday ELA: During child Practicing heart
2.23.2024 2’s check-in, he was words outside of the
unable to decode classroom will help
most words. With him grow in this area,
only 3 of the 10 as well as help build
words for the his phonemic
decoding activity. He awareness and
attempted to use vocabulary
strategies but needed
support. When
moving on to his
heart's words, he was
not able to identify
any of them. He
began to be
unfocussed and began
talking about his
mom, and how he
missed her. He was
not able to be put
back on task, and it
was said he would be
pulled when his
energy levels went
Strengths: There were
not any academic
demonstrated during
this time, but his
ability to recognize
his emotions, and
emotional expression
can be considered a
Weaknesses: His
decoding, word
recognition skills,
and focus are all
areas that need
improvement. Based
on this observation,
he is not practicing
his heart words
outside of the
CHILD 1 Friday Math: Students The misidentification
2.23.2024 played a game called was due to her trying
“Around the world.” to go fast and win.
Students sat on the During games like
carpet in a circle, and these some students
one student was are competitive and
chosen to go around make it a point to win
the world first. The rather than absorb the
student would stand content.
behind another, and
the teacher holds up a
card with the shape.
Whoever gets the
shapes identification
right first wins.
During this time,
when child 1
participated she was a
good sport about not
getting it right on her
second try. She
misidentified an oval
as a circle.
Strengths: Active
participation is
always a strength for
child 1. During this
observation, her
active listening skills
were efficient.
between a circle and
oval, which is typical
for students learning
this content at this
CHILD 2 Friday Math: For child 2. He really enjoyed this
2.23.2024 around the world activity, and it was
shapes is a game that evident he likes
can occupy some of shapes and has
the energy harvested practice with them
by this student.
During this activity
he was engaged, and
actively naming
shapes even when it
was not his turn.
When he was the
picked student, he got
4 shapes correct in a
row before he “lost”
the game. Positive
verbal feedback was
provided by me, to
the student, for
participating during
his turn appropriately
and being able to
identify 4 shapes
Strengths: His
engagement and
participation during
this lesson were
outstanding. His
ability to identify
shapes shows his
opportunities in areas
of growth.
Weaknesses: His
turn-taking skills
during this time were
not good. He would
speak aloud during
students' turns.

CHILD 1 Monday ELA: During whole Child 1 was energetic
2.26.2024 group instruction, this day, it is not out
Child 1 remained on of character for her to
task. New heart speak with
words were classmates, during
introduced to the instruction time is
classroom. During unusual for her.
this time, Child 1 is
actively participating
in the lesson. The
purpose of these
lessons is to teach
letter recognition and
phonemic awareness.
During this time, she
can decode words
and recognize letter
sounds with the
whole class. She is
asked to remain on
task a handful of
times due to talking
to another student.
During this time,
there are no visible
issues with the
student as she
participates and
remains on task.
Strengths: Can
participate, able to
decode words,
indication of good
phonemic awareness
skills and letter
recognition skills.
Weaknesses: Talking
to other classmates
during instruction
time, while able to
participate in whole
group activities
individual attention to
reinforce decoding
skills may be
CHILD 2 Monday ELA: During this Child 2 struggles
2.26.2024 time, one of Child 2’s with phonemic
intervention awareness and
specialists pulled him decoding as seen in
for individual work. various assessment
On the other side of results. He does
the room child 2 struggle in a group
would be talking setting it seems rather
about things than when he is
unrelated to the receiving instruction
activity he was to be alone
working on, which
was a card held, letter
sound recognition
activity where he was
to match the letter
and sound. Child 2
seemed to have
difficulties matching
the correct sounds to
their letter.
Strengths: Child 2
eventually got on task
and participated
actively. He also was
eager to communicate
and express his
emotions during the
Difficulty focusing
and number letter
sound recognition.
CHILD 1 Monday Math: Addition and To reduce errors in
2.26.2024 story problems were counting, the student
the content for this should practice
observation. Students double checking her
were to solve simple work and answers,
story problems that this is a good habit to
involved addition. implement for her
Child 1 demonstrated future academic
the ability to read the career.
problem and reflect
an understanding.
The child also
worked through the
story problems by
chunking the story,
and circling the
numbers that are
going to be added,
and what word lets us
understand it is an
addition problem.
She worked
independently on her
work and when she
was finished, it was
checked over. She
only missed one story
problem because she
counted her tally’s
Strengths: Her
comprehension skills,
skills, and ability to
self-correct are all
indicative that she
understood the
lesson’s content.
Weaknesses: The
error in counting, but
this is typical for this
CHILD 2 Monday Math: Child 2 had his His neatness with
2.26.2024 head on his desk tally marks needs
down for a good improvement, this
portion of the time he would make it a lot
was supposed to be easier for him to
working. After complete these types
multiple attempts to of problems for the
get him back on task, future
he began his work.
He struggled with
reading and was
provided additional
support by me to aid
in him
comprehending the
story problem. He
was given the
numbers, and we
worked together to
piece the equation
together, 7+8. He
wrote tallies to help
him count, and after
two attempts at self-
correction (he
counted too fast) he
got the correct
answer. After
working with him
and releasing him to
work independently,
he went back to being
off task and not doing
his work.

CHILD 1 Wednesday ELA: Students made Child 1 was excited
2.28.2024 100 day of school to create her booklet
booklets. Students since they could color
were aided in making it at the end. This
construction paper activity was easy for
booklets. Students this student, as she
were to create on the implemented
cover 100 days of decoding strategies to
school, and the inside help create her
was filled with booklet.
sentence starters. One
sentence starter was
“One thing I have
learned in 100
days...” Walking
around the classroom,
Child 1 was heard
decoding verbally
and sounding out
letter sounds. I
encouraged these
strategies to her and
let her know she was
doing an excellent
job at making her
booklet creative and
easy to read.
Strengths: The
student uses decoding
strategies to help
ensure words are
spelled properly.
Weaknesses: The
student did not have
any weaknesses
during this activity
besides the
occasional reminder
to stay on task.
CHILD 2 Wednesday ELA: Child 2 Using his
2.28.2024 remained on task. We communication skills
worked together to is great. It becomes
create his sentences an issue when a
orally, which was student becomes
“One thing I have dependent on this and
learned in 100 days is does not see the
counting to 100.” We purpose of writing. It
moved on to writing is huge to emphasize
the sentence, which handwriting for
Child 2 still struggled students at an early
with sounding out age.
and spelling words. I
encouraged him to
use spelling strategies
he knew, such as
spelling aloud,
breaking the word
down, and using
known sound
patterns. After a
couple of attempts, he
perfected his sentence
Strengths: His
perseverance when it
comes to grammatical
accuracy, as well as
his task efficiency
and ability to focus
on this assignment.
Weaknesses: His
spelling and
phonemic awareness
skills are something
that need to be
improved upon. His
dependency on oral
support can also
become an issue.
CHILD 1 Wednesday Math: Ice cream 100 Child 1 was overly
2.28.2024 days of school excited to show off
activity: During this what she made and
activity students were brought in and was
to glue on the ice eager to explain what
cream cut outs from she learned in 100
10-100 and color. days of school.
Child 1 swiftly
moved through this
task with little help. I
provided her with
feedback while
counting her ice
cream, where she
could not remember
what came after 60. I
provided her with
feedback; “6 was
afraid of 7, so 7 ate
nine!” She thought
this was funny yet
helpful, and provided
her with insight on
how to remember
when counting by
Strengths: Child 1’s
strengths are she can
follow instructions
and needs minimal
help when counting
from 10 to 100.
Weaknesses: A
weakness in math
would be number
recognition. Child 1
could use additional
practice for smoother
counting, and
CHILD 2 Wednesday Math: During the ice This education
2.28.2024 cream activity, child student should have
2 was not on task. an accompanying aid
The ice cream with him during the
numbers were out of school day. He
order, glued struggles when left to
sideways. I assisted do tasks individually.
the student in This could be
removing the ice because of a
creams and subconscious double
organizing them by bodying phenomenon
number first. The commonly found in
student and I sorted children with ADHD,
the ice cream from autism, etc.
least to greatest and
redid the assignment.
Strengths: The ability
to refocus when
prompted and
recognize some
numbers when
counting by 10.
Weaknesses: Inability
to follow explicit
directions, and
difficulties with
number recognition,
sequencing, and

CHILD 1 2.29.2024 ELA: Played game Child 1 was showing
with child 1 and child good sportsman ship
2, a decoding activity by trying to assist
where students rolled child 2. She was
the dice and based on offering support with
the number they decoding strategies as
landed on, a column well.
of heart words
followed to decode.
Child 1 went through
this game with little
issues and was able to
determine all the
heart words using
decoding strategies to
sound out words
using their letter
sound. During this
time child 1 showed
much enthusiasm to
work with me and
help child 2 when he
was stuck
Strengths: Child 1’s
decoding skills are an
area of strength as
well as participation,
and enthusiasm over
the content.
Weaknesses: No
identified weaknesses
during this
CHILD 2 2.29.2024 ELA: Child 2 was Despite his
unable to get any of challenges, child 2
the heart words worked with child 1
correct. During this to decode the words
observation, his letter and implement
sound recognition strategies. He
was under level, enjoyed this game
unable to identify any because child 1 was
of the heart words so happy to support
without hefty him
supports. Using
decoding strategies,
we attempted to
decode each heart
word, but he was
struggling decode
words individually
without help from
myself or child 1.
Strengths: Child 2
was an active
participant in the
decoding activity,
despite challenges.
With support, child 2
can utilize decoding
Weaknesses: Inability
to correctly identify
any heart words, low
letter sound
recognition skills,
reliance on assistance
to decode
CHILD 1 2.29.2024 Math: Students were Tallying numbers for
introduced to addition young children can
story problems, with be a challenging task
problems such as since they are
10+4+7, adding three working with their
numbers together, motor skills and
including double- learning how to hold
digit number values. a pencil. This was an
During this time easy error that can be
students were on the fixed by simply
carpet with their math allowing students an
packets, and the extra sheet of paper
problems were on the who struggle with
smartboard. Through tasks such as child 1.
the gradual release of
students were
During this time,
Child 1 was
scribbling all over her
paper to make tally
marks. I helped erase
the errors and we
started over. We used
circles to identify the
numbers in our story
problem, and
underlined what word
let us know the
problem was
addition. After this, I
let her work alone
and she used this
strategy on the rest of
her problems.
Strengths: Her
utilization of the
strategy I taught her
was a strength
allowing her to
complete the task.
Another strength
would be her
independence when
released to work on
her own.
Weaknesses: Errors
in the execution of
the steps taught
during the lesson.
The lesson indicated
the circling of the
numbers in the
problem and finding
the word to help
identify the
operation. It seemed
with guidance this
concept could be
understood with more
CHILD 2 2.29.2024 Math: Child 2 Today was a difficult
exhibited a range of day for child 2
behaviors during this emotionally as he
time. During the was having a
lesson's instruction, challenging time
he could focus and regulating his
complete his work. behavior. This
Once released to behavior typically
work independently, affects the rest of the
he was running day.
around the room, and
doing things that
were not appropriate
during this time. I
asked to sit with him
and work with him on
the packet, together.
We sat on the carpet
and worked through
the first problem with
the strategies from
the lesson. This was
difficult due to the
barrier with his
phonemic awareness
and decoding abilities
as previously stated.
When we got to
making tally marks,
he would either write
too many, or too
little. He wanted to
work extremely fast,
and the issue was not
that he did not know
how to count the
number, he would
simply move faster
than his own hand
when counting aloud.
and tallying. After
redirection, we were
able to get the correct
tally down, and the
equation was solved.
This pattern repeated
for the rest of the
remaining problems
in the packet, he was
unable to finish in
alignment with his
Strengths: The ability
to focus during whole
group instruction. His
ability to count in
numerical order.
Weaknesses: His
impulsivity and
speech get him in
trouble which cuts
into instruction time.
The barrier with his
phonemic awareness
and these story
problems is going to
become an ongoing
issue. His behavioral
challenges lead to
unfinished work as

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