My Ideal School by Crisan Luca Bogdan

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“My ideal school” written by Crisan Luca Bogdan

First of all in my ideal school I would very much appreciate it to have cleanliness, discipline and
respect. When I say cleanliness I don’t only refer about the building but also to the purity and
immaculacy from the mind and students soul. When I say discipline and respect, I refer to the
students and teachers that should impose punctuality and respect so that they receive it back. The
teachers should be the best example for the students from all points of view.

My ideal school would have 4 levels and a basement with an elevator. The basement would be
used for storage. The ground floor would have a big hallway with cabinets for the students, a
canteen and the principal’s office. Next, the first floor would have the big classrooms and two
bathrooms, for boys and girls. The second level would have the sports gyms and the last level
would have the laboratories. My ideal school would also have a garden with beautiful flowers.
The classes would start at 9 A.M. and end at 2 P.M. I think this is almost every students ideal
school. In conclusion our schools need improvement so that they would be our ideal schools.

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