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Task 1: Starter: JB Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’ is a play, not a poem or novel.

Because it is a play, it features special devices to be used on stage – so people can watch the
actors as the characters.
Challenge: Why are stage directions used?
Stage directions are used to guide actors. Help them know what they have to do at a certain
time, like movement, and expressions. Also, other environmental features can be given in the
stage directions.
Extra Challenge: Why are they important to a writer?
They are important to the writer as he/she can really say what they want the actors to do, in
terms of placement, movement, and overall body language in particular scenes.
Mega Challenge: Why are they important to an actor/director?
They are important to an actor because it is basically like a guide for them, which makes it a lot
easier to portray the character during the performance. For the director, they can also easily
extract what the writer wants from the actors, and then further help the actors.

Task 2: Read the stage directions for Act One.

Challenge: Write down all the objects that tell us that the Birlings belong to a middle class
- Decanter of Port
- Champagne Glasses
- No table cloth (meaning the table is very expensive and unique, they don’t want to hide
- Cigar Box and cigarettes.
Extra Challenge: Which objects in the stage directions tell us that the Birlings are celebrating a
special occasion? Why?
- Desert plates: Mostly used during special occasions.
- Tails and white ties: They are wearing this instead of dinner jackets, meaning something
is special and different today.
Mega Challenge: Why did JB Priestley choose to show the family eating a meal together
around a table? Why is it important that there is a maid?
- Priestley chose to show the family eating a meal because he wanted to show that it was
in fact an event, which event is questionable. This is because as much as it is a
celebration for Sheila’s engagement, Mr Birling is also trying to make it a business
meeting, showing his true intentions about the engagement. It is very important that
there is a miad, they are objectifying her, just giving her commands and not talking to
her like a human, showing what wealthy families treat them like.
Final task: Let’s go back to the very first stage directions.

Why is it important that the furniture is “good solid” but the house is not “cosy and
homelike”? What does it tell you about the family?

It is important as they want to show that the family is quite formal and want to act like they
have extremely high standards. Everything they own is good, but the furniture is not good in
terms of comfort or coziness, just good for status level.

Why would Priestley want the lighting to change from “intimate” (familiar, private and
personal) to much ‘harder’ later on?

The lighting completely changes the mood and the environment. At first, they are having nice
conversations, but then, when the Inspector comes, it turns grim and full of tension.

The audience never read these lines but see the action on stage. Why then is it important as
students of literature for us to study these stage directions?

The stage directions show us what goes in the mind of the writer when making these plays, how
they want it all to happen and in what way. Many elements are involved in making a successful
play, and stage directions show these in a great manner.

Plenary: Sum up your learning today in one sentence.

• Then reduce it down to one word.
• What is your one word and why?

Significant to Learn - Today, a lot was discussed about stage directions and how they aid in
making the play more successful. As we went deeper into the subject, we slowly realised and
understood how important stage directions are for the play actors, directors, and also the

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