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Academic Honesty and Citation Practices Contract

A primary goal of this class is to teach you how to conduct research, integrate it into
your own writing, and document the sources you’ve used ethically and effectively. If
you have questions or are confused about academic honesty or citation practices,
consult your instructor before submitting work. Any violation of the Academic Honesty
code, including plagiarism, multiple submission, or unauthorized use of Artificial
Intelligence, constitutes academic dishonesty and is subject to the penalties outlined
in the Academic Honesty code. Our course textbooks—especially From Inquiry to
Academic Writing and Easy Writer—contain valuable context regarding plagiarism and
improper citation as well as strategies to avoid these violations of the Academic
Honesty code; however, ongoing class discussions and your instructor’s feedback are
also crucial resources for protecting your academic integrity.

Plagiarism entails presenting the work of another person or Artificial Intelligence (AI),
including, but not limited to ChatGPT, as one’s own work (including papers, words,
ideas, information, computer code, data, evidence-organizing principles, or style of
presentation of someone else taken from the Internet, books, periodicals, or other
sources, including AI text generators).

To avoid plagiarizing, I will:

 Appropriately use sources via Summary, Paraphrase, and Direct Quotation,

making sure to cite them any time I use words, images, and ideas coming from
a source. I understand the necessity of both in-text citations (in the body of my
paper where I am working with sources) and in the Works Cited/References at
the end of a paper.

 I understand that proper citation and integration of sources within my writing is

vital to avoiding plagiarism, and that improper or missing citation could result
in some of the same penalties as intentional plagiarism.

 I understand that multiple submission (submitting work done for one class for
credit in another without the instructor/s’ prior knowledge and consent)
constitutes academic dishonesty and is subject to the same penalties as

 I understand that I am expected to turn in my own work this semester without

using unauthorized or unacknowledged assistance or sources in completing the
various assignments for WRIT111, including using AI text generators.

Printed Name:_______________________________

Signed: __________________________________ Date:____________

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