TT-109821250-UD DO Naming IEC61850 Rev2

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Tips & tricks – 109821250

Product / Solution: SICAM DEVICE MANAGER

Rev. 05.2023

User-Defined Object Naming for IEC-61850 Server

The SICAM Device Manager IEC61850 Server Data Model Editor serves to support the project
engineer during creation of IEC61850 Server Data Model. Currently the Wizard only supports a
standard catalog of Logical Nodes (LNs) as well as pre-defined Data Objects (DOs).

Picture 1 – Sever Data Model Wizard

If User-Defined Object Naming is required, following workflow is suggested:

I. Within the RTU Settings -> IEC61850 PRE -> Station definition:
enter one line where the parameter “own mode” is set to “server”.

Picture 2 – RTU Settings

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II. Creating an IEC61850 Data Model with only one simple Logical Device (LD) / Logical
Node (LN). This (together with Station definition) enables the IEC61850 Firmware to
export the Servers IID file

Picture 3 – Exporting IID file

III. Assign all necessary process signals direct to the IEC61850 Server PRE and define all
IEC61850 Server addresses / attributes manually (similar to SICAM TBII)

Picture 4 – Manual assignment of signals to ETI5

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Picture 5 – Manually defining the IEC-61850 Address

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