LESSON 9 Advocacy Writing

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Advocacy Writing. Find a partner, brainstorm and come up with an advocacy that you is
important in your local community. Check this link for writing a good advocacy

Environmental awareness
(to achieve a better and more pleasant community)

Nowadays, we are facing so many problems, both natural and man-made. It's
because we abuse our mother nature and we forget to take care of it. We don't know
the effects of this on our biodiversity and also on us human beings. So, my Advocacy is
all about environmental awareness. There are different types of pollution. Number One
is water pollution, which is the contamination of water bodies, including lakes, rivers,
aquifers, and groundwater. The effect of water pollution on human beings is that it can
cause traveler's diarrhea, salmonella, cholera, dysentery, Hepatitis A, parasitic
infections, and typhoid fever. It also kills organisms such as dead fish, crabs, birds, and
many other animals that often wind up on beaches killed by pollutants in their habitat.
The second type of pollution is air pollution, which consists of gaseous, liquid, or
solid substances that, when present in sufficient concentration for a sufficient period of
time and under certain conditions, tend to interfere with human comfort, health, or
welfare while also causing environmental damage. Air pollution can cause headaches,
dizziness, and nausea, and it can also cause long-term health effects on the heart, lung
cancer, nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema.

Biodiversity is where we live, and without trees, plants, water, and animals, we can't
make it. We all know how life would look without these because they are the ones that
the planet earth is a living and non-living place. We use the environmental resources
such as water, air, etc. for our daily needs. Development also means developing the
needs of the people in our environment, and when the pressure exceeds the carrying
capacity of the environment, it creates a serious problem of environmental degradation.
If we continue to use any environmental resources, such as ground water, beyond its
limit of replacement, we may lose them forever.

Therefore, there is a solution. We need to create awareness about environmental

protection of our biodiversity. Because it is our responsibility as the people of this planet
to use our environmental resources with care and protect them from degradation.
Awareness protection will help us understand the fragile state of our environment and
the importance of its protection because it is the only way we can ensure our
descendants a clean and healthy environment to live in the future. Be a part of the
solution, not a part of the problem.

What is the importance of environmental awareness to us? It fosters a sense of

connection to nature and it promotes sustainable development and encourages the
conservation of irreplaceable natural resources and vulnerable plants and animals.
Environmental awareness is essential to serve as an educational tool, helping people
around the world understand the economic, aesthetic, and biologic importance of
preserving resources and reducing the harmful impacts of man-made alterations.
Environmental awareness will educate people on the effects of human activities on
various tends and identify environmental remedial solutions. Because the environment
is our fundamental right to life, a clean and healthy environment is a basic human right
and we humans, by the reason and virtue of taking birth as human beings, inherently

As a BSED-science student I will encourage every student to participate in my

Environmental protection biodiversity conservation program to achieve a better and
more pleasant community. which can be the medium for the message of clean air, clean
water, and a clean environment.
 Visit areas to help the local community understand the concept of taking
care our environment to protect our biodiversity.
 Visit local parks to assist in keeping the park clean and green.
 Organize drawing competitions and seminars to encourage students to do
green good deeds.
 Tree planting and providing trash can in every area in our community.
 create awareness about the environmental protection.

Every human, plant, animal, and all other living organisms deserve to have a healthy
and clean environment and biodiversity. And there is an urgent need to increase
environmental awareness. It's the need of the hour and our time to do something for the
betterment of our environment, which actually means doing something for ourselves
too, because this issue is the rising temperature of our mother Earth.

Awareness towards anything is a must for each and every person, especially when
it comes to environmental issues. People should know that the environment is
necessary for us to live, and it's being polluted daily, causing major issues. People
should be aware of this problem, like the increasing temperature on the surface of the
earth, the increase in sea level, the decrease in our resources, the decrease in forest
area, and many more problems which will affect life on the planet earth. We should
have awareness about the things going on around us that are linked to the environment
because we should and need to protect it because we only have one place to live on
this earth. Save the environment, make people aware of the situation, and teach the
humanities to give importance to our environment.

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