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As I reflect on our reading, I think it is a valuable experience to be a part of an internship.

Hands-on experience does not only develop our interest, but it also helps us discover our

passions and callings. The reading men@on that internships “are a cri@cal element” for career

success, and I couldn’t agree more. The current market demands that recent graduates have

experiences that will contribute to the company/job success. Internships make students a viable

candidate and show work ethic and collabora@on. It also offers a unique posi@on to those in an

internship to be able to explore facts and quali@es of the industry or field they are interning for.

Through my internship with the Office of Mul@cultural Student Affairs, my hopes are to

gain further insight into the higher educa@on/student affairs field. Recently, I have applied to

various higher educa@on master’s programs with hopes to con@nue working with college

students. The faculty and staff at my internship have been very welcoming and have helped me

network with other professionals. As men@oned in the ar@cle, these networking opportuni@es

are crucial. Because of these opportuni@es, I was invited to aPend the NASPA Annual

Conference in SeaPle, in which I will be aPending in March.

As an intern, I am very excited to coordinate and execute the many events we will be

doing this semester. The work I am doing will hopefully bring community and inclusivity to our

students. Truthfully, I am excited to learn. It is important for me to absorb any and all

knowledge that will help me foster an inclusive community and space. The impact of crea@ng a

safe space for women of color and those who iden@fy as LGBTQ+ is essen@al on our college


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