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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Rehiyon V
Tanggapan ng mga Paaralang Pansangaay ng Camarines Sur
Pambansang Mataas na Paaralan ng Pamukid
Pamukid, San Fernando, Camarines Sur


Name: GINELYN DS. TARIMAN Grade Grade 8 – Quarter 3

Subject: English 8 Date: February 13, 2024

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as
Standards mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
Standards speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning  Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text. EN8RC-IIIa-
Competencies 12.1
 Determine the target audience of a material viewed. EN8LC-IIIa-7.3
Specific Objectives
a. Review the author’s background and introduction of Tale of
b. Compare similarities and differences between Filipino and Korean;
c. Summarize the lesson.
II. CONTENT Resilience in Embracing Challenges: The Temperaments and Psyche of
the People of Korea
A. References
1. Teacher ’s
Guide Page
2. Learner’s pp. 285-300
3. Textbook
4. Additional Chalkboard, Chalk.
Materials from
Resources LR
B. Other Learning TV, Power point presentation, materials intended for the activity

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Reviewing
previous Good morning, Class! Good morning, teacher!
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson Can you please all stand for our prayer, We present to you, Oh God,
anyone can lead the prayer? Our studies and supplications,
Imploring you to enlighten our
And make us perpetually
pleasing to you. Amen.

As we settle down, please ensure that (The pupils will pick all the dirt
your area is clean and your chairs are and arrange their chair)
properly arranged. Remember to maintain
a respectful attitude throughout the
lesson. If you wish to speak, kindly raise
your hand and wait to be acknowledged. Yes, ma’am!
Is that clear class?

Say present when I call your name, listen

carefully as I will only do it twice. If no (The students will follow the
response you will be mark as absent. instructions)

Very good.

Now, let's quickly review our previous

lesson about the author and our activity.
Yes, Adrian?

Thank you for sharing. Does anyone else

have something to add?

Very good!

B. Establishing Since you already learned our past lesson

purpose for the which is the introduction of our main topic
lesson for today’s lesson, let’s proceed now.

But before that let us know first our

Objectives for today.

(Teacher will post the objectives)

Everyone please read. a. Review the author’s

background and introduction of
Tale of Chunhyang;
b. Compare similarities and
differences between Filipino and
Korean; and
c. Summarize the lesson.

Web of Resilience
C. Presenting Objective: To explore the concept of
examples/insta resilience and its connections to various
nces of the new aspects of life and learning, encouraging
lesson students to think critically and creatively
about how resilience appears in different

(The teacher introduces the word

"resilience" to the class, providing a basic
definition and begins by sharing an
example that connects to "resilience.") (The students will follow the
(Students are then invited to raise their
hands to contribute their ideas. When
called upon, a student can share how
they see resilience manifested in different

Now, you know more about the theme of

D. Discussing new our topic, let-s proceed with the summary.
concepts and Is that all clear class? Yes, ma’am.
practicing new .
skills #1 Today, we're delving into Korean
literature, which offers fascinating insights
into the temperaments and psyche of its
people specifically “Tale of Chunhyang”.
Ma'am, resilience in the story
Class, based on 'The Tale of Chunhyang,' shows us that facing difficulties
how can we see resilience as a virtue? bravely can lead to success.
Let's hear some thoughts.

E. Discussing new Answer the following questions. I’ll give

concepts and you 3 minutes to brainstorm with your
practicing new classmates and then I will call anyone to
skills #2 present their answer.
I will always lend them an ear to
Considering the prevalence of challenges hear and a hand to help. I will
such as depression in today's society, as remind them that it's okay to ask
students, what strategies could you for help from adults, like
suggest to encourage resilience among teachers or counselors. They
your peers? have more experience and can
offer advice. Plus, doing
activities together that make us
feel good, like sports, music, or

Furthermore, acknowledging that many Math can be really tough, but I

students perceive Mathematics as a think being resilient means not
challenging subject, how might you apply giving up even when it gets hard.
the concept of resilience in overcoming One way to be resilient in Math
academic difficulties? is by practicing a lot. The more
we practice, the better we get. If
we don't understand something,
we shouldn't be afraid to ask for
Reflecting on 'The Tale of Chunhyang,'
what cultural elements within the story In 'The Tale of Chunhyang,' the
stand out to you? Identify and discuss cultural elements include the
these elements. How do they mirror deep respect for loyalty and
Korean values and traditions? fidelity, as shown by
Chunhyang's and also the high
regard for integrity and justice.
These themes reflect core
Korean values of loyalty, respect
for social hierarchy, and the
importance of doing what's right.
Now, I'd like you to create a Venn
F. Developing Diagram to compare and contrast Filipino
mastery and Korean cultures. This will help us
visualize the similarities and differences
between the two. Afterward, I will ask
someone to write their answers on the
board. Is that clear, class?
Yes, ma’am.
(calls someone to answer)
(The students will write their
answers on the board)
Very good. You all really learned about
some of the Koreans values and cultures
G. Finding
practical Can anyone share how the story's theme
application of of resilience might apply to a situation
concepts and you've faced or could face every day?
skills in daily Ma'am, like Chunhyang, I
living learned that being true to myself
and standing firm in my beliefs is
important, even when it's hard.
Very good. Anyone who wants to add
their thoughts about it? Ma'am, facing challenges with
courage and hope can lead us to
H. Making overcome them, just like in the
generalization Reflecting on our discussion, what story.
of concepts and general lessons can we draw from
skills in daily Chunhyang's tale that apply to our lives?
living Ma'am, one lesson is that
integrity and courage are
timeless virtues that can help us
face any challenge.

Another student reflects, Ma'am,

I. Evaluating it teaches us about the power of
Learning Quiz Time! love and loyalty to overcome
On a ¼ sheet of paper answer the adversity.
following questions. Write only the letter
of your answer.

1. Who is the main character in "The Tale

of Chunhyang," and what is she known
for in the story?
A) Chun-Hyang, for her bravery and love.
B) Mong Ryong, for his wisdom and
C) The warlord, for his tyranny and
D) Shin Jae-Hyo, for his storytelling and
musical talents.

2. What genre of Korean performance

does Shin Jae-Hyo's work primarily
belong to?
A) K-Pop
B) Pansori
C) Traditional Korean dance
D) Korean classical music

3.How does "The Tale of Chunhyang"

A) With Chun-Hyang and Mong Ryong
overcoming adversity.
B) With the defeat of Chun-Hyang.
C) With the warlord taking over the
D) The summary does not provide the

4.What significant contribution did Shin

Jae-Hyo make to Korean culture?
A) He created the genre of Pansori.
B) He was a famous Kisaeng.
C) He organized and recorded six stories
of Pansori.
D) He was a government official who
reformed Korean music.

5.Where did Shin Jae-Hyo open his home

to artists and entertainers?
A) Seoul
B) Gochang, Jeolla-Do
C) Busan
D) Incheon

Write (T) if the statement is true or (F) if

______1. Shin Jae-Hyo was primarily
known for his work in modernizing
traditional Korean dance.
______2. "The Tale of Chunhyang"
showcases the theme of loyalty and
perseverance through difficult times.
______3. Shin Jae-Hyo passed away in
1884 due to a disease.
______4. Pansori, the genre Shin Jae-
Hyo contributed to, is a type of Korean
painting technique.
______5. At one point, Shin Jae-Hyo had
as many as 50 people living in his house,
including relatives, kisaengs, singers, and
other entertainers.

I’ll give you 5 minutes to finish the

answering and then we will check

Alright. Time’s up!

Correct Answer:
1. A) Chun-Hyang, for her bravery and
2. B) Pansori
3. A) With Chun-Hyang and Mong Ryong
overcoming adversity.
4. C) He organized and recorded six
stories of Pansori.
5. B) Gochang, Jeolla-Do
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

Very good, let us clap our hands you did

J. Additional a great job for your activity!
Activities for
Application or Divide the class into 5 groups. Each
Remediation group will be assigned a specific excerpt
from the literature piece "Tale of
Chunhyang" to enact. To be presented
next meeting. You will be guided by a
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about
your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by: Approved by:


Head Teacher III School PrincipaI II

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Understanding Demonstrates a Shows a clear Demonstrates Shows little
deep understanding of some understanding of
understanding of the scene/theme understanding of the scene/theme
the assigned and its the scene/theme and struggles to
scene/theme from significance but lacks depth convey its
"Tale of or clarity significance
Chunhyang" with
Performance Engaging and Performance is Performance is Performance is
Quality compelling strong and adequate but weak, with little
performance that effectively lacks some connection to the
effectively portrays conveys the fluency or scene/theme and
the characters, essence of the coherence lacks engagement
dialogue, and scene/theme or clarity
Creativity Demonstrates Shows creativity Shows some Lacks creativity
creativity in in presenting the creativity but may and originality in
scriptwriting, scene/theme with rely heavily on scriptwriting,
character portrayal, unique conventional character portrayal,
and interpretation perspectives and interpretations or interpretation of
of the literature interpretations the literature piece
Collaboration Collaborates Collaborates well Collaboration Poor collaboration
effectively within within the group, within the group within the group,
the group, with but some is somewhat with little
each member members may limited or uneven contribution from
contributing to the contribute more some members or
performance than others lack of cohesion in
the performance
Overall Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
Presentation polished, well- well-prepared and somewhat disorganized,
rehearsed, and effectively prepared but poorly prepared, or
captivates the conveys the may lack polish fails to effectively
audience with a scene/theme or coherence convey the
compelling essence of the
portrayal of the literature piece
literature piece

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