Quizzes - Catch On 1

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PART A Write the nationalities.

1 the USA: ……………………………… 2 Italy: ………………………………

3 Spain: ……………………………… 4 China: ………………………………

5 France: ………………………………

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART B Match the school subjects with the pictures.

a. c.
b. e.

1 history 2 physics 3 geography 4 maths 5 art

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART C Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

cousin uncle grandmother aunt husband

1 Your father’s mother is your …………………………………………. .

2 Your mother’s brother is your ……………………………………… .

3 Your aunt’s daughter is your …………………………………………. .

4 Your father is your mother’s …………………………………………. .

5 Your father’s sister is your …………………………………………..... .

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART D Label the adjectives.

famous fun clever delicious talented

1 2 3

........................... ........................... ...........................

4 5

........................... ...........................
1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART E Choose the correct answer.

My best friend’s name 1……………. Emma. Her 2……………. is Jones. She is fifteen 3……………. old. She is 4…………….

Germany. She is German. 5……………. favourite school subject is physics because it is very interesting. Emma is good
……………. music. Paul is 7……………. brother. We 8……………. all in the same class. Emma’s favourite 9……………. is Rihanna

because she is very talented and beautiful. Her favourite food is hamburger because it is very 10……………. .
1 a am b is c are
2 a nationality b age c surname
3 a years b year c age
4 a on b - c from
5 a She b Her c His
6 a in b from c at
7 a Emma b Emma’s c Emmas’
8 a am b is c are
9 a singer b actor c football player
10 a fun b friendly c delicious
1x2=20 …………… / 20
PART F Write a question to complete the dialogue.

ADAM: 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………………… ?
EMILY: My name is Emily.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………………… ?
EMILY: I am 14 years old.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………………… ?
EMILY: I am from Canada.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………………… ?
EMILY: Yes, I am good at maths.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………………… ?
EMILY: My favourite film star is Robert Downey JR.
1x2=10 …………… / 10

TOTAL: …………… / 50

…………… / 100

PART A Label the abilities.

sing a song take photos use a play a

computer musical

1 2 3

............................................ ............................................ ............................................

4 5

............................................ ............................................
1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART B Write the opposites of these adjectives.
1 modern x ……………………………………………….

2 small x ………………………………………………....

3 dirty x ………………………………………………......

4 expensive x ………………………………………....

5 exciting x ………………………………………………
1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART C Write a place in a city next to the description.

1 People can see animals there. …………………………………..

2 There are doctors and nurses there. …………………………………..

3 People can swim there. …………………………………..

4 People can watch films there. …………………………………..

5 People can see old things there. …………………………………..

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART D Match the furniture with the pictures.

1 wardrobe 3 mirror 5 bookcase

2 armchair 4 sofa

a b c

d e

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART E Choose the correct answer.

1 Daniel is very interested in technology, and he has got / have got a tablet and a game console.

2 I am good at doing sports. I can / can’t play tennis very well.

3 Gina is bad at music. She can / can’t sing a song.

4 There is / There are a shopping centre near my house.

5 There is / There are two airports in my city.

6 There are three persons / people at the bank.

7 There aren’t any librarys / libraries in the town centre.

8 Are there any / some posters on the wall?

9 There is a girl on / in front of the café.

10 The chair is between / under the table and the bed.

1x2=20 …………… / 20
PART F Make questions for the underlined words.

1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

Yes, I have got a bicycle.

2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

No, Sally can’t speak Spanish.

3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

Yes, there is a police station next to the school.

4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

No, there aren’t any beaches in my town.

5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

The cat is behind the TV.

1x2=10 …………… / 10

TOTAL: …………… / 50

…………… / 100

PART A Match the daily routine collocations.

1 go ………… a a shower / breakfast / dinner

2 do ………… b teeth

3 have ………… c homework

4 brush ………… d dressed / up

5 get ………… e to school / to bed

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART B Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

TV motorbike magazine games radio

gym guitar sports horror shopping

1 My best friend plays video ……………………. in her free time.

2 I can ride a ……………………. .

3 My mother goes to the ……………………. after work.

4 My grandfather listens to the ……………………. in the morning.

5 I am interested in music, and I can play the ……………………. very well.

6 Chris and Robert watch ……………………. before they go to bed.

7 We read a fashion ……………………. in the evening.

8 They go to the ……………………. centre on Saturday afternoons.

9 Jack usually watches ……………………. films.

10 Henry does ……………………. at the weekend.

1x1=10 …………… / 10
PART C Match the jobs with the pictures.

a b
1. lawyer …………

2. engineer …………
3. pilot …………
4. nurse …………
c d
5. chef …………

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART D Choose the correct answer.

1 Jane and Mark ……………………………. breakfast before they go to school.

a have b has c haves

2 Our son ……………………………. for his exams with his friends.

a study b studys c studies

3 We usually go camping ……………………………. Saturday morning.

a in b on c at

4 Britney goes diving ……………………………. the weekend.

a in b on c at

5 I ……………………………. a car, so I go to work by bus.

a have b don’t have c doesn’t have

6 ……………………………. your mother like pop music?

a Do b Does c Is

7 I don’t like doing sports, so I ……………………………. go to the gym.

a always b often c never

8 Adriana is interested in listening to music. She ……………………………. listens to the radio in her free time.

a always b sometimes c never

9 A: ……………………………. does Lily work?

B: She works in Brooklyn.

a When b Where c Who

10 A: ……………………………. do you do in your free time?

B: I play baseball in my free time.

a What b When c What time

1x2=20 …………… / 20

PART F Make questions for the underlined words.

1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..…………………..………?

Sam goes to school with his sister.

2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………..…………..…………..?

They have lunch in the kitchen.

3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………..…………..…………..?

She watches science-fiction films on Friday nights.

4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………..…………..…………..?

Tony leaves home at quarter past seven.

5 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………..…………..…………..?

They meet their friends at the weekend.

1x2=10 …………… / 10

TOTAL: …………… / 50

…………… / 100

PART A Match the food with the pictures.

1 bread ........ 2 strawberry ........ 3 carrot ........ 4 rice ........ 5 butter ........

6 cucumber ........ 7 jam ........ 8 meat ........ 9 cherry ........ 10 cereal ........

a b c d e

f g h i j

1x10=10 …………… / 10

PART B Complete with a word from the box.

slice can bowl bar packet

1 a ………………………… of flour

2 a ………………………… of corn

3 a ………………………… of chocolate

4 a ………………………… of cereal

5 a ………………………… of bread

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART C Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

mask vitamins hygiene avoid affect

1 People should ………………………… stress.

2 My mother takes ………………………… every morning. It gives her energy.

3 People should wear a ………………………… when they go to a shopping centre because of Covid-19.

4 Some viruses ………………………… people’s health negatively.

5 We should practice good ………………………… .

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART D Write C for Countable and U for Uncountable.

1 milk 6 honey

2 egg 7 banana

3 cheese 8 yoghurt

4 peach 9 mushroom

5 potato 10 water

1x1=10 …………… / 10

PART E Circle the correct answer.

1 I eat a / some banana every day.

2 There are much / a lot of tomatoes in the fridge.

3 There isn’t a / much milk in the bottle.

4 I don’t eat any / some cereals.

5 There aren’t some / many apples in the basket.

6 How many / How much sugar do you need for the cake?

7 How many / How much cups of coffee does your mother drink every day?

8 How many / How much cheese is there in the sandwich?

9 You look sick. You should / shouldn’t see a doctor.

10 You look tired. You should / shouldn’t go to bed late.

1x2=20 …………… / 20
TOTAL: …………… / 50
…………… / 100

PART A Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

grades posts search current orders

1 I use Google to ………………………… for information for my school project.

2 My sister always ………………………… food when she doesn’t have time to cook.

3 Karen ………………………… photos and videos on Instagram.

4 I am a very hardworking student, and I get high ………………………… from exams.

5 They are reading the ………………………… news on Twitter.

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART B Match the clothes with the pictures.

1 jeans ………… a b c
2 skirt …………

3 coat …………

4 dress …………

5 shirt …………

6 trainers ………… d e f

7 jumper …………

8 trousers …………
9 swimsuit …………

10 sweatshirt …………
h i

1x1=10 …………… / 10
PART C Write the activities under the correct picture.

go hiking do a science experiment do gardening bake and decorate cookies

play board games

1 2 3

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

4 5

...................................................... ......................................................
1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART D Match the words with the pictures.

1 beard ………… 2 overweight ………… 3 bald …………

4 curly hair ………… 5 moustache …………

a b c

d e

1x1=5 …………… / 5
PART E Choose the correct answer.

My friends and I 1………………………………… on a school trip now. I am very excited

because I love going to the zoo. We are going to the zoo by bus. Everybody is doing

something. James 2………………………………… to music. Tina is reading a book. Tony and

Mark 3………………………………… to each other. Our teacher, Mr. Martin is eating a

sandwich 4…………………………………. He usually 5………………………………… breakfast at home,

but today he is having his breakfast on the bus.

1 a am going b is going c are going

2 a am listening b is listening c are listening

3 a am talking b is talking c are talking

4 a at the moment b every day c always

5 a have b has c is having

1x2=10 …………… / 10
PART F Choose the correct answer.
1 Mike and Paula watch / are watching YouTube videos now.

2 Sam is studying for his exam every day / at the moment.

3 We always go / are going to school early.

4 My parents are very friendly. Everybody loves they / them.

5 Tom is / has got straight hair.

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART G Make questions for the underlined words.

1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

The children are playing in the garden now.

2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Daisy goes to school at half past seven.

3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

I am doing my homework at present.

4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

They sometimes go fishing.

5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Tina is running because she is late for class.

1x2=10 …………… / 10
TOTAL: …………… / 50
…………… / 100

PART A Label the personality adjectives.

generous cheerful hardworking shy naughty

1 2 3 4 5
................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART B Match the pictures with the life events.

1 be born ........ 2 learn to walk ........ 3 start school ........ 4 graduate from school ........

5 go to university ........ 6 move to a new city ........ 7 find a job ........ 8 get married ........

9 have children ........ 10 retire ........

a b c d e

f g h i j

1x1=10 …………… / 10
PART C Complete the table with the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 move 6 become

2 watch 7 meet

3 study 8 find

4 have 9 write

5 be 10 get

1x1=10 …………… / 10

PART D Choose the correct answer.

My grandfather is my favourite person in the world. He 1………………………. born in 1965, in Germany.

He 2………………………. school when he was seven years old. He was a very hardworking student. He 3……………………….

speak four languages fluently when he was only nine years old. He finished high school 4………………………. 1983.

He went to Cambridge University and studied law. He met my grandmother when he was 25 years old. They got

married and had three children. He retired 5………………………. year. I visited him yesterday. We played chess and

talked about life.

1 a is b was c were

2 a starts b is starting c started

3 a can b could c was

4 a in b last c ago

5 a in b last c ago
1x2=10 …………… / 10

PART E Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the Past Simple Tense.

1 A: ……………………… you ……………………… (have) an accident yesterday?

B: No, I ……………………… (not/have) an accident, but something terrible happened yesterday. I ……………………… (lose)

my mobile phone..

2 A: ……………………… Jane ……………………… (pass) her exam last week?

B: No, she ……………………… (not/pass) her exam. She ……………………… (fail) her exam last week.

3 A: ……………………… (be) Tom in Italy two weeks ago?

B: No, he went on holiday with his family two weeks ago. They ……………………… (be) in France.

1x1=10 …………… / 10
PART F Make questions for the underlined words.

1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Yes, James was at home last night.

2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

No, I didn’t see Tony yesterday.

3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

They graduated from university three years ago.

4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Diana had lunch at a Chinese restaurant.

5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

No, I couldn’t ride a bike when I was four years old.

1x1=5 …………… / 5

TOTAL: …………… / 50
…………… / 100

PART A Match the words with the pictures.

a b c d e

1 rainy ………… 2 hot ………… 3 sunny …………

4 snowy ………… 5 freezing …………

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART B Label the pictures.

ferry plane underground tram bus

1 2 3 4 5

.......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ..........................

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART C Match the collocations.

1 go ………… a local food

2 play ………… b on a rollercoaster

3 ride ………… c sightseeing / scuba diving

4 visit ………… d souvenirs

5 eat ………… e museums

6 do ………… f beach volleyball

7 buy ………… g extreme sports

1x1=7 …………… / 7
PART D Circle the correct wish.
1 A: I have an important exam today.

B: Congratulations! / Good luck!

2 A: I am very sick.

B: Get well soon! / Have a nice trip!

3 A: It’s my birthday today.

B: Happy Mother’s Day! / Happy birthday!

4 A: I am going to London for holiday.

B: Have a nice trip! / Good luck!

5 A: I won an award.

B: Get well soon! / Congratulations!

1x1=5 …………… / 5

PART E Write the comparative and the superlative form of the adjectives.


1 nice

2 fast

3 big

4 easy

5 beautiful

6 important

7 sunny

8 wet

9 good

10 bad

1x10=10 …………… / 10
PART F Circle the correct answer.

1 People in Europe are happier / the happiest than people in Asia.

2 A Coco taxi is more popular / the most popular way to travel in Havana.

3 The restaurants in my city are better / the best than the ones in your city.

4 John’s Book Barn is cheaper / the cheapest bookstore in the city centre.

5 Adana is hotter / the hottest city in Turkey.

6 A: This problem is very difficult!

B: Don’t worry! I am going to help / will help you solve it.

7 We made plans for the summer. We are going to visit / will visit our grandparents in Athens.

8 A: It is Ben’s birthday tomorrow. B: Oh, really? I am going to buy / will buy him a gift.

9 A: Does Jane have any plans for the weekend?

B: Yes, she does. She is going to play / will play beach volleyball with her friends.

1x2=18 …………… / 18

TOTAL: …………… / 50
…………… / 100

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