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Volume 63 Number 2

June 2021

QQ  rediction of water reuse potential in South

African water management areas: A linear
regression and Bayesian network approach
QQ  self-calibrating model to estimate
average speed from AADT
QQ  tatic pile capacity from the rapid test
via the unloading-point method
QQ  critical review of the Water Sorptivity Index (WSI)
parameter for potential durability assessment: Can
WSI be considered in isolation of porosity?
QQ  outh African infrastructure condition – an opinion
survey for the SAICE Infrastructure Report Card
QQ  rediction of California Bearing Ratio and compaction
characteristics of Transvaal soils from indicator properties
Thanks to our Referees!
The SAICE Journal Editorial Panel would like to thank the persons listed below, all of whom served as referees during 2019, 2020 and this year
so far (up to the end of May). The quality of our journal is not only a reflection of the expertise of participating authors, but certainly also of
our referees’ high standards. We sincerely appreciate the supportive spirit in which our referees set aside precious time to perform this task
voluntarily. If we have overlooked anyone by mistake, please accept our apologies, and know that your assistance is equally appreciated!

Prof Mark Alexander Dr Fidelis Emuze Mr Carlo Loubser Dr John Sampson

Dr Joseph Anochie-Boateng Mr Willie Enright Dr Erik Loubser Prof Manu Santhanam
Dr André Archer Prof Phil Everitt Dr Hylton Macdonald Mr Thato Seabi
Mr Preyan Arumugam-Nanoolal Prof George Fanourakis Dr Jeffrey Mahachi Prof Marion Sinclair
Dr Danie Badenhorst Dr William Fedrigo Prof James Maina Dr Alexander Sinske
Mr Allan Bailey Dr Lloyd Fisher-Jeffes Mr Stephen Mallory Dr Sarah Skorpen
Dr Roger Barker Prof Anne Fitchett Prof George Markou Dr Andrew Slaughter
Prof Hans Beushausen Dr Tiago Gaspar Dr Vernon Marshall Prof Jeff Smithers
Mr Keith Bokelman Ms Santie Gouws Mr Adriaan Meintjes Dr Breda Strassheim
Mr Deon Bonthuys Mr Trevor Green Dr Martin Mgangira Mr Hugh Thompson
Mr Dawid Bosman Ms Karien Grove Mr Raimund Miller Dr Luis Torres-Cruz
Mr Ryan Bradley Dr Brian Harrison Dr Terence Milne Dr Anthony Turton
Dr George Brink Mr Makarand Hastak Mr Roelof Minnaar Mr Frans van der Merwe
Mr André Broekman Dr Arno Hefer Prof Mohamed Mostafa Mr Jackie van der Westhuizen
Mr Chris Brooker Dr Francois Heyns Dr Friedel Mulke Mr Marco van Dijk
Ms Megan Bruwer Mr Gerhard Hitge Prof Mike Muller Dr Peter van Niekerk
Prof Walter Burdzik Mr Anton Holtzhausen Mr Marshall Muthen Prof Louis van Rooy
Mr Gys Burger Dr Emile Horak Dr Frank Netterberg Dr Mark van Ryneveld
Dr Nicol Chang Mr Shane Hossell Mr Mike Newham Dr Andre van Tonder
Mr Arthur Chapman Prof Bola Ikotun Ms Chantel Niebuhr Dr Martin van Veelen
Dr Renier Cloete Prof Kim Jenkins Prof Drahomir Novak Prof Fanie van Vuuren
Ms Ashley Coetzee Dr Gary Jones Prof Sunday Nwaubani Ms Sonel van Wageningen
Ms Leanne Coetzee Mr Nico Jonker Mr Johan O’Connell Prof Gideon van Zijl
Dr Louis Coetzee Prof Gerrit Jordaan Mr Patrick Okonkwo Prof Marianne Vanderschuren
Dr James Dabrowski Mr Philip Joubert Prof Mike Otieno Mr Rick Vandoorne
Dr Morris de Beer Ms Janina Kanjee Dr Phil Paige-Green Prof Celeste Viljoen
Dr Nico de Koker Prof Elsabé Kearsley Mr Chris Palmer Prof Alex Visser
Dr Nico-Ben de Villiers Mr John Kempe Mr Michael Palmer Mr Gerrit Visser
Dr Wibke de Villiers Mr Gerhard Keyter Prof Geoff Pegram Dr Jeanine Vonkeman
Dr Erik Denneman Dr Moses Kiliswa Mr Bryan Perrie Dr Eduard Vorster
Prof Dimitris Diamantidis Mr Hans King Dr Pine Pienaar Prof Richard Walls
Prof Mahongo Dithinde Dr Christoff Krogscheepers Mr G V Price Dr Johan Wesseloo
Dr Louw du Plessis Mr Frans Kromhout Prof Kalaga Ramachandra Rao Dr Pieter Wessels
Dr Realize du Plooy Mr Edwin Kruger Dr Hubrecht Ribbens Mr Mike Wiese
Mr Simeon du Preez Prof Samuel Laryea Mr Alan Robinson Prof Jan Wium
Dr Willie Ebersohn Dr Aldu le Grange Prof Chris Roth Prof Alphose Zingoni
Prof Alex Elvin Mr Francois le Roux Dr Martin Rust Prof Mark Zuidgeest
Volume 63 No 2 June 2021 ISSN 1021-2019

South African Institution of Civil Engineering
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Dr Peter Day
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Adjunct Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
University of Stellenbosch
Tel +27 11 519 0200
2 Prediction of water reuse potential in South
joint EditorS-in-chief
Prof Chris Clayton African water management areas: A linear
University of Southampton regression and Bayesian network approach
Prof Gerhard Heymann
University of Pretoria S Mamane, A Abimbade, A Ilemobade
Verelene de Koker 10 A self-calibrating model to estimate
Tel +27 11 805 5947, Mobile +27 83 378 3996
average speed from AADT
journal editorial Panel M M Bruwer
Prof Y Ballim – University of the Witwatersrand
Prof W Burdzik – University of Pretoria
Prof CRI Clayton – University of Southampton
Dr P Day – Jones & Wagener (Pty) Ltd (chairman)
19 Static pile capacity from the rapid test
Prof J du Plessis – University of Stellenbosch
Prof GC Fanourakis – University of Johannesburg
via the unloading-point method
Prof PJ Gräbe – University of Pretoria I Luker
Dr C Herold – Umfula Wempilo Consulting
Prof G Heymann – University of Pretoria
Prof A Ilemobade – University of the Witwatersrand
Prof SW Jacobsz – University of Pretoria 27 A critical review of the Water Sorptivity Index (WSI)
Prof EP Kearsley – University of Pretoria
Prof C Roth – University of Pretoria parameter for potential durability assessment:
Prof W Steyn – University of Pretoria
Mr M van Dijk – University of Pretoria Can WSI be considered in isolation of porosity?
Prof C Venter – University of Pretoria
Prof A Visser – University of Pretoria A J Moore, A T Bakera, M G Alexander
Dr E Vorster – Zutari
Prof J Wium – University of Stellenbosch
Prof A Zingoni – University of Cape Town 35 South African infrastructure condition – an opinion
Prof M Zuidgeest – University of Cape Town
Peer reviewing
survey for the SAICE Infrastructure Report Card
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47 Prediction of California Bearing Ratio and
Papers for consideration should be submitted compaction characteristics of Transvaal
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© South African Institution of Civil Engineering 1

TECHNICAL PAPER Prediction of water reuse
Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering
potential in South African
ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 2–9, Paper 784 water management areas:
DR SALHA MAMANE is a Senior Lecturer in A linear regression and
Bayesian network approach
the School of Statistics and Actuarial Science
at the University of the Witwatersrand in
Johannesburg. His research interests cover
both theoretical and applied statistics. The
general theme of his research activity is
modelling the interrelations of variables in a
S Mamane, A Abimbade, A Ilemobade
complex or dynamical system.

Contact details:
School of Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of the Witwatersrand
Increasing scarcity of freshwater resources and growing environmental awareness have given rise
Private Bag 3 to the use of treated wastewater as an additional source of water supply. However, the amount
Wits 2050 of wastewater that can be reclaimed for reuse is subject to many factors, ranging from technical
South Africa
to socio-economic, environmental and institutional. This paper presents two prediction models
T: +27 11 717 6090
E: for wastewater reuse potential in South Africa. The proposed models, namely a Bayesian Network
model and a Linear Regression model, were used as a platform for integrated analysis of features
DR ABIOLA ABIMBADE (AMSAICE, MWISA, such as water use, and socio-demographic and environmental factors. A dataset from the sub-
MNSE) is a Civil Engineer at Lidwala regions of the 19 water management areas in South Africa was employed as input into the models
Consulting Engineers where he consults on
in order to analyse these features and to consequently predict water reuse potential.
turnkey solutions and projects, design of
bulk water and sanitation infrastructure,
and township development and
establishment in southern Africa. His INTRODUCTION Service 2014) and Western Cape. The dams
research interests include water reuse
Water reuse has attracted growing atten- in the North West and Free State provinces
sustainability, decision support tools, water services management, and
legislative and institutional arrangement in the water sector. He is actively tion across the globe as a vital part of water recorded low storage and this was an indica-
involved in research and consulting activities. resources management and forming an tion of deficient rainfall that had led to dry
Contact details: essential component of water conservation. conditions (Department of Water Affairs SA
Lidwala Consulting Engineers Water scarcity challenges, linked with 2014). In 2015–2016, South Africa’s agricul-
2 Payne Road increasing water demand from an increasing tural activities were threatened by a severe
Corner Main Office Park
Bryanston 2021
population, climate change and depletion drought which was caused by an El Nino
South Africa of groundwater resources among other fac- weather system that swept across southern
T: +27 11 793 5486 tors, drive the need for exploring alternative Africa (Baudoin et al 2017). In 2020, Botai
E: /
water resources (Chen et al 2012). With et al (2020) reported that five of the most
increasing knowledge and understanding economically active provinces of South
MSAICE, MWISA) is an Associate Professor
of the benefits of water reuse, some direct Africa were recovering from the severe
at the School of Civil and Environmental and indirect potable water reuse schemes drought, which had caused negative socio-
Engineering, University of the have been successfully implemented in economic impacts. The adverse climatic
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, where he
both developed and developing countries conditions resulted in the critical shortage
teaches infrastructure planning and water
engineering subjects at undergraduate and (Leverenz et al 2011; Ilemobade et al 2013). of potable water and damages to crops, to
postgraduate levels. His research interests Many studies on drought in South Africa the point that the North West Province was
are in the areas of water reuse, water demand, water conservation and have alluded to the occurrence of widespread declared a state of disaster (Botai et al 2016).
water supply. He has published extensively, received awards for research
and persistent drying conditions in several The Western Cape was the most adversely
conducted and supervised, and led several multi-disciplinary research
and consulting teams. parts of the country (Botai et al 2016; Du affected (Archer et al 2019). These drought-
Plessis & Schloms 2017; Botai et al 2018; related impacts re-emphasise the need to
Contact details:
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Archer et al 2019). According to Swemmer increase efforts towards the development of
University of the Witwatersrand et al (2018), northeastern Mpumalanga, the alternative water supply sources. According
Private Bag 3 eastern half of the Free State and northern to Ilemobade et al (2013), the implementa-
Wits 2050
South Africa
KwaZulu-Natal experienced more severe tion of water reuse schemes to mitigate
T: +27 11 717 7153 droughts than in the previous years, as indi- water deficits has increased in many South
E: cated by recorded Standardised Precipitation African communities.
Index values for South Africa over a two- The quantity of usable return flow that
year period, as of May 2016. These condi- can be harnessed for reuse is subject to
tions were also noticed in the drought-prone several factors, ranging from environmental
Keywords: water reuse, wastewater recycling, Bayesian network, areas of the North West Province, Northern to technical, socio-economical and institu-
linear regression Cape Province (South African Weather tional (Yang et al 2007). Therefore, several

Mamane S, Abimbade A, Ilemobade A. Prediction of water reuse potential in South African water management areas: A linear regression and
2 Bayesian network approach. J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #784, 8 pages.
researchers have used different decision sup-
port tools for estimating water reuse poten- 65 62
tial for specific contexts. These decision sup- 60
port tools include linear programming (Chu 55
et al 2004; Yang & Abbaspour 2007; Goyal 50
& Kumar 2020), mass balance (Hochstrat et 45

Freshwater use (%)

al 2005), ratio analysis (Alfarra et al 2011), 40
surveys (Adewumi et al 2010), fuzzy infer- 35
ence (Almeida et al 2013), aggregated index 30
(Shafiquzzaman et al 2018) and analytic 25 23
hierarchy process (Fukasawa & Mierzwa 20
2020). In this study, a Bayesian Network and 15
a Linear Regression model were employed. 10 8
5 3 4
In the field of natural resources manage-
ment and environmental sciences, Bayesian 0
Afforestation Agricultural Mining and Rural Urban
Networks have proved to be an appropriate industrial
approach for ecosystem modelling (Rositano Water use sectors
& Ferraro 2014; Garcia-Herrero et al 2013),
climate change impact assessment (Richards Figure 1 W
 ater use in South Africa for the year 2000
et al 2013; Mantyka-Pringle et al 2014)
and watershed management (Barton et al The study by Carden (2013) also corroborat- QQ Agricultural water use (AWU): Refers
2008; Keshtkar et al 2013; Shenton et al ed the above data challenges in South Africa. to water used for irrigation and other
2014). According to Mamitimin et al (2015), In this study, data gathered from sources agricultural activities in the agriculture
Bayesian Networks have the ability to clearly such as the Department of Water Affairs, sector (million m3 per annum).
explain intricate relations between variables, Statistics South Africa and the South QQ Domestic water use (DWU): Refers to
easily compare scenarios, and determine the African Weather Service was used. Water water used for domestic activities such
critical influencing system variables when abstracted from a surface or groundwater as cooking, drinking, bathing, laundry
applied to natural resources management. source is said to be consumptively used and light industrial activities in the
Another key benefit of this approach is when it is no longer available for beneficial urban sector (million m3 per annum).
its flexibility with regard to data sources. use because it has evaporated, transpired, QQ Cost of irrigation water (CIW): (cents of
In situations where data is limited or not been incorporated into products and crops, Rand/m3).
available, Bayesian Networks can implicitly consumed by man or livestock, or otherwise QQ Cost of domestic water (CDW): (cents of
integrate relevant data from different sources removed from freshwater resources. The Rand/m3).
such as literature, empirical data, expert and non-consumptive water use yields wastewa- QQ Standard precipitation index (SPI):
stakeholders’ knowledge (Uusitalo 2007; Gret- ter that serves the purpose of contributing This is a tool used by the South Africa
Regamey et al 2013). This study contributes to ecological water reserve and usable return Weather Services for measuring the
to water reuse research by using water supply, flow. The reuse of this usable yield may, severity of drought based on rainfall
and socio-demographic and environmental however, be further constrained by a variety data.
factors to estimate water reuse potential in of pollution sources, thereby making it chal- QQ Water stress indicator (WSI): This is a
the South African water management areas. lenging to estimate the portion of this yield function of water availability and water
that is available for reuse. Figure 1 shows use (Smakhtin et al 2005). This indica-
that 85% of overall freshwater use in South tor is defined by the ratio:
METHODOLOGY Africa is for the agricultural and urban
The estimation of usable return flow can be sectors. Twenty years after publication, FreshwaterWithdrawals
an arduous task where accurate volumetric this proportion of freshwater use has not (Meanannualrunoff –
information is not readily available, as is changed significantly. Therefore, the models Ecologicalwaterreserve)
the case in most developing countries. This proposed in this paper focus on predicting
problem is further amplified by the follow- water reuse potential in the agricultural and QQ Population density (PD): This is the
ing two (of several) reasons highlighted by urban sectors. Figure 2 outlines the pro- number of inhabitants per unit area
Grobicki and Cohen (1999) in their study on cesses involved in model development. (population/km2).
water reuse projects in South Africa: QQ Water volume per person per day
1. In a situation where information does Data description (WVPP): The average volume of water
exist, the data is often found to be The variables used in this study are used per individual in a day.
incomplete and tedious to collate. In described below: QQ Percentage of non-revenue water (NRW):
some instances, information only exists QQ Water use (WU): Refers to the water This refers to all the water that is lost
in handwritten format and this makes it abstracted from surface and groundwa- through physical leakage or commercial
difficult to access and analyse. ter for agricultural, domestic and other losses (meter under-registration, billing
2. There are often contradictions in use that sustains life, industrial and errors, theft, etc), as well as any unbilled
numerical data obtained from different other anthropogenic activities (million authorised consumption (fire-fighting,
sources for the same area. m3 per annum). mains flushing, etc).

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 3
QQ Bayesian Network model: A graphical
model (Koller & Friedman 2009) for
WU, AWU, CIW, Input a collection of random variables is a
WSI, SPI variables
PD, WSI family of probability distributions such
that each satisfies a set of conditional
independence relations encoded in a
graph. This provides a parsimonious
parameter and modular representation
Logarithm Transformation Logarithm of the joint distribution of the random
variables in the model, thereby allowing
estimation of model parameters with a
reasonable amount of data and a more
effective computation of marginal
posterior distributions. A Bayesian
Model Regression
Bayesian Network (Koller & Friedman 2009) is a
network network
graphical model wherein the conditional
independence relations are encoded in
a directed acyclic graph (a graph with
orientated edges and such that there are
no paths from a node and back).
WU, AWU, Variable WU, DWU,
AWU DWU For each sector, the graph that represents the
CIW selection PD
dependence structure of the variables is learnt
from the data. It corresponds to the structure
that maximises the Bayesian Information
Criterion (Konishi & Kitagawa 2008). For a
URFA URFA Prediction URFU URFU more robust estimation of the structure, the
average of graphs learnt from 1 000 bootstrap
samples was used. The optimisation was
Figure 2 S chematic representation of the processes involved in model development carried out using the hill-climbing algorithm
(Nagarajan et al 2013). Thereafter, maximum
QQ Percentage of flush toilets (FT) con- were WU, AWU, CIW, WSI and SPI. For likelihood estimates of the parameters of the
nected to sewerage system. the prediction of usable return flow from Gaussian Bayesian Network were calculated.
QQ Usable return flow from agricultural the domestic sector, the predictor variables
water (URFA): Volume of reusable water considered were WU, DWU, CDW, WVPP,
from agricultural activities (million m3 NRW, FT, WSI, PD and SPI. SOFTWARE
per annum). In this study, the R statistical software
QQ Usable return flow from domestic Description of the models (RDevelopment Core Team 2017) was used
(urban) water (URFU): Volume of reus- For each sector considered (agricultural for the data analysis. The bnlearn package
able water from domestic activities and domestic), two models were explored, (Scutari 2009) was used for the Bayesian
(million m3 per annum) namely a Linear Regression model and Network modelling.
The data that was gathered came from a Bayesian Network model. Since the
82 areas. Some areas had both domestic variables were right-skewed and presented
(urban) and agricultural water use, while some outliers, a log transformation of the RESULTS
some only had one water use. The Water variables was undertaken, which resulted
Management Areas with no water use in better prediction accuracy. The smear- Usable return from the
recorded in the sector or no usable return ing estimate of bias was used to correct for agricultural sector
flow from the sector were discarded from the bias in the retransformed predictions Table 1 summarises the distribution of the
the analysis. Furthermore, for the domestic (Newman 1993). percentage of agricultural water use that is
sector, the data was further restricted to QQ Linear Regression model: The usable potentially reusable. In particular it indi-
areas with annual domestic water use less return flow was expressed as a linear cates that, on average, 8% of agricultural
than 50 million m3. This restriction was function of the other variables. The water use is potentially reusable.
implemented to arrive at data that was selection of the variables included in As shown in Figure 3, URFA is highly
more homogeneous, and this helped to the model was performed using the correlated with AWU (0.95) and WU (0.76).
improve the predictions. As a result, the Akaike Information Criterion (Konishi The latter variables are also highly correlated
data that was analysed consisted of 62 & Kitagawa 2008). (0.79). Albeit very weak, the correlations of
observations for the agricultural sector and
44 observations for the domestic (urban) Table 1 Summary of reusable flow percentage from agricultural water use in South Africa
sector. For the prediction of usable return Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum
flow from the agricultural sector, the
2 5 10 8 10 17
predictor variables that were considered

4 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
CIW and SPI with WU and AWU, and hence
with URFA, are negative, as expected. The

obtained strong linear correlation between
URFA and AWU already signifies that more
WU 1.00

than 90% of the variability of URFA can be
explained by the variability of AWU.
AWU 0.79 1.00

Linear Regression model for usable
return flow from agricultural water use
CIW –0.17 –0.32 1.00 In the sequel, N(µ, σ) denotes the normal dis-

tribution with mean µ and standard deviation
σ and by abuse of notation, a random obser-
WSI 0.33 0.39 –0.20 1.00 vation from the said probability distribution.

For the usable return flow from
agricultural water use, the fitted Linear

SPI –0.20 –0.10 0.05 –0.10 1.00
Regression model is:

ln(1+URFA) = 0 .101 ln(1+AWU) +

URFA 0.76 0.95 –0.22 0.32 –0.13 1.00
N(0, 0.075) (1)

Equation 1 implies that when AWU

–1.00 –0.67 –0.33 0 0.33 0.67 1.00 doubles, URFA increases on average by
around 7%.
Figure 3 P
 earson correlation matrix of the variables impacting usable return flow from agricultural
water use Performance of the Linear Regression
model on cross-validation data:
Table 2 summarises the absolute percent-
120 age prediction errors using the Linear
Regression model (Equation 1). It shows in
110 particular that about half of the predictions
were less than 24% higher or lower than the
actual observation.
Figure 4 shows the actual and pre-
dicted usable return flow from agricultural
Predicted URFA (millions m3 per annum)

water use.

70 Bayesian Network model for usable

return flow from agricultural water use
60 Figure 5 shows the structure of the
Bayesian Network learnt from the data.



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Observed URFA (millions m3 per annum)

Figure 4 A
 ctual versus predicted usable return flow from agricultural water use using the
Linear model URFA

Table 2 S ummary of absolute percentage prediction errors (agricultural water, Linear Regression model)
Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Figure 5 B
 ayesian Network representation of
factors impacting usable return flow
1 15 24 39 46 322
from agricultural water use

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 5
Only the variables WU, CIW and AWU
were found to be factors significantly 100
impacting URFA.
For URFA, the fitted Gaussian Bayesian 90
Network model is the following:
ln(1+URFA) = 0 .101 ln(1+AWU) +
N(0, 0.075) (2)

Predicted URFA (millions m3 per annum)


ln(1+AWU) = 0 .981 ln(1+WU) − 0.508

ln(1+CIW) + N(0, 0.6) (3) 60

ln(1+WU) = N(4.855, 0.866) (4) 50

ln(1+CIW) = N(1.030, 0.204) (5)


Performance of the Bayesian Network
model on cross-validation data:
Table 3 summarises the absolute percent- 20
age prediction errors achieved by the
Bayesian Network model. In particular 10
it indicates that about half of the pre-
dictions are within 25% of the actual
observations. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 6 shows the actual versus pre- Observed URFA (millions m3 per annum)
dicted usable return flow from agricultural
water use using the Bayesian Network Figure 6 A
 ctual versus predicted usable return flow from agricultural water use using the
model. Bayesian Network model

Usable return flow from Table 3 S ummary of absolute percentage prediction errors (agricultural water, Bayesian Network model)
domestic activities Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum
Table 4 summarises the distribution of
2 18 25 39 47 313
the percentage of domestic water used
that is potentially reusable. It shows that,
on average, 34% of domestic water used is
potentially reusable.

As shown in Figure 7, URFU is


highly correlated with DWU (0.89) and WU 1.00

moderately correlated with WU (0.54)

DWU 0.58 1.00

and PD (0.56). CDW is poorly, but expect-
edly negatively, correlated with WU and

WVPP 0.31 0.30 1.00

WVPP. The obtained strong linear cor-
relation between URFU and DWU already NRW
0.05 0.17 0.39 1.00

indicates that about 79% of the variability

of URFU can be explained by the vari- 0.44 0.73 0.33 0.11 1.00

ability of DWU. FT

0.27 0.31 0.22 0.07 0.25 1.00

Linear Regression model for usable CDW

–0.10 0.05 –0.26 –0.37 0.11 0.02 1.00

return flow from domestic water use
For the usable return flow from domestic
0.63 0.11 0.12 0.03 0.15 0.08 –0.07 1.00

water use, the fitted Linear Regression SPI


model is: –0.39 –0.29 –0.09 –0.03 –0.44 0.11 –0.03 –0.13 1.00
ln(1+URFU) = 0 .612 ln(1+DWU) + 0.54 0.89 0.27 0.15 0.56 0.28 –0.04 0.16 –0.28 1.00
N(0, 0.390) (6)

Equation 6 implies that when DWU –1.00 –0.67 –0.33 0 0.33 0.67 1.00
doubles, URFU increases on average by
around 50%. Figure 7 P
 earson correlation matrix of factors impacting usable return flow from domestic water use

6 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Table 4 Summary of reusable flow percentages from domestic water use in South Africa
Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum PD
3 29 36 34 43 59




Predicted URFU (millions m3 per annum)


Figure 9 B
 ayesian Network representation of
8 factors impacting the usable return
flow from domestic water use

6 Figure 10 shows the actual and predict-

ed usable return flow from domestic water
use using the Bayesian Network model.


The development of decision support
models that utilise demographic, water and
environment-related factors to predict usa-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ble return flow can be of help to decision-
Observed URFU (millions m3 per annum) makers and can make discussions about
water reuse more efficient in communities
Figure 8 A
 ctual versus predicted usable return flow from urban water use using the Linear model faced with water scarcity. Information on
usable return flow is imperative to the
Performance of the Linear Regression ln(1+DWU) = 0 .259 ln(1+WU) + 0.351 development and implementation of water
model on cross-validation data: ln(1+PD) + N(0, 0.667) (8) reuse initiatives, as well as provide warn-
Table 5 summarises the absolute percentage ing signals that can predict water supply
prediction errors achieved by the Linear ln(1+WU) = N(4.62, 0.91) (9) shortages. In the agricultural sector, the
Regression model (Equation 6). In particular variables that were found to be most useful
it shows that about half of the predictions ln(1+PD) = N(3.576, 1.185) (10) for the prediction of usable return flow
are within 23% of the actual observation. were the total water use, the agricultural
Figure 8 shows the predicted and actual water use and the cost of irrigation water.
usable return flow from urban water use. Performance of the Bayesian In the urban (domestic) sector, the vari-
It can be observed that the model tends to Network on cross-validation data: ables that were found to be the most useful
underestimate higher usable return flow Table 6 summarises the percentage pre- for the prediction of usable return flow
from urban water use. diction errors achieved by the Bayesian were the total water use, the domestic
Network model. In particular it indicates water use and the population density. For
Bayesian network model for usable that about half of the predictions are more the agricultural sector, the Linear and the
return flow from domestic water use than 23% higher or lower than the actual Bayesian Network models yielded a median
Figure 9 shows the structure of the observation. percentage absolute error of 24% and 25%
Bayesian Network learnt from the data.
The variables WU, DWU and PD are found Table 5 S ummary of absolute percentage prediction errors (domestic water, Linear Regression model)
to be significant factors impacting the Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum
usable return flow from urban water.
1 11 23 56 46 789
The fitted Bayesian Network model for
the prediction of the usable return flow
from domestic water use is: Table 6 S ummary of absolute percentage prediction errors (urban water, Bayesian Network model)
Minimum 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum
ln(1+URFU) = 0 .612 ln(1+DWU) +
1 10 23 58 45 892
N(0, 0.390) (7)

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 7
of squared Mahalanobis distances with
16 corresponding expected chi-square values
(Figures 11 and 12). In summary, the study
shows that 8% of the agricultural water
use is potentially reusable, while 34% of
total domestic water use is potentially
reusable. The study also shows that, given
Predicted URFU (millions m3 per annum)

the sectorial water use in a region, the
usable return flow from the sector can
be predicted with a reasonable degree of
accuracy. Since the recorded usable return
8 flows are constrained by the availability
of infrastructure, regions with very low
observed return flows, compared to the
6 predicted ones, will tend to be regions less
endowed with the necessary infrastructure.
4 The result of this study also encourages
the discussion of challenges facing reliable
water supply, taking into consideration the
2 effect of climate change.

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Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 9
A self-calibrating model
to estimate average
Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering

speed from AADT

ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 10–18, Paper 953


transportation engineer. She joined the Civil M M Bruwer
Engineering Department of Stellenbosch
University in 2015 as a lecturer, and as the
project coordinator of the Stellenbosch
Smart Mobility Laboratory (SSML). Prior to Transport practitioners need a universally applicable speed prediction model to estimate
joining Stellenbosch University she worked
average speeds on any road. Average annual speed is a key input to the economic assessment
as a transport engineering consultant,
where she was involved in the implementation and operational design of of transport infrastructure where reliable estimates of future average speeds are necessary to
public transport systems and road-based traffic accommodation for new calculate economic costs and benefits. The relationship between Annual Average Daily Traffic
developments. Her research interests include traffic-flow theory and the (AADT) and average annual speed was investigated on higher-order roads across South Africa,
application of Intelligent Transport Systems to improve traffic data
revealing a high level of variability in this correlation at different locations. This variation is
collection for transport planning and traffic management. She is currently
completing a PhD in this field. influenced by road characteristics, such as alignment and cross-section, complicating the
formulation of a universal speed prediction model. Two novel speed prediction models are
Contact details:
Lecturer and Project Coordinator: proposed in this article that use AADT to forecast future average annual speed. The speeds
Stellenbosch Smart Mobility Lab of heavy vehicles and light vehicles can be estimated separately, as well as the average speed
Department of Civil Engineering of all vehicles simultaneously. Both models are self-calibrating, accounting for the variation
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1
in the AADT–speed relationship. This calibration step is unique to speed prediction models
Matieland and increases the reliability of these models to estimate future average speeds considerably.
Stellenbosch 7602 Furthermore, self-calibrating average annual speed prediction models are universally applicable
South Africa
and will simplify economic assessment of transport infrastructure.
T: +27 21 808 4080

Introduction certain road and depends on surrounding

New transport infrastructure is imple- development, existing or future congestion,
mented only if it offers economically and the urban or rural nature of the road.
beneficial solutions to existing needs. The The impact of traffic volume on speed is
economic assessment of transport facili- also well established according to the prin-
ties requires reliable estimation of average ciples of Traffic Flow Theory. As vehicle vol-
annual speeds at future intervals to calcu- ume increases, drivers reduce their speed to
late economic costs and benefits. Currently, cope with the increased density that brings
the few South African methods that exist with it additional complexity in the interac-
to estimate the progression of average tions between vehicles (Garber & Hoel
annual speeds are determined for – and are 2015). The relationship between speed and
therefore only applicable to – particular volume is usually described for short time
roads. There is a need for a generic model increments, with speed and volume aggre-
to predict future speeds on higher-order gated in intervals of between 20 seconds and
roads for use in economic evaluation. 5 minutes (Treiber & Kesting 2013).
The annual progression of traffic The longer-term relationship between
volume is generally agreed upon, i.e. we volume and speed, for example the impact
anticipate an increase in traffic year-on- of annual traffic growth on average annual
year, assumed to be related to population speed, is less well understood. A study on
growth and development. The rate at major roads in South Africa found that
which traffic increases annually is typically average annual speed decreases annually on
modelled using compound growth based the majority of roads (Bester & Geldenhuys
on the economic principle of compound 2007). This speed decrease is likely due to
interest. In South Africa, annual traffic an increase in traffic volume over time, but
growth of below 3% per annum is consid- this influence was not quantified. There
ered low growth, and up to 4% as average is significant variation in the relationship
growth (Committee of Transport Officials between volume and speed on different
2013). Fast-growing areas are associated roads, influenced by road geometry and
with traffic growth of between 6 and 8% driver population. This variability compli-
Keywords: speed prediction, average annual speed, self-calibration, per annum, or even over 8% in exceptional cates the formulation of a universal speed
AADT, economic assessment cases. Traffic growth is particular to a estimation model.

Bruwer MM. A self-calibrating model to estimate average speed from AADT.

10 J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #953, 9 pages.
Average annual speed is important (Thoresen & Roper 1996). Some literature Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
when conducting an economic assessment indicates that a single average speed for in the USA (Lomax et al 1997). ADT is
of a transport facility because it is used all vehicle classes should be used (Heggie determined over a period shorter than a
to estimate annual user costs (Margiotta 1972), while other sources determine speed year, identifying it from AADT. The 1997
et al 1999). An economic assessment and Vehicle Operating Costs for each vehi- Lomax model (Equation 1) was based
considers whether the monetised economic cle class separately (Pienaar & Bester 2008). on empirical data and described average
benefits provided by a project will exceed Factors affecting speed and existing speed speed (mph) in terms of ADT per lane
economic costs. Many costs considered in prediction models are discussed below to (1 000 veh/day/lane) and access frequency
the economic evaluation of road projects provide background to this article. (freeway interchanges per mile). The speed
are directly associated with vehicle speeds. prediction model was determined with a
Road User Costs (RUCs) include the cost of Factors affecting average speed Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.50.
operating a vehicle (fuel and oil consump- Four categories of factors affect vehicular
tion), travel time costs and emissions, with speed – the driver, the vehicle, the roadway U = 9 1.4 – 2.0(ADT) –
each component corresponding to speed. and the environment (Winfrey 1969). 2.85(Access Frequency) (1)
This article considers the relation- Drivers are influenced by driver age and
ship between average annual speed and alertness, while vehicle factors such as A later speed model, also developed in
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on braking and cornering ability influence the USA, applies a stepwise prediction
major roads, specifically with two or more speed. The roadway and environment model to estimate average speed on
lanes per direction and a speed limit of influence average speed through features freeways according to ADT as the only
120 km/h. The variability in the AADT– such as horizontal and vertical alignment predictor variable (Shrank & Lomax 2009).
speed relationship is addressed by the (affected by terrain), lane width, number This model estimates average speeds for
formulation of self-calibrating speed pre- of lanes, shoulder width, speed limit and peak and off-peak periods separately,
diction models developed from empirical pavement design. and was developed from empirical data
data collected across South Africa, which Roadway features are used by the from freeways in 29 cities. The stepwise
are therefore applicable to a wide range of Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation model predicts speed according to five
higher-order, high-speed roads. The speeds Research Board 2000) to estimate Free Flow congestion levels – uncongested (ADT <
of heavy vehicles and light vehicles can be Speed, i.e. the speed selected by drivers in 15 000 veh/‌day/‌lane), medium congestion
estimated separately, as well as the average low-volume conditions when unhindered by (15 000 < ADT < 17 500 veh/‌day/‌lane),
speed of all vehicles simultaneously. other vehicles. Free Flow Speed is adjusted heavy congestion (17 500 < ADT <
according to traffic volume to determine the 20 000 veh/day/lane), severe conges-
average speed at particular flow rates. tion (20 000 < ADT < 25 000 veh/day/
the Application of Factors that influence speed, such as lane) and extreme congestion (ADT >
average speed IN lane width, road alignment and speed limit, 25 000 veh/‌day/lane). The Schrank &
ECONOMIC EVALUATION are unlikely to change over time, unless Lomax (2009) model predicts that speeds
Transport economics assesses trans- through infrastructure improvements. along uncongested routes are unaffected by
portation projects in monetary terms However, RUCs are required for each year ADT. Speeds then decrease with increas-
to determine the economic benefit and of the economic analysis period (Pienaar & ing ADT up to the point where extreme
cost to establish if the project should Bester 2008). Traffic volume is a dynamic congestion is encountered, after which the
be implemented. The cost of transport factor that influences speed and is expected model assumes that speed will remain con-
infrastructure can be grouped into three to vary annually. Traffic volume varies stant at 35 mph in the peak, and 40 mph in
subdivisions, namely the economic cost reliably with time and can be estimated the off-peak period.
of infrastructure, user cost and external in the future by well-established traffic In South Africa, a speed prediction
cost (Cape Metropolitan Transport 1994). demand forecasting models such as the model that applies AADT was empirically
Infrastructure costs are directly related to Four-Step Model in urban areas (Institute of derived for the N17, a two-way, two-lane
the transport facility, including construc- Transportation Engineers 2009) and traffic road (Van As 2005). An adjustment factor
tion and maintenance costs. User costs growth rates calculated from historical data fc, presented by Equation 2, is multiplied
(RUCs for road projects) include all costs for rural areas. Forecasted traffic volumes with Free Flow Speed to reduce speed
directly borne by road users, including should therefore be used to estimate average according to congestion. The factor also
Vehicle Operating Costs and Time Costs. speed, allowing RUCs to be calculated for all takes road width into account through
External costs are not directly paid for years of the economic analysis period. coefficient a, defined as 80 080 or 154 570
by users or developers of the facility and for “lane plus shoulder width” of 3.7 m or
include the cost of accidents, the social cost Existing speed prediction models 6.2 m respectively.
of traffic congestion, such as time away Various international speed prediction
from family and environmental degrada- models use AADT as an estimator variable fc = e–AADT⁄a(2)
tion (Quinet & Vickerman 2004). to determine average speeds (Margiotta
Vehicle Operating Costs are a function et al 1999; Lomax et al 1997; Schrank & A method was developed by the South
of speed because speed affects fuel and oil Lomax 2009). African National Roads Agency Limited
consumption. Average speeds are used in A linear model to estimate speed from (SANRAL) that makes use of a congestion
economic evaluation because average oper- Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on freeways factor to adjust RUC directly based on the
ating costs for all vehicles are estimated was proposed for the National Cooperative ratio of AADT to daily capacity for various

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 11



y = –0.0005x + 106.16
Average speed (km/h)

R2 = 0.1479




0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
AADT per lane (veh/day/lane)

Figure 1 R
 elationship between Average Speed and AADT/ln “prediction” data (1994–2006)

road classes (Pienaar & Bester 2008). The congestion factor is multiplied with Free (ADT). ADT is a daily traffic volume deter-
stepwise function, presented in Equation 3, Flow Speed to estimate a lower average mined over a short time period such as a
calculates a congestion factor fc, which is speed. This assumes that the decrease in week or a month, rather than a full year
multiplied with RUCs and Time Costs to speed is of the same order as the increase as for AADT. Average annual vehicular
increase economic cost according to con- in both time costs and Vehicle Operating speeds are also recorded for all vehicles,
gestion levels (Pienaar & Bester 2008). Cost, which may not be accurate and could and for light and heavy vehicles separately.
be investigated in future research. All data entries not relevant to the
v study were removed, including data from
≤ 0.4: fc = 1.00
c roads with fewer than two lanes per direc-
⎫v ⎫
tion and speed limits lower than 120 km/h.

0.4 ≤ ≤ 1.0: fc = ⎪ + 0.6⎪


⎭c ⎭
v This article empirically quantifies the Additionally, roads with an inadequate
c relationship between average annual speed representation of traffic data over a full
and AADT for multi-lane urban and rural year were excluded. The reported meas-
v freeways with a speed limit of 120 km/h ured ADT was assumed to be a satisfactory
> 1.0: fc = 1.61.15 = 1.72
c across South Africa. Furthermore, generic representation of AADT if 60% of the year
models are empirically formulated to was observed.
In the function described in Equation 3, predict future speeds on higher-order roads The data from CTOSs within close
v is AADT (veh/day) and c is a daily c­ apa­city for use in economic evaluation. proximity of toll plazas and freeway
estimate attributed to a particular road interchange ramps was also excluded from
class. Daily capacities are suggested to be Empirical data the dataset. A final set of 776 annual traf-
10 342 veh/day/lane for rolling terrain and The traffic information used in this study fic surveys from 153 CTOSs from across
13 575 veh/day/lane for flat terrain (Pienaar was obtained from the Comprehensive South Africa was available to calibrate
& Bester 2008). No adjustment is made to Traffic Observation (CTO) database, the speed prediction models (“prediction”
user and time costs where AADT is less collected by Mikros Traffic Monitoring dataset). The models were tested using data
than 40% of the daily capacity, correspond- (Pty) Ltd between 1994 and 2006 at CTO from 78 CTOSs around South Africa. Some
ing to AADT of around 5 500 veh/‌day/lane. Stations (CTOSs) on major roads across of these “test” CTOSs were included in the
It has been suggested that conges- South Africa. CTO data was also obtained “prediction” set (albeit at different years),
tion factors such as those described by from various CTOSs in 2008 and 2015 to while 45% were newly added.
Equation 3, which were formulated to test the accuracy of the proposed speed
be applied directly to RUC, can also be prediction models. Information provided Data analysis
applied directly to Free Flow Speed to esti- at each CTOS includes the station location, Linear regression analysis and assessment
mate average annual speed (Van As 2005). number of lanes, speed limit, percentage of of statistical significance using t-Test
In order to adjust speed, an inverse of the heavy vehicles and Average Daily Traffic Hypothesis Testing were the primary tools

12 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
and AADT/ln, i.e. average speed decreases
N1: Between Buccleuch and Allandale Interchanges as AADT/ln increases. This agrees with the
finding of Bester and Geldenhuys (2007)
that average annual speed decreases annu-
105 ally. A linear regression analysis indicated
Average speed (km/h)

that the average annual speed of all vehicles

100 is significantly correlated to AADT/ln,
with a t-statistic of 11.590. The R2 value is,
y = –0.0038x + 189.59
95 R2 = 0.9621 however, low at 0.148, indicating that 14.8%
of the variability expressed in the dataset
90 is accounted for by the regression model.
The significant scatter of data points and
low R2 value results from speed-influencing
22 000 23 000 24 000 25 000 26 000 27 000 characteristics, such as lane width and
AADT per lane (veh/day/lane) road alignment, that are not controlled or
accounted for in the dataset. Clearly, this
Figure 2 R
 elationship between Average Speed and AADT/ln at CTOS 565 along N1 regression model cannot be used directly
to estimate speed from AADT/ln, as the
predicted speeds would be too inaccurate.
N12: West of Gillooly's Interchange An interesting observation can be made
if Figure 1 is carefully considered, particu-
larly that a number of distinct datasets are
visible, forming discrete contours with rela-
Average speed (km/h)

92 tively constant gradients. These discrete

sets of data represent traffic information
y = –0.0024x + 120.52
91 R2 = 0.9708 at particular CTOSs over a few years. A
particularly visible dataset is isolated on
90 the far right in Figure 1, measured at CTOS
565 on the Ben Schoeman Freeway (N1) in
Gauteng between 1999 and 2006.
The relationship between AADT and
11 000 11 500 12 000 12 500 13 000 average speed at two CTOSs (CTOS 565
AADT per lane (veh/day/lane) on the N1 at Kyalami, and CTOS 581 along
the N12 west of Gillooly’s Interchange) are
Figure 3 R
 elationship between Average Speed and AADT/ln at CTOS 581 along N12 presented in Figures 2 and 3. Linear regres-
sion at these CTOSs yield R2 values of 0.96
applied to empirical data to evaluate the presented in detail in this article. Similar and 0.97 respectively.
relationship between speed and AADT. analysis methods were used to investigate Two problems are associated with these
A t-Statistic with an absolute value of the average speeds of heavy vehicles and discrete datasets. Firstly, the regression
greater than 1.960 indicates a statistically light vehicles separately, and the main find- equations indicate a large discrepancy in
significant relationship at a 95% confidence ings and speed prediction models for heavy both the intercepts and the gradients, as
level (Montgomery & Runger 2007). The and light vehicle speeds are summarised. can be compared between Figures 2 and 3.
Coefficient of Determination (R2) was cal- The second problem is related to the statis-
culated for regression models to determine tical integrity of the regression model for
the applicability of the regression function Empirical volume- the entire dataset. In a regression analysis,
to describe the variability of the data. speed relationships each predictor variable must be independ-
Microsoft Excel was used for data analysis ent of other predictor variables. This is
and statistical investigation. Correlation between AADT and not true for the regression model of the
The capacity of the speed prediction average annual speed entire dataset, because the data points from
models to estimate future speed according to The relationship between AADT per lane distinct CTOSs are related to each other.
traffic volume was tested using two quality (AADT/ln) and average speed observed on This problem is consequently referred to as
measures of error, namely Average Absolute South African major roads is presented in the “time series error” because it concerns
Speed Error (AASE) and Speed Error Bias Figure 1 for the “prediction” study period annual information in a time series for
(SEB). These measures have been used exten- between 1994 and 2006. Average annual each data group. Two options are avail-
sively to compare speed results (Gwara 2017). operating speeds range from 80 to 120 km/h. able to eliminate the time series error –
Allowable error range for speeds compared A maximum AADT/ln of 26 413 veh/‌day/‌lane firstly, to consider the relationship between
with the AASE and SEB error measures are was recorded in 2006 on the Ben Schoeman AADT/‌ln and speed at discrete CTOSs
10 km/h and ±7.5 km/h respectively. Freeway (N1) in Gauteng. separately over the years of analysis, and
Analysis and speed prediction models Figure 1 reveals the expected negative secondly, to consider data for each year
for average annual speeds of all vehicles are correlation between average annual speed separately at all CTOSs.

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 13


Annual rate of change in speed (%)





0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
AADT per lane (veh/day/lane)

Figure 4 A
 nnual rate of change in speed compared to AADT/ln

Analysis of the correlation The average annual speed of all vehicles AADT/ln increases, the influence of volume
between AADT/ln and average was observed to decrease at an average on speed becomes more pronounced. This
annual speed at discrete CTOSs rate of –0.42% per annum. The minimum finding is in line with the SANRAL model
The first option to eliminate the time annual change in speed was –2.32% at to estimate the impact of daily volume on
series error is to consider the relationship the Kyalami CTOS on the Ben Schoeman RUC, where no adjustment is suggested for
between speed and AADT/ln over time Freeway (N1) between 1999 and 2006 low volumes (Pienaar & Bester 2008).
at each CTOS individually. The annual (incidentally also the CTOS with the high-
change in AADT/ln and speed at discrete est AADT). The maximum speed change AADT and average annual speed
stations is considered first, and then the was +1.27% per year (an increase in speed) relationship at discrete CTOSs
results of independent regression analyses between 1999 and 2006 measured along According to the first option to eliminate
at discrete CTOSs are presented. the N3 close to the Tugela Toll Plaza. The the time series error, independent regres-
AADT/ln at this location was relatively low sion analyses were conducted at each
Annual traffic growth and change at 2 300 veh/day/lane in 2006. CTOS with five or more years of data
in speed at discrete CTOSs There is a statistically significant cor- (96 individual stations).
Annual traffic growth rate and change in relation between the annual rate of change The majority of CTOSs displayed a
speed per annum were found to differ sig- in average annual speed and AADT/ln significant negative correlation between
nificantly at individual CTOSs. The annual (t statistic –10.44, R2 0.51), as indicated in average speed and AADT/ln. In general,
change in AADT/ln and speed was analysed Figure 4. The most recent year’s AADT/ln the regression analysis at discrete CTOSs
at all CTOSs with four or more years of data. at each CTOS was used in the comparison. resulted in high R2 values, attributed to the
For the “prediction” dataset, the annual As can been seen in Figure 4, the annual fact that variables such as road alignment
average traffic growth was observed to be rate of change in speed increases at higher and lane width remain constant at each
3.85%, in line with average traffic growth AADT/ln. Speeds are therefore more CTOS and therefore do not influence speed
in South Africa of 3 to 4% (Committee of significantly influenced by traffic volume at variability. Of the 96 CTOSs analysed, 58%
Transport Officials 2013). The minimum greater traffic levels. produced an R2 value of greater than 0.6.
traffic growth observed was –0.09% per From regression analysis of the relation- The majority of the CTOSs that presented
annum (N1 at the Mantsole CTOS between ship presented in Figure 4, it was found that a poor correlation between AADT/ln and
1997 and 2001). A maximum growth rate the annual rate of change in average annual average speed (R2 value lower than 0.6) had
of 9.2% was observed on the N2 close to speed for all vehicles was –0.066% per a low AADT/ln of below 5 000 veh/‌day/‌lane.
the Umdloti Interchange between 2001 and 1 000 veh/day/lane. At low traffic volumes At some CTOSs, there was an increase
2006. The rate at which traffic increases per (less than 5 000 veh/day/lane), average in speed with increased AADT/ln, but all
year was compared to AADT/ln, but no cor- annual speed is not significantly influenced CTOSs displaying this positive correlation
relation was found, indicating that annual by traffic volume, and speeds are equally had a low AADT/ln (< 7 000 veh/day/lane).
traffic growth rate is not influenced by traf- likely to increase as they are to decrease at This links with the findings of Figure 4
fic volume at the CTOSs investigated. lower AADT/ln, as is evident in Figure 4. As that speeds may increase annually at low

14 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Table 1 Annual Progression of the Speed vs AADT/ln Regression Models also had low AADT/ln and therefore higher
Year Intercept Gradient t-Statistic R2
speeds. Where heavy vehicle percentage
exceeded 15%, AADT/‌ln was consistently
2001 104.618 –0.000301 2.441 0.059 lower than 5 000 veh/‌day/‌lane.
2002 104.913 –0.000395 3.221 0.099 The speed of light vehicles and heavy
vehicles was compared to AADT/ln sepa-
2003 105.175 –0.000461 3.965 0.145
rately. The average speed of heavy vehicles
2004 104.581 –0.000536 5.029 0.190 was found to be uncorrelated to AADT/
2005 104.467 –0.000516 4.696 0.175 ln. The average speed of heavy vehicles
on all roads was maintained at an average
2006 106.017 –0.000693 6.085 0.322
of 80 km/h irrespective of traffic volume
(heavy vehicle speeds ranged between 70 and
90 km/h on individual roads). This is likely
0 due to additional speed limits imposed on
heavy vehicles in South Africa of 80 km/h.
The speed of light vehicles was found to
Gradient of AADT/ln–speed

–0.0002 be significantly correlated to AADT/ln and

was on average 2.7 km/h higher than the
speed of all vehicles (including heavy vehi-
–0.0004 y = –7E-05x + 0.1368 cles). The correlation between light vehicle
R2 = 0.9196 speed and AADT/ln is significant and is
slightly steeper than the regression model
–0.0006 for all vehicles. It was determined that the
light vehicle speed regression model fits
–0.0007 actual data better than for the speed of all
vehicles, indicated by its higher R2 value of
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 0.264 (0.148 for all vehicles).
Year of analysis

Figure 5 A
 nnual progression of the AADT/ln–speed relationship gradient Speed prediction modelS
The derivation of two speed prediction
AADT/‌ln because traffic density is not high expected to remain constant over time as models that estimate future average speed
enough to influence speed. there is no influence from traffic volume. according to predicted AADT/ln values
The annual progression of the gradi- on higher-order roads in South African
Annual progression of the ent of the AADT/ln–speed relationship is is described in this section. The first
AADT/ln and average annual graphically indicated in Figure 5. There is model uses findings from the investiga-
speed relationship clearly a strong association between the tion of the correlation between AADT/ln
This section considers the second method annual gradients of the AADT/ln–speed and the average annual speed at discrete
to eliminate the time series error by using relationship, with an R2 value of 0.92. CTOSs. The second model makes use of
only one data point per CTOS, but retaining the findings of the annual progression of
time series information. Individual regres- Impact of heavy vehicles the AADT/ln and average annual speed
sion models were produced for each year on speed progression relationship. Models to estimate the aver-
from 2001 to 2006, using one data point The CTO data includes Average Daily age speed of all vehicles (identified by
from each CTOS corresponding to that year. Truck Traffic (heavy vehicles per day), the subscript A) have been derived in detail in
This analysis does not consider traffic infor- percentage of heavy vehicles in the traf- this article. Models to estimate the average
mation from 1994 to 2000, because of the fic stream, as well as the average annual speed of light vehicles (subscript L) are
small sample of data available during these speed of light vehicles and heavy vehicles derived through a similar process and the
periods resulting in insignificant relation- separately, allowing the impact of heavy resulting equations are presented at the end
ships. The results of the annual regression vehicles in the traffic to be evaluated. of this section.
analyses are summarised in Table 1. The Heavy vehicle population is described as
relationships are all significant according to a percentage of total vehicles. The minimum Model from correlations
the t-statistic while the R2 values are low. heavy vehicle percentage, 1.4%, was found at discrete CTOSs
By considering traffic data for each on the N12 in Gauteng west of Gillooley’s The first speed prediction model consid-
year separately, the annual progression of Interchange, and the maximum of 40.3% ers the results of the evaluation of the
the AADT/ln–speed relationship can be was observed on the N1 close to the Gariep relationship between AADT/ln and aver-
investigated. Table 1 reveals that, while the Dam. An increase in heavy vehicle percent- age annual speed at discrete CTOSs. The
intercepts remain relatively constant (within age was curiously found to be associated analysis identified that the rate of change
1.5 km/h), the gradients tend to become with an increase in average speed of all vehi- in speed per year is correlated significantly
steeper. The intercept is representative of Free cles. It was determined, however, that roads to AADT/ln, according to Figure 3. The
Flow Speed at low AADT/ln and is therefore with high percentages of heavy vehicles annual rate of change of average annual

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 15


Average speed (km/h)






0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
AADT per lane (veh/day/lane)

Figure 6 G
 raphical explanation of the prediction model for all vehicle speeds

speed of all vehicles was observed to be UAf = cAf + mAf . AADTf(6) order to avoid having to define a gradient
–0.066% per 1 000 veh/day/lane. for each base year, the gradient (–0.00051)
The relationship between annual change Investigation of the annual progression of that describes the relationship between the
in speed and AADT/ln informed the for- the AADT/ln and average annual speed average speed of all vehicles and AADT/
mulation of an adjustment factor which can relationship identified that the intercepts ln (Figure 1), is used, resulting in Equation
estimate future speed for a particular road. remain relatively constant (refer to Table 1). 10, which is further referred to as “Speed
The adjustment factor is multiplied with the It is therefore assumed that the intercepts Prediction Model 2”.
speed of all vehicles observed in a base year describing base and future predicted
(UAb) to estimate the speed of all vehicles n speeds are equal, as per Equation 7. UAf = U
 Ab + 0.00051 . AADT b – [0.00051
years into the future (UAf ). The adjustment + (7.388 × 10 –5)n] . AADTf(10)
factor reduces base year speed according to a cAb = cAf (7)
future AADT/ln estimate (AADTf ) described The first two terms of Equation 10
in Equation 4. Equation 4 is further referred Further investigation showed that the gra- (UAb + 0.00051 . AADTb) estimate a unique
to as “Speed Prediction Model 1”. dient of the AADT/ln and average annual intercept for each road. The third term

⎫ –0.066 AADTf ⎫
speed relationship decreases at a constant estimates a unique gradient depending on

UAf = UAb 1 + ⎪ ⎪ (4)


⎭ 100 1 000 ⎭
rate of –7.3877 × 10 –5 per year. The gradi- the number of years n. This procedure is
ent of the relationship for some future graphically explained by Figure 6. The red
year f can therefore be determined by points describe traffic on the N12 West of
Equation 8 with n the number of calendar Gillooley’s Interchange in Gauteng between
Model of annual progression years between b and f. 2000 and 2006, and the purple points on
of the AADT/ln and average the N1 at Rand Show between 2001 and
annual speed relationship mAf = mAb – (7.388 × 10 –5)n(8) 2006. The solid red and purple lines indicate
The second speed prediction model is based how unique intercepts are estimated from
on the annual progression of the statisti- Equation 9 results from combining 2001 traffic data. The gradient of these solid
cally significant liner relationship observed Equations 6, 7 and 8 to produce a model lines is the same as the general regression
between AADT/ln and speed. This rela- that estimates the average speed of all vehi- equation (solid grey line). The second step
tionship is described by Equation 5, which cles in year f, using base year and future determines a gradient based on the five
relates the average speed of all vehicles, UAb, traffic characteristics. years between 2001 and 2006, as indicated
at a particular base year b, to AADTb (which by the dashed lines, to estimate 2006 speed
is input as AADT/ln) of year b using an UAf = U
 Ab – mAb . AADT b + [mAb – from a predicted AADT/ln value.
intercept cb (Free Flow Speed) and a gradi- (7.388 × 10 –5)n] . AADTf(9) Speed prediction model 2 is self-­
ent mb. Equation 6 describes speed at some calibrating. A particular intercept is not
time in the future, denoted by subscript f. It would be inconvenient to have to stipulated and so a unique model can be
determine a specific gradient mAb for the produced for every major road in South
UAb = cAb + mAb . AADT b(5) particular base year in every analysis. In Africa. The model is calibrated for a

16 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
particular road by using actual speed and Table 2 Q
 uality measures of speed prediction models
AADT/ln values, providing information
MODEL AASE (km/h) SEB (km/h)
about the road’s unique volume–speed
relationship. This allows the prediction Speed Prediction Model 1 (all vehicles) 3.463 –0.480
model to implicitly take roadway char- Speed Prediction Model 1 (light vehicles) 5.094 –2.216
acteristics into account, such as terrain,
lane and shoulder width, the number of Speed Prediction Model 2 (all vehicles) 4.028 –1.340

interchanges and alignment. Speed Prediction Model 2 (light vehicles) 5.652 –3.003

Speed Prediction for heavy vehicles 2.574 0.298

Speed prediction models for
heavy and light vehicles SANRAL RUC adjustment factor 11.6989 –7.61942
The speeds of heavy vehicles (denoted by
Allowable error 10 ±7.5
subscript H) are not affected by traffic vol-
ume. Heavy vehicle speeds observed during
the base year can therefore be maintained
throughout the analysis period according 120
to Equation 11:
2015 estimated speeds (km/h)

UHb = UHf(11)
R2 = 0.723

The annual rate of change of average 100

annual speed of light vehicles was observed
to be –0.071% per 1 000 veh/day/lane from 90
evaluation of the relationship between
AADT/ln and average annual speed of
light vehicles at discrete CTOSs (t statistic 80
–10.46, R2 0.51). Similar to Equation 4 for
all vehicle speeds, Equation 12 estimates 70
the average speed of light vehicles accord- 70 80 90 100 110 120
ing to “Speed Prediction Model 1”. 2015 measured speeds (km/h)

⎫ –0.071 AADTf ⎫
ULf = ULb 1 + ⎪ ⎪ (12)

⎭ 100 1 000 ⎭
Figure 7 C
 omparison of speeds estimated using Speed Prediction Model 1

2008). This method was formulated to be indicating that the assumption that speed of
The annual progression of the relationship applied on all higher-order roads in South heavy vehicles remains constant irrespective
between AADT/ln and the average speed Africa directly to RUC and not speed; how- of AADT/ln is valid. Estimates of speeds cal-
of light vehicles was analysed similarly to ever, Van As (2005) suggested that similar culated from the SANRAL RUC adjustment
the speed of all vehicles. The gradient of factors can be applied to speed directly. factor do not adequately represent actual
this relationship decreases at a constant Two quality measures of error, namely speeds; however, it must be remembered that
rate of –7.3298 × 10 –5 per year. Similar to Average Absolute Speed Error (AASE) and this model was not formulated to predict
Equation 10 for all vehicles, Equation 13 Speed Error Bias (SEB) are used to evaluate future speeds, rather the increase in RUC.
estimates light vehicle average speed speeds estimated by the prediction models. Comparison of 2015 actual speeds to
according to “Speed Prediction Model 2”. Allowable error range for speeds compared 2015 estimated speeds for all vehicles is
with the AASE and SEB error measures are presented in Figures 7 and 8 for Speed
U Af = U
 Ab + 0.00077 . AADT b – [0.00077 10 km/h and ±7.5 km/h respectively. The Prediction Model 1 and Speed Prediction
+ (7.330 × 10 –5)n] . AADTf(13) results of the error measures are presented Model 2, respectively. For Model 1, an R2
in Table 2. value of 0.723 is determined, indicating a
Both Speed Prediction Model 1 and Speed relatively good relationship between esti-
Model testing Prediction Model 2 (for all and light vehicles) mated speeds and those actually measured
The two speed prediction models to estimate speeds that are well within the error in 2015. Model 2 resulted in a slightly lower
estimate future speed from AADT/ln were allowances of both the AASE and SEB meas- R2 value of 0.698, indicating marginally
evaluated using a “test” dataset collected ures. Speed Prediction Model 1 performs more variability between estimated and
at 78 CTOSs around South Africa in 2008 slightly better than Speed Prediction Model 2 actual speeds. Considering the very high
and 2015. 2015 speeds were estimated from in both instances. The speed estimation for variation in observed speeds on higher-
2008 data, and then compared to actual all vehicle speeds is slightly more accurate order roads across South Africa (refer to
speed measurements of 2015. In addition than speed estimation for light vehicles Figure 1), these models both do well in
to the two models formulated for both all only. The error terms for the speed of heavy estimating future speeds. The red diagonal
and light vehicle speeds, comparison is also vehicles estimated according to Equation 11 lines in Figure 7 and 8 indicate a gradient
made to speed estimates calculated using are also presented in Table 2. The AASE and of 1.0. The regression lines of both Speed
the SANRAL method (Pienaar & Bester SEB for heavy vehicle prediction are very low, Prediction Model 1 and Speed Prediction

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 17
African Transport Conference 2007, 9–12 July 2007,
120 Pretoria, pp 600–609.
Cape Metropolitan Transport 1994. Cape Metropolitan
Guidelines for Conducting the Economic Evaluation
2015 estimated speeds (km/h)

of Urban Transport Projects. Cape Town:
R2 = 0.6983
Municipality of Cape Town.
100 Committee of Transport Officials 2013. TMH 17:
South Africa Trip Data Manual. Pretoria: SANRAL.
Garber, N & Hoel, L 2015. Traffic and Highway
Engineering, 5th ed. Stamford, CA: Cengage
80 Gwara, A 2017. Validation of TomTom historical average
speeds on freeway segments in Gauteng, South Africa.
MEng Dissertation. University of Stellenbosch.
70 80 90 100 110 120 Heggie, I 1972. Transport Engineering Economics.
2015 measured speeds (km/h) London: McGraw Hill.
Institute of Transportation Engineers 2009.
Figure 8 C
 omparison of speeds estimated using Speed Prediction Model 2 Transportation Planning Handbook, 3rd ed.
Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation
Model 2 are slightly less steep than the affected by AADT/ln increases annually at Engineers.
diagonal, indicating that both prediction a constant rate. Lomax, T, Turner, S & Shunk, G 1997. Quantifying
models slightly overestimate speeds lower Two novel speed prediction models Congestion, Vol 1, Final Report. National Cooperative
than 95 km/h and slightly underestimate were proposed in this article. Both models Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 398,
speeds higher than 95 km/h. require the input of AADT/ln of the Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
forecasted year to estimate a future aver- Margiotta, R, Cohen, H & DeCorla-Souza, P 1999.
age annual speed. Both models include a Speed and delay prediction models for planning
Conclusions and calibration variable, i.e. the average annual applications. Proceedings, 6th National Conference
recommendations speed in the base year of analysis. The on Transportation Planning for Small and Medium-
The objectives of this article were firstly to calibration step accounts for the variation Sized Communities, Spokane, WA.
quantify the relationship between AADT in the AADT/ln–speed relationship result- Montgomery, D & Runger, G 2007. Applied Statistics
and average annual speed on major highways, ing from specific roadway features. This and Probability for Engineers, 4th ed. Hoboken, N J:
and secondly, to generate prediction models calibration is unique to speed prediction Wiley.
to forecast speed from AADT, applicable on models and increases the reliability of these Pienaar, W & Bester, C 2008. Specialist socio-economic
a range of higher-order roads for use in eco- models to estimate speed considerably. impact study of the proposed N2 Wild Coast Toll
nomic analysis of road infrastructure. Separate prediction models were developed Highway. Report prepared for CCA Environmental,
A statistically significant relationship to estimate the average annual speed of on behalf of SANRAL by the University of
between AADT/ln and average annual all vehicles and light vehicles. The speed Stellenbosch.
speed was identified on major highways of heavy vehicles was found to remain Quinet, E & Vickerman, R 2004. Principles of
across South Africa. However, the relation- constant throughout the analysis period, Transport Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
ship displayed a high level of variability and irrespective of AADT/ln. Elgar Publishing.
a time series error in which distinct groups The proposed speed prediction models Schrank, D & Lomax, T 2009. 2009 Urban Mobility
of predictor variables (AADT/ln) were can be used to estimate average annual speed Report. College Station, TX: Texas Transport
related. To eliminate this error, data was for all vehicles and light vehicles from fore- Institute.
firstly considered at discrete positions on casted AADT/ln values for use in economic Thoresen, T & Roper, R 1996. Review and enhancement
the road network, and secondly, the annual assessment. These models are applicable to of vehicle operating cost models: assessment of non
progression of the relationship between all higher-order roads in South Africa with urban evaluation models. Research Report ARR 279.
AADT/ln and speed was evaluated. At two or more lanes per direction and a speed Victoria, Australia: Australian Road Research
discrete locations, the AADT/ln–speed limit of 120 km/h. It is recommended that Board.
relationships were significantly less vari- further research be conducted to explore the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2000. Highway
able; however, each location presented a applicability of these prediction models in Capacity Manual. Washington, DC: TRB.
unique correlation, influenced by road other countries, and to calibrate the models Treiber, M & Kesting, A 2013. Traffic Flow Dynamics:
characteristics, complicating the formula- for other types of roads. Data, Models and Simulation. Heidelberg,
tion of a universal speed prediction model. Germany: Springer.
The annual progression of the AADT/ln– Van As, C 2005. Travel Time Estimation on the N17.
speed relationship revealed that, while Free REFERENCES Pretoria: SANRAL.
Flow Speed remained relatively constant Bester, C & Geldenhuys, F 2007. Speed trends on major Winfrey, R 1969. Economic Analysis for Highways.
year after year, the rate at which speed is roads in South Africa. Proceedings, 26th Southern Scranton, PA: International Textbook Company.

18 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Static pile capacity from
the rapid test via the
Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering

unloading-point method
ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 19–26, Paper 1120

DR IRVIN LUKER (Pr Eng, MSAICE), who is a

I Luker Senior Lecturer at the University of the
Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, joined the
university’s academic staff after having
spent nine years in consulting and
Laboratory measurements were done of the end-bearing and side-shear stresses on small piles contracting, and then in 1986 graduated
with a PhD. Over the years he has lectured
subjected to “static” and rapid load tests. Interpretation, by the unloading-point method, of
and published on a variety of subjects, but
the results of rapid tests were done to estimate what the behaviour under a static test would mainly on geotechnical engineering. Since 2016 he has been working
have been if it had been done instead. Comparisons were made of the estimated static test full-time on research topics in the university’s civil engineering laboratory
behaviour to the actual static test behaviour to determine empirical values of a factor to adjust and is currently developing techniques and equipment to enable the rapid
testing of foundation piles to be done inexpensively in South Africa.
estimates closer to actual static test results. The dependence of the empirical factor on soil type,
the liquid limit of plastic soils and water content is shown. Contact details:
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of the Witwatersrand
PO Wits
INTRODUCTION The measurements of force and settle- 2050
The four basic types of pile load test are ment in all four basic types of pile test need South Africa
T: +27 11 717 7114
commonly called: (i) maintained load to be interpreted to predict how the pile
(or static), (ii) constant rate of penetra- will behave under its working load. Because
tion (CRP), (iii) rapid, and (iv) dynamic. of the wave effects in the dynamic test its
However, in the maintained load test, interpretation is difficult, requiring complex
increments of load are added when the computer software, knowledge of empirical
rate of penetration has reduced to (typi- correlations and an experienced interpreter.
cally) 0.25 mm/hour. Therefore, like the In comparison, the unloading-point method
CRP, it is also a test in which the rate of interpretation of the rapid test is simpler.
of penetration is specified, although It can be concisely described as follows:
extremely slow. The rapid and dynamic Figure 1 shows, for a rapid test, a typical
tests are both done quickly, and up graph of total force measured at the head of
to twelve pile tests per day have been a pile versus displacement, where:
reported. The fundamental difference
between the rapid and dynamic types is Total force = s oil resistance under static
the length of time over which the testing conditions + extra soil
force is applied. For the rapid test it lies in resistance from its rate of
the approximate range of 0.02 to 0.2 sec, straining + inertia force
(depending on pile length and material), from mass × acceleration. (1)
and for the dynamic test it is approximate-
ly 0.005 sec. In the dynamic test a force At the unloading point the velocity is zero,
pulse of short wavelength travels down the so the second term of the soil resistance
pile shaft (in compression) and back up (in in Equation 1 is zero. The acceleration is
tension). In the rapid test, the force pulse measured throughout the test and the mass
has a wavelength that is sufficiently long can be estimated, so the third term can be
for the whole pile to be in compression calculated. Subtraction of the third term
simultaneously and no reflected tension from the measured total force gives the soil
wave effects are seen. resistance under static conditions, at the
Further information about the four point of maximum settlement in the test.
types of test can be found in Fleming et al A formal statement of this procedure
(1994) and Byrne et al (2019). More specific is given in Hölscher et al (2012) and
information about the rapid test is given by ISO 22477-10:2016 (ISO 2016).
Middendorp et al (1992), Middendorp and Values of static resistance calculated
Bielefeld (1995), and Hölscher et al (2012). using this procedure, when compared to
Standards defining the method of execu- those from the maintained load (static) test,
tion of the rapid test are ISO22477-10:2016 have been found to be accurate for coarse,
(ISO 2016), ASTM D7383-08 (ASTM 2008) non-cohesive soil, but to overestimate the
and JGS 1815-2002 (JGS 2002). resistance of cohesive soils (Hölscher et al Keywords: piles, load test, clays, dynamics, empiricism

Luker I. Static pile capacity from the rapid test via the unloading-point method.
J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #1120, 8 pages. 19
2012; Weaver & Rollins 2010). Adjustment
of this overestimate is done by an empirical
factor μ, defined as follows:
Unloading point
force measured in a static test
μ= (2)
static force interpreted from a rapid test

Force at head of pile

In a review of comparisons between rapid
and static tests by Hölscher et al (2012) a
value of μ = 0.66 is given “for all clay”, with
a coefficient of variation of 49%. These
values are repeated in ISO 22477-10:2016
(ISO 2016). Brown and Powell (2013) stated
that more information about the variation
of μ with soil type was needed. They chose
liquid limit (LL) to represent the potential
for rate effects in cohesive soils, and from Pile displacement
published results of six sources of tests
where the LL was known they suggested: Figure 1 Typical result of a rapid test on a pile

μ = –0.0033 × LL + 0.69 (3)

Slowly applied force at displacement
which has a Pearson R2 correlation coef- 0.25 mm/hour or rapid test force
ficient of 0.6.

These coefficients (49% and 0.6) seemed to

the present author to be too high and too Accelerometers
low, respectively, for satisfactory applica-
tion in practice, so the work described in
this paper was done to try to improve the
accuracy with which μ for the unloading-
point method (UPM) can be estimated.
It is noted that two other methods of Displacement transducers
interpretation of the rapid test have been
proposed and have been reviewed by Brown
and Powell (2013). They applied all three
methods to maintained load and rapid field Steel guide tube
tests on two clay sites. Perhaps because of
limited data they did not give broad recom- Compacted soil
mendations for which method is preferable.
It is suggested by the present author that
0 101
the UPM has the benefit of simplicity. It is
PVC tube
also noted that it is the only method recom-
mended by ISO 22477-10:2016 (ISO 2016).

0 300

The first choice made was between full-
scale site tests where rapid tests are com-
pared to maintained load tests, or smaller-
scale laboratory tests. To be of practical use,
values of μ for a wide range of soil types are
needed. Site tests are very expensive and the Stiff packing
types of soil around a pile can vary greatly
along its length, therefore laboratory testing
on a small diameter pile was chosen.
The second choice presented, if a whole
pile were to be tested, was the value of
the ratio of length to base diameter of the Figure 2 Apparatus for end-bearing tests

20 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering



10.4 kN
End-bearing force (kN)


2.81 mm
0 5 10 15 20
Displacement (mm)

Figure 3 End-bearing slow loading tests sequence

pile, λ. Influencing this choice were: (i) the compacted soil below it. The outer tube The slowly applied bearing force was
soil mechanics of side shear are different allows the top of the compacted soil to be produced by advancing the base of the pile
from end bearing, (ii) the magnitude of above the bearing level. Friction between the at a rate close to 0.25 mm/hour, using an
the influence of loading rate on μ for side tubes was reduced to a negligible amount by electric motor and a custom-built series
shear has been reported to be greater than soft grease. Bearing force on the inner tube of gears ending in a slowly turning nut on
that on μ for end bearing (Brown 2004), was measured by the same load-cell in both a threaded shaft. The rate of 0.25 mm/hr
and (iii) a wide range of λ occurs in piling very slow penetration tests (so-called “static” was chosen because it is close to the rate
practice, and a sufficient number of tests in tests) and rapid tests. Displacement of the of settlement at which load increments are
the present investigation could not be done inner tube relative to the soil container was added in standard maintained load (static)
to represent that range. After considering measured by two linear potentiometers. tests, e.g. ASTM D7383-08 (ASTM 2008)
these influences it was decided to do Two accelerometers were fixed diametrically and SANS 1200F (SANS 1983).
separate tests for side shear and end bearing. opposite on the inner tube to measure accel- The rapid test force was produced by
The third choice presented was that of eration in the direction of the bearing force. dropping a 100 kg mass of steel onto a
the parameters to be measured of the soils Soil was compacted by hand into the spring at the head of the pile. Because the
in the beds in which the pile was tested, for PVC tube container by a rammer of 75 mm stiffness and strength of the different soil
possible use in empirical relationships to diameter and mass 4.5 kg. The water content beds varied, the height of drop of the mass
predict μ. Influencing this choice were: (i) the of each soil was adjusted to the estimated needed to deliver the desired force also var-
soil parameters should be easily obtained, optimum for compaction, resulting in all ied. This variation in drop height caused
such as those that are usually measured in a soil test beds being partially saturated and at variation in the velocity of the pile base,
site investigation, (ii) the parameters likely to water content at or below their plastic limit. which is discussed further on in this paper.
have a significant influence on the value of μ The boundary of the soil below the bear- The time period over which a force
must be included, and (iii) Brown and Powell ing level of the pile was at five times its diam- should be applied for a test on a pile to be
(2013) had used liquid limit to characterise a eter, so that the mechanics of the soil were a rapid test has been defined (Middendorp
cohesive soil in their empirical equation for μ. not significantly influenced by this boundary. & Bielefeld 1995) as required to be at least
(The soil parameters chosen to be measured However, the diameter of the container was 10 times the time needed for a stress wave
in this study are given in Table 2 on page 24.) only three times the pile diameter, therefore to travel the length of the pile. So, the ques-
this boundary did have an influence on the tion arises: are the time periods over which
soil bed’s behaviour. This influence was con- force was applied in the end-bearing tests
APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE sidered acceptable because the purpose of the sufficiently close to those that would occur
FOR END-BEARING TESTS testing was comparison of behaviour in two in rapid tests on whole piles? The range of
Figure 2 gives details of the apparatus. The types of test, and both types would have the the time periods in the end-bearing tests
closed end of the inner tube bears onto the same boundary conditions. was 0.02 to 0.025 sec. Considering piles

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 21
made of good quality concrete with a wave
End-bearing force, adjusted for inertia forces (kN) 14 velocity of 4 000 m/s, the minimum pile
point length to exactly comply with the rapid test
12 11.2 kN
definition is then given by:
4 000
L = 0.02 × = 8 m.
8 10

This length is realistic for a concrete pile,
4 therefore the time periods over which
end-bearing stress was applied to the soil in
2 these tests can be considered realistic for a
rapid test.
2.81 mm
Sequence of test types
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Ideally one would test the pile in a bed of a
Displacement (mm) particular soil using one test method, remove
the pile and re-establish it in an identical
Figure 4 End-bearing rapid loading test bed of soil, then test it using the other test
method. However, it was found to be impos-
sible to get sufficiently identical conditions of
Slowly applied force at displacement soil compaction in successive tests.
0.25 mm/hour or rapid test force The solution adopted is illustrated in
Figure 3 (page 21), showing measurements
from one of the tests. The pile was first
loaded slowly (0.25 mm/hr as in a static test)
PVC tube
to a displacement of 5.6 mm, unloaded, then
slowly reloaded again to a total displacement
of 12.7 mm and unloaded. A rapid reload

test was then done (for clarity, not shown

Steel tube in 3 lengths
in Figure 3). A second slow reload test was
then done. As can be seen in Figure 3, the
soil conditions encountered by each reload
Aluminium loadcell and test are different, because of the action on

the soil of the preceding test. To compare the
behaviour in the rapid test to that in the slow
0 90
test, the graph of slow test behaviour at dis-
placements starting from point A on Figure 3
Compacted soil
is assumed would rise up to the green line, in

Glued-on sand a similar manner to the slow reload tests on

either side, then follow that green line.
The force versus displacement behav-
iour of the rapid test that was actually
Aluminium loadcell done, starting from point A on Figure 3,

is shown in Figure 4. Note that the force

values on the ordinate axis have been
corrected for the contribution to the force
measured at the load-cell from acceleration

Displacement transducer and inertia of the inner tube and impact

plate on top of it. Displacement in both
types of test was measured by transducers,
Concrete block during soil but in the rapid test was also calculated
compaction replaced by
polystyrene foam with from integration of the measured accelera-
0 100 hole during tests tion. Values were very similar but offset
by a small time difference when plotted
on a graph of force versus time. Because
0 300 the values from integration of acceleration
give a smoother line than those from the
displacement transducers, they are used for
Figure 5 Apparatus for side-shear measurement all the rapid tests reported in this paper.

22 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering

Shear force on pile's middle third (kN)

0 5 10 15 20
Displacement (mm)
Initial loading 1st slow reload 2nd slow reload 3rd slow reload 4th slow reload

Figure 6 Force versus displacement results of a typical series of slow tests measuring side-shear stress

Consider further this example: at the Table 1 Results of end-bearing tests prevent slip and ensure shear was within the
unloading point the displacement on Figure 4 Soil USCS
soil. Before beginning testing of the pile, the
is 2.81 mm and the force value (confirmed on μ concrete block at the base of the tube was
number classification
a graph of force versus velocity, at ­velocity = 0) replaced by a block of expanded polystyrene
2 CH 0.88
is 11.2 kN. On Figure 3 the slow test force foam with a central hole 3 mm bigger in
from the interpolated green line at a displace- 1 SC 1.06 diameter than the bottom steel tube of the
ment of 2.81 mm from point A is 10.4 kN. pile. During all tests on the pile, its down-
7 SP 0.93
Therefore, the value in this example of μ ward displacement was freely into the hole
(from Equation 2) is 10.4/11.2 = 0.93. in the polystyrene foam whose purpose was
to prevent spalling of the bottom face of the
APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE soil annulus. Although the shear stiffness of
RESULTS OF END‑BEARING TESTS FOR SIDE-SHEAR TESTS the foam was different from the soil, because
Twelve different soils were used for tests of Figure 5 gives details of the apparatus. The the shear behaviour of the middle third of
side-shear and end-bearing behaviours (char- pile was made from three lengths of steel the length of the pile was being examined,
acteristics of which are given in Table 2 on tube, between which were two pieces of 300 mm away from the foam, the effect
page 24). Soil Numbers 1, 2 and 7 were used aluminium tube. The five tubes were strongly of the foam on that shear behaviour was
for end-bearing tests, chosen because 2 and 7 glued together. Both aluminium tubes had assumed to be negligible.
are at the extremes of fineness and coarseness strain gauges on their internal faces so that The procedure adopted is similar to that
of the twelve, and Soil No 1 is approximately they functioned as load-cells to measure used for the end-bearing tests and is illus-
midway. The results are given in Table 1. longitudinal force, and the upper aluminium trated in Figure 6. The pile was first loaded
The range of variation of μ is small tube also had two accelerometers for the slowly (0.25 mm/hr as in a static test) to its
compared to that reported by Brown and longitudinal direction. Soil was compacted maximum capacity, unloaded, then slowly
Powell (2013) for whole piles, and the round the pile inside the same 300 mm reloaded again to its maximum capacity, and
mean is close to 1. This indicates: (i) the diameter tube used for the end-bearing tests, unloaded. A rapid reload test was then done
unloading-point method is accurate for end against the reaction of a concrete block at the (for clarity not shown in Figure 6). A second
bearing, and (ii) variation in soil type has bottom of the tube. Both pile and container slow reload test was then done. As can be
little effect on the accuracy. tube had rough surfaces of glued-on sand to seen in Figure 6, the shapes of the graphs of

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 23

Shear force on pile's middle third (kN)

–0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Displacement (mm)

Figure 7 Shear force versus displacement of a typical rapid reload test

the initial loading and the two slow reload In these tests, for one pile embedment test done between the first and second reload
tests are different. Consider the graphs of the in a soil, four slow reload tests were done, tests shown in Figure 6. The force has been
initial slow loading and the first slow reload with three rapid tests between them. From adjusted to remove inertia effects. Its shape
tests. They are different because the soil con- comparison of the behaviours in the two is similar to Figure 4 for an end-­bearing test,
ditions that the reload test encounters have types of test, three values of μ for that soil except that it is more flat-topped, as can be
been altered by the action of the initial load- were obtained. The mean of the three has expected from the flat-topped shape of the
ing. For the same reason, the graphs of the been taken as representative of the soil and slow tests results shown in Figure 6.
two slow reload tests are different from each its condition in those tests. Tests to compare side-shear behaviours
other. However, they are sufficiently similar in the slow and rapid tests were performed
for the assumption to be made that the mean in twelve different soils. Measured
of them represents the slow test behaviour of RESULTS OF SIDE-SHEAR TESTS properties of the soils and their density and
the soil that would have been seen if a slow Figure 7 shows a typical graph of force versus moisture content conditions during the
test had been done instead of the rapid test displacement for the side-shear resistance tests are shown in Table 2, together with
that was actually done. on the middle length of the pile in the rapid the values of μ.

Table 2 Soils used in the testing, measured characteristics and values of μ

USCS Plastic Liquid Grading % Dry density Water Degree of
Soil no µ
classification limit limit Gravel Sand Silt Clay kg/m3 content % saturation

1 SC 18 28 16 50 22 12 1542 9.9 0.37 0.79

2 CH 24 55 2 19 27 52 1083 17.0 0.31 0.64
3 SC 20 31 22 58 14 6 1632 5.6 0.24 0.81
4 CL 23 34 16 36 37 11 1569 18.4 0.71 0.79
5 SC 15 25 28 55 11 6 1435 4.4 0.14 0.80
6 CL 19 45 3 48 15 34 1395 19.5 0.57 0.81
7 SW n.p n.p 41 49 10 0 1932 2.8 0.20 1.05
8 SC 29 60 9 52 14 25 1169 26.7 0.56 0.61
9 CL 13 24 0 55 24 21 1671 11.1 0.50 0.65
10 SC-SM 14 21 7 71 14 8 1853 11.1 0.68 0.80
11 SC 13 29 4 53 15 28 1471 13.0 0.43 0.80
12 SP n.p n.p. 3 47 41 9 1550 13.0 0.50 0.83

24 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
correlations with WC and S. The correlation
0.9 of μ with the rate of shearing was also
investigated, using the parameter of the
0.8 maximum pile velocity in each test.
Clearly μ is best correlated with the
0.7 plasticity parameters, with liquid limit
(LL) being the better one. It is similarly
0.6 correlated with WC. Correlation with
aspects of the grading curve are not good,
Values of Mu

and degree of saturation is, surprisingly,
poorly correlated with μ. Also surprising
is the small correlation of μ with the
velocity of the pile during the test, in this
case represented by the maximum velocity
To get the most accurate empirical
equation for μ from the measured results,
various combinations of parameters were
investigated, but including more than LL
0 20 40 60 80 100 and WC produced negligible improvement.
Liquid limit Therefore a function of the form (Equation 4)
Brown & Powell 2013 Optimum WC Soils 8 & 11 higher WC Calc'd Mu at sat'n was chosen:

Figure 8 μ versus liquid limit μ = m1.LL + m2.WC + m3.LL.WC + m4 (4)

The values of μ for the non-plastic different degrees of saturation. In Figure 8 When the m1 to m4 factors were deter-
soils numbers 7 and 12 are close to 1, as the blue points at liquid limit = 60 and 29 mined from the data of the red and blue
expected. However, the range of μ in the show the resulting decrease in μ towards points on Figure 8, the R2 value was 0.88.
ten plastic soils is from 0.61 to 0.81. Clearly the region of the tests done (it is assumed) This seems relatively good, but comparing
some means of choosing the appropriate in saturated soil. the calculated values of μ to the actual
value of μ for a site of a rapid pile test is It is therefore concluded that in an values of μ showed that the function
required. In the absence of mathematical empirical evaluation of μ for a soil, its water overestimates μ at high WC. This is
theory representing the variation in soil content must be one of the parameters because only two soils (numbers 8 and 11,
conditions, empirical correlation is invoked. included. LLs 60 and 29 – blue points on Figure 8)
In the present study the linear correla- have test data at high WC.
tion of μ with a variety of parameters of soil To obtain a function for μ with broad
EMPIRICAL CORRELATION characteristics was investigated using least application in practice, the green points
BETWEEN μ FOR SIDE-SHEAR squares regression analysis. Table 3 gives in Figure 8 were generated for the soils
AND SOIL PROPERTIES the values of R2 seen for the measured soil at their saturation WC, using the linear
Following the example of Brown and properties for the tests shown by the red correlation between WC and μ whose R2
Powell (2013) μ from these side-shear tests points in Figure 8, for all parameters except value was 0.81 in Table 3. The factors of
was first plotted against liquid limit, as water content (WC) and degree of satura- Equation 4 were then found using the data
shown in Figure 8, which also incorporates tion (S). The tests shown by the blue points of all points from the present side-shear
their values for whole piles plotted as grey were included with the red points for the tests on Figure 8, (i.e. all except Brown
diamond-shaped points. The red points are and Powell’s data, the grey points), giving
present results of tests done at water con- Table 3 Parameters linearly correlated with μ Equation 5.
tent close to the optimums for compaction Soil parameter Pearson R2
of the soils. μ=–
 1.755e-3.LL – 9.762e-3.WC +
It is clear that the trend of values of μ D10 grain size 0.14 2.465e-5.LL.WC + 0.920 (5)
in the red points is higher than those of D50 grain size 0.19
Brown and Powell (2013). It was thought One would normally show the line of an
% < 0.002 mm 0.43
that this may have been caused by differ- empirical equation superimposed on a
ent amounts of water in the soils, because % < 0.425 mm 0.28 graph of the data points from which it
the field tests reported by them were done Liquid limit 0.91 was derived, but this is impractical in the
on sites with high water tables, so it may present case where the equation has two
Plasticity index 0.54
be assumed that the majority of the soil independent variables, LL and WC. Instead,
affected by the piles was saturated. Water content 0.81 the ability of Equation 5 to reproduce the
To test this hypothesis, tests on soils Degree of saturation 0.39 measured values of μ is shown in Figure 9,
numbers 8 and 11 (whose liquid limits are which plots both actual and calculated
Max velocity of pile 0.15
60 and 29 respectively), were done at three values of μ against LL.

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 25
public, via the geotechnical engineering
0.9 profession, for doing all the material char-
acterisation tests reported in this paper
without charge.
0.8 The assistance of N Mangisana and
L Madlala in obtaining the end-bearing test
results during their BSc final-year investi-
0.7 gational project is gratefully acknowledged.
Mu values

ASTM 2008. ASTM D7383-08. Standard Test Methods
for Axial Compressive Force Pulse (Rapid) Testing of

0.5 Deep Foundations. [Superseded by ASTM D7383 –

19.] West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
Brown, M J 2004. The rapid load testing of piles in fine

0.4 grained soils. Sheffield, UK: PhD thesis. University

of Sheffield.
Brown, M J & Powell, J J M 2013. Comparison of rapid
load test analysis techniques in clay soils. Journal of
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Liquid limit ASCE, 139(1): 152–161.
Measured data Calculated by Equation 4 Byrne, G, Chang, N & Raju, V 2019. A Guide
to Practical Engineering in Africa, 5th ed.
Figure 9 Comparison of calculated and measured μ values Johannesburg: Franki Inc.
Fleming, W G K, Weltman, A J, Randolph, M F &
DISCUSSION after the rapid test to get a more accurate Elson, W K 1994 Piling Engineering. Glasgow:
Because the grey points on Figure 8 are for assessment of static behaviour to which Blackie & Son.
whole piles, but the other points (from the to compare the rapid behaviour. Hölscher, P, Brassinga, H, Brown, M J et al 2012. Rapid
present tests) are for side shear only, it is QQ Based on three tests, having a wide Load Testing on Piles: Interpretation Guidelines.
strictly not correct to combine them into a range of soil types, the factor μ (refer to London: CRC Press.
single empirical relationship for μ. However, Equation 2) for end-bearing loads on a pile ISO (International Standardisation Organisation) 2016.
if it is accepted that μ values for end bearing is close to 1 and independent of soil type. ISO 22477-10:2016. Geotechnical Investigation and
are close to unity for all soil types, then QQ The factor μ for side shear in coarse Testing: Testing of Geotechnical Structures. Part 10:
the variation of the grey points with LL is soils is confirmed to be close to 1. Testing of Piles: Rapid Load Testing. Geneva: ISO.
mainly caused by the effect of the variation QQ Based on multiple tests on 12 soils, μ for JGS (Japanese Geotechnical Society) 2002. JGS 1815-
of LL on side shear. Then, for saturated soils, side shear on a pile varies with: (i) soil type 2002. Method for Rapid Load Test of Single Piles.
the grey points can be combined with the (coarse or cohesive), and (ii) for a cohesive Tokyo, Japan: JGS.
green points and the two of the blue points soil, its liquid limit and its water content. Middendorp, P, Bermingham, P & Kuiper, B 1992.
that were for saturated conditions, to give QQ Values of μ for side shear for use in Statnamic load testing of foundation piles. In:
the best fit linear Equation 6 for μ for side practice may be determined from the liq- Barends, F B J (Ed.). Application of Stress Wave
shear in saturated soil. It has R2 = 0.73. uid limit and water content of a soil using Theory to Piles. Rotterdam, The Netherlands:
the empirical Equation 5 in this paper, for A A Balkema, 581–588.
μ = –3.895e-3.LL + 0.731 (6) the range of liquid limit up to 60. Middendorp, P & Bielefeld, M W 1995. Statnamic load
QQ In saturated soils, Equation 6 is testing and the influence of stress wave phenomena.
It is noted that if a μ value from Equation 6 applicable to give μ for side shear, for Proceedings, 1st International Statnamic Seminar,
is used to interpret a rapid test on a liquid limit up to 90. 25–27 September 1995, Vancouver, Canada,
whole pile (including its end-bearing QQ Conservative values of maximum “static” pp 1–15.
resistance where μ is close to unity) then capacity for a whole pile may be obtained SANS (South African National Standard) 1983. SANS
a conservatively low estimate of the static by applying values of μ from Equations 5 1200F 1983 Standardised Specification for Civil
load resistance will be obtained. and 6 to the unloading-point method Engineering Construction. Section F: Piling. Pretoria:
of interpretation of a rapid test on a SABS Standards Division.
whole pile. Weaver, T J & Rollins, K M 2010. Reduction factor
CONCLUSIONS for the unloading point method at clay soil sites.
QQ Improvement in the scatter of values of μ Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
previously published has been obtained ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Engineering, ASCE, 136(4): 643–646.
by doing “static” and rapid tests on the The author wishes to thank Civilab (Pty)
same pile, but repeating the static test Ltd for their generosity to the general

26 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
A critical review of the
Water Sorptivity Index (WSI) Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering

parameter for potential

ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 27–34, Paper 1123

durability assessment: AMY MOORE completed her BSc (Eng) and

MSc (Eng) degrees in the Department of

Can WSI be considered in

Civil Engineering at the University of Cape
Town. Her Master’s research focused on the
corrosion of reinforced concrete in marine

isolation of porosity?
environments. Since having completed her
studies, Amy has been pursuing a career in
education and publishing.

Contact details:
A J Moore, A T Bakera, M G Alexander Department of Civil Engineering
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
T: +27 21 650 4012
The Durability Index (DI) approach used in South Africa is linked to transport-related properties
of the cover layer of concrete. This performance-based approach utilises three different
durability-related parameters, namely Water Sorptivity Index (WSI), Oxygen Permeability Index ALICE TITUS BAKERA is a PhD student in the
(OPI) and Chloride Conductivity Index (CCI). In the water sorptivity test, both the sorptivity Department of Civil Engineering at the
and the water-penetrable porosity of the concrete are measured. Until now, porosity has not University of Cape Town (UCT). Her current
research focuses on the biogenic acid attack
been considered directly as a separate durability-related parameter. This paper analyses these
of concrete subjected to the sewer
implications and suggests that porosity should be adopted as a further index. The paper environment. She is a member of the
concludes that sorptivity cannot be interpreted without also reflecting the porosity value since Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity
these two parameters are inter-related. Research Unit (CoMSIRU) at UCT and a
member of the Concrete Society of Southern Africa, Western Cape Branch.

Contact details:
INTRODUCTION AND It seems self-evident that measurement
Department of Civil Engineering
BACKGROUND of suitable parameters is essential to the University of Cape Town
After water, concrete is the most used achievement of durability, but the difficulty Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
material on earth, with over 25 billion has been the lack of appropriate durability- T: +27 21 650 4012
tons being produced worldwide annually related tests and parameters that can be
(World Business Council for Sustainable applied, especially on as-built structures.
Development 2009). However, the premature DIs help to fulfil this requirement. Two Professor and a Senior Research Scholar at
deterioration of concrete structures is of other critical aspects in the selection of the University of Cape Town (UCT). He has a
increasing concern around the world. In suitable durability index parameters are the PhD from the University of the
Witwatersrand and is a Fellow of the
developing countries such as South Africa, purpose for which the durability param- University of Cape Town and of RILEM
the excessive cost of repairing and rehabili- eters are measured, and the ease and speed (International Union of Laboratories and
tating concrete infrastructure is detrimental of measurement so that they can be used Experts in Construction Materials, Systems
and Structures). He co-authored Aggregates in Concrete (2005),
to the needs of other sectors of the economy. as rapid indicators of quality in quality
Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Structural Damage to Concrete (2011) and
Resources that could be directed towards control schemes. It is this combination of Durability of concrete – design and construction (2017) (CRC Press), and
urgently needed new construction are purpose and ease and speed of measure- was Editor of Marine concrete structures. Design, durability and
diverted to the cost of repairing existing ment that dictates whether a parameter performance (2016) (Woodhead Publishers). He is involved in the Concrete
Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) at UCT, which
infrastructure. These resources could also can be used as a durability indicator.
focuses on infrastructure performance and renewal research.
be better spent on education and developing
Contact details:
additional infrastructure. Therefore, it is Importance of durability
essential that ways be found to ensure that design and assessment Department of Civil Engineering
concrete structures are constructed in the Durability design is integral to structural University of Cape Town
most durable way possible. To respond to design. However, durability design needs to Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa
T: +27 21 650 4012
this challenge, researchers are developing be emphasised during the design process E:
new approaches and tools to address durabil- to ensure that concrete structures are
ity problems. A powerful new set of tools designed for longevity. Durability is defined
involves “durability indicators”, or “durability as the ability of a material or structure to
indexes (DIs)” which are linked with the pre- withstand the service conditions for which
ferred performance-based approach to dura- it was designed, without undue deteriora-
bility design and specification. These DIs are tion (Alexander & Beushausen 2019). As Keywords: concrete durability, durability index, water sorptivity,
discussed later (Alexander et al 2008). indicated, many concrete structures are porosity, absorption

Moore AJ, Bakera AT, Alexander MG. A critical review of the Water Sorptivity Index (WSI) parameter for potential durability assessment:
Can WSI be considered in isolation of porosity? J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #1123, 8 pages. 27
showing inadequate durability, implying materials and mix proportions are impor- under “ideal” conditions, as well as actual
that the objectives of “durability design” tant, ultimately, it is equally important to concrete under site conditions. Since site
have not been particularly successful. To quantify in situ performance (Alexander & conditions are never “ideal”, allowance
help remedy the premature deterioration Beushausen 2019). must be made in design for exposure con-
problem, “potential durability” of the con- ditions and construction effects.
crete needs to be assessed and specified. Quantification of durability
Potential durability is taken here to mean From the above, it follows that the best Brief description of Durability
the ability of the concrete delivered to, or durability strategies for reinforced Index tests
mixed on, the job site to be durable in the concrete structures will be those that The South African DI tests consist of
structure for which it is intended, under seek to improve the quality of the cover three tests, namely, Oxygen Permeability
the given exposure conditions. concrete. This quality must be appropri- Index (OPI), Chloride Conductivity Index
Many of the deterioration processes ately measured, during construction, as (CCI) and Water Sorptivity Index (WSI)
that render reinforced concrete structures well as the actual cover depth achieved, tests. These tests have been discussed
vulnerable are concerned with the quality thus quantifying potential durability. in literature and are briefly described
and depth of the concrete cover to the rein- Potential durability, as defined above, is here (Alexander et al 2018, 2008, 1999;
forcing steel. Potential durability relates to readily quantified by means of durabil- Mackechnie & Alexander 2002). All the
the quality of the cover layer (which is a ity indexes. This concept can be taken tests are conducted on “standard” 70 mm
complex product of the concrete constitu- further by linking it to service-life models diameter, 30 mm thick specimens. The
ents and proportions) and site construction (Mackechnie & Alexander 2002) which can specimens are pre-conditioned by oven-
processes, including protection and curing then be used to predict deterioration of a drying and, for the CCI test, also by pre-
immediately post-construction. These structure. Durability should be quantified saturation with chloride solution.
all have a direct influence on the rate by considering indexes that represent the The OPI test measures the pressure
of ingress of deleterious substances into transport properties of concrete, while also decay of oxygen passed through a standard
the concrete. Cover quality, with a direct considering the aggressiveness of the expo- specimen in a falling head permeameter,
impact on potential durability, can be sure environment. This latter point is very the index being defined as the negative
accomplished by ensuring that appropri- important, since it was observed by Moore log of the coefficient of permeability.
ate materials are selected for the given (2014) that reinforced concrete structures Common OPI values range from 8.5 to 10.5
environment at the design phase, and that in the marine environment, of the same (on a log scale), a higher value indicating
construction processes such as compaction quality concrete, had higher rates of cor- a higher impermeability and thus a con-
and curing are correctly carried out. rosion in the splash zone, when compared crete of potentially higher quality. Using
with the tidal zone. this approach, carbonation depths may
Prescriptive versus performance be predicted for different environments
approach to durability (Salvoldi et al 2015).
design and specification DURABILITY INDEX APPROACH The CCI test measures the instantane-
Traditionally, durability design and The durability index approach has been ous electrical current due to the flux of
specification were achieved by applying developed in South Africa (SA) over recent chloride ions through a standard specimen,
prescriptive approaches, in which construc- decades (Alexander et al 2018, 2008, 1999; pre-saturated in 5 M sodium chloride
tion materials and other constraints (e.g. Mackechnie & Alexander 2002). The SA (NaCl) solution, in a two-cell conduction
water/binder ratio, concrete cover, and durability indexes are measurable durabil- rig in which both sides of the specimen are
grade of concrete) were adjusted to suit the ity parameters and serve as “indexes” of exposed to the NaCl solution. The chloride
environmental exposure class. However, the potential durability of the material or conductivity index (CCI) is related to the
this approach is now much criticised as it structure. They characterise the key mate- chloride diffusion properties of the concrete.
does not consider (a) the ability to measure rial properties that govern the durability Finally, the WSI test measures the rate
actual potential durability “resistance”, and issues of concern. Although being meas- of movement of a wetting front through
(b) the effects of the construction processes ured in the short-term (typically 28 days), concrete under capillary suction. A
which affect durability, mainly curing and research has shown that they can be used schematic presentation of the test setup
compaction. Further, modern concrete- as indicators of the likely durability per- is given in Figure 1 – the lower the WSI
making materials, specifically binders and formance of the structure in the long-term value, the better the potential durability
admixtures, can no longer be regarded as (Alexander & Beushausen 2019). of the concrete. This index is particularly
“simplistic” and need a more sophisticated As discussed, the indexes reflect the sensitive to the near-surface properties of
approach to characterise and use them potential durability of the concrete. This concrete and is, thus, a good indication of
properly. Therefore, performance-based can be affected if concrete is cast and the type and effectiveness of curing. As the
approaches, which must require the quality cured under laboratory conditions, in final step in the test, the water-penetrable
of the as-built structure to be assessed to which case the indexes generally (but not porosity is measured under vacuum. The
be truly performance-based, are crucial in always) represent concrete quality that is WSI parameter is in effect the rate of mass
achieving durable structures. The cover superior to both as-delivered quality, and change from water uptake by absorption,
zone of the as-built structure needs to as-built quality, with the latter reflecting divided (or “normalised”) by the water-
be tested to reflect the penetrability and the influence of construction practices. penetrable porosity of the specimen. This
thus potential durability of the concrete. Thus, it is possible to assess whether the has implications for the resulting sorptivity
While the composition of the constituent concrete can be expected to be durable values, which will be explored later.

28 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
root of time t; t being the time (typically in
Concrete core specimen hours) after a specimen is first exposed to
70 mm diameter
30 mm thick water on its wetting face.
The denominator term (Msv – Mso) in
Wet paper towels Equation 1 is a proxy for porosity (Nilsson
Epoxy coating 2003) and thus Equation 1 normalises
the measured rate of mass gain “F” by a
Capillary rise porosity-related term, to give the sorptivity
S. Porosity n (in percentage) is defined in
Equation 3:

Msv – Mso
n= × 100(3)
Test surface Adρw

Figure 1 S chematic representation of the WSI test where Msv, Mso and d are defined above,
A is the cross-sectional area of the speci-
Table 1 Suggested range for durability classifications using index values (Alexander et al 1999) men, and ρw is the density of water. [Note
that the term (Msv – Mso) appears in
Durability class OPI (log scale) Sorptivity (mm/√h ) Conductivity (mS/cm)
the numerator in Equation 3, and in the
Excellent >10 <6 <0.75 denominator in Equation 1; it is in this
sense that the sorptivity can be thought of
Good 9.5–10 6–10 0.75–1.5
as the rate of mass gain “normalised” by
Poor 9.0–9.5 10–15 1.5–2.5 the porosity.]
In fact, water-penetrable porosity is
Very poor <9 >15 >2.5
the fundamental material parameter that
is measured in the WSI test, not sorptiv-
These tests are useful since they are SORPTIVITY VERSUS POROSITY ity. Porosity is a complex parameter that
rapid and can be conducted typically at In the WSI test, both the sorptivity and encompasses pore volume, pore intercon-
28 days after construction, allowing an the water-penetrable porosity of the nectivity, pore tortuosity, and pore path
early age evaluation of potential durability concrete are measured. The sorptivity length. In the test it is assumed that all
(Alexander et al 2008). Since the original value is effectively the rate of mass gain pore volumes that are penetrable by water
implementation of the tests, they have been (g/√h) “normalised” by the porosity of the are filled, giving a mass change that can
improved and updated (Mukadam et al concrete. The index is expressed as a rate be converted into a percentage volume
2016; Otieno & Alexander 2015). of penetration depth of a wetting front of the specimen. This, together with the
into the concrete, typically in mm/√h, measured rate of mass change due to water
Matrix of DI values and not purely as the rate of mass uptake. absorption, gives the sorptivity. This is
The durability indexes have been placed For deterioration mechanisms such as illustrated schematically in Figure 2, where
in a matrix of values which can be used to reinforcement corrosion, the rate at which the measured values are distinguished
evaluate the potential durability of concrete fluids approach embedded reinforcing bars from the inferred value of sorptivity.
structures at an early age (see Table 1). The is critical in evaluating the expected service Combining Equations 1 and 3 results in
table is qualitative and therefore has limita- life. Generally, concrete sorptivity is gov- Equation 4, which indicates that sorptivity
tions in its applications since the level of erned by a square root of time law, with the and porosity are related, showing that two
acceptable “performance” must be consid- relevant expressions given in Equations 1 specimens with the same measured rate of
ered in relation to the exposure conditions and 2: mass gain can have different sorptivity val-
and service environment of the structure. ues if their porosities differ, and vice versa.
Table 1 can be viewed as overly simplistic
because it does not directly consider the Fd F
S= (1) Sn = × 100(4)
latter two factors; for this reason more Msv – Mso Aρw
sophisticated specifications have been
developed by the South African National where S (mm/√h) is sorptivity; F (g/√h is For two different concretes (subscript 1 and
Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) that take defined in Equation 2; Msv (g) is the satu- 2) with the same rate of mass change, the
these into account explicitly (but beyond rated mass of the specimen; Mso (g) is the F
term × 100 is constant, indicating that
the scope of this paper) (SANRAL 2009). dry mass of the specimen; and d (mm) is Aρw
Durability studies must also address the the thickness of the specimen. the products of their sorptivity and poros-
relation of indexes to fundamental concrete ity values are equal (see Equation 5).
properties and microstructure. The work Mwt = F√t(2)
presented in this paper attempts such by S1n1 = S2n2(5)
considering the specific durability proper- where Mwt (grams) is the mass of the
ties of sorptivity and porosity, and how these sample, and F is the slope of the best fit It is the inter-relation between these two
are related in terms of potential durability. line from plotting Mwt against the square durability index parameters that is of

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 29
data was that, sometimes, details of the
Measured Inferred concrete mixes were missing. Information
such as the compressive strength, w/c ratio
and binder type would have been useful in
Porosity making other inferences.
(percentage water–penetrable As shown in Equations 1 and 2, in the
volume) (%)
absence of data on the rate of mass change,
it is possible to obtain this parameter
from the sorptivity, knowing the porosity
(in effect the term (Msv – Mso)). As some
information sources that were analysed
did not have the rate of change of mass
Uni-directional mass rate of recorded, the values were determined indi-
(rate of advance of wetting
change due to absorption (g/√h)
front) (mm/√h) rectly as indicated.
It was important to establish the rate
of change of mass F of the different data
points so that a comparison could be made
Figure 2 M
 easured versus inferred parameters in the WSI test between sorptivity and porosity for the
same rate of mass change. The rate of mass
interest here, with the question of whether in combination should be. This issue needs change is also useful in establishing con-
both parameters should be considered in to be addressed, so that durability tests are crete durability. It stands to reason that a
durability assessments, and if so, what rela- fully understood, and to improve predic- concrete with a higher rate of mass change
tive importance should be given to each. tions of concrete performance. should have a lower durability potential,
This paper analyses the implications of because a higher rate means that more
Porosity as a separate the above and suggests that porosity should water (and therefore potentially harmful
durability indicator be adopted as an index; importantly, the substances) may enter the concrete. This
Other sorption-type tests, e.g. ASTM paper recommends that sorptivity cannot increases the probability of corrosion or
C1585-13 (ASTM 2013), are based on be interpreted in the absence of porosity other deterioration occurring.
absorption only (amount of water absorbed since these two parameters are related and
over the surface area), which might be con- their interpretation regarding deteriora-
sidered of limited value. For example, for tion mechanisms needs to consider both RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
concrete with high porosity, high absorp- parameters.
tion may relate to low penetration depth Inter-relationship of
and potentially acceptable penetrability sorptivity and porosity
properties (i.e. low depth of ingress during OBJECTIVE OF THIS PAPER The sorptivity and porosity values from 601
a wetting cycle). However, such a measure The objective of this paper is, therefore, to data points recorded in previous research
does not account for the possibility that explore differing values of porosity for the were plotted on a scatter plot (Figure 3).
a lot of fluid might be absorbed into the same sorptivity, based on extensive previous Once the outliers were removed from
surface of the concrete, and, if contami- experimental results, and what implications the data, the correlation coefficient (R2)
nated (e.g. by chlorides), may result in high this might have for the potential durability between sorptivity and porosity was
contaminant concentrations at the surface, of concrete. However, at this stage, potential evaluated as 0.19. As the data set is large
resulting in low durability (e.g. from dif- durability has not been quantified by way of and consists of specimens of different mix
fusion of chlorides). Thus, a measure of any service-life model, since porosity is also designs and constituent materials, this is
porosity, representing the volume of acces- important in service-life predictions, imply- to be expected. However, a general trend
sible pores in the cover zone of concrete, is ing that a matrix of suitable values would is observed: higher sorptivity values tend
needed as well. have to be determined and provided. to have higher porosity values. This might
Until now, porosity has not been con- be somewhat surprising, considering the
sidered directly as a separate durability earlier argument on the expected inverse
parameter amid the suite of DI param- METHODOLOGY relationship between these two parameters.
eters. However, sorptivity and porosity For examining the sorptivity–porosity rela- However, it is also possible to have high
are inversely related (Equation 4), and tionship, data was utilised from our availa- sorptivity and corresponding high porosity
in laboratory measurements it has been ble laboratory database, in which sorptivity values if the pores are highly intercon-
noticed that there can be high or low and porosity values for various specimens nected and small in size. This is largely a
values of sorptivity associated with high had been evaluated over an extended consequence of taking diverse data and
or low values of porosity, and vice versa. period. A total of 601 data points, obtained combining them into a single data set. As
This brings into question whether poros- from different specimens from 2009 to will be shown, in general, sorptivity and
ity should be considered in conjunction 2015, tested as per Alexander et al (2018), porosity tend to be inversely related.
with sorptivity as a durability parameter, were collated and analysed. Each data point Box and whisker diagrams of all the
and therefore also the issue of what the consisted of sorptivity and porosity for a sorptivity and porosity values in the data
acceptable values of these two parameters given specimen. A limiting factor of this set were produced, in Figures 4 and 5

30 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
data represented concrete grades of 50,
18 40, 30 and 25 MPa. Following this, data
R2 = 0.19 points with similar rates of change of mass
(parameter F in Equation 2) were grouped
14 together, and the corresponding sorptivity
and porosity values were plotted against
Porosity (%)

12 each other. The categories of the groups

of rates of mass change were taken as 6–7,
7–8, 8–9, and 9–10 g/√h.
8 Figure 6 shows scatter plots of the
sorptivity and porosity values plotted for
6 different mass rates of change. The same
pattern can be observed across all four
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 scatter plots, with the sorptivity and poros-
Sorptivity (mm/√h) ity values being closely inversely related
for the same category of rate of change of
Figure 3 D
 ata sets (601) represented in a scatter plot: porosity versus sorptivity mass. The plots show that, for any given
absorption rate, the relationship between
sorptivity and porosity is essentially the
same regardless of concrete grade. This is
an important observation since it indicates
that the same sorptivity value is possible
for different grades of concrete, governed
largely by the different rates of change of
mass. The data also illustrates that for a
given concrete or closely related set of con-
cretes, low sorptivity values can result from
high porosity values and vice versa.
Further observation of the four plots
in Figure 6 shows that, as the rate of mass
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 change increases, the scatter bands move up
Sorptivity (mm/√h) and to the right in relation to the axes, imply-
ing that both sorptivity and porosity increase
Figure 4 B
 ox and whisker diagram showing distribution of sorptivity values with increase in rate of mass change, i.e.
complementing Equation 4. This is expected
for sorptivity, since it relates directly to rate
of mass change; however, the fact that poros-
ity also increases implies that the rate of mass
change increases faster than the increase in
pore volume. This is most likely linked to
greater pore interconnectivity at greater rates
of mass change. Both these aspects – greater
sorptivity and greater porosity at greater rate
of mass change – are undesirable for produc-
ing a durable concrete. This also intimates
that both parameters need to be considered
when assessing the potential durability of a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 concrete mix.
Porosity (%) The scatter band plots in Figure 6
represent concrete strength grades over
Figure 5 B
 ox and whisker diagram showing distribution of porosity values a wide range of 25–50 MPa. While there
is some clustering of points for a given
respectively, showing a symmetrical distri- Analysis of data strength grade, the picture emerges that
bution of the data. The average sorptivity the two durability-related parameters are
value of the data set is 8.5 mm/√h, while Data categorised according to rate of mass not meaningfully linked to strength. This
the range of sorptivity is 3–14 mm/√h. The change, incorporating strength grade is also an important conclusion since many
porosity values are also found to be sym- Data points that had information pertain- engineers still relate durability to strength.
metrical, with the average porosity being ing to the stated grade of the concrete These results show that it is possible to
11.9%, and the range of porosity values (not measured grade), of which there were obtain a given sorptivity or porosity over a
being 5–17%. 151, were extracted and categorised. The wide range of concrete strengths.

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 31
6–7 (g/√h) 7–8 (g/√h)
10.5 15

10.0 14

9.5 13
Sorptivity (mm/√h)

Sorptivity (mm/√h)
9.0 12

8.5 11

8.0 10

7.5 9

7.0 8

6.5 7

6.0 6
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Porosity (%) Porosity (%)
50 MPa 40 MPa 30 MPa 25 MPa 50 MPa 40 MPa 30 MPa 25 MPa

8–9 (g/√h) 9–10 (g/√h)

13 15

Sorptivity (mm/√h)

Sorptivity (mm/√h)

10 11

9 10


6 6
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Porosity (%) Porosity (%)
50 MPa 40 MPa 30 MPa 25 MPa 40 MPa 30 MPa 25 MPa

Figure 6 S orptivity and porosity relationships for different categories of rate of change of mass, over a range of compressive strength grades

Relationship between sorptivity and rate Table 2 R

 ate of change of mass and associated porosity, for a sorptivity of 10 mm/√h
of change of mass for a constant porosity (data from Figure 6)
In general, an increase in the rate of water
Sorptivity of 10 mm/√h
absorption will result in a decrease in
potential durability. Regarding Figure 6, it is Rate of change of mass category (g/√h) 6–7 7–8 8–9 9–10
possible to obtain the same sorptivity over
Approximate porosity (%) 10.0 11.5 13.5 15.0
a range of values of rate of change of mass,
moderated again by the porosity. For exam-
ple, a sorptivity of 10 mm/√h is associated It is also important to consider the the pore available to expand. The amount
with a range of porosities, depending on the types of degradation that might occur of space and the pore spacing factor are
rate of change of mass, given in Table 2. because of different environmental exposure therefore critical in determining the amount
It can be argued that concrete with a conditions, as well as the function of the of damage. For other types of degradation,
sorptivity of 10 mm/√h will have a greater structure, as these play a role in whether such as corrosion of reinforcement, sorptiv-
potential durability at a porosity of 10% sorptivity or porosity is more important. For ity is more crucial. If the sorptivity is higher,
than at a porosity of 15%, particularly since, freeze-thaw degradation, the porosity and concrete exposed to a fluid will experience
as indicated above, the higher porosities critical pore size are probably more crucial deeper wetting in a shorter period, with the
may represent more interconnected pores. than the sorptivity, due to the mechanism fluid reaching the reinforcing bar and influ-
Thus, sorptivity cannot be considered in of freezing which involves the expansion encing corrosion. This might be critical in,
isolation of porosity since both can influ- of water in the pores. The larger the pore say, zones of wetting and drying such as the
ence potential durability. size, the larger the total amount of liquid in inter-tidal zone in marine structures.

32 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Very poor (>15)
14 to 16 8.0 8.8 9.6 10.5 11.1 12.0 12.9 13.8 14.5 14.9
11 13
12 to 14 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.5 10.1 11.0 12.0 12.9 13.6 14.5
Poor (10–15)
Sorptivity (mm/√h)

10 to 12 6.0 6.8 7.4 8.0 8.6 9.2 9.8 10.4 11.4 12.2

8 to 10 5.2 5.8 6.1 6.6 7.0 7.6 8.4 8.7 9.5 10.0
5 Good (6–10)
6 to 8 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.5 6.0 6.4 6.8 7.4 7.9 8.3

4 to 6 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.3 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 Excellent (<6)

7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to 12 12 to 13 13 to 14 14 to 15 15 to 16 16 to 17
Porosity (%)

Values in white boxes on the contours represent rate of mass change in g/√h.

Figure 7 M
 atrix of porosity, sorptivity and associated rate of change of mass (in g/√h)

Semi-quantitative matrix of or within a set of contours, may have judgement was used to impose limits on
sorptivity and porosity values similar potential durability (given the same the values, such that both sorptivity and
The main objective of this work was to environmental conditions). For example, porosity values of greater than 15% were
determine whether sorptivity should be in this scheme a concrete with a sorptivity considered undesirable in a structural con-
considered in conjunction with porosity of 6 mm/√h and a porosity of about 12% crete. The desired durability classifications
when assessing the potential durability may be considered to have similar potential should also take into consideration the envi-
of concrete. The question that arises is: durability as a concrete with a sorptivity of ronmental exposure class of the structure.
what porosity values in combination with 8 mm/√h and a porosity of about 8%. A “poor” concrete might be quite acceptable
sorptivity values might be considered Figure 7 also gives a qualitative and in an environment where the structure is
“acceptable” or not? To assist with mak- semi-quantitative classification of durabil- not exposed to aggressive substances, such
ing this assessment, a semi-quantitative ity in the sorptivity categories on the right- as internal concrete in a normal building.
matrix of values of sorptivity and porosity hand side of the diagram, which derive Thus, engineers and specifiers should exer-
in combination was produced. The ranges from Table 1. Conventionally, these catego- cise caution in using Table 3, so as not to
of sorptivity and porosity were selected ries are extended leftwards by following over-specify a given concrete.
as 4–16 mm/√h and 7–15% respectively. the relevant horizontal category lines from
A gradation of 2 units was used for the their starting positions on the right-hand
sorptivity axis, and a gradation of 1 unit for side axis. This is the more conservative CONCLUSIONS
the porosity axis. The matrix is shown in approach. However, an alternative scheme
Figure 7. that bears further investigation is to extend Effect of strength grade on
Values of the average rate of mass the sorptivity categories leftwards by the relationship between
increase for possible combinations of sorp- following the relevant contour lines. For sorptivity and porosity
tivity and porosity were inserted on Figure 7, example, any concrete falling under the For any given absorption rate (i.e. rate of
associated with “contours” (see white boxes). mass rate of gain contour of, say, 7 g/√h mass change), the relationship between
A colour scale was used to show high (red) might be considered “excellent”, together sorptivity and porosity is essentially the
and low (green) rates of change of mass. It with other concretes within the contour same regardless of the nominal grade of
is reasonable to assume that the higher the limits with different porosities and sorptiv- the concrete (50, 40, 30 and 25 MPa). This
water absorption rate, the more vulnerable ity. It must be stressed that these potential
the concrete will be in terms of durability. durability classifications are tentative and Table 3 S uggested durability classification
From Figure 7, for a given sorptivity can only be taken in a general sense. They table for sorptivity and porosity values
value, there exists a wide range of rate of are presented here to stimulate debate on Sorptivity Porosity Durability
change of mass values. This shows again how these parameters might better be used (mm/√h) (%) classification
how concretes with the same sorptivity in durability design.
<6 <10 Excellent
value can have varying potential durability To make the matrix more “user-friendly”,
depending on the porosity. Concretes with the results were simplified into Table 3 that <10 Excellent to Good
higher porosity might be more penetrable gives the potential durability for a combina- >10, <12 Good to Poor
to greater depth over the long term than tion of different sorptivity and porosity
concretes with lower porosity. The con- values. These critical values for porosity <12 Good to Poor
tours attempt to show that concretes with were determined by using the contour lines >12, <15 Poor to Very poor
any combination of sorptivity and porosity of Figure 7 as a guide, but also considering
>15 – Very poor
values that fall on the same contour line, the data in Figure 3. Importantly, however,

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 33
demonstrates that the same sorptivity value sorptivity and porosity values was devel- Alexander, M G & Beushausen, H 2019. Durability,
is possible for different grades of concrete, oped (Table 3). Judgement was used to service life prediction, and modelling for reinforced
and highlights the importance of consider- impose limits on very high porosity and/ concrete structures: Review and critique. Cement
ing a parameter such as porosity to fully or sorptivity values. Sorptivity and porosity and Concrete Research, 122: 17–29.
describe the durability potential. values greater than 15% were considered Alexander, M G, Mackechnie, J R & Ballim, Y 1999.
Also, both sorptivity and porosity undesirable. While this table is useful in a Guide to the use of durability indexes for achieving
increase with increase in rate of mass general sense, the environmental exposure durability in concrete structures. Resesearch
change. While this direct relationship conditions of the structure need to be Monograph No. 2. University of Cape Town &
between sorptivity and rate of change of considered when assessing the potential University of the Witwatersrand.
mass is to be expected, it is not intuitively durability. For example, a “poor” sorptiv- ASTM 2013. ASTM C1585-13 2013. Standard Test
expected for porosity, but implies that the ity classification may be acceptable for a Method for Measurement of Rate of Absorption
rate of change of mass increases faster concrete that forms part of the interior of Water by Hydraulic Cement Concretes. West
than the pore volume increases. This of a normal building, where deterioration Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
leads to the conclusion that higher rate is extremely unlikely. Further research is Mackechnie, J R & Alexander, M G 2002. Durability
of mass change is linked to greater pore needed to refine the table of “acceptable” predictions using early-age durability index testing.
interconnectivity (and not necessarily pore porosity and sorptivity values and explore Proceedings, 9th Durability and Building Materials
volume). An increase in both or either of the implications for concrete potential Conference, 17–21 April 2002, Brisbane, Australia,
these parameters, sorptivity and porosity, durability. Also, further work is needed p 11.
will result in a decrease in the potential to assess the effect of measured porosity Moore, A 2014. Effect of oxygen availability on the
durability of the concrete. For this reason, values and pore size distributions on the corrosion rate of reinforced concrete in marine
both sorptivity and porosity values should durability parameters considered. exposure zones: Inference from site and lab studies.
be considered when assessing the potential MSc dissertation. University of Cape Town.
durability of concrete. Mukadam, Z, Alexander, M G & Beushausen, H D
The results also show that a given ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2016. The effect of drying preconditioning on the
concrete strength could have varying com- The authors gratefully acknowledge the South African durability index tests. Cement and
binations of porosity and sorptivity. This financial support of the Concrete Materials Concrete Composites, 69: 1–8.
confirms the notion that strength is not and Structural Integrity Research Unit Nilsson, L O 2003. Durability concept: pore structure
indicative of durability, in contrast to what (CoMSIRU) at the University of Cape Town, and transport processes. In Newman, J & Choo, B S
is commonly thought by engineers. and the industrial sponsors of CoMSIRU, (Eds). Advanced Concrete Technology. Cambridge,
i.e. PPC Cement (Pty) Ltd, AfriSam, Lafarge, UK: Woodhead Publishing.
Porosity considered in SIKA, Haw & Inglis, and AVENG. Other Otieno, M & Alexander, M 2015. Chloride conductivity
conjunction with sorptivity sponsors of CoMSIRU are the Water testing of concrete. Past and recent developments.
As mentioned above, concretes with Research Commission of South Africa Journal of the South African Institution of Civil
the same sorptivity may have varying (WRC), the South African Department of Engineering, 57: 55–64.
porosity values (an increase in porosity Water and Sanitation, and Transnet. Salvoldi, B G, Beushausen, H & Alexander, M G 2015.
is associated with an increase in the rate Oxygen permeability of concrete and its relation to
of mass change). It can thus be argued carbonation. Construction and Building Materials,
that concrete with a given sorptivity rate REFERENCES 85: 30–37.
and “lower” porosity, will have a greater Alexander, M, Ballim, Y & Mackechnie, J 2018. Durability SANRAL (South African National Roads Agency
potential durability than a concrete with Index Testing Procedure Manual. Version. 4.5.1. Limited) 2009. Spreadsheet: Table 6000/1 : Concrete
a “higher” porosity, since higher porosities CoMSIRU. University of Cape Town & University of Durability Specification Targets (Civil Engineering
represent greater connectivity of pores. the Witwatersrand. Structures only). Pretoria: SANRAL.
Thus, sorptivity cannot be considered in Alexander, M G, Ballim, A Y, Stanish, K & Ballim, Y World Business Council for Sustainable Development
isolation to porosity, as both parameters 2008. A framework for the use of durability indexes 2009. The Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI).
influence the potential durability. in performance-based design and specifications Recycling of Concrete.
To attempt to quantify this, a table of for reinforced concrete structures. Materials and
suggested “acceptable” combinations of Structures, 41(5): 921–936.

34 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
South African infrastructure TECHNICAL PAPER
condition – an opinion Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering

survey for the SAICE ISSN 1021-2019

Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 35–46, Paper 1030

Infrastructure Report Card DR FREDERIK CHRISTOFFEL RUST (Pr Eng,

MSAICE) has 37 years’ experience in
research in infrastructure and research
management, including fields such as roads,
F C Rust, K Wall, M A Smit, S Amod transport, water infrastructure and
buildings. He has published more than 60
peer-reviewed conference papers,
accredited journal articles and book
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Infrastructure Report Cards of 2006, chapters. He is currently the managing director of PERC (Pty) Ltd.
2011 and 2017 reported that much of the South African infrastructure is in a poor condition.
Contact details:
To augment the recent 2017 Report Card, a survey was, for the first time, conducted amongst PERC
SAICE members to obtain their opinion on the condition of infrastructure (in terms of a grading), No 8 Silver Sands, Equestria, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
the trend of the condition over time, as well as the reasons for the individual’s grading. The T: +27 82 447 6098, E:

669 respondents indicated that, apart from a few exceptions such as national airports and the
Gautrain, much of the infrastructure is in a poor state, which is very similar to the results obtained DR KEVIN WALL (Pr Eng, HFSAICE, FSAAE), a
civil engineer and town planner, is
from the SAICE Report Card process. The results were also analysed per province and indicated Extraordinary Professor at the University of
that, in the opinion of respondents, specific provinces in particular are struggling with poor Pretoria, and a non-executive board member
infrastructure. The main reasons given for the poor infrastructure were a lack of maintenance, of the City of Ekurhuleni’s wastewater
treatment entity. A past president of the
lack of institutional capability, lack of sufficient funding and over-loading of infrastructure.
South African Institution of Civil Engineering
(SAICE), he has received both the SAICE Gold
Medal and the Lifetime Award of the National Science and Technology
INTRODUCTION are due to a number of factors, including Forum. Much of his work over the last two decades has been on the
effectiveness of government spending on infrastructure, and on ways to
Well-functioning infrastructure and an insufficient funding to manage, plan and
improve the quality, reliability and sustainability of that infrastructure.
efficient built environment are essential to maintain the infrastructure assets; a short-
Contact details:
socio-economic development and poverty age of skilled resources leading to problems
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
alleviation (Perkins 2011). This is empha- with institutional capacity; and a lack of University of Pretoria
sised in a number of official government appropriate technological solutions for the Pretoria 0002, South Africa
documents, including the Medium Term problems experienced with infrastructure T: +27 82 459 3618, E:

Expenditure Framework (SA Treasury planning, materials, design, construction,

2017), the Diagnostic Report (National maintenance and operation.
BEng Civil Engineering degrees from the
Planning Commission 2011), the National In addition to the above, the Fourth University of Pretoria, and is currently busy
Development Plan (NDP) (National Industrial Revolution (Schwab 2017) is with an Honours degree in Pavement
Planning Commission 2012), and the currently changing the nature of many Engineering from the same university. She is
employed as a graduate-in-training at the
National Infrastructure Plan (Presidential industries through the advent of new tech- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Infrastructure Coordinating Commission nologies. This phenomenon is driven by (CSIR) working towards professional
2012) from which flows the Strategic technologies such as autonomous vehicles, registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa.
Infrastructure Projects (SIPs) coordi- 3D printing (additive manufacturing), Contact details:
nated by the Presidential Infrastructure advanced robotics, new materials, the Graduate in Training
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Coordinating Committee (PICC). Over the Internet of Things, sensor technology, etc.
PO Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
next three-year period more than R900 All of these drivers will also influence the T: +27 84 645 4829, E:
billion in public funding alone has been infrastructure provision and operations
budgeted for infrastructure such as roads, spheres. Much infrastructure is designed SALIM AMOD (Pr Eng, HFSAICE, FSAAE,
energy generation plants, water infrastruc- to last for long periods (20 to 50 years FAArb, Convenor SAICE Infrastructure
ture and public buildings. and more), and therefore planners and Report Cards) was president of SAICE in
2006. He is the initiator of the SAICE
However, the NDP and the Diagnostic designers need to take these trends into Infrastructure Report Card and has been
Report, as well as the South African consideration both in the intrinsic nature convenor and a principal author of all
Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) of infrastructure (e.g. smart materials and editions of that report to date. In 2017 he
was accorded the rare honour of the SAICE
Infrastructure Report Cards completed embedded sensors), as well as in provid-
Gold Medal. He practises in dispute resolution.
in 2006, 2011 and 2017 (SAICE 2006; ing a conduit for other technologies (e.g.
Contact details:
2011; 2017) have all reported that much housing fibre-optic cable and sensors). So,
Postnet Suite 200, Private Bag X18, Milnerton 7435, South Africa
of the South African infrastructure is in in addition to improving the quality of T: +27 83 377 0729, E:
a poor condition, particularly in the areas current infrastructure, South Africa will
of health, water, sanitation, and second- also need to position infrastructure for the Keywords: infrastructure condition, SAICE Infrastructure Report Card,
ary and tertiary roads. These problems challenges of the future. infrastructure grading system

Rust FC, Wall K, Smit MA, Amod S. South African infrastructure condition – an opinion survey for the SAICE Infrastructure Report Card.
J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #1030, 12 pages. 35
This paper describes the survey (Maser 1996; Maierhofer 2003). However, Ranging (LIDAR) technologies combined
which was undertaken in parallel to the non-destructive testing is mainly suitable with Geographical Information Systems
largely desktop preparation of the SAICE for identifying faults in the infrastructure (GIS) to enhance practices of infrastruc-
Infrastructure Report Card (IRC) of 2017 such as voids, or to determine pavement ture inventory, condition assessment and
(SAICE 2017). This survey was conducted thickness for example, rather than for environmental applications. The study
amongst SAICE members to gather their the assessment of the general condition found that accurate assessment of pave-
professional view of the condition of of infrastructure. Several research efforts ment surface distresses, condition and
infrastructure in a number of sectors. The are focusing on the use of non-traditional maintenance quantities can be enabled
paper focuses particularly on the results of methods for condition assessment of infra- through the use of an airport GIS map and
the survey, and also discusses some of the structure. These include smart sensors, geospatial analysis of LIDAR dense point
reasons given for respondents’ gradings. intelligent infrastructure, machine learning cloud data and intensity images.
and algorithms. One such example is the Sewer system inspection is conducted
use of analytical models that have been cal- with Closed Circuit Television technol-
LITERATURE ibrated by many assessments to determine ogy which consists of a camera gener-
Management and planning of infrastruc- the condition of bridges (Aktan et al 1996). ally mounted on a crawler or tractor. The
ture often depend on multiple criteria Marcelino et al (2018), however, stressed inspection is conducted from manhole to
decision support systems that allow for the cost of data collection and proposed manhole, and the analysis of the images
prioritisation of maintenance and rehabili- the development of a condition indicator provides details of the type and location
tation (Scholz et al 2015; Šelih et al 2008; that would use a machine-learning algo- of defects. These include pipe cracks, joint
Woodward et al 2019). This requires the rithm to predict pavement conditions using offsets, leaks, debris, sediment and root
measurement of the performance of and less data. The use of algorithms analysing intrusions. Caradot et al (2018) found that
the assessment of the condition of the images of corrosion taken by a robotic the general condition of the sewer network
infrastructure (Ahluwalia 2008). These system was discussed by Jahanshani and can be assessed with excellent accuracy with
assessments can be categorised as follows: Masri (2013). The approach improves reli- the use of sewer condition evaluations.
QQ Visual inspections ability of corrosion detection. The surface The above literature review indicates
QQ Non-destructive testing condition and defects of structures can be that infrastructure condition is often
QQ Photographic and optical evaluation assessed by using fuzzy-logic algorithms to assessed at the project (building, road)
QQ Data recorded from sensors and smart analyse images (Pragalath et al 2018). level. Whilst modern technologies are
sensors. In new infrastructure, the latest tech- very useful in collecting infrastructure
Nagarajaiah and Erazo (2016) stated that nologies in sensors and the Internet of performance and condition data at this
the majority of civil infrastructure is Things (IoT) can be used to ensure rich data level, there is a need to analyse the condi-
evaluated through visual assessment using collection that can assist in the design and tion of the whole portfolio of infrastructure
non-destructive methods. However, these operation of infrastructure, infrastructure in a cost-effective way to provide input
traditional approaches are time-consuming condition assessment and the planning of into general policy development and high-
and may result in hidden damage not being maintenance (Soga 2016; Aktan et al 1998; level budgeting. In contrast to the use of
detected (Ellingwood 2005; Frangopol & Nagarajaiah & Erazo 2016). A number of electronic equipment at a project level,
Liu 2007). Ahluwalia (2008) found that cities around the world, for example, use which will be very expensive at a network
visual inspections are preferable for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) that has or portfolio level, this paper describes the
assessment of buildings. Building assets led to cost savings in the management of use of expert opinion to assess the condi-
have multiple components with a variety the road vehicle fleet and the maintenance tion of the portfolio of infrastructure in
of requirements, and therefore other meth- of road infrastructure. This is done through South Africa. This was achieved through
ods are less effective. Lenett et al (1999) databases and interactive maps of the road the Infrastructure Report Cards and the
evaluated the use of “rapid” multi-reference infrastructure condition depicting the type opinion survey as discussed below.
impact testing for condition assessment of and severity of defects (Staniek et al 2017).
a commissioned steel-string bridge. They Photographic and optical evaluation
concluded that this method is useful to has been used successfully, and improve- SAICE INFRASTRUCTURE
detect existing damage or change in the ments in camera technology and the use REPORT CARD SERIES
condition of the bridge, but that visual of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) such The grading of the condition of infrastruc-
inspection was still required to determine as drones have increased the popularity ture and its presentation in a “report card”
the nature of the change and which of this technology. UAVs and drones are is practised in a few countries, including
component was affected. In spite of their increasingly being used to assess the condi- in the United States of America by the
time-consuming nature and cost, visual tion of infrastructure, especially in places American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE
inspections remain an integral part of con- that are hard to reach (Ham et al 2016). 2017), Canada (Canadian Infrastructure
dition assessment of infrastructure. UAVs carrying cameras and thermography Report Card (CIRC 2016)), Australia
Non-destructive evaluations include, cameras combined with deep-learning (Kaspura 2017) and the United Kingdom
inter alia, ultrasonic and acoustic technologies and neural network analysis (Living with Environmental Change initia-
emissions, eddy currents and X-rays can be used to determine cracks in con- tive (LWEC 2015)) and the Institution of
(Nagarajaiah & Erazo 2016) while ground- crete and in asphalt (Wu et al 2018). Uddin Civil Engineers (ICE 2017).
penetrating radar is used to assess the (2011) reviewed the use of remote sensing To date, SAICE has published three
condition of roads, bridge decks and piers satellite imagery and Light Detection and Infrastructure Report Cards (IRCs) – in

36 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
2006, 2011 and 2017. The research work Table 1 Trend in gradings from 2006 to 2017
for these was primarily conducted by the Sector Subsector 2006 2011 2017 Trend
South African Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), with the gradings Bulk water resources D+ D– D–

determined by the SAICE technical panels. Water Supply in major urban areas C+ C+ C+
The purpose of the IRC series has been to
Supply all other areas D– D– D–
point out to government, decision-makers
and the public at large, the importance of Major urban areas C– C– C–
maintenance of infrastructure and to factors All other areas E E– E
underlying its condition. Since the first free
elections in South Africa in 1994, significant Collection major urban areas C– C C

progress has been made in correcting imbal- Collection other areas D D D

ances in infrastructure provision – with Solid waste
Disposal in metros C C+ C+
more focus on infrastructure for the poorest,
disadvantaged communities. Particular Disposal in other areas D– D D–
focus has been placed on infrastructure for
National C B B
water reticulation and treatment, sanitation,
education, energy, health services and roads. Paved provincial D– D– D
However, the combination of limited resourc- Roads Paved metropolitan D– C– C–
es, public sector restructuring, inefficiency
and shortages of key skills has led to extreme Other paved municipal D– D D–
pressure on the condition of the public infra- Gravel E E
structure asset base (Wall & Rust 2017).
Airports ACSA-owned facilities B B+ B+
The IRCs grade public sector infra-
structure (water, sanitation, solid waste, Commercial ports C+ B– B–
roads, airports, ports, rail, electric- Ports
Fishing harbours C
ity, and hospitals and clinics) on the
following scale: Heavy-haul freight lines B B+ B+
QQ A: World-class
General freight lines C C+ C
QQ B: Fit for the future
QQ C: Satisfactory for now Rail Branch lines E D D–
QQ D: At risk of failure Passenger lines D+ C– D+
QQ E: Unfit for purpose
Gautrain A
In order to allow for a finer scale rating, the
operators “+” and “–” were used for ratings Eskom generation C+ C+ C+
in-between the main categories, i.e. an A–
Electricity Eskom transmission C+ B– B–
was one rating above a B+, etc.
The methodology to compile the SAICE Local distribution C– D D
Infrastructure Report Cards included: Hospitals C D+ D+
QQ Compilation of basic research reports Health care
based on desktop work by the CSIR Clinics D+ D D
QQ Arranging for the drafting of additional Public ordinary schools D+ D+
reports for selected sectors where the
Education Universities C+
CSIR itself does not have sufficient
expertise TVET colleges D+
QQ Moderation of the sector reports by Overall grade D+ C– D+
SAICE experts with additional inputs
where necessary and early results from Gradings:   = poor = neutral = above average
the survey Legend:
QQ Determination of the final gradings by Trends:   = down = neutral = up
QQ Writing and publication of the Report
Card and its associated commentary by QQ Sanitation (major urban areas, all other QQ Airports (facilities owned by Airports
SAICE experts. areas) Company of South Africa only)
For all three Report Cards, the gradings QQ Solid waste management (waste col- QQ Ports (commercial ports only)
were conducted for the following sectors lection in major urban areas, all other QQ Rail (heavy-haul freight lines, general
and subsectors (with minor variations): areas) freight lines, branch lines, passenger
QQ Water (bulk water resources, supply in QQ Roads (national, paved provincial, paved lines, Gautrain)
major urban areas, supply for all other metropolitan, paved municipal, all QQ Electricity (Eskom generation, Eskom
areas) gravel roads) transmission, local distribution)

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 37
QQ Health care (hospitals, clinics)
QQ Education (public ordinary schools, Province of residence
universities, TVET colleges (techni-
cal vocational education and training
colleges). 28
The SAICE grading process was conducted Eastern Cape
by a number of peer-review groups, selected Free State
for their knowledge and expertise in each Gauteng
sector, to review the CSIR output and reach KwaZulu-Natal
consensus on the grading of the condition 16
of public sector infrastructure in each of the 21
sectors mentioned above, and also to pro-
21 North West
vide an overall grading for all public sector
infrastructure in the country. The process Northern Cape
was informed by a set of questions: Western Cape
QQ What is the condition of key elements of
South Africa’s infrastructure in public 130
(i.e. as opposed to private) ownership?
QQ How does this compare with the
Figure 1 R
 espondents’ demographics related to location
previous assessment(s)? What is the
overall trend, and what are the trends
by sectors? Age distribution
QQ What contributes to the condition and
its trends? What recommendations can 123
be made? (Wall & Rust 2017)
The three SAICE IRC publications to date
(SAICE 2006; 2011; 2017) provide a time
series which permits assessment of the 20–30
trend in infrastructure condition. The
overall grading of infrastructure in 2006
was a D+ grade. This improved to a C+ in
2011, mainly due to significant investment
by government in prior years in prepara- 137 > 65
tion for the Soccer World Cup in 2010. 180
However, in 2017 the grade regressed to a
D+ again. Table 1 (p 37) shows the sector-
by-sector gradings on a year-by-year basis.
This analysis indicates that, apart from 100
national transport infrastructure, the
general condition of infrastructure remains Figure 2 R
 espondents’ demographics per age group
stubbornly resistant to improvement despite
significant funding over the past ten years. membership on the condition of infra- provincial basis, the questionnaire then
In particular, the infrastructure that pro- structure in the subsectors mentioned. posed the following questions:
vides for the basic needs of the majority of The trend of the condition (becoming QQ What is your grade for the current
the people in South Africa, especially the better, unchanged or worse), as well as the infrastructure condition?
poor, is still in a bad state and is evidently reasons for the individual grading, was also QQ In your opinion, over the past five years,
deteriorating. Sectors that are especially explored. is that condition better, unchanged or
distressed include health, water, roads other The survey was undertaken in the worse?
than national roads, some railway lines, second half of 2017 – that is after the CSIR QQ What are the factors most influential in
schools and colleges. This indicates a signifi- sector reports had been completed, and your assessment?
cant inefficiency in the broader infrastruc- in parallel with, but independent of, the The respondents scored in the same
ture maintenance system. This is, of course, SAICE process of review and final grading grade categories as that used for the Score
harmful to service delivery. in preparation for the 2017 Report Card Card process, but these were converted
launch at the end of September 2017. to a five-point Lickert scale for statistical
The questionnaire firstly recorded analysis:
THE OPINION SURVEY general information of the respondent per- QQ A: World-class (on the Lickert scale = 5)
taining to location (province), age group, QQ B: Fit for the future (= 4)
Purpose and methodology gender, race, SAICE membership category, QQ C: Satisfactory for now (= 3)
The purpose of the survey was to obtain category of employer, and areas of exper- QQ D: At risk of failure (= 2)
the opinion of the broader SAICE tise. For each of the subsectors and on a QQ E: Unfit for purpose (= 1).

38 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Respondents were invited to suggest reasons
Race distribution for the infrastructure condition. A drop-down
menu with the following options was offered:
QQ Funding
QQ Institutional capability
146 QQ Industry capability
QQ Maintenance
Asian QQ Technical design
Black QQ Technology
Coloured QQ Climate change
Indian QQ Pressure of use / loading
21 QQ No comment
Respondents were allowed to select more
39 than one reason per question. The data was
then analysed statistically to determine
31 average gradings per province and overall,
as well as to determine the paramount
reasons for infrastructure condition. The
results are discussed below.
Figure 3 R
 espondents’ demographics per race group

SAICE membership 669 responses were received from SAICE
members across all nine provinces. The
response profile in terms of province of
residence, age distribution, race distri-
bution, membership type and current
employer type is shown in Figures 1 to
300 5. As expected, the largest number of
Associate respondents came from Gauteng, the
Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. The
age and memberships profiles were evenly
distributed. Two thirds of the respondents
were private sector consultants.
The respondents were asked to rate the
condition of infrastructure in each of the
sectors and subsectors in which they have
195 expertise on a provincial level. Thus, the
results are available per province, as well as
for the country.
Figure 4 R
 espondents’ demographics per SAICE membership category
Survey results at national level
Appendix A (see page 46) gives the results at
the national level. Respondents considered
38 that sectors where there are significant chal-
26 87
lenges with infrastructure include water and
27 sanitation, some areas of waste collection,
district and municipal roads, gravel roads,
48 branch and passenger railway lines, health
facilities and schools. In these categories the
Private sector – consult
average score was in general lower than 2.5.
Private sector – contract
Infrastructure in the best condition includes
Public sector department the Gautrain, national airports, national
Municipal roads and commercial ports. In these cat-
SOEs egories of transport infrastructure, the aver-
age score was higher than 3.3, with national
airports grading at 4.27 and Gautrain at
4.23. This is in line with the findings from
441 the desktop research and the SAICE panel
gradings given in Table 1. This data is repre-
Figure 5 R
 espondents’ demographics per employment category sented graphically in Figure 6.

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 39
Survey results at provincial level
For the first time, the SAICE Infrastructure Water: National
Score Card process now included informa- Water: Major urban
tion at provincial level through the survey. Water: Other
Figure 7 shows the overall (i.e. average for Sanitation: Major urban
all infrastructure sectors) score of infra- Sanitation: Other
structure condition per province. Waste: Collect urban
Waste: Collect other
The condition of infrastructure in the
Waste: Dispose urban
Western Province, KwaZulu-Natal and
Waste: Dispose other
Gauteng is better than in the other prov-
Roads: National
inces. North West scored particularly low. Roads: Provincial paved
The average score per province of each Roads: Metro paved
of the main categories of infrastructure is Roads: District & municipal
shown in Figures 8 and 9. Roads: Gravel
At subsector level the data also indicates Airports: National
that infrastructure in the Western Province, Ports: Commercial
Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal is generally in Ports: Fishing
a better condition than that in other prov- Rail: Heavy-haul freight
Rail: General freight
inces. It can be seen that there are a number
Rail: Branch lines
of scores lower than 2 which indicate that
Rail: Passenger lines
this infrastructure is seen as at risk of failure
Rail: Gautrain
or no longer fit for purpose. Electricity: Eskom generation
Electricity: Eskom transmission
Reasons given for gradings Electricity: Local distribution
The reasons that respondents provided for Health: Hospitals
their answers are shown in Figure 10. From Health: Clinics
the graphs the following can be noted: Education: Schools
QQ For almost all infrastructure sectors, Education: Higher
the biggest challenge to infrastructure 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
condition is lack of maintenance, fol- Average score
lowed by institutional capacity and
funding. To some degree these three Figure 6 S ummary of country level scores per infrastructure class
aspects are interdependent.
QQ Infrastructure loading (overloading)
was also recognised as a significant 3.5
QQ Design and technology had some influ- 3.3
ence, especially in the transport and
health sectors. 3.1
Figure 11 shows the infrastructure condi-
tion gradings by class and province. The 2.9
same pattern as in Figure 10 emerges, with
maintenance, institutional capacity, funding 2.7
Overall score

and loading being the main reasons for infra-

structure condition. The lack of maintenance 2.5
could of course be caused by a lack of institu-
tional capacity and/or funding. This pattern 2.3
is consistent over all the provinces, with a
few exceptions. There are a few anomalies 2.1
and outliers in airports, ports and rail due
to a low number of respondents in some of
the provinces. In rail infrastructure, health
infrastructure and education infrastructure
the data indicates that a lack of funding and
institutional capacity is more significant than
the lack of maintenance. The relative impor- Western KwaZulu- Gauteng Limpopo Mpuma- Eastern Northern Free North
tance to infrastructure condition of design Cape Natal langa Cape Cape State West
and technology is also evident in infrastruc- Provinces
ture classes that have been recently built or
upgraded, such as airports and ports. Figure 7 O
 verall score for the condition of infrastructure per province

40 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering










1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Average score per province
Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo

Figure 8 I nfrastructure condition score for Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo











1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Average score per province
Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape

Figure 9 I nfrastructure condition score for Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West and Western Cape

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 41
Water Sanitation
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20

15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load
Reasons Reasons
National Urban Other Urban Other

Solid waste Roads

35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20

15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load Fun Inst IndusMaint Design Tech Clim Load
Reasons Reasons
Waste collection: Urban Waste disposal: Urban National roads Paved metro roads Gravel roads
Waste collection: Other Waste disposal: Other Paved provincial roads Paved district roads

National airports Ports

35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20


15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load
Reasons Reasons
Commercial Fishing

Rail Electricity
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20


15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load
Reasons Reasons
Heavy haul General freight Active branches Passenger lines Eskom generation Eskom transmission Local distribution

Health infrastructure Education

35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20


15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load Fun Inst Indus Maint Design Tech Clim Load
Reasons Reasons
Hospitals Clinics Schools Higher education

Figure 10 R
 easons for infrastructure gradings by class

42 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Water Sanitation
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20

15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Provinces Provinces

Solid waste Roads

35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20

15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Provinces Provinces

Airports Ports
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20


15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Provinces Provinces

Rail Electricity
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20


15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Provinces Provinces

Health Education
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20

15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Provinces Provinces

Funding Institutional capability Industry capability Maintenance

Technical design Technology Climate change Pressure of use / loading

Figure 11 R
 easons for infrastructure scores by class and province

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 43
For water and sanitation infrastructure Table 2 Comparison between expert reviews for the Report Card and the survey
across all the provinces, maintenance, insti- Sector Subsector IRC Survey
tutional capacity and loading are the most Bulk water resources D– D+
significant factors. This, combined with the
Water Supply in major urban areas C+ D+
generally low scores of below two or just over
Supply all other areas D– D
two for these infrastructure subsectors and in
Major urban areas C– D+
view of the current water scarcity issues, is a Sanitation
significant challenge. For solid waste, loading All other areas E D–
or overloading seems to play a significant Collection major urban areas C C–
role, which could be indicative of the space Collection other areas D D
Solid waste
problem associated with solid waste manage- Disposal in metros C+ D+
ment. The data also indicates that the relative Disposal in other areas D– D–
importance of timely maintenance in roads is National B B–
much more important than in the other sub-
Paved provincial D C–
sectors. This could be due to the sensitivity of
Roads Paved metropolitan C– C–
roads to water ingress. In the case of electric-
Other paved municipal D– D
ity infrastructure there is a variety of reasons
for the condition of the infrastructure. In Gravel E D
health infrastructure, apart from funding and Airports ACSA-owned facilities B+ B+
institutional capacity, loading seems to be Commercial ports B– C+
more important than for the other subsectors. Fishing harbours
Apart from a few outliers, industry Heavy-haul freight lines B+ C
capability does not seem to be a challenge.
General freight lines C C–
The data also indicates that climate change
Rail Branch lines D– D
has not yet impacted significantly on the
Passenger lines D+ D+
condition of infrastructure.
The comparison in Table 2 indicates Gautrain A A–

that the IRC gradings agreed reasonably Eskom generation C+ C

well with the survey results and were gen- Electricity Eskom transmission B– C
erally within one grade of each other. Local distribution D D+
Hospitals D+ D
Health care
Clinics D D
CONCLUDING REMARKS Public ordinary schools D+ D+
Education Universities C+ C+
Both the SAICE Infrastructure Report Card
TVET colleges D+
and this survey indicated that South African
infrastructure is below par and deteriorating
further. Several factors have been identi- QQ Improved leadership and planning to South Africa is, by contrast with the
fied as the main reasons for this situation. ensure an overall vision for infrastruc- USA and Canada, a developing nation
However, government will need to act fast ture, including full life cycle costing and with an unusual history. Nevertheless, the
to intervene and protect the infrastructure improved management tools imperatives for the enhancement of infra-
assets worth trillions of Rand. According to QQ Incentives for maintenance structure are unsurprisingly familiar. The
the South African National Roads Agency QQ Identification of a pipeline of projects SAICE IRC (SAICE 2017) provides similar
(SANRAL) the replacement value of the attractive to private sector investment guidance in suggesting that South Africa
road infrastructure in South Africa alone is QQ Preparing for the future by utilising new should focus on:
more than R2.1 trillion (COTO 2014). methods, materials and technologies to QQ The protection and care of existing infra-
South Africa is not alone in this pre- ensure more resilient and sustainable structure to reduce the backwards slide
dicament. The American Society of Civil infrastructure caused by theft, vandalism and abuse
Engineers (ASCE 2017) proposes a number QQ Considering emerging technologies for QQ Development of institutional capability
of solutions for improving the condition of infrastructure improvement and when and capacity through accelerated train-
the US infrastructure. These include: designing new infrastructure ing and the promotion of competent,
QQ Closing the investment gap by increas- QQ Funding for research and development ethical leadership
ing infrastructure investment from 2.5% into innovative new materials, tech- QQ Incentives for further human capital
to 3.5% of Gross Domestic Product nologies and processes to modernise development in civil engineering
QQ Increasing user-generated fees and and extend the life of infrastructure, disciplines to improve the prospects
ensuring that such funds are not used to expedite repairs or replacement, and of effective design, maintenance and
off-set costs of other budget items promote cost savings. management of infrastructure
QQ New long-term funding programmes The Canadian Infrastructure Report Card QQ Better cooperation between spheres
with which to improve specific catego- (CIRC 2016) also emphasises improved of government and increased private-
ries of deficient infrastructure long-term planning and asset management. public sector collaboration

44 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
QQ Efforts to improve data manage- CIRC (Canadian Infrastructure Report Card) 2016. Pragalath, H, Seshathiri, S & Rathod, H 2018.
ment, infrastructure monitoring and Deterioration assessment of infrastructure using
evidence-based decisions, e.g. based on COTO (Committee of Transport Officials) 2014. South fuzzy logic and image processing algorithm. Journal
smart technologies providing remote, African Road Network: Condition and Budget Needs of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(2):1–13.
real-time data acquisition 2014. Pretoria: Committee of Transport Officials. Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission
QQ Reducing wastage from water lost Ellingwood, B R 2005. Risk-informed condition 2012. A Summary of the South African National
through physical leakage or commercial assessment of civil infrastructure: state of practice Infrastructure Plan. Pretoria: Office of the President.
losses, which is currently in the order of and research issues. Structure and Infrastructure SA Treasury 2017. Medium Term Expenditure
30 to 40 percent. Engineering, 1(1): 7–18. Framework. Pretoria: National Treasury.
At the same time, South Africa should Frangopol, D M & Liu, M 2007. Maintenance and SAICE (South African Institution of Civil Engineering)
focus on new technologies to provide sus- management of civil infrastructure based on 2006. SAICE Infrastructure Report Card for South
tainable, high-performance infrastructure condition, safety, optimization, and life-cycle Africa: 2006. Midrand: SAICE.
into the future similar to that suggested by cost. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, SAICE 2011. SAICE Infrastructure Report Card for
ASCE (2017) and based on local research 3(1): 29–41. South Africa 2011. Midrand: SAICE.
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Infrastructure Engineering, 14(2): 264–273. 60: 24–33. Please turn over for Appendix A 

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 45
Appendix A: Summary of survey results at national level
Water National Major urban Other
Number of respondents 492 496 458
Average 2.51 2.53 1.98
Standard deviation 0.77 0.81 0.75
Coefficient of variation 31% 32% 38%
Sanitation Major urban Other
Number of respondents 303 290
Average 2.47 1.87
Standard deviation 0.90 0.81
Coefficient of variation 36% 43%
Solid waste Collect urban Collect other Dispose urban Dispose other
Number of respondents 76 73 77 73
Average 2.79 2.10 2.40 1.68
Standard deviation 0.84 0.84 0.75 0.78
Coefficient of variation 30% 40% 31% 46%
Roads National Province paved Metro paved Districts and municipalities Gravel
Number of respondents 653 653 642 649 610
Average 3.66 2.77 2.66 2.19 2.16
Standard deviation 0.91 0.88 0.80 0.82 0.83
Coefficient of variation 25% 32% 30% 37% 39%
Aiports National
Number of respondents 74
Average 4.27
Standard deviation 0.85
Coefficient of variation 20%
Ports Commercial Fishing
Number of respondents 39 37
Average 3.31 2.73
Standard deviation 0.80 0.65
Coefficient of variation 24% 24%
Rail Heavy-haul freight General freight Branch lines Passenger lines Gautrain
Number of respondents 76 79 77 83 52
Average 2.88 2.56 2.14 2.17 4.23
Standard deviation 1.08 0.81 0.77 0.87 1.08
Coefficient of variation 38% 32% 36% 40% 25%
Electricity Eskom generation Eskom transmission Local distribution
Number of respondents 65 66 66
Average 2.98 2.98 2.58
Standard deviation 0.96 0.81 0.88
Coefficient of variation 32% 27% 34%
Health Hospitals Clinics
Number of respondents 73 72
Average 2.16 2.19
Standard deviation 0.83 0.83
Coefficient of variation 39% 38%
Education Schools Higher education
Number of respondents 112 111
Average 2.30 3.16
Standard deviation 0.84 1.03
Coefficient of variation 36% 33%

46 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Prediction of California TECHNICAL PAPER
Bearing Ratio and Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering
compaction characteristics ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 63 No 2, June 2021, Pages 47–56, Paper 1220

of Transvaal soils from FRANK J HAUPT (Pr Eng, Pr CPM, MSAICE)

indicator properties
started his career at the CSIR (Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research) in 1976 and
joined the consulting engineering fraternity
in 1982 as design engineer at a well-known
consultancy. He co-founded a consultancy in
1984 where he worked as managing director
F J Haupt, F Netterberg
until he sold it and retired in 2019. He
managed the civil infrastructure department of the consultancy with special
reference to roads and drainage. He obtained an MSc in Civil Engineering
A preliminary statistical analysis of 914 mostly Transvaal soils of average selected subgrade from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1980.

quality produced useful, highly statistically significant methods for the prediction of the Contact details:
maximum Proctor CBR and the Proctor compaction characteristics, as well as relationships Private Bag 7
Box 331
between soaked and unsoaked CBR and between Proctor and MAASHO compaction
Hermanus 7200
characteristics. Because of the well-known poor reproducibilty of the CBR, as well as the indicator South Africa
tests used, it is believed that the accuracy of the prediction methods is better than it appears T: +27 84 500 3111
from the large scatter of results. These methods do not replace CBR testing but supplement it by E:

possibly reducing the number of expensive tests and providing a check on gross errors.
BSc Hons and PhD in Engineering Geology, is
INTRODUCTION All the proposed relationships were devel- an independent researcher and specialist
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a oped from a database of mostly Transvaal consultant on pavement materials and
geotechnics and has over 50 years’
standard test used in the characterisation subgrade soils.
experience. His interests include marginal
of roadbed and many pavement materials, Unless qualified, the term “soil” is used materials such as pedocretes, weathered
and in some thickness design methods. in this paper in its widest engineering sense, rocks, mining wastes and Kalahari sands, soluble salt damage to
It is a relatively lengthy, expensive and and the term “local soils” to mean southern pavements and the use of saline materials and waters, soil stabilisation,
long-term road experiments, active clay and collapsing sand roadbeds,
poorly reproducible test, which requires African soils. The term modified “AASHO” and the problems of the dry macroclimate in general.
a large amount of material. This material and not “AASHTO” is used because the heavy
Contact details:
may have to be transported over large laboratory compaction effort used in South 79 Charles Jackson Street
distances in some cases. These factors limit Africa is the old modified AASHO effort of Weavind Park
the number of tests that can be carried 2 413 kJ/m3 that is somewhat less than the Pretoria 0184
South Africa
out economically. current heavy AASHTO : T180 effort of
T: +27 12 846 7051
On the other hand, soil is an inherently 2 695 kJ/m3 and which results in densities E:
variable material, and a relatively large that are about 0.5% lower (DoT 1970). The
number of tests are required for adequate term “modified AASHTO” is therefore incor-
characterisation. Indicator tests such as rect. The term “Transvaal” is used here for
Atterberg limits, linear shrinkage (LS) convenience to mean the area included by the
and grading are relatively inexpensive and current provinces of Gauteng, Mpumalanga,
require little material, although they also Limpopo and North West.
suffer from reproducibility problems.
If it is accepted that the CBR is the bet-
ter test, and a reliable way of predicting it PREVIOUS WORK
from indicator tests can be found, then the It is not the purpose of the paper to review
cost of pavement design and construction previous attempts to predict the CBR and
control could be reduced and/or their reli- compaction characteristics, as this has been
ability increased. It is the purpose of this done locally by Haupt (1980), Stephens (1988,
paper to present methods to predict: 1990), Netterberg (1994) and Breytenbach
QQ the maximum soaked CBR at Proctor et al (2010). However, some discussions of
compaction Kleyn’s (1955) method for the prediction
QQ the Proctor compaction characteristics of the maximum soaked CBR at Proctor
QQ relationships between soaked and compaction from the grading modulus
unsoaked CBR (GM) and plasticity index (PI) is relevant,
QQ Proctor and MAASHO compaction as the same CBR method was used for the
characteristics. Haupt database described here. This CBR Keywords: CBR, prediction, indicator tests, subgrade, Proctor

Haupt FJ, Netterberg F. Prediction of California Bearing Ratio and compaction characteristics of Transvaal soils from indicator properties.
J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2021:63(2), Art. #1220, 10 pages. 47
procedure is/was apparently only used in from the former Transvaal Province, 28 The number of valid test results used in
central and southern Africa, including the from Namibia and 20 from the former the analysis depended upon what variables
former Transvaal and Namibia, on centreline Cape Province (Haupt 1980), details of were used as predictors. The lowest number
survey samples for the determination of the which are summarised in Table 1. of test results used was 1 037 as shown in
design CBR for cover requirements for new The Transvaal soils were tested by Table 1. The mean maximum Proctor CBR
roads. For this purpose, the Transvaal Roads several different laboratories, but the others of 914 former Transvaal results, for example,
Department (TRD 1978) accepted either the were all tested at the National Institute for was 18 with a standard deviation of 13.
CBR at 93% of modified AASHO (MAASHO) Transport and Road Research (NITRR). The mean GM was 1.24 with a standard
maximum dry density (MDD), i.e. compacted As part of an investigation of existing deviation of 0.57. The “subgrade” samples
at modified optimum moisture content and roads in 1973 the former Transvaal Roads tested therefore represented a wide range
effort according to the usual methods (DoT Department (TRD) dug a total of 1 102 holes of materials ranging from G10 (the worst
1970; NITRR 1986) or the maximum Proctor in roads all over the Transvaal and tested the allowable roadbed or subgrade material) to
CBR. This method of determining cover subgrade (Burrow 1975). The results of this G4 (potential base course) with a mean of
requirements was apparently later superseded survey were then combined with two much G7 (selected subgrade) according to cur-
by a catalogue-design method (TRD 1994). smaller but otherwise similar surveys by the rent practice (COLTO 1996, 1998). Of the
Kleyn offered his method as the “best authors in 1978 in a very dry area (southern valid test results used 97% had CBR values
fit” to the test results on 1 134 samples Namibia) (31 sites), and a continuously wet between 1 and 50, which means that the
from road and airport jobs in central and area receiving rain all year round (George– relationships reported in this paper should
southern Africa, i.e. not as a replacement Storms River in the Cape) (29 sites). These not be applied to CBR values much higher
for the CBR, but as a rough check on it two smaller extensions to the Transvaal than 50. Only 20 samples had higher CBRs.
and as a supplement to possibly reducing survey were carried out to test and extend
the number of these expensive, time- and the validity to very dry and very wet areas,
material-consuming tests. He warned that because the main purpose of the work was LABORATORY TEST METHODS
it was only approximate unless corre- to study moisture and suction in pavements The test methods used were those of the
lated for a particular type of material. and to develop methods for their prediction Department of Transport (DoT 1970)
(Haupt 1981). This main objective was later except that, following Kleyn’s (1955)
extended by Emery (1992). However, a pre- approach and normal Transvaal Roads
RESULTS liminary analysis of the results with a view Department (TRD 1973, 1978) practice on
The database essentially consists of test to developing a method for the prediction of centreline and selected subgrade samples,
results carried out on 1 084 soil samples CBR was also carried out. the specimens used for determination of

Table 1 Summary of descriptive statistics (Haupt 1980)

Number of
Mean Minimum Maximum
valid cases












Equilibrium moisture content EMC % 1 130 28 1 072 30 5.75 10.50 19.74 2.90 1.20 4.40 11.60 38.90 104

Grading modulus GM – 1 149 28 1 091 30 1.48 1.24 0.59 0.70 0.10 0.04 2.69 2.57 1.47

Liquid limit LL % 1 040 25 996 19 25.64 29.02 25.62 18 13 12 51 88 51

Plastic limit PL % 1 037 25 993 19 14.08 16.15 14.68 10 8 7 20 41 25

Plasticity index PI % 1 188 28 993 19 10.39 12.91 7.27 0 1 0 31 57 28

Bar linear shrinkage LS % 1 135 28 1 077 30 4.79 5.51 2.88 0 0.30 0 10 21.70 12

Sand equivalent SE – 1 113 28 1 055 30 20.25 14.38 13.63 9 2 0 55 46 70

Proctor maximum dry density MDD kg/m3 1 139 28 1 086 20 2 021.0 1 887.9 1 821.7 1 784 1 311 1 517 2 234 2 396 2 035

Proctor opt moisture content OMC % 1 249 28 1 086 20 10.46 12.88 14.0 6.90 6.10 8.40 18.50 31.20 24.10

Maximum CBR (Proctor) CBR % 1 132 28 1 084 20 29.20 20.33 30.53 4.00 0.90 3 62 120 72

% passing 425 μm sieve P425 % 1 137 28 1 079 30 51.93 63.09 89.47 10 11 58 94 99 100

% passing 75 μm sieve P075 % 1 137 28 1 079 30 28.57 35.85 55.93 7 4 13 66 91 96

Mean annual rainfall MAR mm 1 144 28 1 086 30 138.90 690.20 993.20 110.00 400 700 180 1 500 1 230

Weinert’s (1980) N-value N – 1 285 28 1 086 30 44.40 3.30 1.00 32.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 7.60 1

Thornwaite’s moisture index

I cm 1 105 28 1 086 30 –40.00 –4.79 10.00 –40 –45 10 –40 100 10
(Schulze 1958)

48 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
the Proctor MDD and OMC were soaked Table 2 C
 orrelation coefficients (r) between maximum Proctor CBR and independent variables
for four days and the CBR at a penetration and descriptive statistics for the Haupt (1980) database for Transvaal soils
of 2.54 mm determined on each. By draw- Linear Descriptive statistics(2) Non-linear
ing a graph of soaked CBR against compac-
Parameter (r) Mean Std Dev Parameter (r)
tion moisture content the maximum CBR
at Proctor compaction was determined. CBR(1) – 18.02 13.01
The CBR obtained by this method is usu- P075 –0.69 37.24 17.55 Log (P075) –0.76
ally slightly higher than the CBR at Proctor
SE +0.69 13.76 6.06 e(SE) +0.69
MDD and was said to be more representa-
tive of subgrade conditions, to require less LSA(3) –0.67 – – – –
material and work, and to be more repro- GM +0.64 1.237 0.570 e(GM) –0.64
ducible on such materials than the usual
LLT(4) –0.64 35.74 11.34 Log (LLT) –0.72
method requiring accurate moulding at a
predetermined moisture content. The soil PIA(5) –0.63 – – – –
preparation method used for the grading, LLM(6) –0.63 – – – –
Atterberg limits and linear shrinkage was
MDD +0.63 1 879.17 171.03 MDD2 +0.65
the A-1(a) wet method. These methods
do not differ significantly from those in LST(7) –0.62 110.5 85.5 Log (LST) –0.78
more recent use (NITRR 1986). The grad- LSM(8) –0.61 – – – –
ing modulus was defined as the sum of
PM(9) –0.59 – – – –
the cumulative percentages retained on
the 2.00 mm, 425 µm and 075 µm sieves LS –0.58 5.94 3.61 Log (LS) +0.64
divided by 100 (Kleyn 1955) or, as actually PIT(10) –0.58 104.10 77.97 Log (PIT) –0.73
used to compile the database:
P425 –0.58 62.56 21.82 Log (P425) –0.58

GM = 3 ⎫⎪
P2000 + P425 + P075 ⎫
⎭ ⎭
OMC –0.55 13.22 4.35 Log (OMC) –0.61
100 PI –0.52 12.96 8.18 Log (PI) –0.60

LL –0.47 29.08 11.38 Log (LL) –0.51

P2000 = cumulative % < 2.00 mm PL –0.26 16.12 4.33 – –
(2000 µm) MAR –0.18 6.86 1.27 – –
P200 = cumulative % < 425 µm
I –0.13 -5.30 16.52 – –
P075 = cumulative % < 075 µm
N +0.07 3.33 1.21 – –

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 1. CBR = max Proctor 2.54 mm 4. LLT = LL0.7 (P425)0.3 8. LSM = LS (P425)
CBR after four days’ soaking 5. PIA = PI0.7 (P425)0.3 9. PM = PI (P425)
Methods 2. Haupt (1980 p 338); n = 914 6. LLM = LL (P425) 10. PIT = PI (P425)0.5
3. LSA = LS0.7 (P425)0.3 7. LST = LS (P425)0.7
The computer program used in these ana­
lyses was the then latest (about 1975) ver-
sion of the Statistical Package for the Social The basic contribution characteristics incorporated in this analysis and, although
Sciences (SPSS). However, the significance of each of the variables to be used in the they do not strictly satisfy the assumptions
testing was done later by hand calculator. subsequent statistical analysis was first of regression, the technique has been suc-
It is important to note that all the determined. This information on the dis- cessfully applied elsewhere (personal com-
predictors (e.g. PI) used in this analysis tribution and central tendencies of the vari- munication with J J de Jager 1978, CSIR).
suffer from poor reproducibility and thus ables provided the necessary information The structure of the data, on the other
include implicit errors of measurement. required for the selection of subsequent hand, made it difficult to carry out a statis-
This means that classical regression theory statistical techniques (Tables 1 and 2). tical test for linearity, but the plots (Haupt
may not strictly be applied to these predic- A multiple stepwise linear regression 1980) clearly show that not all parameters
tors, because it assumes that predictors are was performed next. This required the have linear relationships with the moisture
known accurately and with a normal distri- variables to be measured on the interval content. Various different functions were
bution of error. Although this assumption (distances between categories are defined used to transform the variables and to
was therefore not always true, there was no in terms of fixed and equal units) or ratio optimise the transformations.
readily available statistical theory to treat (as interval level but with inherently A multivariate stepwise linear regres-
uncertainties in both the predictor and the defined zero point) level and that the rela- sion was then carried out on the results
predicted. Experience has, however, shown tionships among the variables are linear on all 914 samples. From the correlation
that if the normal regression theory is used and additive. These restrictions are not coefficients between the relevant variables
in this case, the resultant error is not unac- absolute, however, and nominal variables given in Tables 2 and 3, it is apparent that
ceptably large (personal communication can be incorporated into the regression many of the parameters that correlate
with J J de Jager 1978, CSIR). using various techniques. They have been highly (r ≥ 0.8) with CBR also correlate

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 49
Table 3 Inter-parameter correlation coefficients (r) method. The preliminary models devel-
Parameter OMC MDD CBR SE LL PI LS P425 P075
oped by Haupt (1980) are summarised in
Table 4.
MDD –0.92 – – – – – – – – These equations show that, with only
CBR –0.55 0.65 – – – – – – – grading and LS results, the CBR can be pre-
dicted with a correlation coefficient of 0.83
SE –0.63 0.70 0.70 – – – – – –
and SEE of about 8 at a significance level
LL 0.88 –0.78 –0.47 –0.52 – – – – – better than 0.1%. These equations repre­
PI 0.95 –0.76 –0.53 –0.58 0.95 – – – – sent only a preliminary analysis of mostly
subgrade materials (i.e. relatively low CBR).
LS 0.95 –0.76 –0.54 –0.59 0.95 0.98 – – –
They significantly underestimate CBRs
P425 0.45 –0.82 –0.66 –0.67 0.22 0.30 0.28 – – above 50 and should not be indiscriminately
P075 0.75 –0.82 –0.70 –0.77 0.58 0.61 0.63 0.81 – applied to better quality materials.
It is believed that the general method
GM 0.53 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.31 0.39 –0.38 –0.98 –0.88
was sound in that a stepwise multivariate
approach of likely factors was used. The
Table 4 Summary of useful CBR prediction models transformation and adjustments of LS and
P425, etc, reported here are the optima
CBR = R α< SEE found for the prediction of equilibrium
moisture content rather than for CBR. It is,
2 2.1(eGM) – 23 log {LS (P425)0.7} + 54 0.83 0.001 7.6
however, likely that something other than
3 96.3 – 17.8 log {LS (P425)0.7} – 28.7 log (P075) 0.83 0.001 8.5 a simple product of, for example, LS and
4 97.7 – 17.1 log {PI (P425)0.5} – 30.7 log (P075) 0.81 0.001 8.0 P425 would also give the best correlation
with CBR. In view of the better correlation
5 119.6 – 33 log {LL0.7 (P425)0.3} – 33.2 log (P075) 0.79 0.001 8.4
coefficient for P075 of –0.69 than for P425
6 80.5 – 32.3 log {LS (P425)0.7} 0.77 0.001 8.7 of –0.58 it is recommended that combina-
7 90 – 47.4 log (P075) 0.77 0.001 8.7 tions with the former be tried.
Sufficient statistical parameters are
Notes: CBR = maximum 2.54 mm Proctor CBR after four days of soaking; x = 18.0; std dev = 13.0; n = 914
reported to calculate characteristic values
which in engineering design normally refers
highly with each other. This implies that, single parameters were the percentage to the 95% confidence interval. In this case
if one of these is used in a regression passing the 075 µm sieve (P075) and the the 85% confidence interval is reported due
equation, little improvement in accuracy sand equivalent (SE), both with correla- to the variability in the predictor values.
will result from adding another, since they tion coefficients of –0.69. It is therefore For example, in Equation 2 with GM = 2.0,
explain the same variance. recommended that research on the sand LS = 4.5 and P425 = 35 the predicted
Because the LL, PI and LS are deter- equivalent be carried out with a view to CBR (PCBR) = 29.6. The min/max char-
mined on the fraction finer than 425 µm, substituting it for the Atterberg limits. acteristic value would be = PCBR ±Z(SEE/
simple products between these and the The next best was the adjusted linear mean)*PCBR where Z = 1.04 at the 85%
P425 and more complex adjustments were shrinkage (LSA: r = –0.67) followed by confidence interval, SEE = 7.6 and mean =
determined (Table 2). The adjustments the grading modulus alone (GM: r = 0.64). 18. Therefore the minimum CBR at the 85%
shown are actually those found to correlate Of the simple products of a soil constant confidence level = 29.6 – 1.04(7.6/18)*29.6 =
best with the equilibrium moisture content and the P425 the modified LL (LLM: 16.6, rounded off to 17.
in pavements and are not necessarily those r = –0.63) was the best, followed by the Haupt’s six models were investigated by
which correlate best with CBR. These still modified LS (LSM: r = –0.61) and the Stephens (1988, 1990) on Natal soils – he
have to be found. modified PI (PM: r = –0.59). The LS was found “a very large scatter of results” and
The results are expressed in terms of the best (r = –0.58) of the common, simple rather “minimal agreement with correlated
single (r) and multiple (R) correlation coef- plasticity parameters, followed by the PI data” for all of them. Comparisons were
ficients, standard errors of estimate (SEE) (r = –0.52), with the LL being the worst apparently carried out at 100% MAASHO
and significance level (α). The square of the (r = –0.47). This confirms Kleyn’s (1955) density for CBR values of less than 50 and
correlation coefficient explains the propor- observation that all attempts to correlate at 95% for all values. These were not the
tion of the variance accounted for by the LL with CBR failed. maximum CBR (at Proctor compaction) as
particular relationship. The SEE represents Although the LL was the worst of used by Haupt but were derived graphically
the standard deviation of the actual values the LL, PI and LS, it was the best of the from specimens all compacted at MAASHO
around the prediction values and provides simple products with P425. The correla- OMC at different efforts. Plots of Haupt’s
an estimate of the prediction accuracy of tion coefficient found by Haupt (1980) for adjusted or transformed parameters LLT,
the particular regression equation. the P075 of –0.69 was slightly better than PIT and LST against CBR were said to have
that for GM (+0.64). It is recommended given similar correlation coefficients to
Prediction of CBR that Kleyn’s method should be evaluated Haupt’s for dolerites, shales and laterites
Table 2 shows that, when analysing the against Haupt’s database, which contains only. However, as the equivalent untrans-
data for linear relationships, the best the correct type of CBR results for Kleyn’s formed or unadjusted parameters gave

50 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
compaction, were also developed. The CBR
100 relationship was:

CBRP = 0.37 CBR M(9)

(r not stated; CBRM ranging from 11 to 345;
x = 88 and n = 673 local soils; α < 0.001 )

ic t
Predicted maximum Proctor CBR



CBRP = maximum 2.54 mm Proctor

soaked CBR
CBR M = maximum 2.54 mm MAASHO
soaked CBR

The average ratio of maximum MAASHO

CBR to maximum Proctor CBR of 2.7
20 calculated with Equation 9 is in reasonable
agreement with the ratio of 2.5 calculated
by the authors from the average factors
used by VKE Engineers (A Taute 1986
0 30 60 90 120 150 personal communication in Netterberg
Actual CBR at 95% MDD AASHO compaction 1994) to convert a maximum Proctor CBR
(at an assumed 93% MAASHO) to an
Figure 1 Predictions of CBR at 95% MAASHO compaction by Kleyn’s (1955) method (Stephens 1990) ordinary (i.e. at 100 %) MAASHO CBR and
the average of 2.4 calculated by the authors
equivalent or better correlations in most Table 4. It can therefore be concluded that for MAASHO 93% for ferricretes from
cases, further work was limited to them. Haupt’s models (at least Equation 2) are little Netterberg et al (2003) from work by Davel
According to Stephens (1990), Kleyn’s better than that of Kleyn (1955) insofar as (1989). For ferricretes this ratio decreased
method predicted the CBR of Kwazulu- the accuracy of estimate at 95% MAASHO somewhat from 2.6 at a GM of 0.5 and 1.0
Natal soils most closely at 95% MAASHO. is concerned. Figure 1 also shows that, on to 2.3 at a GM of 2.0 and 2.5. It is therefore
Stephens’ (1988, 1990) condemnation of average, it is overpredicting the CBR at 95% recommended that both methods should
these and some other models appears too by about 10%, and an average of 93% may be receive independent checking and that
summary and too severe. Figure 1, for exam- more appropriate. a general method for predicting CBR at
ple, does show a large scatter and his equa- It is recommended that Haupt’s equa- any percentage MAASHO compaction
tion for Kleyn’s (1955) method (transformed tions be evaluated against a database be developed.
here by the authors as Equation 8) yielded a containing maximum Proctor CBRs and
correlation coefficient (r) of only 0.53 when that various combinations of P425 and P075 Relationship between soaked
attempting to predict the 95% MAASHO with plasticity and shrinkage parameters and unsoaked CBR
CBR of 1 418 Natal soils, but significance also be tried. In particular, the use of the Although Savage (2006, 2012, 2013) pro-
testing by the authors showed that in view simple product of the P425 and the linear posed a “one-shot” method of estimating
of the large number of results it is highly shrinkage seems to be the simplest and best MAASHTO or Proctor MDD from a single
significant at better than the 0.001 level. (Stephens 1988, 1990) and has been used in determination of compacted density and
local specifications for calcretes for unsealed moisture content (instead of the usual 4
CBR MP = 16.7 e a (8) and sealed roads (e.g. Netterberg 1978, 1982; or 5) and the particle bulk density and the
COLTO 1998) to ensure a minimum CBR. CBR from a single unsoaked determination
Where Models developed by Semmelink (1991) on the same specimen, his method cannot
CBR MP = Maximum Proctor CBR for the prediction of the unsoaked CBR be checked against the Haupt database
a = (12GM – PI)/18.5 immediately after compaction from the as the latter does not include particle
grading, LL, LS, particle shape and fac- bulk densities. Only two local studies are
As had been pointed out by Netterberg tors for density and moisture content (his considered here, those of Haupt (1980)
(1994) and others, much, perhaps most, of Models A and F) yielded a r 2 of 0.82 and and Emery (1985, 1992). Haupt’s (1980)
the scatter in such predictions is probably SE of 0.22 for 1 077 “data points”. However, relationship was:
due to the well-known poor reproducibility none of the eleven regression constants
of both the CBR and indicator tests, as well required was provided. CBRUP = 1.15 CBRSP + 1.2 (10)
as the different CBR method employed in (r = 0.89; SEE = 5.3; n = 914; α < 0.001)
this case. Relationship between Proctor
Haupt did not provide scattergrams of his and MAASHO CBR Where
models, but the scatter in Figure 1 is prob- In addition to developing equations for pre- CBRUP = unsoaked (at OMC) maximum
ably approximately what would have been diction of maximum Proctor CBR, models CBR at Proctor compaction
expected from the standard error of estimate relating CBR, MDD and OMC at Proctor CBRSP = four day soaked maximum CBR
(SEE) and accuracy given for Equation 2 in compaction with those at MAASHO at Proctor compaction

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 51
The effect of moisture content was also eval-
uated locally by Emery (1985, 1992). He first 1.00
MDDP = 1.2MDDM – 553
determined the CBR of six materials rang-
Area enclosing about 85% of values
ing in quality from G1 to G10 at moisture
contents ranging from about one-quarter of
optimum to soaked. MAASHO compaction
was used for the G1-G5 and Proctor for the


G6-G10 materials. Equations relating the
soaked CBR to CBR at various ratios of mois-
ture content to OMC were then developed, as 0.94
well as one to describe the complete relation-
ship between CBR and moisture content:
CBRU = 56.54 (e–1.42 MC/OMC) CBRS0.48(11)
(r = 0.94; accuracy not stated)

CBRU = unsoaked CBR at any den-
sity, at any moisture content less 1 650 1 750 1 850 1 950 2 050 2 150 2 250 2 350 2 450
than saturation compacted at MAASHO MDD (kg/m3)
OMC = MAASHO OMC Figure 2 Ratio of compactive energy versus density
MC = moisture content
CBRS = soaked 2.54 mm MAASHO CBR Where Where
MDDP = Proctor MDD OMCP = Proctor OMC
A similar model was developed from 245 MDDM = MAASHO MDD OMCM = MAASHO OMC
results from the Burrow (1975) study,
converting the in-situ DCP results to labo- Although it is statistically incorrect to An equation developed by Emery (1985) was:
ratory unsoaked CBRs at the field moisture mathematically invert a regression equa-
content, the Proctor OMCs to MAASHO tion, a similar equation to Equation 14 OMCM = 0.80 (OMCP) + 0.4 (17)
using Equation 16 and assuming the field results if this is done to an equation (r = 0.92; n=784; α < 0.001)
compaction to be equal to Proctor: developed by Emery (1985), also from the
Burrow (1975) data file: Haupt (1980) also found a relation between
CBRU = 53.52 (e–1.12 MC/OMC) CBRS0.45(12) Proctor OMC and Proctor MDD:
(r = 0.96; accuracy not stated) MDDP = 1.15 MDDM – 416 (15)
(r = 0.95 on original equation; OMCP = 57.5 – 0.024 (MDDP)(18)
Because this equation was very similar to accuracy not stated; n = 784 local soils; (r = 0.92; SEE = 1.73; α < 0.001)
Equation 11, the two sets were merged and α < 0.001)
a general equation developed: Such relationships as these are useful
It is clear from published relationships, a when certain tests such as the wet-dry
CBRU = 59.13 (e–1.33MC/OMC) CBRS0.46(13) scattergram of Haupt’s (1980), and borne brushing test must be carried out, but only
(r = 0.95; accuracy not stated) out by experience, that the ratio of Proctor MAASHO data is available and there is a
MDD to MAASHO MDD is not a constant shortage of material. It is therefore recom-
Emery (1985, 1992) then took this as the but varies with material type and with mended that they receive independent
best model relating to soaked and unsoaked MDD. Ratios in the literature vary between assessment. It is also recommended that
CBR. Whilst this model appears reasonable, 85 and 97% and a scattergram for 783 they be evaluated on cement- and lime-
in view of all the conversions and assump- Transvaal soils shows a variation from 86 stabilised materials.
tions made it is recommended that it should to 99%. Figure 2 shows the variation of
be checked against outside data, against about 85% of the samples between 90–98% Prediction of compaction
Black’s (1962) and Haupt’s (1980) model, and with a very rough average of about 94%, characteristics
at various densities or compactions. and with a tendency to increase with MDD. Only the work of Haupt (1980), Semmelink
This means that the ratio for granular (1991) and Allison and Webb (2002) will
Relationship between Proctor and material is significantly higher than for briefly be considered here as they appear to
MAASHO compaction characteristics silty/clayey materials. be the only local work on the subject. Haupt’s
Haupt’s (1980) relationship between The optimum moisture contents are (1980) best prediction equations were:
Proctor and MAASHO MDD was: related as follows (Haupt 1980):
MDDP = 1 0.3 PI – 20.5 (LL)0.7 (P425)0.3
MDDP = 1.2 MDDM – 553 (14) OMCP = 1.25 (OMCM) – 0.5 (16) + 2477 (19)
(r = 0.93; n = 783 local subgrade soils; (r = 0.92; n = 783 local subgrade soils; (r = 0.93; SEE = 66; n = 914;
α < 0.001) α < 0.001) α < 0.001)

52 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
MDDP = 0 .83 PL – 14 (LL)0.7 (P425)0.3
+ 2364 (20) 1705 1653 1510 1415
(r = 0.91; SEE = 74; n = 914; α < 0.001) Maximum dry
density 1760
OMCP = 0.3 LL0.7 (P425)0.3 + 0.2 (PL) –1 (21) 1810
(r = 0.93; SEE = 1.59; n = 914; α < 0.001)
40 Optimum moisture
1865 content
Semmelink’s (1991) prediction equation
(his Equation 2) utilised a grading factor 35 1915

Plastic limit (%)

(GF), P425, LL and LS:
30 24 26 28 30
X = k 1 (GF)0.85
+ k 2(A) + k3(LS) + k4 A3 22
+ k5(22) 20
Where 16
X = MDD (vibratory, in % AD), or 20 14
2130 12 B
MDD (MAASHO, in % AD) or
OMC (MAASHO, in %) 10
AD = ARD × 1000 8
6 1955 1860 1785 1590 1395 1210
A = (P425/100)(LL/100)0.1 2065 1675 1490 1310 1115
GF = (% passing sieve size / nominal 10 20 30 40 50 C 60 70 80 90 100
sieve size in mm) / 100 for sieve Adjusted liquid limit (LL)0.7 (%–0.425)0.3 (%)
sizes 75, 63, 53, 37.5, 26.5, 19, 13.2,
4.75 and 2.00 mm Figure 3 Relationship between Proctor compaction characteristics and indicators (Haupt 1980)
Pn = nominal sieve size in mm
k n = regression constant (values not recommended that these relationships G7. The average quality was therefore the
provided by Semmelink) be evaluated against other data sets, and same as that of Haupt (1980 Tables 1 and
that a chart also be developed to predict 2); only the GM was slightly lower (1.09
Although Semmelink presented plots MAASHO compaction characteristics. against 1.24). The soil origins in these two
showing close agreement between 21 These convenient relationships between databases are probably also broadly similar,
predicted and measured MAASHO MDDs LLT, PL OMC and OMC enable one to although the Transvaal soils most likely
and OMCs with r 2 of 0.90 and 0.91 respec- estimate any two if the other two are avail- included some calcretes and no tillites,
tively, he did not provide the regression able by simple interpolation. Normally the whilst the Berea Red soils in KwaZulu-
constants required to use his model. cheaper Atterberg and grading parameters Natal are arguably similar to many
A linear regression analysis of the test would be available. Table 5 shows typical Transvaal red sandy soils. The laboratory
results on 5 405 samples of KwaZulu-Natal interpolation results. test methods (except for the maximum
soils, derived from a variety of geological Proctor CBR used in the Transvaal) were
formations by Allinson and Webb (2002), Table 5 S ummary of useful CBR prediction nominally the same. However, the soil
resulted in correlation coefficients of only models preparation method may have differed, as
–0.24 through 0.11 to 0.46 for MAASHO the KZNRD changed from the DoT (1970)
Given Interpolation
OMC against PI, PM, LL, LLM, plastic Point wet boiling method A1(a) to the A1(b) dry
limit (PL), GM and Semmelink’s (1991) PL LLT OMC MDD method in about 1970 (personal communi-
GF, which were mostly much lower than cation with R E Ashworth 2003, KZNRD).
A 34 34 16 1915
those found by Haupt (1980), as shown Little correlation was found between
in Tables 2 and 3. A multiple regression B 17 45 16 1745 CBR and GI, GM and PI or Haupt’s (1980)
analysis using Semmelink’s (1991) Equation transformed or adjusted plasticity and
C 10 50 16 1675
2 (our Equation 22) only yielded a r = 0.44, shrinkage parameters. In fact, it was stated
although all the relationships found were Note: MDD of B is interpolated between 1915 that the simple product was as good, or
and 1675
highly significant. A preliminary consid- better than the transformed or adjusted
eration according to the geological origin parameters. Similar plots to that found
yielded little or no improvement – and in Evaluation against KwaZulu‑Natal soils for shrinkage modulus (LSM) were also
some cases was weaker. They concluded A later study by Stephens (1988, 1992a, found for the product of LL or PI and P425
that it was not feasible to predict accu- 1992b) involved the analysis of the results or P075. The correlation coefficient for
rately individual OMC, MDD or CBR from of tests on 1 421 Kwazulu-Natal soils from MAASHO CBR and LSM was found to be
indicators, but only the average OMC and the archives of the Kwazulu-Natal Roads –0.38 to –0.62 depending on the geologi-
MDD for estimation purposes. Department (KZNRD). A wide range of cal material. However, the shrinkage was
Haupt (1980) also produced a conve- geological material origins and engineering preferred because it was usually available
nient chart relating Proctor compaction qualities was represented, ranging from even when the PI was not. No improvement
characteristics to PL, LL and OMC from soil unsuitable as roadbed to potential was obtained with the product of the LS
Equations 20 and 21 (Figure 3). It is base course, with an average quality of and P075. No bivariate or multivariate

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 53
effects were found in the relationships Africa and can significantly affect the according to geological material origin
between CBR and swell, modified plastic- results (Pinard & Netterberg 2012). was also not effective. The “high variabil-
ity index PM = (PIx P0425) and plasticity The test methods used on Kleyn’s (1955) ity” in both the CBR and indicator results
product PP = (PIxP075). No improvement South African samples were probably those was suggested as a possible reason for the
was obtained in plots of CBR against swell of the DoT (1948), some of which differ from poor predictability.
and shrinkage modulus when they were those of NITRR (1986). The most accurate relationships based
restricted to G5-G7 materials. Indicator tests do not of course include on the Haupt study are summarised in
The best correlation coefficients found factors such as the particle shape and Table 6.
were for logarithmic functions such as surface roughness, and the use of the GM,
log(CBR) versus log(PM) (r = +0.67 for P425 or P075, or even Semmelink’s GF
laterites), but simpler relationships such as do not describe the actual grading, all of CONCLUSIONS
with GM alone, e.g. +0.67 for 79 laterites which can be expected to affect the CBR. It QQ Useful methods for the prediction of the
and 0.62 for 133 dolerites, and P425 alone is also clear that, as Kleyn (1955) intended, maximum Proctor CBR and the Proctor
(–0.66 for the laterites and –0.62 for the his – or as is now clear – any other method compaction characteristics from the
dolerites) were almost as good. By con- should be calibrated on the job for the grading and indicator properties were
trast, for 212 sandstones, for GM alone it particular materials used, which would found, as well as relationships between
was only +0.28, log(CBR) versus log(PM) also only usually involve a single laboratory soaked and unsoaked CBR, and between
only –0.45 and none was found for P425, and perhaps operator. Although Stephens Proctor and MAASHO compaction
illustrating the importance of geological (1990) found a correlation coefficient characteristics.
material as implied by Kleyn (1955). of only 0.53 for his equation for Kleyn’s QQ The high correlation coefficients are
Unfortunately, although it was recorded method, it was nevertheless found by the all statistically highly significant and
and entered in the Transvaal database, authors to be highly significant at better indicate that the relationships found are
the geological origin of the material was than the 0.001 level. real and valid, at least over the range of
not considered in the preliminary analysis The most recent comprehensive the database values reported.
reported in this paper. study using a large database of results QQ The relatively large errors of prediction
from all over South Africa and Namibia are due to the well-known poor repro-
(Breytenbach et al 2010), in which a large ducibility of both the predicted CBR
DISCUSSION number of models were tried, includ- and compaction characteristics, as well
From Table 2 it is clear why most of the ing those of Kleyn (1955) and Haupt as the indicator tests, the several labo-
existing models relating CBR to other soil (1980) – although apparently not that of ratories involved, and the large number
parameters are non-linear. Non-linear and Semmelink (1991) – involving 28 equa- and variety of soils.
logarithmic or exponential models explain tions for each of nearly 60 data sets, QQ The prediction error for a single labo-
significantly more variance than linear mod- including over 130 regressions both linear ratory on a single source of material
els. It is also interesting to note that the CBR and Weibull, failed to provide a single should be better researched.
correlates significantly better with grading accurate model. At best some could be QQ As this was only a preliminary attempt,
parameters (especially P075) and GM and SE used only as preliminary indicators and scope probably exists for further
than with plasticity or compaction param- not as substitutes for CBR tests. Grouping improvements to be made.
eters, and better with the SE than the PI.
The reasons why a method developed Table 6 Summary of useful relationships
by one worker on a particular set of results Equation
fails when tested by another on a different Relationship R
set probably include the well-known poor
2 CBRP = 2.1(eGM) – 23 log {LS (P425)0.7} + 54 0.83
repeatability and reproducibility of both
the CBR and the indicator test methods, 9 CBRP = 0.37 CBRM –
the many laboratories inevitably used to
accumulate a large database, differences 10 CBRUP = 1.15 CBRSP + 1.2 0.89
in both the indicator (e.g. wet or dry and
14 MDDP = 1.2 MDDM – 553 0.93
drying temperature) and CBR (e.g. crush-
ing in all or only some oversize, scalping 16 OMCP = 1.25 (OMCM) – 0.5 0.92
at 20 or 37.5 mm) preparation and grading
(e.g. wet or dry) methods, whether, as 18 OMCP = 57.5 – 0.024 (MDDP) 0.92
pointed out by Semmelink (1991), the
19 MDDP = 10.3 PI – 20.5 (LL)0.7 (P425)0.3 + 2477 0.93
grading used was that before or after
compaction, the type of CBR (at OMC 21 OMCP = 0.3 LL0.7 (P425)0.3 + 0.2 ( PL) – 1 0.93
or maximum, soaked or unsoaked, and
whether at 2.5 or 5.0 mm penetration) and
CBRP = Soaked CBR at Proctor compaction OMCP = Optimum moisture content at Proctor
the problem of accurately splitting and CBRM = Soaked CBR at MAASHO compaction compaction
preparing a 200 kg sample in several bags CBRUP = Unsoaked CBR at Proctor compaction OMCM = Optimum moisture content at MAASHO
to the 50 g used for the plasticity tests. All MDDP = Max dry density at Proctor compaction compaction
MDDM = Max dry density at MAASHO compaction
these differences are in use in southern

54 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
QQ Prediction methods do not replace the any percentage MAASHO compaction Emery, S J 1992. The prediction of moisture content in
CBR but supplement it by permitting be developed. untreated pavement layers and an application to
a reduction in the number of these QQ Savage’s (2006, 2012, 2013) “one-shot” design in southern Africa. CSIR Research Report
relatively expensive tests, by providing methods deserve further evaluation. 644, Pretoria: CSIR.
a check on gross errors, and by provid- Haupt, F J 1980. Moisture conditions associated with
ing a means of estimating a statisti- pavements in southern Africa. MSc (Eng) Thesis.
cally minimum CBR. Any prediction ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.
method should be checked on site, and This paper is based on an MSc (Eng) Haupt, F J 1981. Prediction of subgrade moisture
calibrated, if necessary, on the materi- thesis submitted to the University of the conditions. Proceedings, 10th International Conference
als used – as originally advised by Witwatersrand by author F J Haupt under on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Kleyn (1955). the supervision of Prof G E Blight and Dr F Stockholm, 1, Session 1, Paper 25, pp 149–156.
Netterberg. Both authors of this paper were Kleyn, S A 1955. Possible developments in pavement
employed at the then National Institute for foundation design. Transactions of the South African
RECOMMENDATIONS Transport and Road Research of the CSIR, Institution of Civil Engineers, 5(12): 286–292.
QQ More research on the sand equivalent Pretoria, whilst the work was undertaken. Netterberg, F 1978. Calcrete wearing courses for
should be carried out with a view to The permission of the Director to use the unpaved roads. Civil Engineer in South Africa,
substituting it for the Atterberg limits, work as a thesis, and the cooperation of the 20(6): 129–138.
as it correlated better with CBR than Transvaal Roads Department in making Netterberg, F 1982. Behaviour of calcretes as flexible
the Atterberg limits. their test results available, are acknowl- pavement materials in southern Africa. Proceedings,
QQ The Kleyn method should be assessed edged with thanks. 11th ARRB Conference, Melbourne, Australia,
against Haupt’s database to verify the 11(3): 60–69.
low correlation coefficient between CBR Netterberg, F 1994. Prediction of CBR from indicators:
and GM and PI, as reported by Stephens REFERENCES A review. Report RR90/275. Pretoria: Department of
(1990). Allinson, A J & Webb, D L 2002. A study of the factors Transport.
QQ The transformations of CBR with P075 influencing the relationship between index properties Netterberg, F, Davel, J S & Kruger, D 2003. Statistical
should be developed, despite the fact and optimum moisture content and the formulation analysis of laboratory test results on South
that the transformations of LS and P425 of an abbreviated test method for determining African ferricrete as roadbuilding materials.
reported here show higher correlations, maximum dry density. Proceedings, 9th Congress of Proceedings, 13th Regional Conference for Africa on
as the latter are optima-developed for the International Association of Engineering Geology Geotechnical Engineering, Marrakech, pp 591–595.
the prediction of equilibrium moisture and the Environment, Durban, pp 168–175. NITRR (National Institute for Transport and Road
content rather than CBR. P075 cor- Black, W P M 1962. A method of estimating the Research, CSIR) 1986. TMH 1. Standard Methods
relates better with CBR than P425, and California Bearing Ratio of cohesive soils from of Testing Road Construction Materials, 2nd ed.
such transformations may result in plasticity data. Geotechnique, 12(4): 271–282. Pretoria: NITRR, CSIR.
more accurate prediction. Breytenbach, I J, Paige-Green, P & Van Rooy, J L 2010. Pinard, M I & Netterberg, F 2012. Comparison of test
QQ Haupt’s equations should be assessed The relationship between index testing and California methods and implications on materials selection
against a database containing maximum Bearing Ratio values for natural road construction for road construction. Proceedings , 2nd African
Proctor CBRs, and various combina- materials in South Africa. Journal of the South African Community Access Programme (AFCAP 2)
tions of P425 and P075 with plasticity Institution of Civil Engineering, 52(2): 65–69. Conference, 3–5 July 2012, Maputo.
and shrinkage parameters should also Burrow, J C 1975. Investigation of existing road Savage, P F 2006. Insights into pavement material
be tried. In particular, the use of the pavements in the Transvaal. Report L1/75, Pretoria: density and strength. Proceedings, 25th Southern
simple product of the P425 and the lin- Transvaal Roads Department. African Transport Convention, 10–13 July 2006,
ear shrinkage seems to be the best. COLTO (Committee of Land Transport Officials) Pretoria.
QQ Emery’s (1992) best model relating 1996. Draft TRH 4: Structural Design of Flexible Savage, P F 2012. Towards a better understanding
soaked and unsoaked CBR should be Pavements for Interurban and Rural Roads. Pretoria: of the moisture-density-strength relationship of
assessed against outside data, against COLTO, Department of Transport. compacted soil. Proceedings, 31st Southern African
Black’s (1962) and Haupt’s (1980) COLTO 1998. Standard Specifications for Road and Transport Convention, 9–12 July 2012, Pretoria.
models, and at various densities or Bridge Works for State Road Authorities. Yeoville: Savage, P F 2013. A rapid assessment of soil strength
compactions. South African Institution of Civil Engineering. parameters. Proceedings, 32nd Southern African
QQ The relationships between OMC at vari- Davel, J S 1989. ‘n Statistieke analise van ferrikreet Transport Convention, 8–11 July 2013, Pretoria.
ous compactive efforts reported in this as padboumateriaal in die voorspelling van KDV- Schulze, B R 1958. The climate of South Africa
paper should be assessed independently waardes uit die graderingsmodulus. BSc Hons. (Eng) according to Thornthwaite’s rational classification.
and extended to include cement- and Thesis. Johannesburg: Rand Afrikaans University. South African Geography Journal, 40: 31–53.
lime-stabilised materials. DoT (Department of Transport) 1948. Standard Semmelink, C J 1991. Factors influencing the
QQ As the ratio of maximum MAASHO Methods of Testing Materials and Specifications. compactability and bearing capacity of untreated
CBR to maximum Proctor CBR report- Pretoria: DoT. roadbuilding materials. Proceedings, 10th Regional
ed here is in reasonable agreement with DoT 1970. Standard Methods of Testing Materials. Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and
that reported by Netterberg (1994), it Pretoria: DoT. Foundation Engineering, Maseru, pp 185–192.
is recommended that both methods Emery, S J 1985. Prediction of moisture content for use Stephens, D J 1988. The variation of the California
be independently assessed and that a in pavement design. PhD Thesis. Johannesburg: Bearing Ratio with standard classification
general method for predicting CBR at University of the Witwatersrand. parameters for a selection of Natal soils.

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South Africa, 34(11): 379–380. Materials Design Manual. Pretoria: TRD.

56 Volume 63 Number 2 June 2021 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
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6 000 words in length (excluding tables, illustra- tion of tables and figures (see below) the document provided for inclusion at the end of the paper.
tions and the list of references). Related papers that should be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt font. QQ Headings: Sections and paragraphs should not be
deal with ‘softer sciences’ (e.g. education, social Contributions should be accompanied by an abstract numbered. The following hierarchy of headings
upliftment, etc) are accepted if they are of a techni- of not more than 200 words. should be followed:
cal nature and of particular interest to the civil QQ First page: The first page of the manuscript should HEADING OF MAIN SECTION
engineering profession. The latter type of paper will include the title of the paper, the number of words of Heading of subsection
be subject not only to peer-review by civil engineers, the main text (i.e. excluding figures, tables and the Heading of sub-subsection
but also to review by non-engineering specialists in list of references), the initials and surnames of the QQ References: References should follow the Harvard
the field covered by the paper. authors, professional status (if applicable), SAICE system. The format of text citations should be as
QQ Technical notes are short, fully referenced technical affiliation (Member, Fellow, Visitor, etc), telephone follows: “Jones (1999) discovered that …” or “recent
articles that do not exceed 2 000 words. A typical numbers (landline and mobile), and e-mail and results (Brown & Carter 1985; Green et al 1999)
technical note will have limited scope often dealing postal addresses. The name of the corresponding indicated that …”
with a single technical issue of particular importance author should be underlined. Five keywords should  References cited in the text should be listed in
to civil engineering. be suggested. alphabetical order at the end of the paper. References
QQ Review papers are considered for publication as QQ Figures, tables, photos and illustrations: These by the same author should be in chronological order.
either technical papers or technical notes on condi- should preferably be submitted in colour, as the The following are examples of a journal article, a
tion that they are the original work of the author journal is a full-colour publication. book and a conference paper:
and will assist the reader with the understanding, QQ Their positions should be clearly marked in the QQ Donald, A W 1954. Pore pressure coefficients.

interpreting or applying of the subject under review. text as follows: [Insert Figure 1]. Géotechnique, 4(4):143–147.
A review paper must contain criteria by which the QQ Figures, tables, photos, illustrations and equa- QQ Terzaghi, K 1943. Practical soil mechanics. New

work under review was evaluated, and contribute tions should be numbered consecutively and York: Wiley.
by synthesising the information and drawing new should appear in the text directly after they have QQ Smith, A W, Black, C & White, A 1999. Factors

conclusions from the dissemination of the previously been referred to for the first time. affecting the strength of soils. Proceedings, ASCE
published work. QQ Illustrations must be accompanied by appropriate Conference on Shear Strength of Soils, Colorado,
QQ Discussion on published articles is welcomed up to captions. Captions for tables should appear above pp 503–532.
six months after publication. The length of discus- the table. All other captions should appear below Papers published previously in the Journal of the
sion contributions is limited to 1 500 words. Where the illustration (figures, graphs, photos). South African Institution of Civil Engineering should
appropriate, discussion contributions will be subject QQ Only those figures and photographs essential to be cited if applicable.
to the normal reviewing process and will be for- the understanding of the text should be included. QQ Footnotes, trade names, acronyms, abbreviations:
warded to the authors of the original article for reply. All illustrations should be referred to in the text. These should be avoided. If acronyms are used, they
QQ Figures should be produced using com- should be defined when they first appear in the text.
POLICY REGARDING LANGUAGE AND puter graphics. Hand-drafted figures will not be Do not use full stops after abbreviations or acronyms.
ORIGINALITY OF SUBMITTED ARTICLES ­accepted. Lettering on figures should be equiva- QQ Return of amended papers: Papers requiring
QQ Language: Manuscripts should preferably be lent to a Times New Roman 9 pt font or slightly amendments will be accepted up to six months after
presented in English, as the journal is distributed larger (up to 12 pt) if desired. Lettering smaller the referee reports had been sent to authors, after
internationally. Articles submitted in any of the than 9 pt is not acceptable. which the paper will be withdrawn from the system.
other official South African languages should be QQ Tables should be typed in Times New Roman
accompanied by an expanded abstract in English. 9 pt font. They should not duplicate information FINAL ARTICLE
QQ Original work: Papers and technical notes must already given in the text, nor contain material QQ Copyright: On acceptance of the paper or technical
be original contributions. Authors must affirm that would be better presented graphically. note, copyright must be transferred by the author/s
that submitted material has not been published Tabular matter should be as simple as possible, to the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
previously, is not under consideration for publica- with brief column headings and a minimum on the form that will be provided by the Institution.
tion elsewhere and will not be submitted elsewhere number of columns. QQ Photos of authors: The final corrected version of
while under consideration by the SAICE Journal QQ Mathematical expressions and presentation the paper should be accompanied by recent, high-
Editorial Panel. It is the responsibility of the authors of symbols: resolution head and shoulders colour photographs
to ensure that publication of any paper in the journal QQ Equations should be presented in a clear form and a profile not exceeding 100 words for each of
will not constitute a breach of any agreement or which can easily be read by non-mathematicians. the authors.
the transgression of any law. The corresponding Each equation should appear on a separate line QQ Proofs: First proofs of papers will be sent to authors
author should confirm that all co-authors have and should be numbered consecutively. in PDF format for verification before publication.
read and approved the manuscript and accept these QQ Symbols should preferably reflect those used in No major re-writes will be allowed, only essential
conditions. Authors are responsible for obtaining Microsoft Word Equation Editor or Mathtype, minor corrections.

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