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INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

1. The process through which the individual, families and the community should be part
of the decision making in health delivery system is known as
A. Community assert
B. Community attendance
C. Community contribution
D. Community participation

2. The regular monitoring and periodic evaluation of community health workers

performance by health workers and the community is a strategy for
A. Community participation
B. Provision of quality, basic and essential health services
C. Self-reliance
D. Social mobilization

3. The process of advocating for political support and other support from the national
leadership down to the barangay level is a strategy for
A. Community participation
B. Decentralization
C. Self-reliance
D. Social mobilization

4. The integration of primary health care into national, region, provincial municipal and
barangay development plan is a strategy for which of the following options.
A. Decentralization
B. Recognition of interrelationship of health and development
C. Self-reliance
D. Social mobilization

5. The process through which primary health approaches have been evolved in different
context account for the disparities in resources and local priority in health problem is
known as
A. Health for all system
B. Routine primary health care
C. Selective primary healthcare
D. Special primary healthcare

6. The strategy that consist of four low-cost, high impact, knowledge mediated measures
introduced as the key to halving child mortality by James Grant in 1983 is called
A. Feeding Strategy
B. Gobi
C. Gobiff
D. Unicef Gobi

7. The process of encouraging individuals and the community to improve on their

farming habit in order to increase their yield is under which component of primary
health care.
A. Health education on prevailing health problems and prevention
B. Maternal and child health/family planning

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

C. Provision of basic environmental hygiene

D. Provision of food supply and proper nutrition

8. Which of the following components of primary health care do the traditional birth
attendants and community health worker are been trained to administer simple drugs
for conditions like malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and worm infestation.
A. Appropriate treatment of common diseases
B. Immunizations against communicable diseases
C. Mental health promotion
D. Provision of essential drugs

9. Which of the following operational levers covers a wide array of actors and services,
and also play a multiple role in primary health care.
A. Engaging with private sector providers
B. Ensuring delivery of quality health care and safe health services
C. Models of care that prioritize primary care and public health function
D. The primary healthcare workforce

10. What is the name giving to those who provide indirect, task-specific services in a
health care facility support services and has 24 hour accountability for the overall
functioning of the facility.
A. Auxiliary team
B. contingency team
C. Coordinating team
D. Support service and administration

11. The following are personal values that characterizes effective team members of high
functioning team in health care except
A. creativity
B. discipline
C. effective communication
D. honesty

12. The situation in which team members are dedicated to reflecting upon the lesson they
learnt in their daily activities and using this reflective experience in continuous
professional development is known as
A. creativity
B. critical thinking
C. curiosity
D. humility

13. A limited number of persons with complementary skills that are committed to a
common aim, performance goals, and a proposal they consider themselves to be
mutually accountable for is described as
A. interdisciplinary team
B. team
C. team members

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

D. teamwork

14. The group responsible for operational management, coordinating functions and
resource management for core teams is called
A. auxiliary team
B. coordinating team
C. core team
D. managerial team

15. A group of persons with a dynamic, open, and participatory process of technical,
political, and social development of health work in the context of a new care model is
A. dynamics
B. managerial functioning
C. team
D. teamwork

16. The process through which there is an open communication between team members
and they are able confront any task at hand is called
A. forming
B. norming
C. performing
D. storming

17. The group of people such as the nurses, doctors, dentist etc., who are involved in
direct contact in caring for the patient are called
A. contingency team
B. coordinating team
C. core team
D. supporting team

18. Who among the following staffs conduct education on nutrition, care of babies and
provide family planning service for the people.
A. Community clinic attendant
B. Community health nurse
C. Nutritional assistant
D. Traditional birth attendants

19. Which of the following group of people from china were important inspiration for
primary health care.
A. Barefoot doctors
B. Barefooted nurses
C. Barefooted public health nurses
D. Community health nurses

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

20. Availability in terms of providing health services to the doorstep to the people means
A. always present to be obtained by every individual in the community.
B. for everyone, which is to all nations, race, age and sex
C. people should be willing and it must also be suitable and used by the people
D. the nation, community, family, and individual should be able to afford the
health services provided

21. The efficient use of human resources, and harmonizing different methods, software,
data collection forms, standards and case definitions in order to prevent inconsistent
information and maximize efforts among all disease prevention and control
programmes and stakeholders is refers to as
A. coordination
B. integration
C. participation
D. teamwork force

22. The process that involves information sharing, joint planning, monitoring and
evaluation to provide accurate, consistent and relevant data and information to policy-
makers and stakeholders at district, provincial/regional and national levels is described
A. coordination
B. integration
C. monitoring
D. supervision

23. The systematic detection and reporting of events of public health significance within
the community by community members which incorporates both indicator-based and
event-based surveillance is refers to as
A. community based surveillance
B. laboratory surveillance
C. sentinel surveillance
D. syndromic surveillance

24. The type of surveillance used for diseases targeted for elimination or eradication or
during confirmed outbreaks, using a case-based form is known as
A. case-based surveillance
B. facility-based surveillance
C. sentinel surveillance
D. syndromic surveillance

25. The most common form of surveillance, which includes the surveillance of diseases
and other public health events using routine surveillance; routine health management
and information system or any other public health information system is described as
A. active surveillance
B. community-based surveillance
C. indicator based surveillance
D. passive surveillance
INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

26. The ongoing systematic identification, collection, collation, analysis and interpretation
of disease occurrence and public health event data, for the purposes of taking timely
and robust action is refers to as
A. active surveillance
B. event-based surveillance
C. passive surveillance
D. public health surveillance

27. The following are some of the functions of the regional hospital management team
A. collection and management of health information
B. ensuring access to quality of care
C. mobilizing and distribution of resources
D. provide treatment where the needs arise

28. The approach that refers the way in which different disciplines interact and become the
object of interdisciplinary is called
A. interdisciplinary approach
B. multidisciplinary approach
C. teamwork approach
D. transdisciplinary approach

29. Which of the following teams are based on the principle that skills contributed by
different professionals increase group creativity, foster innovation, and promote open
thinking by team members, with comprehensive responses.
A. Disciplinary team
B. Interdisciplinary team
C. Multidisciplinary team
D. Transdisciplinary team

30. The situation in which team members do not believe that one type of training or
perspective is uniformly superior to the training of others, though they recognize
differences in training is described as
A. creativity
B. curiosity
C. discipline
D. humility

31. A situation where the team members, including the patients, communicate with each
other, as well as merging their observations, expertise and decision-making
responsibilities to optimize patients ‘care is described as
A. an effective team
B. coherent team
C. multidisciplinary team
D. supervised team

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

32. What are the two main channels of information or signal generation that are been used
during public health surveillance.
A. Case-based surveillance and syndromic surveillance
B. Community-based surveillance and laboratory surveillance
C. Event-based surveillance and sentinel surveillance
D. Indicator-based surveillance and event-based surveillance

33. The process that involves regular contacts with key reporting sources, by making
telephone calls to health care workers at a facility or laboratory or physically moving
to the source and carrying out record review of data is refers to as
A. active surveillance
B. community based surveillance
C. facility-based surveillance
D. passive surveillance

34. The situation in which there is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community
or society, causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses,
exceeding the ability of the affected community or society to cope, using its own
resources is described as
A. community disaster
B. disaster
C. health related issue
D. problematic situation

35. The systematic process of using administrative and organizational directives,

operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved coping
capacities, thereby lessening the adverse impact of hazards and possibility of disaster is
known as
A. disaster risk management
B. implementation policy
C. risk management strategy
D. strategical analysis

36. The availability of public health emergency preparedness and response plans, including
stockpiling (vaccines, drugs and laboratory reagents), designation of isolation facilities,
setting aside resources for outbreak response, and training of relevant personnel called
A. evaluation
B. planning
C. preparedness
D. readiness solution

37. A monthly reporting system for diseases, conditions, and risks that is reported to the
ministry of health from every healthcare facility electronically or on paper is known as
A. chain of custody of report
B. coalition of report system
C. district health management system
D. health management information system

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

38. An occurrence or event, natural or human-caused that requires an emergency response

to protect life, property, or the environment is refers to as
A. incident
B. prevalence
C. rates
D. ratio

39. The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and the
application of this information to controlling public health problems is termed as
A. aetiology
B. elimination
C. epidemiology
D. eradication

40. It refers to an increase in the number of cases of a disease or an event above what is
normally expected in that population in a given area over a particular period of time.
This statement is attribute to…
A. Endemic
B. Epidemic
C. Pandemic
D. Pathogenicity

41. A town, part of a town or a group of villages or settlements grouped together and
designated as such by the district assembly as sub-units of a CHPS Zone is described
A. a community
B. chps community
C. chps compound
D. chps zone

42. The approved structure that consisting of a service delivery point and accommodation
complex that serves as the first point of call for basic treatment of minor ailment,
family planning, antenatal care, delivery and postnatal care, child welfare clinic, and
immunization, among others is known as
A. chps community
B. chps compound
C. chps zone
D. community health services

43. The means of gathering information and analysing it from community members,
developing an action plan for health care delivery in the community, implementing the
action plans, following up and evaluate health care delivery at the CHPS Zone is called
A. c-cope
B. community activities
C. cope
D. plan activities

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

44. The following benefits below are in line with the community-client oriented, provider
and efficient services except
A. cho gets to know how the community is utilizing the health service
B. community builds trust in cho
C. community is empowered through behaviour change
D. looking after pregnant women

45. Which of the following responsibility is not part of that of community health worker
A. Caring for children
B. Conducts School Health Services (Hygiene Inspection)
C. Looking after pregnant women
D. Treating minor illnesses

46. The essential health care which is made universally accessible to individuals and
families in the community by means acceptable, available to them through their full
participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford is described as
A. community health care
B. individualised care
C. primary health care
D. public health care

47. The incorporation of income generating projects, cooperatives and small scale
industries is a strategy for which of the following basic principles of primary health
A. Community participation
B. Decentralization
C. Self-reliance
D. Social Mobilization

48. The situation in which much emphasis are been placed on the use of local foods
equipment‘s and facilities to cure most endemic condition instead of relying on foreign
drugs is been described under which component of primary health care.
A. Appropriate treatment of common disease
B. Mental health promotion
C. Prevention and control of local endemic disease
D. Provision of essential drugs

49. The primary healthcare document offers an approach that will ensure healthy live and
promote well-being for all at all ages in order to achieve which SDGs.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 14
D. 15

50. The government, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders met to
reaffirm the global commitment to primary health in which year
A. March 1978
B. November 2017

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

C. April 2018
D. October 2018

51. The collection, analysis of data and the use of the information in planning,
implementing and evaluation of health programs is done by which of the following
level. Level…
A. B
B. C
C. D
D. E

52. Which of the following level liaises with the health related agencies in the community
and find solutions to their health problems of all the levels. Level…
A. B
B. C
C. D
D. E

53. Which of the following people does community entry and collects information from
the community as his/her duties. The …
A. Community health nurse
B. Disease control officer
C. Medical assistant
D. Midwife

54. The process of putting a high values on effective communication within the team,
including transparency about aims, decisions, uncertainty, and mistakes is refers to as
A. creativity
B. curiosity
C. discipline
D. honesty

55. The type of surveillance which is done for specific conditions in a specific cohort, such
as a geographical area or population subgroup, to estimate trends in a larger population
A. case-based surveillance
B. indicator-based surveillance
C. sentinel surveillance
D. syndromic surveillance

56. The Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response strategy was adopted by
WHO/AFRO Member States in…
A. September 1978
B. March 1998
C. September1998
D. October 1998

INDEX NUMBER………………………………...DATE……………………………………….

57. Building strong laboratory systems and networks at national, regional/province and
district levels, to confirm pathogens and other hazards, monitor drug sensitivity and
increase efficacy of point-of-care tests is an objective of …
A. Community health-based planning and services
B. Health services information management system
C. Integrated disease surveillance and response
D. Primary health care

58. Which of the following management team liaise through the District Medical Officer,
with the District Executive Director/District Commissioner/Regional Medical Officer
on overall surveillance activities and plans.
A. District health management team
B. National health planning team
C. Regional health management team
D. Sub-district health management team

59. An indirect early warning signs of a potential public health event occurring in a
community under surveillance and which must be investigated further and verified as
to whether they represent a true event or not is refers to as
A. an alert
B. cluster information
C. endemic
D. rumours dissemination

60. The standardized approach to emergency management, encompassing personnel,

facilities, equipment, procedures, and communications operating within a common
organizational structure is refers to as
A. disaster management system
B. health service management system
C. incident management system
D. surveillance management system


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