Correction Du TD1 SQL

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Correction du TD1 SQL

Correction du TD1 SQL

Question 1 :
create table client(
codec varchar2(5) constraint Pk_Codec primary key,
nomc varchar2(20) constraint NN_Nomc not null,
credit number constraint NN_Credit not null,
villec varchar2(25) constraint NN_Villec not null);

create table produit(

codp varchar2(5) constraint Pk_Codp primary key,
libp varchar2(50) constraint NN_Libp not null,
pu number(12,3) constraint NN_Pu not null constraint Ck_Pu check(pu>0),
qtestk number constraint Ck_QteStk check(qtestk >0));

create table commande(

ncde varchar2(10) constraint Pk_Ncde primary key,
datec date constraint NN_Datec Not null,
codec varchar2(5) constraint Fk_Codec references client(codec));

create table pc(

ncde varchar2(10) constraint Fk_Ncde references commande(ncde),
codp varchar2(5) constraint Fk_Codp references produit(codp),
qtecom number constraint Ck_QteCom check(qtecom >0),
constraint Pk_Ncde_Codp primary key(ncde,codp));

Question 2 :
insert into client values('CL001','Ben Salah',1000,'Tunis');
insert into client values('CL002','Ben othman',1500,'Sousse');
insert into client values('CL003','Jedidi',1200,'Tunis');
insert into client values('CL004','Issaoui',500,'Sfax');
insert into client values('CL005','Nouri',750,'Sousse');
insert into client values('CL006','Temimi',900,'Tunis');
insert into client values('CL007','Aouini',0,'Sfax');
insert into client values('CL008','Bargaoui',700,'Nabeul');
insert into client values('CL009','Amouri',500,'Tunis');

insert into produit values('Pr100','Souris 3 Boutons',14,580);

insert into produit values('Pr200','Souris 2 Boutons',11,200);
insert into produit values('Pr300','Ecran SVGA 17 Pouces',200,150);
insert into produit values('Pr400','Clavier Arabe-Francais',11,250);
insert into produit values('Pr500','Unite Centrale PIII',650,60);
insert into produit values('Pr600','Carte Mere Pentium 166',120,20);

insert into commande values('Com01/04','12/03/2004','CL005');

insert into commande values('Com02/04','14/03/2004','CL001');

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Correction du TD1 SQL

insert into commande values('Com03/04','18/04/2004','CL002');

insert into commande values('Com04/04','19/05/2004','CL001');
insert into commande values('Com05/04','01/06/2004','CL004');
insert into commande values('Com06/04','28/07/2004','CL002');
insert into commande values('Com07/04','28/07/2004','CL002');
insert into commande values('Com08/04','28/07/2004','CL002');
insert into commande values('Com09/04','15/08/2004','CL003');
insert into commande values('Com10/04','15/08/2004','CL001');
insert into commande values('Com11/04','19/09/2004','CL003');
insert into commande values('Com12/04','22/09/2004','CL004');

insert into pc values('Com01/04','Pr100',10);

insert into pc values('Com01/04','Pr200',5);
insert into pc values('Com01/04','Pr500',7);
insert into pc values('Com02/04','Pr200',2);
insert into pc values('Com02/04','Pr300',3);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr100',4);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr200',1);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr300',2);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr400',5);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr500',7);
insert into pc values('Com03/04','Pr600',6);
insert into pc values('Com04/04','Pr400',9);
insert into pc values('Com05/04','Pr100',10);
insert into pc values('Com05/04','Pr600',11);
insert into pc values('Com06/04','Pr200',15);
insert into pc values('Com06/04','Pr400',20);
insert into pc values('Com06/04','Pr600',14);
insert into pc values('Com07/04','Pr100',12);
insert into pc values('Com07/04','Pr300',10);
insert into pc values('Com07/04','Pr500',5);
insert into pc values('Com08/04','Pr100',2);
insert into pc values('Com09/04','Pr200',1);
insert into pc values('Com10/04','Pr300',1);
insert into pc values('Com11/04','Pr400',2);
insert into pc values('Com12/04','Pr500',3);


Question 3 :
update produit
set Pu = pu * 1.1
where qtestk between 100 and 300;

Question 4 :
Delete from client
where Nomc like 'A%' and credit = 0;

Réalisé par : Bassem Boughzala (Iset Rades) Page :2/7

Correction du TD1 SQL

Question 5 :
select Ncde,Datec
from commande
where Codec ='CL001';

Question 6 :

1ère méthode :
select *
from client
where codec in (select distinct codec
from commande);
2 méthode :
select distinct client.*
from client, commande
where client.codec=commande.codec;

Question 7 :

1ère méthode :
select *
from client
where codec not in (select distinct codec
from commande);

2ème méthode :
select Codec
from client
Select Codec
from commande;

Question 8 :

1ère méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu between 10 and 30;

2ème méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu >= 10 and Pu <= 30;

Question 9 :

Réalisé par : Bassem Boughzala (Iset Rades) Page :3/7

Correction du TD1 SQL

1ère méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, QteStk
From Produit
Where QteStk > (Select QteStk
From Produit
Where Codp = 'Pr200');

2ème méthode :
Select P1.Codp, P1.Libp, P1.Pu
From Produit P1, Produit P2
Where P2.Codp='Pr200' and P1.QteStk > P2.QteStk;

Question 10 :

1ère méthode :
select Codec, Nomc
From Client
where Codec in (select distinct Codec
from Commande
where Ncde in (select Ncde
from Pc
where Codp = 'Pr200'));

2ème méthode :
select distinct Client.Codec, Nomc
From Client, Commande, Pc
where Client.Codec = Commande.Codec
and Commande.Ncde = Pc.Ncde
and Codp = 'Pr200';

Question 11 :

1ère méthode :
Select *
from Pc
Where Ncde in (Select Ncde
From Commande
Where Codec ='CL002' and Datec ='28/07/2004');

2ème méthode :
Select Pc.*
From Pc, Commande
Where Commande.Ncde = Pc.Ncde
and Codec ='CL002' and Datec ='28/07/2004';

Question 12 :

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Correction du TD1 SQL

1ère méthode :
Select Codp, Pu
From Produit
Where Codp in (Select Distinct Codp
From PC
Where Ncde in (Select Ncde
From Commande
Where Datec >'14-Aug-2004'));

2ème méthode :
Select Distinct Produit.Codp, PU
From Produit, PC, Commande
where Produit.Codp = PC.Codp
And PC.Ncde = Commande.Ncde
And Datec > '14-Aug-2004';

Question 13 :

1ère méthode :
Select Distinct Ncde
From PC
Where Codp in (Select Codp
From Produit
Where Pu >= 200);

2ème méthode :
Select Distinct Ncde
From Produit, PC
Where PC.Codp = Produit.Codp
And Pu >=200;

Question 14 :

1ère méthode :
Select Client.Codec, Nomc
From Client
Where Codec in (Select Distinct Codec
From Commande
Where Ncde in (Select Distinct Ncde
From PC
Where Codp in (Select Codp
From Produit
Where Pu >= 200)));

2ème méthode :
Select distinct Client.Codec, Nomc

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Correction du TD1 SQL

From Client, Commande, Produit, PC

Where Client.Codec = Commande.Codec
And PC.Ncde = Commande.Ncde
And PC.Codp = Produit.Codp
And Pu >=200;

Question 15 :

1ère méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu > (Select Min(Pu)
From Produit
Where QteStk > 200);

2ème méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu >Any (Select Pu
From Produit
Where QteStk > 200);

Question 16 :

1ère méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu > (Select Max(Pu)
From Produit
Where QteStk > 200);

2ème méthode :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
Where Pu >All (Select Pu
From Produit
Where QteStk > 200);

Question 17 :
Si on raisonne par rapport à la quantité :

Select Ncde,Sum(QteCom)
From Pc
Group by Ncde;

Si on raisonne par rapport au montant :

Réalisé par : Bassem Boughzala (Iset Rades) Page :6/7

Correction du TD1 SQL

Select Ncde, Sum(QteCom * PU) Total_Commandée

From Pc, Produit
Where Pc.codp = Produit.Codp
Group by Ncde;

Question 18 :
Select Ncde, count(*)
From Pc
Group By Ncde;

Question 19 :
Select Codp, Sum(QteCom)
From Pc
Group By Codp;

Question 20 :
Select Codep, Sum(QteCom)
From Pc
Group by Codep
Having Sum(QteCom) >25;

Question 21 :
Select Codp, Libp, Pu
From Produit
where Pu = (Select Min(Pu)
From Produit);

Réalisé par : Bassem Boughzala (Iset Rades) Page :7/7

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