This Is The Fourth Week of The Second Semester

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this is the fourth week of the second semester, February 19, 2024, It is just a normal day for

a student we have quizzes in different subjects and we have an activity in P. E subject. The
activity we did was we studied how we can save a life through a bandage or the triangular
bandage it taught us that we could be prepared if there is an unexpected event like if we
had a camping trip we are ready to do. it was a normal day, and we were still waiting for
our work immersion.

February 20, 2024, is another normal day, we start our day with a simple discussion in
PERDEV before we end our discussion with Sir Simon he says that we have a variety show
next Thursday or Friday. I feel a bit excited because we have an activity but I don't know
what I will do in the section's variety show.

February 21, 2024, was a normal day and we started our class with a discussion on the
Empowerment Technology subject followed by Gen Physics we had a simple assessment
then we had an observation on the subject Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion with Sir
Renante and Our, the observation was successful and another day we learned something

February 22, 2024 is another normal day, we have a discussion on different subjects and
also some seatwork or activities and before we go home, we talk about the variety show
what preparation we need to do, and who will be the host and what what the whole
section will do.

February 23, 2024, catch-up Friday, the topic for our catch-up Friday is Exploring
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Philippines. We discuss sexual education and we
have activities like making a simple jingle about Promoting Comprehensive Sexual
Education and some questions that we need to answer to find out if we learned anything
from our catch-up Friday topic.

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