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Mineralization of organic matter and the carbon sequestration capacity of zonal


Article in Eurasian Soil Science · January 2008

DOI: 10.1134/S1064229308070065

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5 authors, including:

Vyacheslav M. Semenov T. V. Kuznetsova

Russian Academy of Sciences 30 PUBLICATIONS 304 CITATIONS

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ISSN 1064-2293, Eurasian Soil Science, 2008, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 717–730. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008.
Original Russian Text © V.M. Semenov, L.A. Ivannikova, T.V. Kuznetsova, N.A. Semenova, A.S. Tulina, 2008, published in Pochvovedenie, 2008, No. 7, pp. 819–832.


Mineralization of Organic Matter and the Carbon Sequestration

Capacity of Zonal Soils
V. M. Semenov, L. A. Ivannikova, T. V. Kuznetsova, N. A. Semenova, and A. S. Tulina
Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institutskaya ul. 2, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, 142290 Russia
Received November 10, 2006

Abstract—The susceptibility of soil organic matter (SOM) to mineralization decreases in the following
sequence of zonal soils: tundra soil > soddy-podzolic soil > gray forest soil > chestnut soil > dark chestnut soil >
chernozem. The content of potentially mineralizable organic matter in the plowed soils is 1.9–3.9 times lower
than that in their virgin analogues. The highest soil carbon sequestration capacity (SCSC) is typical of the
leached chernozems, and the lowest SCSC is typical of the tundra soil. Taking into account the real soil tem-
peratures and the duration of the warm season, the SCSC values decrease in the following sequence: leached
chernozem > dark chestnut soil > chestnut soil ≥ tundra soil > gray forest soil > soddy-podzolic soil. Arable
soils are characterized by higher SCSC values in comparison with their virgin analogues.
DOI: 10.1134/S1064229308070065

INTRODUCTION constitute 20 and 2% of the corresponding global pools

of soil organic carbon, respectively.
The inventory of sources and sinks of carbon and the
quantitative assessment of major carbon pools and The enhancement of soil carbon sequestration and
fluxes in the biosphere are necessary for the develop- the reduction of carbon emissions are the main strate-
ment of a strategy aimed at mitigation of climate gies aimed to control the concentration of greenhouse
changes. The global budget of carbon dioxide in the air gases in the atmosphere. It is important that the strategy
is dictated by the CO2 emission from natural and of carbon sequestration in soils is an environmentally
anthropogenic sources and the CO2 sink in various beneficial strategy; its positive economic, agronomic,
pools. In contrast to the anthropogenic sources that can ecological, and technological effects are beyond doubt.
be controlled, it is difficult to regulate the CO2 emission Moreover, this strategy is cost-efficient in comparison
from soils because of the great number of factors affect- with the measures necessary to enhance the geological
ing the CO2 generation in soils and its diffusion into the sequestration of carbon or its sequestration in the
atmosphere. Moreover, the artificial limitation of the ocean. Also, this strategy is harmless with respect to
organic matter mineralization (to reduce the CO2 emis- water ecosystems. The carbon sequestered in the SOM
sion) may lead to a deficit of nutrients and, thus, may be properly estimated and become the object of
decrease the biomass production by plants. As a result, trade operations on carbon sequestration or emission
the photosynthetic binding of CO2 may decrease [36]. quotas. This is a profitable business for all the coun-
Therefore, a strategy aimed at increasing the stable pool tries, including those that have not signed the Kyoto
of soil organic carbon seems to be more appropriate protocol [34]. It is supposed that the organic carbon
than a strategy aimed at limiting the CO2 emission from sequestration in agricultural soils of the European
soils [48]. The fixation of atmospheric carbon in the Union may exceed the volumes of CO2 emission from
organic matter of terrestrial ecosystems and its long- burning of fossil fuels in these countries in the nearest
term preservation in the SOM with a minimal risk of
immediate emission is referred to as soil carbon seques- It is known that SOM performs numerous transpor-
tration. The mean residence time (MRT) of carbon in tation, regulatory, protective, physiological, and other
the atmosphere is five years; in plant biomass, 10 years; agroecological functions realized via diverse biological
and in the SOM, 35 years [40]. The global pool of soil and physicochemical processes [1, 10–12, 15, 16, 18,
organic carbon is four times greater than the biotic pool 19]. Therefore, favorable changes in the quantity and
and three times greater than the atmospheric pool [3, 6, quality of SOM under the impact of the enhanced car-
40, 48]. Soils of natural ecosystems and the surface lay- bon sequestration should improve the soil quality and
ers of peat deposits in Russia contain 296 Pg of organic fertility and its tolerance toward various disturbances;
carbon; the organic carbon pool in arable soils of Rus- they should also activate various mechanisms of the soil
sian is estimated at 19.0–27.3 Pg [8, 58]. These values self-rehabilitation.

718 SEMENOV et al.

The sequestration of organic carbon in soils is a rel- sition ensured by the local soil conditions? What can be
atively new aspect of studies of the biogeochemical car- the effect of global warming on the state of SOM and
bon cycle within the framework of the problems of glo- on the reserves of organic carbon in different soils?
bal climate change and the response of terrestrial eco- From our point of view, the biokinetic analysis of
systems to it. Studies of the processes of mineralization SOM can be a reliable method to determine both the
and stabilization of SOM and their alterations under the mineralization capacity of SOM and the soil carbon
impact of different factors have come to the forefront of sequestration capacity. This method makes it possible
modern soil science [32, 35, 43, 49, 52, 54–56, 59]. The to determine the quantitative characteristics of the
quantitative assessment of carbon sequestration in soils SOM that can be used to assess the carbon sequestra-
is based on calculations of the carbon sequestration tion capacity of soils of Russia.
potential in soils (ecosystems) and the determination of
the carbon sequestration capacity of soils. The seques-
tration potential of ecosystems characterizes the inten- OBJECTS AND METHODS
sity of the input (return) of organic carbon into the soil
The zonal sequence of soils in the European part of
with plant residues and organic fertilizers. The soil car-
Russia was studied (Table 1). The soil samples were
bon sequestration capacity reflects the soil capacity to
taken from the layers of 0–5 and 5–10 cm; forest litters,
stabilize and retain carbon in the SOM. Usually, the soil
mossy horizons, and stubble remains were not sampled.
carbon sequestration is calculated as the SOM budget;
The soil samples were sieved through a 6-mm screen
changes in the total Corg content in the soil or changes
and air dried. Weight portions (100 g) of air-dried soil
in the Corg pool in the 1-m-thick soil layer during some
mass were placed into special incubation chambers.
period are calculated. The existing estimates of the soil
The construction of these chambers made it possible to
carbon sequestration potential in the United States,
determine the CO2 emission (with the use of a 0.2 N
India, the European Union, and other countries and
NaOH solution) upon the continuous natural gas
regions are based on this approach [30, 39, 46, 57].
exchange processes between the soil and the atmo-
However, as the carbon of plant residues is susceptible
sphere in the course of incubation [4]. Before the incu-
to mineralization, a considerable part of this carbon
bation, the soil samples were subdivided into two par-
pool may be readily emitted into the atmosphere.
allel groups. Samples of the first group were moistened
Therefore, estimates of the soil carbon sequestration
to 60% of the field moisture capacity and kept in the
based on the budget of plant residues seem to be too
moist state for 10 days to initiate the microbial activity.
optimistic. In fact, estimates based on changes in the
Samples of the second group were dried at 65°C for
bulk content of soil organic carbon also cannot be con-
24 h and then moistened to 60% of the field moisture
sidered sufficiently accurate, because the variability of
capacity immediately before incubation. Then, the
data on the Corg content obtained by various analytical
samples were placed into incubation chambers con-
methods often exceeds the statistically significant dif-
nected with the vessels containing NaOH. At the begin-
ferences. Other methods such as the determination of
ning of the incubation, the C-CO2 emitted from the soil
the carbon content in the clay fraction, in soil microag-
was measured every day; then, the frequency of measure-
gregates (<250 µm), in the particulate organic matter,
ments was reduced to one measurement per 3–5 days. The
or in the fungal biomass [21, 33, 38, 41, 44, 50, 52, 60]
amount of C-CO2 absorbed by the alkali was measured
characterize the particular mechanisms of carbon
by means of titration with 0.2 N HCl. The soil samples
sequestration in soils rather than the total soil carbon
were incubated for 150 days. The experiment was per-
sequestration capacity.
formed in two replicates. The incubation temperature
From the theoretical and practical viewpoints, sev- was 22 ± 1°ë. The rate of CO2 production in the course
eral important problems related to soil carbon seques- of incubation and the cumulative amount of C-CO2
tration can be formulated. What are the differences in emitted from the soils in the course of incubation were
the soil carbon sequestration capacity between different calculated. The soil basal respiration, the content of
ecoregions and ecosystems? What criteria can be used microbial biomass, and the metabolic quotient qCO2
to identify these differences? What are the most signif- were determined after 14 days of incubation of the pre-
icant processes responsible for the soil carbon seques- liminarily moistened and dried samples [12]. The value
tration? What are the residence times of carbon in dif- of the basal respiration (mg C-CO2/100 g of soil per h)
ferent soil pools? What are the relationships between corresponded to the mean intensity of the C-CO2 emis-
the organic matter mineralization and carbon stabiliza- sion from the preliminarily moistened soil. The carbon
tion in the soil? What are the most feasible, reliable, of the microbial biomass (Cmb) was calculated from the
sensitive, and simple methods that make it possible to data on the total amount of C-CO2 emitted from the pre-
judge changes in the soil organic carbon pool after liminarily dried soil in 14 days according to Eq. (1).
some external impacts on the soil? What are the factors Cumulative curves showing the production of C-CO2
controlling the existing differences in soil organic car- during the entire period of incubation were approxi-
bon pools between soils of northern and southern mated by exponential regression equations (eqs. 2–4).
regions? Are these differences specified by the climatic The contents of the potentially mineralizable carbon
conditions or by the protection of SOM from decompo- (C0) and of the fractions of easily (k1 > 0.1 day–1), mod-



Table 1. Major chemical properties of the studied sequence of zonal soils

Soil, region, ecosystem Corg, % Ntot, mg/100 g C:N pHKCl

Tundra soil, Vorkuta:

hummocky terrain 29.26 1475 19.8 3.75

Soddy-podzolic soil, Tver oblast:

coniferous forest 1.97 208 9.5 4.10

cropland 1.01 116 8.7 5.05

Gray forest soil, Moscow oblast:

mixed forest 2.04 217 9.4 5.00

cropland 0.95 111 8.6 5.55

Leached chernozem, Penza oblast:

virgin plot 7.01 668 10.5 6.20

cropland 3.96 397 10.0 5.60

Dark chestnut soil, Volgograd oblast:

shelterbelt 1.51 153 9.9 6.75

cropland 1.00 123 8.3 6.45

Chestnut soil, Volgograd oblast:

fallow plot 1.37 141 9.7 7.70

cropland 0.94 118 8.0 6.75

Note: The collection of soil samples was prepared and kindly submitted to us by researchers from the Institute of Physicochemical and
Biological Problems of Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Dr. Biol. Sci. N.D. Anan’eva, Cand. Biol. Sci.
E.A. Sus’yan, and Cand. Techn. Sci. V.O. Lopes de Gerenu.

erately (k2 > 0.01 day–1), and difficultly (k3 > 0.001 day–1) carbon of the microbial biomass (mg/100 g); 0.45 is the
mineralizable SOM were calculated. The suggested portion of organic carbon mineralized by the microor-
equations are as follows: ganisms; and B is the constant characterizing the equi-
ët = 0.45Cmb (1 – exp(–kt) + Bt, (1) librium between the decay and growth of the biomass
in the course of incubation.
ët = C0 (1 – exp(–kt), (2)
The content of C0 gives us a general notion about the
ët = C1(1 – exp(–k1t) + C2(1 – exp(–k2t), (3) mineralization potential of the SOM, and the contents
ët = C1(1 – exp(–k1t) + C2(1 – exp(–k2t) (4) of fractions C1, C2, and C3 inform us about the intensi-
ties of the carbon turnover in different components of
+ C3(1 – exp(–k3t), the SOM.
where Ct is the total amount of C-CO2 (mg/100 g of The soil carbon sequestration capacity (SCSC) can
soil) released from the soil during the time t (days); C0 be quantitatively characterized by the ratio between the
is the carbon content (mg/100 g) of the potentially min- organic carbon resistant to mineralization and the
eralizable pool of the SOM; C1 to C3 are the contents of potentially mineralizable organic carbon (Eq. 5):
the easily, moderately, and hardly mineralizable frac-
tions of the active pool of SOM (mg/100 g); Cmb is the SCSC = (Corg – ë0)/(C0), (5)


720 SEMENOV et al.

Table 2. Structure of the pool of active organic matter in the studied sequence of zonal soils

Easily mineralizable Moderately mineralizable Hardly mineralizable

Soil, ecosystem
C1, k1, C2, k2, C3, k3,
mg/100 g day–1 mg/100 g day–1 mg/100 g day–1

Tundra soil:

hummocky terrain 205 ± 36 0.676 ± 0.104 Absent 8889 ± 155 0.007 ± 0.000

Soddy-podzolic soil:

forest 37 ± 1 0.392 ± 0.016 88 ± 10 0.054 ± 0.004 183 ± 0 0.007 ± 0.001

cropland 24 ± 1 0.170 ± 0.004 Absent 82 ± 4 0.005 ± 0.000

Gray forest soil,

forest 37 ± 3 0.355 ± 0.036 51 ± 4 0.071 ± 0.009 176 ± 3 0.008 ± 0.000

cropland 19 ± 1 0.239 ± 0.020 Absent 54 ± 1 0.007 ± 0.000

Leached chernozem:,

virgin plot 60 ± 1 0.404 ± 0.008 94 ± 0 0.071 ± 0.001 337 ± 4 0.005 ± 0.000

cropland 35 ± 2 0.243 ± 0.009 Absent 91 ± 0 0.009 ± 0.000

Dark chestnut soil:

shelterbelt 21 ± 2 0.262 ± 0.012 " 67 ± 1 0.009 ± 0.000

cropland 12 ± 1 0.259 ± 0.081 " 38 ± 1 0.008 ± 0.000

Chestnut soil:

fallow plot 21 ± 1 0.230 ± 0.016 " 91 ± 6 0.005 ± 0.000

cropland 12 ± 1 0.220 ± 0.012 " 40 ± 2 0.005 ± 0.001

Note: The values of C1, C2, and C3 and k1, k2, and k3 were calculated according to eqs. (3) or (4).

where Corg is the total content of organic carbon the field conditions, and T1 is the soil temperature dur-
(mg/100 g), and C0 is the content of potentially miner- ing the incubation.
alizable organic carbon (mg/100 g). The organic carbon content in the samples was
In order to determine the potential mineralization of determined by the wet combustion method (oxidation
the SOM under field conditions (at the temperature of organic matter by a mixture of H2SO4 and K2Cr2O7
equal to the average soil temperature during the warm with titration using Mohr’s salt), and the total nitrogen
season typical of the given zonal soil [2]), the data content was determined by the colorimetric method [5].
obtained were recalculated using the correction coeffi- The statistical treatment of the data was performed
cient Q10 according to Eq. (6); then, the content of the with the use of Excel 2000 and Statistica 6.0 software.
potentially mineralizable carbon (C0) was calculated The coefficients of the regression equations with the
according to Eq. (2). Equation (6) has the following significance level P > 0.05 were discarded.
V2 = V1 · Q(T2 – T1)/10, (6) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
where V2 is the extrapolated value of the parameter, V1 The total content of Corg and the C : N ratio in the
is the experimental value, Q (Q10) is the coefficient SOM reflect the genetic specificity of the biogenic
equal to 2.1, T2 is the average soil temperature under humus-accumulative processes in different soil zones



Tundra soil Soddy-podzolic soil

6000 200


3000 100

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

Gray forest soil Leached chernozem
200 250
C-CO2, mg/100 g

150 200

50 50

0 50 100 150
0 50 100 150
Dark chestnut soil Chestnut soil
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

1 1' 2 2'

The dynamics of the cumulative production of C-CO2 by soils of (1) natural ecosystems and (2) agroecosystems at the incubation
temperature of 22°C and at the temperature equal to the average soil temperature during the warm season in the corresponding soil
zone (1' and 2', respectively).

and their dependence on the input and removal of plant bution, the mineralogical composition, the nature and
organic matter, the soil aeration conditions, the soil frequency of external impacts on the soil system, and
water and temperature regimes, the particle-size distri- other internal and external factors (Table 1).


722 SEMENOV et al.

Table 3. The carbon of the microbial biomass (Cmb), the basal respiration, and the metabolic quotient of microbes in the stud-
ied sequence of zonal soils

Cmb Basal respiration,

qCO2, mg C-CO2
Soil, ecosystem mg C-CO2/100 g
per h/g Cmb
mg/100 g % of Corg of soil per h

Tundra soil:
hummocky terrain 638 ± 43 2.2 2.89 ± 0.44 4.54 ± 0.31
Soddy-podzolic soil:
forest 131 ± 2 6.6 0.25 ± 0.11 1.89 ± 0.03
cropland 31 ± 1 3.1 0.06 ± 0.04 2.01 ± 0.04
Gray forest soil:
forest 116 ± 3 5.7 0.21 ± 0.12 1.84 ± 0.05
cropland 25 ± 0 2.6 0.06 ± 0.04 2.29 ± 0.00
Leached chernozem:
virgin plot 183 ± 2 2.6 0.35 ± 0.20 1.93 ± 0.02
cropland 49 ± 6 1.2 0.14 ± 0.09 2.84 ± 0.34
Dark chestnut soil:
shelterbelt 36 ± 4 2.4 0.07 ± 0.05 1.92 ± 0.19
cropland 18 ± 6 1.8 0.04 ± 0.02 2.47 ± 0.85
Chestnut soil:
fallow plot 28 ± 2 2.1 0.07 ± 0.04 2.34 ± 0.16
cropland 19 ± 1 2.0 0.05 ± 0.04 2.58 ± 0.07
Note: The Cmb content was calculated according to Eq. (1).

The sampled tundra soil contained an extremely whereas the conservation of incompletely humified
high amount of organic carbon; the SOM was repre- organic matter is typical of the northern humid regions.
sented by moderately decomposed plant residues The curves of the cumulative emission of C-CO2 by
weakly bound with the mineral matrix. The soils of the zonal soils in the course of the incubation experiment
southern taiga, forest-steppe, and steppe ecosystems are shown in the figure. These curves were approxi-
contained normal amounts of organic matter. The Corg mated by two- or three-order exponential regression
content in the arable soils was 1.4 to 2.1 times lower equations (eqs. 3 and 4). As a result, zonal regularities
than the Corg content in the corresponding virgin soils. of the distribution of the easily (k1 > 0.1 day–1), moder-
This is in agreement with published data [8, 11, 51]. A ately (k2 > 0.01 day–1), and difficultly (k3 > 0.001 day–1)
detailed analysis of the chemical properties of SOM in mineralizable carbon fractions in the total pool of the
the European part of Russia can be found in the works potentially mineralizable (active) organic matter were
by I.V. Tyurin, M.M. Kononova, L.N. Aleksandrova, established for natural ecosystems and agroecosystems
V.V. Ponomareva, T.A. Plotnikova, D.S. Orlov, (Table 2). In the soddy-podzolic, gray forest, and cher-
nozemic soils, all three fractions of the active SOM
S.N. Chukov, and other researchers. They demon- were present. In the tundra soil, as well as in the dark
strated that the group and fractional composition of the chestnut and chestnut soils, only the fractions of easily
SOM depends on the soil genesis and its position in the and hardly mineralizable organic matter were present.
system of bioclimatic zones. It was found that humifi- The portion of hardly mineralizable carbon in the active
cation processes are most vividly manifested in the pool of the SOM in natural ecosystems varied from
zone of chernozemic soils; the mineralization of 59 to 98%; its distribution in the zonal soil sequence
organic matter is a dominant process in arid soils, was as follows: soddy-podzolic soil < gray forest soil <



Table 4. The potential mineralization capacity of the organic matter in the studied sequence of zonal soils under similar con-
ditions of incubation in the laboratory

Potentially mineralizable carbon (C0)

Constant of mineralization
Soil, ecosystem
rate (k, day–1 )
mg/100 g % of Corg

Tundra soil, hummocky terrain 8861 ± 1070 30.3 0.008 ± 0.001

Soddy-podzolic soil:
forest 219 ± 19 11.1 0.032 ± 0.005
cropland 63 ± 2 6.2 0.024 ± 0.007
Gray forest soil:
forest 181 ± 17 8.9 0.031 ± 0.005
cropland 46 ± 2 4.8 0.031 ± 0.006
Leached chernozem:
virgin plot 279 ± 30 4.0 0.034 ± 0.005
cropland 92 ± 8 2.3 0.035 ± 0.001
Dark chestnut soil:
shelterbelt 65 ± 5 4.3 0.027 ± 0.005
cropland 34 ± 2 3.4 0.028 ± 0.005
Chestnut soil:
fallow plot 66 ± 1 4.8 0.023 ± 0.005
cropland 30 ± 0 3.2 0.030 ± 0.003
Note: The soils were incubated at constant moisture (60% of the field capacity) and temperature (22°C) conditions for 150 days. The values
of C0 and k were calculated according to Eq. (2).

leached chernozem < dark chestnut soil < chestnut soil biomass from decomposition, and the rate of utilization
< tundra soil. The constants of the mineralization of the of microbial metabolites by other microorganisms [54].
easily mineralizable organic matter in the soils of natural The lower the growth rate of the microorganisms and
ecosystems varied from 0.230 to 0.676 day–1; the con- the less protected the microbial biomass, the higher the
stants of mineralization of hardly mineralizable organic portion of soil organic carbon expended for respiration
matter in these soils varied from 0.005 to 0.009 day–1. processes. The rate of dying off of the unprotected
The pools of active organic matter in the agricultural microbial biomass is estimated at about 70% per day,
soils were 1.8–3.9 times lower than those in the corre- whereas the dying off of the protected microbial biom-
sponding soils of natural ecosystems at the expense of ass is only about 0.5% per day. The highest content of
a decrease in the contents of the easily and hardly min- the carbon of the microbial biomass (Cmb) upon the lab-
eralizable fractions and the complete disappearance of oratory incubation experiment was determined in the
the moderately mineralizable fraction. tundra soil; this soil was also characterized by a high
The content of microbial biomass and the metabolic content of easily mineralizable organic matter (Tables 2
quotient calculated as the ratio of the basal respiration and 3). However, the portion of the microbial biomass
to the Cmb are sensitive indicators of the biological in the total pool of organic matter in the tundra soil was
quality of the SOM and the ecophysiological status of only 2.2%. The metabolic quotient qCO2 determined
the soil microorganisms [20]. The degree of accumula- for the tundra soil was higher than that in the other
tion of the SOM as a result of the accumulation and soils. This points to the stress state of the soil microbial
decomposition of the biomass and metabolites depends community during the incubation at the temperature
on the efficiency of the utilization of the SOM by the that was considerably higher than the normal tempera-
microbial community, the formation of microbial ture of tundra soils under natural conditions. In other
metabolites, the degree of protection of the microbial soils, the Cmb content varied from 2.1 to 6.6% of the


724 SEMENOV et al.

Corg. The highest values of Cmb were typical of the are subjected to intense mineralization. It should be
soddy-podzolic soil; they decreased in the southward noted that the relative depletion of C0 in the arable soils
direction and were the lowest in the chestnut soil. How- in comparison with the nonarable soils was much more
ever, with respect to the absolute content of Cmb, the soil significant than the depletion of the total organic carbon
sequence was somewhat different: leached chernozem > (Tables 1 and 4). The main reason for this is the pre-
soddy-podzolic soil > gray forest soil > dark chestnut dominant expenditure of easily soluble organic matter
soil > chestnut soil. The same sequence was found for fractions for the microbial respiration. The difference
the arable soils, though the values of Cmb in them between the soil respiration quotients in natural and
(1.2−3.1% of Corg) were 1.5–4.5 times lower than those agricultural ecosystems supports this conclusion. How-
in the virgin soils. The data obtained suggest that the ever, soil cultivation can also enhance the stability of
most considerable depletion of the microbial biomass organic substances and their resistance to mineraliza-
upon the soil cultivation takes place in the soddy-pod- tion. Several mechanisms of the SOM stabilization are
zolic and gray forest soils. The increased values of the known: (1) the formation of high-molecular humic sub-
metabolic quotient in arable soils in comparison with stances; (2) the quick sorption of hydrophilic compo-
their natural analogues attest to the predominant utili- nents of fresh organic matter by hydrophobic centers of
zation of easily available carbon by microorganisms for humic substances and the sorption of amino acids by
their respiration activity. This may be due to the deficit polyphenols; (3) the formation of soil microaggregates
of moderately mineralizable organic matter. and organomineral complexes; (4) the accumulation of
dissolved organic matter in the pores whose diameter is
The pool of potentially mineralizable SOM includes
less than the size of bacteria; (5) the predominance of
all the substances available for microorganisms inde-
fungal biomass, which is more resistant to decomposi-
pendently of their origin, chemical composition, struc-
tion than the microbial biomass; (6) the excretion of
ture, and properties. At the same time, it can be sup-
microbial metabolites that are toxic for other species;
posed that the contribution of easily soluble, low-
and (7) the loss (deactivation) of enzymes participating
molecular, and particulate organic substances to this
in the microbial decomposition of the substrate [27, 42,
pool is more significant than the contribution of insolu-
43, 50, 52, 54–56].
ble, complex, and high-molecular compounds bound
with the mineral soil matrix. The pool of mineralizable The amount of stabilized carbon in the composition
organic matter depends on the amount and quality of of the SOM characterizes the soil carbon sequestration
the organic matter entering the soil, the degree of pro- capacity. The higher the stability of the SOM, the lower
tection of the particular components of the SOM from the production of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the carbon
decomposition, and the factors controlling the soil sequestration capacity of the SOM is inversely propor-
microbial activity. Under the controlled conditions of tional to the mineralization capacity of the SOM. The
the experiment and the absence of the input of organic main source of the C-CO2 emission from soils is related
substrates into the soil, the degree of mineralization of to a relatively small (1–10% of the Corg in the layer of
the SOM is largely dictated by the protection of the lat- 0–20 cm) pool of active SOM with the mean residence
ter from mineralization processes. The organic matter time (MRT) of the carbon varying from several days to
of the tundra soil represented by the weakly trans- several months [12–14, 16–17, 23, 29, 45, 47]. The por-
formed plant residues displayed the maximum mineral- tion of the moderately mineralizable pool (MRT = 10–
ization capacity (Table 4). The content of potentially 80 years) constitutes 45–55% of Corg, and the portion of
mineralizable carbon (C0) in the other soils of natural the stable (passive) pool with the MRT varying from
ecosystems was lower than that in the tundra soil by several hundred to thousands of years reaches 39–52%
32–136 times. The content of C0 in the leached cher- [47]. It was shown that the contribution of SOM to the
nozem exceeded the contents of C0 in the soddy-pod- total CO2 production under the forest soil reaches 41%
zolic, gray forest, and chestnut soils by 1.3, 1.5, and [31]. Up to 80% of this amount of C-CO2 is produced
4.3 times, respectively. The mineralization capacity of due to the decomposition of plant residues with the
the SOM calculated as the percent of C0 in the Corg MRT of less than 2–10 years, and about 20% is gener-
decreased in the following order: tundra soil > soddy- ated due to the mineralization of humic substances with
podzolic soil > gray forest soil > chestnut soil > dark the MRT of more than several decades. Other estimates
chestnut soil > leached chernozem. As seen from [9] suggest that the contribution of mineralizable humic
Table 4, the content of C0 in the arable soils was 1.9 to substances to the total CO2 emission from soils does not
3.9 times lower than that in the corresponding soils of exceed 0.2–4.2%. Hence, humus as the most stable part
natural ecosystems. The most significant depletion of of the SOM represents the main pool of sequestered
the pool of C0 took place in the arable gray forest and carbon.
soddy-podzolic soils. In the chestnut and dark chestnut Soil types differ from one another in their textural
soils, the difference between the C0 contents in the ara- and mineralogical characteristics, aggregate-size distri-
ble and nonarable variants was less significant. This bution, structure, and other physical and physicochem-
may be explained by the low additional input of plant ical properties that affect the proportion between the
residues into the nonarable soils sampled within a shel- mineralizable and resistant fractions of the SOM [22,
terbelt and on a fallow plot; in addition, these residues 32, 35, 50, 55]. Therefore, the SCSC depends not only



on the return of organic matter into the soil but also on Table 5. Carbon sequestration capacity in the studied se-
the soil capacity to accumulate Corg, which has certain quence of zonal soils
limits. In some cases, the long-term application of high
rates of organic fertilizers is accompanied by a contin- Index of the soil carbon sequestra-
uous rise in the soil Corg content. In other cases, the soil tion capacity
saturation with organic carbon takes place relatively Soil, ecosystem
quickly, so that the additional inputs of organic matter 1 2 3
are subjected to rapid mineralization [52]. A continuous
sequestration of carbon may only take place in soils
with a high capacity for stabilization of the SOM. Tundra soil:
We suppose that the content of potentially mineral- hummocky terrain 2.4 ± 0.4 9.0 ± 1.2 19.7 ± 1.5
izable SOM may be a reliable quantitative indicator of
the soil capacity to produce C-CO2 and sequester Soddy-podzolic soil:
organic carbon. On the one hand, the content of poten-
tially mineralizable organic matter is less dependent on forest 8.1 ± 0.8 14.8 ± 1.5 15.8 ± 1.7
the daily and seasonal fluctuations of environmental
factors in comparison with the real C-CO2 emission in cropland 15.1 ± 0.6 27.1 ± 1.0 30.5 ± 1.7
the field. Thus, the interannual variability of the annual
emission fluxes of CO2 from soils of various ecosys- Gray forest soil:
tems in Moscow oblast averages 33% [7]. The soil tem-
perature fluctuations explain 80% of the seasonal vari- forest 10.3 ± 1.1 17.4 ± 1.8 18.4 ± 2.0
ability of the CO2 emission from soils [25]. The effect
of soil temperature on the C-CO2 emission under natu- cropland 19.9 ± 1.2 32.8 ± 1.9 35.4 ± 2.2
ral conditions can be more or less accurately predicted
from the experimental data with the use of the correc- Leached chernozem:
tion factor (Q10). It is much more difficult to estimate
the combined effect of soil moisture and temperature virgin plot 24.3 ± 2.8 37.1 ± 4.3 38.7 ± 4.7
conditions. On the other hand, the content of potentially
mineralizable organic matter (C0) is indicative of the cropland 42.3 ± 3.8 66.0 ± 4.1 68.7 ± 4.3
SCSC, because the C0 value depends both on the
amount and quality of organic matter entering the soil Dark chestnut soil:
and on the physiochemical and biological soil proper-
ties controlling the protection of the SOM from decom- shelterbelt 22.4 ± 1.4 24.2 ± 1.5 24.2 ± 1.5
position and mineralization. The more carbon is fixed
in the soil per unit of the potentially mineralizable cropland 28.5 ± 1.6 30.7 ± 1.7 30.7 ± 1.7
organic matter, the higher the SCSC (Eq. (5)). In con-
trast to the currently used approaches to estimate the Chestnut soil:
carbon sequestration potential of soils on the basis of
data on the carbon content of certain fractions of the fallow plot 19.8 ± 0.3 19.1 ± 0.3 18.6 ± 0.3
SOM separated by chemical methods or by densigran-
ulometric fractionation, the index suggested by us (the cropland 30.3 ± 0.3 29.2 ± 0.3 28.4 ± 0.3
SCSC value) characterizes the carbon sequestration
potential in the entire pool of the SOM. The values of
Note: (1) The SCSC value calculated from the results of experimen-
this index do not depend on the method of the SOM tal incubation under similar conditions (22°C, 60% of the
fractionation, and they make it possible to compare the FWC, 150 days), (2) the SCSC value calculated with a correc-
results obtained for different natural and arable soils. tion for the real soil temperature in the corresponding zone
(for the period of 150 days), and (3) the SCSC value calcu-
Upon the soil temperature and moisture content lated with a correction for the real soil temperature and the
favorable for the organic matter mineralization in the duration of the warm season in the corresponding zone. The
incubation experiment, the minimum SCSC value was values of the SCSC were calculated according to Eq. (5).
found for the tundra soil, and the chernozem was char-
acterized by the maximum SCSC value (Table 5). The
SCSC in the nonarable dark chestnut and chestnut soils chestnut soils > gray forest soil > soddy-podzolic soil
was two times higher than that in the soddy-podzolic
and gray forest soils, though the total content of Corg (Table 5). It has been found that the carbon sequestra-
was higher in the latter two soils. The SCSC values in tion potential decreases within the following sequence
the arable zonal soils were 1.3 to 1.9 times higher than of ecosystems: degraded ecosystems > agroecosystems
those in the soils of natural ecosystems. In the arable (cultivated lands) > pastures > forests and perennial
soils, the SCSC values followed the following crops [40]. It is seen from this sequence that the carbon
sequence: leached chernozem > chestnut soil ≥ dark sequestration potential increases in the ecosystems for


726 SEMENOV et al.

which the rapid growth of plant productivity is possible organic matter Q10 within the range of temperatures from
under favorable conditions. As shown above, soils of 5 to 35°C averages 2.11 ± 0.08 [37].
agroecosystems have an increased carbon sequestration
Our data suggest that the mineralization of organic
capacity, and their productivity is sensitive to soil man-
matter in the tundra soil under natural conditions (tak-
agement options. Therefore, it is recommended that tra-
ing into account the real soil temperature and the dura-
ditional farming systems should include measures
tion of the warm period equal to 60 days) is six times
aimed at increasing the SOM content and the thickness
lower than that under laboratory conditions (at a tem-
of the humus horizon, as well as erosion control mea-
perature of 22°C for 150 days). The corresponding dif-
sures to prevent carbon loss with eroded soil and other
ferences for the soddy-podzolic, gray forest, and cher-
measures aimed at the SOM stabilization (its protection
nozemic soils were much lower; the predicted produc-
from the mineralization action of soil microorganisms)
tion of C-CO2 by these soils under natural conditions
[26, 40]. Carbon sequestration in soils of agroecosys-
should be lower than that in the incubation experiment
tems can be enhanced by a number of measures:
by 1.9, 1.7, and 1.6 times, respectively. No significant
(1) increased rates of application of organic fertilizers
differences between the C-CO2 production in the exper-
and widening of their assortment; (2) incorporation of
iment and in the field were found for the dark chestnut
fresh organic materials into the deep soil horizons
and chestnut soils. Thus, if we recalculate the real
(below the plow layer); (3) the transfer of low-produc-
amount (under field conditions) of potentially mineral-
tive croplands into meadows, rangelands, and forested
izable organic matter in percent of the total organic
lands; (4) erosion control measures; (5) minimization
matter, the studied soils should be arranged into the fol-
of tillage operations and the replacement of moldboard
lowing sequence: soddy-podzolic > gray forest > chest-
plowing by surface tillage and zero tillage techniques;
nut > tundra > dark chestnut > leached chernozem. The
(6) the exclusion of black fallow from crop rotations;
real SCSC is higher than the experimentally obtained
(7) the inclusion of cover crops with high density into
SCSC for all the soils, except for the dark chestnut and
crop rotations; (8) the growing of crops with an
chestnut soils. The real SCSC values decrease in the
increased content of lignin and polyphenols; (9) an
following soil sequence: leached chernozem > dark
obligatory return of all the byproducts into the soil (soil
chestnut soil > chestnut soil ≥ tundra soil > gray forest
mulching); (10) the optimization of the nutrient regime
soil > soddy-podzolic soil (Table 5). In the group of vir-
of soils via application of a system of organic and min-
gin (noncultivated) soils, the SCSC value of the leached
eral fertilizers; and (11) the elimination of the factors
chernozem is 1.6 to 2.4 times higher than the SCSC val-
that limit crop growth.
ues of the other virgin soils. The SCSC value of the ara-
It is known that one of the major factors limiting the ble leached chernozem is even more significant:
SOM mineralization is the soil temperature. Soils of 68 units of stable carbon per unit of the potentially min-
humid and cold northern regions markedly differ from eralizable carbon.
soils of dry and warm areas in the proportion between
It is important that the SCSC index has its own
the biologically active and inactive (stable) pools of
value; it does not correlate with the Corg and C0 con-
SOM; the content of the active fraction is more sensi-
tents, though it is calculated from these parameters. At
tive to changes in the soil temperature than to changes
the same time, the Corg and C0 contents are mutually
in the soil moisture [28]. Other researchers indicate that
correlated. For the experimental values, the correlation
the inactive (stable) fraction of the SOM in the north of
coefficient r is 0.980 (n = 11); for the corrected (field)
the boreal zone is also characterized by high sensitivity
values, the correlation coefficient is 0.989 (n = 11). The
to temperature conditions [24]. Indeed, at room temper-
main difficulty of the quantitative diagnostics of the
ature of the incubation used in our experiment, the main
SCSC by the suggested method consists of the need to
source of the ë-ëé2 emission from the tundra soil was
obtain sufficiently accurate data on the pool of the
related to the hardly mineralizable fraction with the miner-
potentially mineralizable organic carbon, which
alization constant k varying from 0.001 to 0.01 day–1
requires long-term incubation of soil samples. At the
(Tables 2 and 4). As the average soil temperature during
same time, a huge set of experimental data suggests that
the warm period and the duration of the latter consider-
the amount of C-CO2 released in three days of incuba-
ably differ in the zonal soil sequence [2], the real
tion of the preliminarily dried soil samples gives an
amounts of organic matter mineralized under field con-
adequate estimate of the potential mineralization of the
ditions may differ from those established in a labora-
SOM [28, 29]. In our experiment, the total emission of
tory. In this case, the values of the SCSC should also
C-CO2 during the first 2.9 days of the incubation was
change. To avoid this ambiguity, we corrected the
well correlated with the content of potentially mineral-
obtained values of the cumulated ë-ëé2 emission for
izable organic carbon determined for the entire period
the real field conditions using the correction factor
of the incubation. The relationship between these
(Q10) that reflects the effect of the soil temperature on
parameters had a linear form (Table 7).
the rates of the organic matter mineralization. The corre-
sponding curves are also shown in the figure. The value of Thus, the major zonal soil types on the European
Q10 was taken equal to 2.1. According to literature data, territory of Russia differ from one another in their
the temperature coefficient of the rate of decomposition of capacity to stabilize and sequester carbon in the SOM.



Table 6. Mineralization capacity of organic matter in different zonal soils with due account for the real soil temperature and
duration of the warm season

Potentially mineralizable carbon (C0)

Constant of mineraliza-
Soil, ecosystem
tion (k), day–1
mg/100 g % of Corg

Tundra soil; the average soil temperature during the

warm season (60 days) is 7.5°C:

2953 ± 365 10.1 0.008 ± 0.001

hummocky terrain --------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------
1416 ± 101 4.8 0.019 ± 0.002

Soddy-podzolic soil; the average soil temperature

during the warm season (121 days) is 14.5°C:

125 ± 11 6.3 0.032 ± 0.005

forest --------------------- ------- ---------------------------------
118 ± 11 6.0 0.037 ± 0.005

36 ± 1 3.6 0.024 ± 0.007

cropland --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
32 ± 2 3.2 0.032 ± 0.009

Gray forest soil; the average soil temperature dur-

ing the warm season (128 days) is 15.5°C:

112 ± 11 5.5 0.031 ± 0.005

forest --------------------- ------- ---------------------------------
106 ± 11 5.2 0.036 ± 0.006

28 ± 10 2.9 0.031 ± 0.006

cropland ------------------ ------- ---------------------------------
26 ± 2 2.7 0.038 ± 0.008

Leached chernozem; the average soil temperature

during the warm season (136 days) is 16.5°C:

186 ± 20 2.6 0.034 ± 0.005

virgin plot --------------------- ------- ---------------------------------
178 ± 20 2.5 0.038 ± 0.006

59 ± 4 1.5 0.035 ± 0.002

cropland --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
57 ± 3 1.4 0.039 ± 0.002

Dark chestnut soil; the average soil temperature

during the warm season (150 days) is 21°C:

60 ± 4 4.0 0.027 ± 0.005

shelterbelt --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
60 ± 4 4.0 0.027 ± 0.005

32 ± 2 6.2 0.028 ± 0.005

cropland --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
32 ± 2 6.2 0.028 ± 0.005

Chestnut soil; the average soil temperature during

the warm season (160 days) is 22.5°C:

68 ± 1 5.0 0.023 ± 0.005

fallow plot --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
70 ± 1 5.1 0.021 ± 0.004

31 ± 0 3.3 0.030 ± 0.003

cropland --------------- ------- ---------------------------------
32 ± 0 3.4 0.028 ± 0.002

Note: Data calculated with due account for the soil temperature are given above the line, and data calculated with due account for both the soil
temperature and the duration of the warm season are given under the line. The values of C0 and k were calculated according to Eq. (2).


728 SEMENOV et al.

Table 7. The dependence between the content of potentially tion of fresh organic matter is retarded by the lower soil
mineralizable organic carbon (y, mg/100 g) and the C-CO2 temperatures and the shorter warm period. The SCSC
emission (x, mg/100 g) during the first 2.9 days of the incu- values of these soils are sensitive to interannual or sea-
bation experiment sonal variations in the weather conditions. In the case of
a rise in the soil temperature, the SCSC values in these
Soil region, Regression Correlation soils should decrease. Regular tillage operations favor
ecosystem equation coefficient* the warming and additional aeration of plowed soils;
they enhance the mechanical destruction, translocation,
Tundra soil, Vorkuta and mixing of plant residues. As a result, their mineral-
ization and stabilization in the plowed soils should be
hummocky terrain y = 10.0x + 5628.2 0.978 more pronounced than in virgin soils. Thus, arable soils
are characterized by higher SCSC values in comparison
Soddy-podzolic soil, with those of the analogous soils of natural ecosystems.
Tver oblast

coniferous forest y = 1.96x + 145.8 0.997 CONCLUSIONS

cropland y = 1.03x + 52.3 0.985 (1) The organic mater of the upper horizons of soddy-
podzolic and gray forest soils and leached chernozems of
Gray forest soil, natural ecosystems is characterized by the presence of
Moscow oblast pools of easily (k1 > 0.1 day–1), moderately (k2 > 0.01 day–
1), and difficultly (k > 0.001 day–1) mineralizable frac-
mixed forest y = 2.00x + 114.0 0.998 tions; in the tundra soil, as well as in the dark chestnut
and chestnut soils, only easily and hardly mineralizable
cropland y = 1.14x + 34.9 0.991 fractions of the SOM are present. Agricultural use of
soils leads to a decrease in the contents of the easily and
Leached chernozem, hardly mineralizable fractions in all the soils and to the
Penza oblast disappearance of the moderately mineralizable fraction
from the SOM of cultivated soddy-podzolic, gray for-
virgin plot y = 2.09x + 159.6 0.999 est, and chernozemic soils.
cropland y = 3.37x + 28.0 0.992 (2) The relative content of microbial biomass in the
soils of natural ecosystems varies from 2.1 to 6.6% of
Dark chestnut soil, the total content of Corg; it decreases in the following
Volgograd oblast order: tundra soil > leached chernozem > soddy-pod-
zolic soil > gray forest soil > dark chestnut soil > chest-
shelterbelt y = 1.38x + 48.7 0.976 nut soil. The content of microbial biomass in the arable
soils decreases by 1.5–4.6 times in comparison with the
cropland y = 0.97x + 28.1 0.977 analogous soils of natural ecosystems and varies from
1.2 to 3.1% of Corg.
Chestnut soil, Vol- (3) The amount of potentially mineralizable carbon
gograd oblast of organic matter in the studied tundra soil exceeds that
in the other zonal soils by 32–136 times. In the leached
fallow plot y = 0.22x + 63.6 0.981
chernozem, its amount is higher than in the soddy-pod-
cropland y = 2.71x + 12.8 0.988
zolic, gray forest, and chestnut soils by 1.3, 1.5, and 4.3
times, respectively. The high portion of potentially
mineralizable carbon in the total organic matter is typi-
* The significance level is P < 0.05.
cal of the tundra, soddy-podzolic, and gray forest soils.
The content of potentially mineralizable carbon in the
plowed soils is substantially lower than that in the soils
This capacity can be quantitatively estimated by the of natural ecosystems. The greatest depletion of poten-
SCSC index calculated as the ratio between the stable tially mineralizable carbon upon the soil cultivation is
(resistant toward mineralization) carbon and the poten- typical of the gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils.
tially mineralizable carbon. The highest SCSC values (4) Under stable soil temperature and moisture con-
are typical of the leached chernozem and dark chestnut ditions favoring the organic matter mineralization, the
and chestnut soils. This is conditioned by the complete minimum carbon sequestration capacity is typical of
transformation of fresh organic matter incorporated the tundra soil, and the maximum carbon sequestration
into the soil with rapid stabilization of the newly capacity is identified in the leached chernozem. Taking
formed humic substances. In the gray forest; soddy- into account the real soil temperatures during the warm
podzolic; and, especially, tundra soils, the transforma- period and the duration of the latter, the carbon seques-



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