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Chonde gwiritsani ntchito fomu ino polemba zokhudza mlandu uliwonse wa munthu wochitiridwa nkhanza yemwe akulan
chithandizo cha SSF. Ngati muli ndi ndemanga kapena mafunso okhudza fomuyi, chonde funsani kwa Mkulu Woona za
Kalondolondo ndi Kusintha kwa Kachitidwe ka Zinthu mu Pulogalamu ya S2S (S2S Co-Lead - Monitoring, Learning and Adap
Kodi mukufuna kupitiliza?
Which WRO is the case registered with?
Please provide the Unique Identification Number recorded on the hard copy form
Are you entering data relating to a newly registered case, or a tracking data for an existing case?
Has the survivor provided their informed consent, or informed assent and parental/guardian consent for data related to th
to be entered into the S2S digital programme management system?
Date of initial contact between survivor and WRO
What is the gender of the survivor?
Is the survivor an adult or a child under 18 years of age?
Does the survivor self-identify as a person with a disability?
Was an immediate risk assessment undertaken and responded to appropriately?
Please provide details why an immediate risk assessment was not undertaken or responded to accordingly. Please include
of feedback provided to the accompanier if this was an oversight
Based on the details provided in the perpetrator form, how would you categorise the type of violence.
Has a Case Management Plan been developed with the survivor?

If no Case Management Plan has been developed, please explain why not and outline next steps for the survivor’s case
Date of initial case plan assessment
Date completing the case management plan
Where was the survivor referred to you from?
If other, please specify

Please provide a brief overview of the case.

Did the survivor request the support of a trained accompanier?
Which programme was the accompanier trained under most recently?
Name of accompanier
Amount provided to accompanier for food and transport
Does the case management plan include the provision of shelter?
Will shelter be provided in cash or in kind?
Amount provided for shelter
Does the case management plan include the provision of food?
Will food be provided in cash or in kind?
For what period will food be provided?
Amount provided for food
Does the case management plan include the provision of transport?
Where is transport needed to travel to?
Amount provided to survivor for transport
Does the case management plan include the referral to authorities?
To which authority has the survivor been referred
If other, please specify
Did you have to pay for the service referred to?
What was the payment for?
Amount paid for service
Does the case management plan include reporting to an ODA organisation?
To which ODA organisation will the report be made?

You noted above that this is a case of SEAH, but you have noted that there is no plan to report to an ODA actor. Please exp
why a report will not be made.
If this is the survivor’s choice, they should not be pushed to make a report, but we would appreciate you noting this for ou
learning purposes.

You noted above that this a case of VAWG/GBV triggered by an ODA actor, but you have noted that there is no plan to rep
an ODA actor. Please explain why a report will not be made.
If this is the survivor’s choice, they should not be pushed to make a report, but we would appreciate you noting this for ou
learning purposes.
Does the case management plan include referral to hospital or other medical care?
Please provide details of the health services referred to
Amount paid for health/medical care
Does the case management plan include referral to Psychosocial Support Services?
Please provide details of the psychosocial support services referred to
Amount paid for psychosocial services
Does the case-management plan include support for the survivor’s children?
Please provide details of support for survivor children
Amount paid for support to survivor’s children
Does the case management plan include any other support details
Please provide details of other support planned for
Amount paid for other support
Has the survivor provided their informed consent, or informed assent and parental/guardian consent for data related to th
to be entered into the S2S digital programme management system?

Date of case follow up

Please outline the actions carried out, as detailed in the Case Tracker Form
Please outline any further or on-going action required
If a trained accompanier was assigned during the case management planning process, is that accompanier still supporting
If no, has a new accompanier been assigned
If yes, what is the name of the new accompanier?
If no, why is the survivor no longer receiving support from an accompanier?

When accompanying the survivor to access services (e.g., from police, health care providers, legal services or others), did t
accompanier have to take any action to prevent the survivor from being subjected to further risks or harm by the service p
If yes, please provide details
Since the previous report was submitted for this case, have any further funds been provided to the Accompanier?

If yes, how much additional payment has been made to the Accompanier since the previous report was submitted for this

Since the previous report was submitted for this case, has any additional payment been made to the survivor for food?

If yes, how much additional payment has been made to the survivor for food since the previous report was submitted?
Since the previous report was submitted for this case, has any further payment been made for transport for the survivor?

If yes, how much additional payment has been made to the survivor for transport since the previous report was submitted
Since the previous report was submitted for this case, has shelter been provided, or any additional payment made for the
prevision of shelter for the survivor?
If yes, was the additional shelter supported provided in-kind or in cash?
How much payment has been made to the survivor for shelter since the previous report was submitted?
Since the previous report was submitted, has any further payment been made for health services for the survivor?
How much payment has been made to the survivor for health services since the previous report was submitted?

Since the previous report was submitted, has any further payment been made for psychosocial services for the survivor?

How much payment has been made to the survivor for psychosocial services since the previous report was submitted?
Since the previous report was submitted, has any further payment been made for service provision (e.g. courts, police) for
What was the payment for? i.e. service charge, transport for the service provider etc.?
If yes, for which service was a payment made?
How much was paid for service provision since the previous report was submitted for this case?

Since the previous report was submitted, has any further payment been made to the survivor to support their children?
If yes, how much payment has been made to the survivor for support to their children since the previous report was subm
this case?

Since the previous report was submitted, has any additional payment been made to the survivor for any other support?

If yes, how much payment has been made to the survivor for other support since the previous report was submitted?
And what was the other support that was paid for?
Has the case been closed?
If the case has been closed, was it the survivor who decided to close the case?

If yes, please provide an explanation as to why the survivor has decided to close her case for support from the WRO
If it was not the survivor who decided to close the case, why was it closed?

Do you have any concerns relating to Safeguarding abuses or potential harm caused or triggered by the S2S programme?

If yes, please provide details without recording any names or personally identifying information relating to the individuals
If you would like to report a suspect case of SEAH abuse or potential harm caused or triggered by the S2S, please refer to t
reporting mechanisms outlined in the S2S Safeguarding policy.
Is there any other information you would like to report?
If yes, please provide details of other information you would like to report
Payments made
New case
Tracking existing case
They prefer not to say
Adult (18 or over)
Child (Under 18)
VAWG/GBV unrelated to the actions of an ODA actor
VAWG/GBV triggered by an ODA actor
SEAH perpetrated by an ODA actor
Local Traditional Leader
Local Religious Leader
Police Victim Support Unit
Community Victim Support Unit
Social Welfare Officer

Survivor's family member

Survivor's friend
The accompanier is untrained
Legal representation
Traditional Leader
Religious Leader
Department of Social Welfare
The survivor does not have children
Health services
Psychosocial services

tafadhali chagua lugha

Ni WRO gani kesi imeandikishwa?

Tafadhali toa Nambari ya Utambulisho wa Kipekee iliyorekodiwa kwenye fomu yake ya nakala ngumu
Je, unaweka data inayohusiana na kesi iliyosajiliwa hivi karibuni, au data ya kufuatilia kwa kesi iliyopo?

Je, mhanga ametoa idhini ya kufahamishwa kwao, au kukubaliana kwa habari na idhini ya mzazi/mlezi ili data in

Tarehe ya mawasiliano ya awali kati ya mhanga na WRO

Je, ni jinsia gani ya mhanga?
Je, mhanga ni mtu mzima au mtoto chini ya miaka 18?
Je, mhanga anajitambulisha kama mtu mwenye ulemavu?
Je, uchoraji wa hatari ya moja kwa moja ulifanyika na kujibiwa ipasavyo?

Tafadhali toa maelezo kwanini tathmini ya hatari ya moja kwa moja haikufanywa au haikijibiwa ipasavyo. Tafadh

Kulingana na maelezo yaliyotolewa kwenye fomu ya mtenda makosa, utapangaje aina ya unyanyasaji?
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi umebuniwa na mhanga?

Ikiwa hakuna Mpango wa Usimamizi wa Kesi ulioundwa, tafadhali eleza kwanini na panga hatua inayofuata kwa

Tarehe ya tathmini ya kuanza mpango wa kesi

Tarehe ya kukamilisha mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi
mhanga alipatikana kwako kutoka wapi?
Ikiwa nyingine, tafadhali eleza

Tafadhali toa muhtasari mfupi wa kesi. USIWASILISHE MAJINA, MAELEZO YA MNAFASI, AU MAELEZO MEN

Je, mhanga alitaka msaada wa msindikizaji aliyeandaliwa vyema?

Programu ipi msindikizaji alifunzwa zaidi hivi karibuni?
Jina la msindikizaji
Kiasi kilichotolewa kwa msindikizaji kwa chakula na usafiri
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza utoaji wa malazi?
Je, malazi yatatolewa kwa pesa au kwa aina?
Kiasi kilichotolewa kwa ajili ya malazi
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza utoaji wa chakula?
Je, chakula kitatolewa kwa pesa au kwa aina?
Kwa muda gani chakula kitapatikana?
Kiasi kilichotolewa kwa ajili ya chakula
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unahusisha utoaji wa usafiri?
Usafiri unahitajika kusafiri wapi?
Kiasi kilichotolewa kwa mhanga kwa ajili ya usafiri
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza rufaa kwa mamlaka?
mhanga amepelekwa kwa mamlaka gani
Ikiwa nyingine, tafadhali eleza
Je, ulilazimika kulipa kwa huduma iliyopewa rufaa hiyo?
Ililipwa kwa kitu gani?
Kiasi kilicholipwa kwa huduma
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza kuripotiwa kwa shirika la ODA?
Kwa shirika lipi la ODA ripoti italetwa?

Uliweka hapo juu kuwa hii ni kesi ya SEAH, lakini umebaini kuwa hakuna mpango wa kuripoti kwa mwigizaji wa O

Ulizingatia hapo juu kuwa hili ni kesi ya VAWG/GBV iliyosababishwa na mhusika wa ODA, lakini umeeleza kuwa

Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza rufaa kwa hospitali au huduma nyingine za matibabu?
Tafadhali toa maelezo ya huduma za afya zilizorufiwa
Kiasi kilicholipwa kwa huduma za afya/matibabu
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza rufaa kwa Huduma za Usaidizi wa Kiakili na Kijamii?
Tafadhali toa maelezo ya huduma za usaidizi wa kisaikolojia na kijamii zilizorufiwa
Kiasi kilicholipwa kwa huduma za kisaikolojia
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza usaidizi kwa watoto wa manusura?
Tafadhali toa maelezo ya usaidizi kwa watoto wa manusura
Kiasi kilicholipwa kwa usaidizi kwa watoto wa manusura
Je, mpango wa usimamizi wa kesi unaingiza maelezo mengine ya usaidizi
Tafadhali toa maelezo ya usaidizi mwingine uliopangwa
Kiasi kilicholipwa kwa usaidizi mwingine

Je, manusura ametoa idhini yao iliyobainishwa, au ridhaa iliyobainishwa na idhini ya mzazi/mlezi kuhusu data ina

"Tarehe ya kufuata kesi"

Tafadhali eleza hatua zilizochukuliwa, kama ilivyoelezwa katika Fomu ya Kufuatilia Kesi
Tafadhali eleza hatua za ziada au zinazoendelea zinazohitajika

Ikiwa kuna mwambatishaji aliyeelimika aliyepeanwa wakati wa mchakato wa kupanga usimamizi wa kesi, je, huy

Ikiwa la, je, mwambatishaji mpya ameteuliwa

Ikiwa ndio, jina la mwambatishaji mpya ni nani?
Ikiwa siyo, kwa nini manusura hana tena upokeaji wa msaada kutoka kwa mwambatishaji?

Wakati wa kuambatana na manusura kupata huduma (k.m., polisi, watoa huduma za afya, huduma za kisheria a

Ikiwa ndio, tafadhali toa maelezo.

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kesi hii, je, kumepatikana fedha zaidi kwa Mwendeshaji?

Ikiwa ndio, ni kiasi gani cha malipo ya ziada kilichofanyika kwa Mwendeshaji tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kes

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kesi hii, je, kulifanyika malipo ya ziada kwa muathirika kwa ajili ya chakula?

Ikiwa ndio, ni kiasi gani cha malipo ya ziada kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kwa chakula tangu ripoti iliyopita itolew
Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kesi hii, je, kulifanyika malipo zaidi kwa usafiri kwa muathirika?

Ikiwa ndio, ni kiasi gani cha malipo ya ziada kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kwa usafiri tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kesi hii, je, makazi yalitolewa, au kulifanyika malipo ya ziada kwa utoaji wa mak

Ikiwa ndio, je, makazi ya ziada yalitolewa kwa msaada ilitolewa kwa njia ya vitu au fedha taslimu?
Kiasi gani cha malipo kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kwa ajili ya makazi tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe?
Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe, je, kumefanyika malipo zaidi kwa huduma za afya kwa muathirika?
Kiasi gani cha malipo kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kwa huduma za afya tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe?

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe, je, kumefanyika malipo zaidi kwa huduma ya ushauri wa kisaikolojia kwa muathirika

Kiasi gani cha malipo kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kwa huduma ya ushauri wa kisaikolojia tangu ripoti iliyopita it

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe, je, kumefanyika malipo zaidi kwa utoaji wa huduma (k.m. mahakama, polisi) kwa m

Malipo hayo yalikuwa kwa ajili ya nini? Yaani malipo ya huduma, usafiri kwa mtoaji wa huduma nk?
Ikiwa ndio, huduma gani malipo yalifanyika?
Kiasi gani kililipwa kwa utoaji wa huduma tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe kwa kesi hii?

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe, je, kumefanyika malipo zaidi kwa muathirika kusaidia watoto wao?

Ikiwa ndio, ni kiasi gani cha malipo kilichofanyika kwa muathirika kusaidia watoto wao tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe

Tangu ripoti iliyopita itolewe, je, kumefanyika malipo ya ziada kwa muathirika kwa msaada mwingine wowote?

Kama ndio, ni malipo kiasi gani yamefanywa kwa muathirika kwa ajili ya msaada mwingine tangu ripoti ya awali i

Na ni msaada mwingine uliolipiwa ni upi?

Je, kesi imefungwa?
Ikiwa kesi imefungwa, je, ni muathirika aliyechagua kufunga kesi?

Ikiwa ndio, tafadhali toa maelezo kuhusu kwa nini muathirika amechagua kufunga kesi yake kwa msaada kutoka

Ikiwa si muathirika aliyechagua kufunga kesi, kwa nini kesi ilifungwa?

Je, una wasiwasi wowote kuhusiana na unyanyasaji wa ulinzi au madhara yanayoweza kusababishwa au kusab

Ikiwa ndio, tafadhali toa maelezo bila kurekodi majina au habari za kibinafsi kuhusiana na watu waliohusika. Ikiw

Je, kuna habari nyingine ungependa kuripoti?

Ikiwa ndio, tafadhali toa maelezo ya habari nyingine ungependa kuripoti
Malipo yaliyofanywa
Kesi mpya
Kufuatilia kesi iliyopo
Hawataki kusema
Mkubwa wa miaka (18 au zaidi)
Mtoto (Chini ya miaka 18)
VAWG/GBV ambayo haina uhusiano na vitendo vya mwakilishi wa ODA
VAWG/GBV iliyosababishwa na mwakilishi wa ODA
SEAH iliyotekelezwa na mwakilishi wa ODA
kiongozi wa jadi
Kiongozi wa Kidini
Polisi Kikosi cha Usaidizi wa Wahasiriwa
Mshirika wa Wahasiriwa wa Jumuiya
Afisa wa Ustawi Jamii

Mwanafamilia wa Muathirika
Rafiki wa Muathirika
Muongoza safari hana mafunzo
Aina ya vitu
Mwakilishi wa Kisheria
Kiongozi wa Kijadi
Kiongozi wa Kidini
Idara ya Ustawi wa Jamii
Muathirika hana watoto
Huduma za Afya
Huduma za Kisaikolojia
inayohusiana na kesi yao ichapishwe kwenye mfumo wa usimamizi wa programu ya dijiti ya S2S

dhali jumuisha maelezo ya maoni yaliyotolewa kwa msaidizi ikiwa hii ilikuwa ni kosa

wa kesi ya mhanga


a ODA. Tafadhali eleza kwa nini ripoti haitafanyika. Ikiwa hii ni uamuzi wa mhanga, wasihimizwe kupeleka ripoti, lakini tung

uwa hakuna mpango wa kuripoti kwa mhusika wa ODA. Tafadhali eleza kwa nini ripoti haitafanywa. Ikiwa hii ni chaguo la ma

inayohusiana na kesi yao kuingizwa kwenye mfumo wa usimamizi wa programu ya dijiti ya S2S?

uyo mwambatishaji bado anakimu manusura?

a au wengine), je, mwambatishaji alilazimika kuchukua hatua yoyote ili kuzuia manusura kushuhulikiwa na hatari au madhar
akazi kwa muathirika?


ewe kwa kesi hii?

ali iliwasilishwa?

oka kwa WRO.

ababishwa na programu ya S2S?

kiwa ungependa kuripoti kesi ya shaka ya unyanyasaji wa SEAH au madhara yanayoweza kusababishwa au kusababishwa
upeleka ripoti, lakini tungetathmini ikiwa ni kwa madhumuni yetu ya kujifunza.

Ikiwa hii ni chaguo la manusura, hawapaswi kushinikizwa kutoa ripoti, lakini tungependa ueleze hili kwa madhumuni yetu ya

iwa na hatari au madhara zaidi na mtoa huduma?

ishwa au kusababishwa na S2S, tafadhali fanya rujuma katika itifaki za kuripoti zilizoelezwa katika sera ya Ulinzi wa S2S.
kwa madhumuni yetu ya kujifunza.
sera ya Ulinzi wa S2S.
list_name name
ty4vs14 chichewa
ty4vs14 tumbuka
ty4vs14 english
jq9il41 yes
jq9il41 no
mu4px54 luwf
mu4px54 kwf
mu4px54 hrwgd
mu4px54 s2s_team
io8nv59 new_case
io8nv59 tracking_ex
rc0gy50 yes
rc0gy50 no
jx07z51 woman
jx07z51 man
jx07z51 they_prefe
sh5pl58 adult__18_
sh5pl58 child__und
vb6vj46 yes
vb6vj46 no
er2vs17 yes
er2vs17 no
wr82n43 vawg_gbv_u
wr82n43 vawg_gbv_
wr82n43 seah_perp
ra55b23 yes
ra55b23 no
st3aa94 self_referr
st3aa94 local_tradi
st3aa94 local_relig
st3aa94 police_vsu
st3aa94 cvsu
st3aa94 social_welf
st3aa94 court
st3aa94 survivor_s
st3aa94 survivor_s_
st3aa94 other
bg1wd86 yes
bg1wd86 no
wr29k39 s2s
wr29k39 tithetse_n
wr29k39 the_accomp
xi28t55 yes
xi28t55 no
hk3hy73 cash
hk3hy73 in_kind
vp1wk37 yes
vp1wk37 no
ni1wb41 in_cash
ni1wb41 in_kind
lq3hn22 yes
lq3hn22 no
da4eo07 yes
da4eo07 no
us8vd98 police
us8vd98 court
us8vd98 legal_repr
us8vd98 traditional
us8vd98 religious_l
us8vd98 department
us8vd98 other
rd3bc53 yes
rd3bc53 no
es55i25 yes
es55i25 no
dg2hw31 yes
dg2hw31 no
ug8gf78 yes
ug8gf78 no
ve9ud73 yes
ve9ud73 no
ve9ud73 the_surviv
zl8np30 yes
zl8np30 no
eh8um12 yes
eh8um12 no
gt0aa10 yes
gt0aa10 no
xi1hx14 yes
xi1hx14 no
pw62u19 yes
pw62u19 no
ou7lf92 yes
ou7lf92 no
wu8fa98 yes
wu8fa98 no
gi9ao79 yes
gi9ao79 no
ua9pa67 In_cash
ua9pa67 in_cash
hy0ue89 yes
hy0ue89 no
rn2nf72 yes
rn2nf72 no
ix7wr19 yes
ix7wr19 no
bk2vl17 police
bk2vl17 social_welf
bk2vl17 health_ser
bk2vl17 court
bk2vl17 psychosoci
bk2vl17 other
tf8oa55 yes
tf8oa55 no
xe69w19 yes
xe69w19 no
ar7tg72 yes
ar7tg72 no
uq0hd49 yes
uq0hd49 no
gi9cq11 yes
gi9cq11 no
yc3dc83 yes
yc3dc83 no
af4ya29 ok
af4ya29 no
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
S2S Team
Mlandu watsopano || New case || Kesi mpya
Kulondoloza mlandu omwe uli mkati || Tracking existing case || kufuatilia kesi inayoendelea
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Mkazi || Female || wa kike
Mwamuna || Male ||wa kiume
Wasankha kusanena || They prefer not to say || alichagua kutokusema
Wamkulu (zaka 18 kapena kuposera apo) || Adult (18 or over) || Mtu mzima (zaidi ya miaka 18)
Mwana (wosafika zaka 18) || Child (Under 18) || Mtoto (chini ya miaka 18)
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Nkhanza zomwe sizikukhudzana ndi zochita za wopereka chithandizo (ODA actor) || VAWG/GBV unrelated to the actions of an
Nkhanza zoyambitsidwa ndi wopereka chithandizo (ODA actor) || VAWG/GBV triggered by an ODA actor
Nkhanza zochitidwa ndi munthu wopereka chithandizo (ODA actor) || SEAH perpetrated by an ODA actor
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Anabwera yekha || Self-referral || alikuja pekeyake
Anachokera kwa mtsogoleri wam’dera/m’mudzi || Local Traditional Leader || kiongozi wa kimila
Anachokera kwa mtsogoleri wampingo wam’dera/m’mudzi || Local Religious Leader || Kiongozi wa dini
Anachokera ku nthambi yapolisi yothandiza anthu ochitiridwa nkhanza || Police VSU
Anachokera ku gulu/bungwe lam’dera lothandiza anthu ochitiridwa nkhanza || CVSU
Anachokera kwa wogwira ntchito ku ofesi yoona za chisamaliro cha anthu || Social Welfare Officer ||Afisa wa Ustawi wa jami
Anachokera ku khothi || Court || Mahakamani
Anabwera ndi m’bale wake || Survivor's family member || Familia ya mhanga
Anabwera ndi mnzake || Survivor's friend || Rafiki wa Mhanga
Kwina || Other ||mahali pengine
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Tithetse Nkhanza
Sanaphunzitsidwe || The accompanier is untrained ||Msindikizaji hana mafunzo
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Ndalama || Cash ||Pesa
Malo || In-kind || Sehemu
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Ndalama || Cash ||Pesa
Chakudya || In-kind ||Chakula
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Ku polisi || Police ||Polisi
Kukhothi || Court ||Mahakama
Kwa oimira anthu pamilandu || Legal representation ||Uwakilishi wa kisheria
Kwa mtsogoleri wam’dera/m’mudzi || Traditional Leader || kiongozi wa jadi
Kwa mtsogoleri wampingo || Religious Leader || Kiongozi wa dini
Ku nthambi yoona za chisamaliro cha anthu || Department of Social Welfare ||Idara ya ustawi wa jamii
Kwina || Other ||mahali pengine
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Wochitiridwa nkhanza alibe ana || The survivor does not have children || Mhanga hana watoto
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
In cash
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Ku polisi || Police
Ku nthambi yoona za chisamaliro cha anthu || Department of Social Welfare ||Idara ya ustawi wa jamii
Health services
Kukhothi || Court ||Mahakama
Psychosocial services
Kwina || Other ||mahali pengine
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
Eya ||Yes|| Ndio
Ayi ||No|| Hapana
unrelated to the actions of an ODA actor

er ||Afisa wa Ustawi wa jamii

14 (2023-01-30 19:58:31)

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