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Consumer behaviour

Ch 1

1) In studying consumers like Gail, a college junior, marketers often find it useful to learn how they spend their
leisure time, their interests in music or clothing, even atand titudes about social issues, to be able to categorize them
according to their lifestyles. This sort of information is called:
a. core values.
b. psychographics.
c. configurations.
d. physiognomies.

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 6
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-01 Consumer behaviour is a process.

2) Gail decides to take a break from studying, and goes online to check things out. She connects with one of the
product discussion groups that she participates in. This is an example of a/an:
a. lifestyle discussion.
b. brand competition.
c. consumption community.
d. marketplace competition.

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 3
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

3) If a product succeeds in satisfying needs and is purchased over and over, it most likely has attained:
a. product separation.
b. brand loyalty.
c. lifestyle variation.
d. purchase conception.

Answer: b
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 4
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

4) The study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products,
services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires is called:
a. market segmentation,
b. relationship marketing.
c. market research.
d. consumer behaviour

Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 4
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-01 Consumer behaviour is a process.

5) Tina, a supervisor of displays for Sears Canada, knows that attractive displays can generate additional sales of
particular items. From a marketer's perspective, this is a/an:
a. purchase issue
b. postpurchase issue
c. merchandising complexity
d. loss leader

Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 5
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-01 Consumer behaviour is a process.

6) John is the vice president of marketing for a local tour guide company. He is concerned that his customers are not
recommending his company to friends of theirs. For John, this problem is a:
a. purchase issue.
b. demographic problem.
c. prepurchase issue.
d. postpurchase issue.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 5
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-01 Consumer behaviour is a process.

7) The expanded view of the exchange that includes the issues that influence the consumer before, during, and after
a purchase is called:
a. the value.
b. the strategic focus.
c. the pre-sell strategy.
d. the consumption process.

Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 5
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-01 Consumer behaviour is a process.

8) A fast-food chain describes its core customer as a single male under 30 years of age with a working class job,
who reads little, likes loud music, and hangs out with friends. This is an example of:
a. subculture.
b. marketing segmentation.
c. demographics.
d. typical male Canadian consumer of burgers.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 6
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

9) In studying consumer behaviour, it is often useful to categorize people on the basis of some similarity.
Descriptions such as age, gender, income, or occupation are called:
a. demographics.
b. psychographics.
c. personal profiles.
d. physiology.

Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 6
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

10) Which of the following is not an example of a demographic variable?

a. age
b. geography
c. lifestyle
d. ethnicity

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 6
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

11) Mary designed an unsuccessful advertising campaign for a medical insurance company that was targeted at 18-
to 34-year-old males. The campaign only included one commercial, which featured a young man who had become
crippled in a skydiving accident. While planning the campaign, Mary failed to recognize that:
a. 18- to 34-year-old males are not interested in medical insurance.
b. not all 18- to 34-year-old males share the same lifestyle.
c. television commercials are not effective for advertising medical insurance.
d. she should have also segmented based on ethnicity.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 8-9
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

12) Marketers who interact with their customers on a regular basis, and not just at the time of purchase, are most
likely engaged in:
a. brand loyalty
b. psychographic segmentation
c. market segmentation
d. relationship marketing

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 9
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

13) Recently marketers have come to realize the value of what is being called relationship marketing. In marketing
terms, it means:
a. developing friendships with foreign governments so that American products can be sold in their countries at a fair
b. instituting practices which show companies' awareness of their responsibilities to the environment and society.
c. building bonds between brands and customers that will last over time.
d. using new electronic capabilities to ensure that all channel members work smoothly together, for example, in
seeing that products get to retailers before their inventories run out.

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 9
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

14) Tony Roma’s restaurant sends regular customers a coupon for a free meal on their birthdays. This is an example
a. a company seeking to attract lost clients back to base.
b. a social networking process.
c. a loss-leading promotion campaign.
d. relationship marketing.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 9
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

15) The film The Wedding Crashers had what reported impact?
a. It resulted in an decrease in wedding bookings.
b. It led to a sell out DVD success.
c. It caused an outbreak of uninvited wedding guests.
d. It boosted the US economy by 15% in it’s year of release.

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 9
Skill: Recall
Objective: LO 3 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

16) Doritos have capitalized on _________ in their memorable Superbowl ads.

a. spokescharacters
b. social marketing
c. green marketing
d. consumer-generated content

Answer: d
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 10
Skill: Recall
Objective: LO 3 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

17) Saucony Canada held a contest asking consumers to send in their own photos, which will be utilized in a future
advertising campaign for the company. This is an example of:
a. anticonsumption.
b. consumer-generated content
c. social marketing.
d. green marketing.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 10
Skill: Application
Objective: LO 3 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

18) Billy is an avid collector of shoes. He constantly voices his opinion on blogs and product review websites of
what features new shoes should have. His behaviour is consistent with the concept of:
a. file sharing.
b. database marketing.
c. interpretivism.
d. consumer-generated content.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 10
Skill: Application
Objective: LO 3 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

19) One of the fundamental premises of the modern field of consumer behaviour is that people often buy products
not for what they do, but for what they:
a. cost.
b. mean.
c. look like.
d. promise.

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 10
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

20) If you listed your collection of NHL rookie cards on eBay, you would be engaging in which type of commerce?
a. transactional
b. psychographic
c. B2C
d. C2C

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

21) Christina Chiang has decided to order a week's worth of groceries from She places her order
and is pleasantly surprised when she receives her order at her doorstep six hours after the order was placed. This
transaction is an example of:
a. social commerce.
b. TCR.
c. virtual consumption.
d. U-commerce.

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

22) People who have grown up “wired” in a world of digital technology are described as ________.
a. horizontal revolutionaries
b. smart socialites
c. digital natives
d. face-to-place consumers

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

23) The multi-player online game “World of Warcraft” is a good example of:
a. consumer-generated content.
b. the dark side of consumerism.
c. a virtual brand community.
d. anti-consumption

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

24) Groups of people that unite on the Internet to share a passion for a product are known as:
a. chat rooms.
b. virtual brand communities.
c. consumer networks.
d. product organizations.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

25) An e-tailer is:

a. a market research company that primarily collects data online.
b. an anti e-commerce advocate.
c. an online retail supplier.
d. an end-of-purchase
feedback service.
Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

26) The Open Data Partnership is:

a. a low privacy date-matching service.
b. a free-serve information access network.
c. a system allowing consumers to edit information collected about them.
d. a controlled group of corporations dedicated to information sharing.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

27) Sara and Jessica text back and forth while Sara is shopping and Jessica is riding the bus to work. This is an
example of:
a. a synchronous interaction.
b. an asynchronous interaction.
c. utilitarian consumption.
d. a consumption community.

Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-04 The Internet has changed patterns of consumer behaviour.

28) Global terms like kuroi kiri, la mordida, bustarella, and baksheesh are referring to:
a. competition.
b. segmentation.
c. theft.
d. bribery.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.
29) Research has shown that Mexican firms are less likely to have formal codes of ethics and more likely to bribe
public officials than are American or Canadian companies. This demonstrates that:
a. business practices can be unethical without being illegal.
b. social marketing is not important in Mexico.
c. cultural values and beliefs are important for determining what is considered ethical.
d. American and Canadian companies are more respectful than Mexican companies.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

30) The fact that bribery in business is acceptable in some countries but not in others demonstrates that:
a. ethics are relative to the situation in which business persons find themselves.
b. cultural jamming has been successfully practiced in some countries.
c. ethics are incompatible with social marketing.
d. practices can be unethical without being illegal.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

31) Although research has shown that consumers think better of products made by firms they feel are behaving
ethically, many "ethical" companies encounter difficulties selling their products. What is a good a reason for this?
a. Ethical companies do not make good quality products.
b. Products made by ethical companies are hard to find for consumers.
c. Sometimes consumers' buying behaviour is not consistent with their positive attitudes about ethical products.
d. Consumers lie on surveys about ethical companies in order to appear like they care.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

32) In a survey designed to measure people's willingness to pay for fair trade coffee, researchers found that most
coffee drinkers were willing to pay an average price premium of ________.
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 30 percent
d. 40 percent

Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.
33) Which Act is designed to protect consumers against purchasing food, cosmetics, or drugs that are deceptive or
misleading, or that may pose a risk to health?
a. Food and Drugs Act
b. Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
c. Hazardous Products Act
d. National Trademark and True Labelling Act

Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

34) Of the following pieces of legislation intended to protect the consumer, which was passed first?
a. Textile Labelling Act
b. Food and Drug Act
c. Motor Vehicle Safety Act
d. Hazardous Products Act
e. National Trademark and True Labelling Act

Answer: e
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

35) Jackson, the marketing manager for a large food manufacturing plant, recently met with his boss because he was
concerned that his company was violating the Food and Drugs Act of 1953 and the Competition Act of 1986. Based
on this information, what was the problem that Jackson was concerned about?
a. The company had not taken any quality-control measures when producing its products.
b. The company was advertising one of its unhealthy products as being healthy.
c. The company would not reveal what information it was collecting from its customers.
d. Its products were unsafe to consume and could cause harm to people.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

36) The purpose of advertisements for Coca-Cola is to:

a. teach us ways to satisfy a need.
b. encourage moral breakdown.
c. encourage us to be thirsty.
d. create a need.

Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.
37) In the "good old days" companies decided what they wanted their customers to know and do. This time is
known as:
a. consumer space.
b. the baby boomer era.
c. market control.
d. marketer space.

Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

38) Social critics have maintained that marketing leads people to buy products they do not want and do not need.
However, the failure rate of new products that are heavily marketed is reportedly as high as 80 percent. How can
these two seemingly opposite views of marketing be reconciled?
a. The social critics are simply wrong. People are not influenced by marketing.
b. Consumers are highly influenced by marketing, but some products simply fail anyway.
c. Marketing does have an influence on consumers, but marketers simply do not know enough about people to
manipulate them any way they please.
d. Products that fail are generally products that will satisfy a want, but not a need.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

39) While marketers cannot create needs, they:

a. may affect an environment in which specific needs may be activated.
b. can always sell to somebody.
c. are close to being able to create needs in the next five years.
d. control the mass media—almost the same thing.
Answer: a
40) Firms that are interested in voluntarily protecting or enhancing their positive social and environmental impacts
are engaged in:
a. relationship marketing.
b. transformative consumer research.
c. green marketing.
d. corporate social responsibility.

Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 17
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

41) If Maple Leaf Foods of Toronto were to donate a certain percentage of its annual profits to adult literacy, they
would be engaged in:
a. lifestyle segmentation.
b. irresponsible practices.
c. corporate giving.
d. database marketing.
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 17
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

42) To reduce waste associated with their Downey Fabric Softener, Proctor & Gamble introduced refillable
containers. This is an example of:
a. green marketing.
b. ethical marketing.
c. culture jamming.
d. anticonsumption.

Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 17
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

43) Current consumer research is likely to include attention to the "dark side" of consumer behaviour. This growing
emphasis refers to the fact that:
a. it is difficult to measure the contribution of the "art" of consumer behaviour research to the corporate bottom line.
b. many consumer behaviour findings are being stolen by competitors, via computers.
c. not all consumer behaviour or marketing activity is necessarily beneficial to society.
d. understanding consumption for its own sake should be the focus of research rather than for the sake of making

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 19
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society and these
are sometimes referred to as the “dark side” of consumer behaviour.

44) A physiological and/or psychological dependency on products or services is called consumer ________.
a. psychosis
b. conditioning
c. addiction
d. obsession
e. gratification

Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 19
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society and these
are sometimes referred to as the “dark side” of consumer behaviour.

45) Mrs. Brown has an obsessive need to shop every day to relieve depression and boredom. Her behaviour is
a. a spending spree.
b. compulsive consumption.
c. impulse buying.
d. consumer behaviour.

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 20
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society and these
are sometimes referred to as the “dark side” of consumer behaviour.

46) At times Pepsi and Coke have been accused of causing psychological dependence due to the levels of caffeine in
their colas. This is known as:
a. psychological marketing.
b. consumer addiction.
c. social marketing.
d. brand loyalty.

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 19
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-03 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

47) Mrs. Almarez is a middle-aged, high-income, stay-at-home mother. Recently she was caught shoplifting. She
shoplifts because:
a. her friends do it.
b. she does not believe it is morally wrong.
c. she gets a thrill from doing it.
d. she needs the stolen goods.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 21
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society and these
are sometimes referred to as the “dark side” of consumer behaviour.

48) According to the film and music industries, downloading music and videos from file-sharing sites such
as Kazaa is:
a. an example of theft
b. a way to monitor the e-commerce entertainment industry.
c. the future for entertainment.
d. social marketing at its best.

Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 12
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

49) The main difference between impulse buying and compulsive consumption is:
a. impulse buying only occurs for certain types of products, while compulsive consumption can occur for any
b. impulse buying occurs at a particular moment, while compulsive consumption is an enduring behaviour.
c. impulse buying is done by choice, while compulsive consumption is not.
d. impulse buying cannot be measured empirically, while compulsive consumption can be.

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 20
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society and these
are sometimes referred to as the “dark side” of consumer behaviour.

50) Protection Motivation Theory suggests that:

a. people are naturally driven to protect their assets.
b. arousing fear can help change a person’s behaviour.
c. we are motivated to care for ourselves from a very young age.
d. it is difficult to persuade people to indulge in high-risk activities.

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 22
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-05 There are many ethical issues to consider in the domain of marketing and consumer behaviour.

51) The term shrinkage is an industry term for:

a. the fragmentation of consumer needs caused by the Internet.
b. reductions in waste resulting from product usage.
c. a North American consumer trend associated with paying less for products.
d. inventory and cash losses due to shoplifting and employee theft.

Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 20
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society.

52) At night, Aaron likes to walk around the city spray painting a black circle over company logos on billboards and
bus-stop advertisements. Aaron's behaviour is an example of:
a. addictive consumption.
b. anticonsumption.
c. anticommunication.
d. shrinkage.

Answer: b
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 22
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-06 There are various behaviours that can have negative impacts on consumers and society.

53) Considering the dramatic growth of shopping centres worldwide, toward what country would you point a
businessperson who was interested in locating in the largest shopping mall in the world?
a. United States
b. China
c. Australia
d. Germany

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 22
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-03 Popular culture is both a product of and an inspiration for marketers.

54) The growth of the Web has created thousands of online consumption communities. What is the biggest danger of
such communities?
a. the members will receive bad information
b. the members will feel pressure to conform to certain types of purchase behaviour
c. the members will become frustrated in their communication efforts
d. the members of have no sense of mission

Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 3
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L1-02 Marketers need to understand the wants and needs of different consumer segments.

55) When data is collected by the researcher specifically for the research question at hand this is called:
a. exploratory research.
b. quantitative research.
c. primary research.
d. secondary research.

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 23
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

56) ________ involve(s) asking respondents to self-report answers to a set of questions posed by the researcher,
often in written, online, or phone format.
a. Survey research
b. Focus group research
c. Interviews
d. Observational research

Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 24
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

57) ________ involve(s) gathering data from small group sessions with approximately six to twelve consumer
a. Survey research
b. Focus group research
c. Interviews
d. Observational research

Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 24
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

58) ________ involve(s) gathering data through a one-on-one interaction between an interviewer and a respondent.
a. Survey research
b. Focus group research
c. Interviews
d. Observational research

Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 24
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

59) ________ involve(s) gathering data by directly observing consumer behaviours.

a. Survey research
b. Focus group research
c. Interviews
d. Observational research

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 24
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

60) Ethnographic research is an example of a type of:

a. survey research.
b. focus group research.
c. experimental research.
d. observational research.

Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 25
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

61) In qualitative research, the presentation of ambiguous objects or activities that are open to various interpretations
is known as ________.
a. random assignment
b. a projective technique
c. an experiment
d. role playing
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 25
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

62) A researcher is studying the effect of including a bonus product on people’s tendency to purchase personal care
items (e.g., shampoo, deodorant, etc.). The researcher randomly assigns male and female consumers to be asked to
buy the product with the bonus or to be asked to buy the product without the bonus. The researcher then calculates
the proportion of people in each condition that purchase the product. The dependent variable in this study is:
a. the proportion of people that purchase the product.
b. personal care items.
c. gender.
d. the presence or absence of a bonus.

Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 26
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

63) A researcher is studying the effect of including a bonus product on people’s tendency to purchase personal care
items (e.g., shampoo, deodorant, etc.). The researcher randomly assigns male and female consumers to be asked to
buy the product with the bonus or to be asked to buy the product without the bonus. The researcher then calculates
the proportion of people in each condition that purchase the product. The independent variable in this study is:
a. the proportion of people that purchase the product.
b. personal care items.
c. gender.
d. the presence or absence of a bonus.

Answer: d
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 26
Skill: Application
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

64) Scanner technology and clickstream data gathering are two methods of________.
a. conducting qualitative research
b. conducting experimental research
c. conducting observational research
d. tracking data on digital networking behaviour

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 25
Skill: Recall
Objective: L1-07 Many different research methodologies can be used to understand consumer behaviour.

65) Shoppers Drug Mart periodically videotapes consumers and how they interact with new point-of-purchase
displays in the cosmetics department. This is an example of:
a. conducting qualitative research.
b. conducting experimental research.
c. conducting observational research.
d. tracking data on digital networking behaviour.

Answer: c
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 24
Ch 2

1) The process by which stimuli are selected, organized, and interpreted is called:
a. free response.
b. perception.
c. sensation.
d. stream of consciousness.
Answer: b
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 35
Skill: Recall

Objective: L2-01 Understand the difference between sensation and perception.

2) Daily we are bombarded by a symphony of colours, sounds, and odours. The immediate response of our receptors
to such basic stimuli is called:
a. stream of consciousness.
b. subjectivity.
c. sensation.
d. perception.
Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 35
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-01 Understand the difference between sensation and perception.

3) According to neuromarketing research, our ultimate preferences for a brand such as Coke over Pepsi are not only
shaped by the taste of the product, they are also influenced by:
a. exposure.
b. sensation.
c. consumption.
d. perception.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 35
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-01 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.

4) According to neuromarketing research, when consumers know the brand name of the beverages,:
a. they prefer Pepsi over Coke.
b. they prefer Coke over Pepsi.
c. they cannot distinguish between different brands of cola.
d. they equally prefer Pepsi and Coke.
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 35
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-01 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.
5) Vasi, a product manager at Kraft Foods, is reading a focus group report on tests regarding new ads for Kraft
Peanut Butter. He has found that the messages consumers received are different from what Kraft intended. This is
most likely due to:
a. exposure.
b. perception.
c. consumption.
d. hedonism.
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 35
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-01 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.

6) Sensory inputs is another term for:

a. the perceptual process.
b. psychological factors.
c. jingles.
d. external stimuli.
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 36
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-02 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.

7) When marketers pay extra attention to the impact of sensation on consumer product experiences, this is called:
a. experiential purchasing.
b. relationship marketing.
c. product positioning.
d. sensory marketing.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 36
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-01 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.

8) Upon entering the lobby, guests at Omni Hotels are greeted with the scent of lemongrass and green tea and view
elaborate floral displays. In their rooms they will find eucalyptus bath salts and Sensation Bars—mini-bars stocked
with items such as mojito-flavoured jelly beans and miniature Zen gardens. This is an example of:
a. experiential purchasing.
b. relationship marketing.
c. product positioning.
d. sensory marketing.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 36
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-02 Perception is a three-stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaning.

9) Cross-cultural research has shown that consumers’ favourite colour is:

a. red.
b. yellow.
c. green.
d. blue.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 37
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

10) A blue chair has the ability to stimulate which feeling?

a. relaxation
b. hunger
c. envy
d. arousal
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 37
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

11) Rameed had an important meeting in New York to negotiate a big order for his company. He chose to wear his
black suit because he knew black represented:
a. excitement.
b. good luck.
c. intelligence.
d. power.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 38
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

12) In a Sears department store, Katrina noticed that colours in the women's clothing area were brighter than in the
men's clothing area. This would be attributed to:
a. biological differences.
b. hedonistic consumption.
c. demographic deviation.
d. sensory adaptation.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 38
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

13) The colour __________ has been shown to increase attention.

a. yellow
b. blue
c. purple
d. red
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 38
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

14) Some colour combinations for packages become so well-known that marketers have successfully sought legal
protection for their right to exclusive use, e.g., Eastman Kodak for its yellow, black, and red film packages. This
colour combination becomes known as the company's:
a. patent.
b. copyright.
c. colour code.
d. trade dress.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 38
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

15) The Bank of Montreal’s specific wavelength of blue is so well recognized that consumers can recognize the
brand just by the colour alone. When a colour combination becomes this strongly associated with the brand, this is
a. patent.
b. copyright.
c. colour code.
d. trade dress.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 38
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

16) Research on visual cues and consumption suggests that:

a. consumers will eat less popcorn from larger containers.
b. consumers will judge a taller glass as holding more fluid than a wider glass.
c. consumers eat less when food is served in multiple smaller serving size packages.
d. consumers will eat fewer M&Ms when they are given a greater variety of colours.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 39
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

17) Gillette markets their men's face balm (after shave) lotion to many countries. They know that from culture to
culture there are vast differences in how people want to smell, and that this should be reflected in their advertising.
If they depicted men "layering it on," they most likely would be from:
a. Canada.
b. Germany.
c. France.
d. Japan.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 40
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.
18) One implication of the sense of smell is that:
a. pleasant scents lead consumers to be more forgetful.
b. women evaluate men who are wearing scented deodorant more negatively.
c. the scent of fresh cinnamon buns induced sexual arousal in a sample of male students.
d. there are no cross-cultural differences in consumer reactions to scents.
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 40
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

19) Which company got creative by releasing the scent of chocolate chip cookies in tandem with their ads on bus
a. Got Milk?
b. Oreo.
c. Cadbury.
d. Nabisco.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 41
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

20) Muzak Corporation reaches millions of people every day with its music in malls, factories, and elevators. Their
music has been linked to:
a. employee complaints.
b. reductions in absenteeism.
c. subliminal advertising.
d. performance decreases.
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 42
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

21) The Muzak Corporation increases the tempo of background music it pipes into offices and factories during the
"slump" periods of the day when workers tend to slow down. They call this practice:
a. time compression.
b. subliminal suggestion.
c. stimulus-response training.
d. stimulus progression.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 42
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

22) Mary does not like to buy things online. Which of the following is a good explanation for this?
a. Mary has a poor differential threshold.
b. Mary has a weak absolute threshold.
c. Mary has a high need for touch.
d. Mary has a utilitarian view of the world.
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 43
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

23) The Coca-Cola bottle was designed specifically to appeal to consumers’ sense of:
a. taste.
b. smell.
c. sight.
d. touch.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 43
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

24) The Japanese are tuned to using sensory mechanisms and stimulations in the construction of their cars. The
Japanese usage of what they call Kansei engineering is associated with which of the following sensory elements?
a. smell
b. sight
c. touch
d. sound
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 44
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

25) ________ is the science that focuses on how the physical environment is integrated into the consumer's
subjective experience.
a. Absolute theory
b. Differential theory
c. Psychophysics
d. Psychotherapeutics
Answer: c

26) One of the principles of psychophysics is that changes in the physical environment are not always matched by
equal changes perceptually. If Madison Wilson were changing an old drink by making it sweeter, what would
psychophysics tell her?
a. She could make the drink twice as sweet by adding twice the amount of sugar.
b. She would need to research how the perception of "sweetness" changed by the amount of sugar added.
c. She would need to create promotions to tell customers how "sweet" the new drink is.
d. She would need to understand how people interpret the word "sweet."
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.
27) Erica drives by a compelling billboard while driving on the 401 highway in Ontario. As she goes by, she finds
that the print is too small to read. This demonstrates the principle of:
a. differentiated advertising.
b. sensory adaptation.
c. absolute threshold.
d. visual orientation.
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

28) Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the distance, he sees a road crew working on a fallen tree that has
blocked the highway. When Ben first sees the road crew, which of the following perceptual processes has been
a. attention
b. comprehension
c. exposure
d. interpretation
Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 45
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

29) A billboard is positioned correctly beside a busy highway. However, the merchant that purchased the billboard is
complaining that no response is being generated by his advertising message. Upon closer inspection, the billboard
company determines that the typeface used is too small to be effectively read by a motorist going 100+ kmh on the
highway. Which of the following sensory thresholds would be most appropriate to explain the failure of this
advertisement to connect with motorists?
a. the differential threshold
b. the absolute threshold
c. the intensity threshold
d. the relative threshold
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

30) The ability of a sensory system to detect changes or differences between two stimuli refers to the:
a. minimum threshold.
b. maximum threshold.
c. absolute threshold.
d. differential threshold.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.
31) Jason and Mark were talking in class, but so was everyone else. As they continued to discuss their day's
adventures, it suddenly became clear to them that the teacher was staring at them. They didn't realize that the class
had been called to order and what was once only one conversation among many was now disruptive. Jason
apologized quickly and the teacher resumed her normal activities. This situation illustrates what important aspect of
a. A person's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is absolute.
b. A person's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is relative.
c. Men's perceptual filters are underdeveloped compared to those of women.
d. Adaptation is a common problem among younger people.
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

32) When marketers update their package designs or logos, they do it in small increments of change so the change
will not affect consumers' familiarity with the product. This is the principle behind:
a. JIT
b. JND
d. 4 Ps
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46-47
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

33) The main point of ________ is that the ratios, not the absolute differences, are important in describing the least
perceptible differences in sensory discrimination.
a. Veber's Law
b. Weber's Law
c. rule of ratios
d. psychophysics
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 47
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

34) In the nineteenth century, a psychophysicist named Ernst Weber found that:
a. the amount of change that is necessary for a stimulus to be noticed is systematically related to the intensity of the
original stimulus itself.
b. for each stimulus there is an equal but opposite reaction.
c. the ratio between stimulus and response is a fixed proportion.
d. Solomon's Law was valid.
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.
35) Antonio owns a small menswear store located in downtown Winnipeg. He decides to have a "$10 Off Sale" on
every item in his store. When he totals his sales results for the week, he finds that there was the greatest response to
items under $50, and the least response to items over $50. This is a demonstration of:
a. Porter's Diamond.
b. Weber's Law.
c. Maslow's Hierarchy.
d. Pavlovian Conditioning.
Answer: b
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 46-48
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-04 The concept of a sensory threshold is important for marketing communication.

36) When the stimulus presented is below the level of the consumer's conscious awareness, the result that occurs is
a. oblivescence.
b. stimulus differential.
c. the limen.
d. subliminal perception.
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 48
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-05 Subliminal advertising is a controversial—but largely ineffective—way to persuade consumers.

37) In 1957, an experiment in a drive-in movie showed that increases in sales of popcorn and Coke were measured
after subliminal messages encouraging viewers to use those products had been inserted in the movie Picnic. These
a. demonstrated that consumers' minds had been "broken into and entered."
b. were false; research executives admitted they had fabricated the findings.
c. subsequently were supported by a number of other research studies.
d. gave the first irrefutable proof of the power of subliminal persuasion on consumer actions.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 48
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-05 Subliminal advertising is a controversial—but largely ineffective—way to persuade consumers.

38) Maria, a graphic artist with the celebrity magazine Flameworks, is using airbrushing to insert tiny figures into an
ad they will be placing in Maclean's magazine. She is using a technique involving:
a. embeds.
b. visual specialization.
c. adaptation.
d. composition.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 48
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-05 Subliminal advertising is a controversial—but largely ineffective—way to persuade consumers.
39) Marisa has just sat through three class lectures at school, and now heads to a fourth, due in ten minutes' time.
She found that halfway through her third class, she was having a hard time paying attention. This was most probably
due to:
a. sleep deficits.
b. active filtering.
c. attention economy.
d. sensory overload.
Answer: d
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

40) In a beer ad on TV showing a couple going off to a country cottage, Melinda only paid attention to the sports
car. This tendency is known as:
a. perceptual selectivity.
b. consumer screening.
c. attention focusing adaptation.
d. stimulus de-escalation.
Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

41) When a local store first changed its window display, Beverly noticed it at once. As she passed it day after day,
she no longer paid attention because it had become so familiar. Beverly had:
a. experienced adaptation.
b. formed a stimulus habit.
c. attention dysfunction.
d. stimulus rejection.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 51
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

42) Jill has been buying most of her clothes from a store that perpetually advertises 30% off. She has come to expect
it, and no longer pays attention to the discount.
This is an example of:
a. accessibility.
b. adaptation.
c. attrition.
d. autoresponse.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 51
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

43) Brian urgently needs a summer job to earn money for his fall tuition. Lately everywhere he turns he seems to be
noticing "help wanted" ads. His increased awareness of ads that relate to his current needs is called:
a. perceptual vigilance.
b. perceptual defense.
c. perceptual actualization.
d. perceptual search.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 50
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

44) Enrique has just purchased a new Sony plasma TV, the best and latest technology available for viewing. A few
days later he reads a report saying that a better technology for television is due on the market in six months at half
the price.
He thinks this is hogwash, and stops reading the report halfway through. This is an example of:
a. perceptual defence.
b. postpurchase dissatisfaction.
c. customer sensitivity.
d. consumer advocacy.
Answer: a
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 50
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

45) The TV advertisement promoting the beach resort placed heavy emphasis on soft sounds and dim colours. The
result was viewers quickly lost attention. The factor leading to loss of attention was:
a. intensity.
b. duration.
c. discrimination.
d. exposure.

46) During January, Bill, a marketing director for an alcohol company, ran a successful 6×8-inch advertisement in a
magazine that featured a man and a woman having a great time at the beach. In February, he placed the same
advertisement in the same magazine, but reduced the size of the ad. Sales of his products declined. What mistake did
Bill make?
a. He was using novel stimuli in the advertisement, which are eventually ignored after about a month of exposure.
b. He should not have tried to advertise alcohol in February, a month where sales are typically low.
c. He should not have placed an advertisement two months in a row in the same magazine.
d. He forgot that the size of a magazine advertisement is important for attracting readers.
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 51
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

47) Which of the following may be effective in getting viewers to stop fast-forwarding past television ads recorded
on their PVR?
a. use enticing or novel commercials
b. decrease ads' sound level below that of adjacent programs
c. use a preventive or override command in ads
d. keep commercials short, 10 seconds or less, so that they cannot be electronically identified
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49-51
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L2-06 There are a variety of factors that can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to

48) Gary illustrated how consumers draw from their organized collection of beliefs or feelings when making a
purchase decision. Among his beliefs were that colognes heightened romantic appeal, that fancy French-sounding
names were feminine, and that thick cloying scents were like those his old aunts would use. The black bottle of
Drakkar Noir was exotic, mysterious-looking, just right. His evaluations stem from his:
a. sche
b. icons.
c. historic imagery.
d. tactile cues.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 52
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

49) A school of thought that maintains people derive meaning from a totality of a set of stimuli, rather from any
individual stimulus, is:
a. the holistic processing principle.
b. peripheral persuasion.
c. gestalt psychology.
d. stimulus integration theory.
Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 533
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

50) Some years ago, McDonald's claimed that its Big Mac had "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese,
pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun." Today if consumers hear "Two all-beef patties...," they laughingly play the
game, completing the entire line of copy. Their participation illustrates the gestalt principle of:
a. recency.
b. closure.
c. exposure.
d. completion.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 53
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

51) When a well-known spa redesigned the packaging for its line of spa products containing algae extracts with a
"sea of green" look to unify all of its different offerings, it relied upon which principle of stimulus organization?
a. consistency
b. experiential
c. subjectivity
d. similarity
Answer: d
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 53
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

52) The relationship in which one part of a stimulus configuration dominates a situation, such as a visual field, while
other aspects recede into the background, is called:
a. foreground-background.
b. onstage-offstage.
c. figure-ground.
d. dominant-recessive.
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 53
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

53) A Telus ad depicts a bright image of a parrot on a stark white background. This is an example of which
a. foreground-background
b. onstage-offstage
c. figure-ground
d. dominant-recessive
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 53
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

54) The way the marketer wants the brand to be viewed by the consumers is referred to as:
a. a positioning strategy.
b. market segmentation.
c. consumer profiling.
d. exposure.
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 55
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

55) While most automobile companies want to be viewed as being stylish or safe, Subaru appealed to dog owners in
a series of innovative advertisements. This was part of Subaru’s:
a. positioning strategy.
b. market segmentation.
c. consumer profiling.
d. primary research.
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 55
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

56) The process that marketers follow to develop distinctive images or clearly defined "brand personalities" to
distinguish them from competitors is known as:
a. segmentation.
b. marketing mix.
c. product icons.
d. positioning.
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 55
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

57) When Volvo attempted to revamp its brand image by signing an endorsement deal with NBA player Jeremy Lin,
they were focusing on:
a. marketing mix.
b. product icons.
c. positioning.
d. repositioning.
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 56
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

58) When L’Oreal promotes the fact that they offer a high quality product for a lower price, they are positioning on:
a. price leadership.
b. specific attributes.
c. product class.
d. occasions
Answer: a
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 56
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

59) When Terry’s promotes their orange-flavoured chocolate as a Christmas treat, they are positioning on:
a. price leadership.
b. specific attributes.
c. product class.
d. occasions.
Answer: d
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 56
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-07 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and
60) Victor, the president of a company that specializes in women's fragrances, ensures that each of the bottles looks
appealing, is nice to touch, and (of course) has an appealing smell. This way, each consumer will have a positive
experience with the company's products. Victor is is engaging in:
a. sensory marketing.
b. sensation marketing.
c. atmospheric marketing.
d. appeal marketing.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 36
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

61) Fragrance cues are processed in the a part of the brain called the:
a. frontal lobe.
b. brain stem.
c. hypothalamus.
d. limbic system.
Answer: d
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 40
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

62) Freda, a 65-year-old woman, has developed an aging ear. This means that:
a. she will not be able to hear at all in a few years.
b. she has lost the ability to hear higher-frequency sounds.
c. she has lost the ability to hear lower-frequency sounds.
d. she can hear music, but not speech.
Answer: b
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Reference: 42
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-03 Marketers can appeal to each of the sensory systems in a variety of ways.

63) Which of the following is not a technique that can be used to create contrast?
a. colour
b. position
c. novelty
d. cost
Answer: d
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 51
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

64) On Monday, Frank was driving to work and noticed a new billboard. One week later, although the same
billboard was there, he didn't notice it anymore. This is an example of how ________ can affect adaptation.
a. duration
b. discrimination
c. exposure
d. relevance
Answer: c
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49
Skill: Application
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

65) In consumer behaviour, the concept behind a product's market position implies that:
a. the evaluation of a product is based on what it means to person rather than what it does.
b. the evaluation of a product is based on what it does for person rather than what it means.
c. the top-selling brand in a product category always has a stronger market position.
d. price is the most important "P" to consider when formulating a marketing strategy.
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 55
Skill: Understanding
Objective: L2-7 We interpret the stimuli to which we do pay attention according to learned patterns and

66) Readership ad scores in magazines increase in proportion to the ________ of the ad.
a. size
b. colour
c. novelty
d. cost
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 51
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

67) _______ refers to the extent to which the brain’s processing activity is devoted to a particular stimulus.
a. Attention
b. Exposure
c. Perception
d. Sensation
Answer: a
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

68) ____________ involves using communications that are unexpected and unconventional in ways that target
consumers in unexpected places.
a. Sensory marketing
b. Stealth marketing
c. Guerilla marketing
d. Viral marketing
Answer: c
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Reference: 49
Skill: Recall
Objective: L2-06 A variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.
69) In an example of _____________, Volkswagen set up a series of outdoor marketing experiences where they put
the “Fun Theory” to the test. This is basically the notion that if you make it fun, people will do it. In one example,
VW installed musical keyboard bars as stairs in a subway station. This is an example of:
a. sensory marketing.
b. stealth marketing.
c. guerilla marketing.
d. viral marketing.
Answer: c

Diff: 2
Chapter 3

1) __________ refers to a relatively permanent change in behaviour that is caused by experience.

a. Learning

b. Memory

c. Perception

d. Motivation

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 63

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-01 Understand why it is important to know how consumers learn about products and services.

2) __________ is the process of acquiring information and storing it over time so that it will be available when

a. Learning

b. Memory

c. Perception

d. Motivation

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 75

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

3) Casual, even unintentional, acquisition of knowledge is called:

a. incidental learning.

b. piggybacking.

c. stimulus-response connections.

d. accidental knowledge.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 63

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-01 Understand why it is important to know how consumers learn about products and services.

4) Juan, while out cycling in Vancouver one day, found himself humming a jingle for farm tractors that he had heard
on the radio. He found this surprising, as he had absolutely no interest in farming or tractors. This acquisition of
knowledge is known as:

a. vicarious observation.

b. psychological stimulation.

c. subliminal perception.

d. incidental learning.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 63

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-01 Understand why it is important to know how consumers learn about products and services.

5) What do we call the learning that occurs when a stimulus eliciting a response is paired with another stimulus that
initially does not elicit a response on its own but, over time, also causes a similar response because of its association
with the first stimulus?

a. operant conditioning

b. learned pairing phenomenon

c. instrumental conditioning

d. classical conditioning

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

6) Another word for learning would be ________.

a. masked behaviour

b. modelling

c. activation

d. conditioning

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

7) For the second time that day, Karla heard a radio ad announcing 40% off all spring jackets at a downtown Halifax
ladies' wear store. She decided to go and check out the sale as a result of the ads. We would conclude that ________
has occurred.

a. vicarious learning

b. coordinated repetition

c. brand loyalty

d. learning

Answer: d
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

8) In Pavlov's famous physiological experiments with dogs, he paired a bell with presentation of food. Over a period
of time, dogs were observed to start drooling (salivating) when they heard the bell only. What was the conditioned

a. skeletal nervous system

b. salivation

c. meat powder

d. bell

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

9) You see a humorous commercial for Coca-Cola that has been repeated several times during your favourite TV
show. While you are at the grocery store, you see a bottle of Coca-Cola and smile uncontrollably at the products.
What is this an example of?

a. classical conditioning

b. instrumentalconditioning

c. subliminal perception

d. incidental learning

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC
Page Reference: 64-65

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

10) Neutrogena is a well-known brand of shampoo sold in a distinctively shaped unbreakable bottle. A major New
York store sells shampoo in a nearly identical-looking bottle with its own name on it. Consumers who purchase the
private label brand assuming it shares the product attributes of Neutrogena are showing the influence of:

a. stimulus discrimination.

b. extinction.

c. unconditioned stimulus.

d. stimulus generalization.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 65

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

11) If consumers repeatedly see TV ads for a "decadent" ice cream (perhaps "Pure Cream and Berries Ice Cream"),
they will feel hungry for some in the future when they merely hear the brand name. Their hunger is an example of

a. conditioning trial.

b. conditioned response.

c. conditioned cue.

d. voluntary action.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64
Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

12) Scott thought of himself as a very successful marketer. He created a campaign with a product logo that was very
popular and that customers associated with a quality product. It was so popular that, in a few months, the logo began
to appear almost everywhere. Instead of increasing sales of the product, the customer demand began to decrease as
the competitor's product became more successful. What characteristic of learning was ruining Scott's apparent

a. Too much repetition was decreasing the strength of the CS, thus leading to extinction of the learned relationship
between the logo and the quality of the product.

b. Customers confused Scott's logo with the logo of Scott's competitor, thus cognitive learning was incomplete and
Scott lost customers.

c. The logo produced only a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement that did not sustain sales, while Scott's competitor
used a variable-ratio schedule.

d. Scott never provided any positive reinforcement for purchasing his product and thus customers became
disinterested in the logo.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 65

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

13) Recent research shows that a car manufacturer, Grey Motors, is perceived as being "old" by young consumers.
To overcome this issue they create a new product line, Flash, and in their advertising materials hide all associations
with Grey Motors. This is an example of:

a. activation.

b. brand loyalty.

c. brand equity.

d. masked branding.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 66

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

14) Why do companies use the masked branding strategy?

a. to create discernible brand extensions

b. to confuse customers into buying their product instead of buying their competitor’s product

c. yo deliberately hide a product’s true origin

d. yo facilitate a penetration pricing strategy

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 66

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

15) Repeated pairings of CS and UCS over time may lead to a certain level of association, but when the pairings are
only occasionally presented, the prior linking effects may disappear completely. This is called:

a. cue-dependent forgetting.

b. decay.

c. retro-conditioning.

d. extinction.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 65

Skill: Recall
Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

16) Derek has seen a commercial for a phone company so many times that he no longer pays attention to it. Derek is

a. sleeping effect.

b. advertising burnout.

c. advertising wearout.

d. stimulus discrimination.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 66

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations can generalize to other things, which is important to marketers.

17) When Coach became worried about negative associations of Nicole “Snookie” Polizzi using their products, they
sent her their competition’s products to use instead. Coach was trying to:

a. promote a brand extension.

b. encourage observational learning.

c. weaken the associative learning that may have occurred.

d. encourage cognitive transfer between the two brands.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 64-65

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-02 Conditioning results in learning.

18) A coffee chain could not understand why its new commercial was not successful at improving sales . The
commercial, which showed its latte followed by a jingle, had aired for a month on popular television stations. This
commercial was not successful because:

a. television advertising is not an effective medium for promoting coffee.

b. jingles are not effective at creating conditioned responses to brands.

c. the commercial should have played the jingle before showing the latte.

d. because the television commercial was shown for a month, any product associations between the jingle and the
latte became extinct.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 67-68

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

19) H.J.Heinz Co. markets different food products such as ketchup, pickles, and mustard, all using the Heinz brand
name. This is known as:

a. family branding.

b. synchronous branding.

c. common branding.

d. differentiated branding.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 68

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to
20) Seagull Pewter of Nova Scotia has "rented" the Disney brand name in the past and produced Disney characters
to be sold in their product line. This action is known as:

a. product association.

b. product knock-offs.

c. licensing.

d. allowable franchising.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 68

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

21) Encore Bacon is an economy product that attempts to copy Maple Leaf Bacon, a premium product. This would
be known as:

a. unfair competition.

b. look-alike packaging.

c. competitive variation.

d. stimulus-response distortion.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 68

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

22) Kraft Foods of Canada is considering getting into the toilet paper business, which would be a new product for
them to market. This strategy is known as:
a. product modification.

b. brand variation.

c. corporate repositioning.

d. product line extension.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 68

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

23) Which of the following is NOT a marketing strategy based upon stimulus generalization?

a. look-alike packaging

b. masked branding

c. product line extensions

d. family branding

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 66, 68

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-03 Learned associations with brands can generalize to other products, which is important to

24) The main difference between operant and classical conditioning is:

a. under classical conditioning, people learn deliberately, while under operant conditioning, people learn

b. under classical conditioning, people learn by watching the actions of others, while under operant conditioning,
people learn involuntarily.
c. under classical conditioning, people learn involuntarily, while under operant conditioning, people learn by
associating behaviours with rewards and punishments.

d. based on the degree to which people are exposed to a stimulus.

Answer: c

25) During the first three months after their launch of a new peanut butter product, a company uses a successive
series of techniques such as give-aways, supermarket demonstration and tastings, and finally coupons for 15 percent
off the retail price. This is illustrative of a process called:

a. stimulus reward.

b. shaping.

c. negative reinforcement.

d. cognitive awareness.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 69

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

26) Jessica has decided to purchase a new, long-lasting form of lipstick that has a distinctive look. Many friends
compliment her on how good it looks on her. She will probably keep buying this due to:

a. hedonistic consumption.

b. unconditioned response.

c. social justification.

d. positive reinforcement.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 69

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

27) Some drug and grocery stores have cards whereby customers can collect points for purchases. Certain levels of
points result in some sort of reward. This is an example of which kind of reinforcement?

a. fixed-interval

b. fixed-ratio

c. variable-interval

d. variable-ratio

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 70-71

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

28) The belief that if you gamble long enough (e.g., on a slot machine), you will eventually win, shows an
understanding of which type of reinforcement scheduling?

a. fixed-interval

b. fixed-ratio

c. variable-interval

d. variable-ratio

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 71

Skill: Recall
Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

29) If gambling is maintained by variable-ratio reinforcement, what type of reinforcement would best characterize

a. fixed-interval

b. variable-interval

c. fixed-ratio

d. mixed-ratio

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 71

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

30) Martin is a member of an online buyers' club that reinforces purchasing behaviour by giving him prizes that
increase as he increases his purchases. This is known as a form of:

a. frequency marketing.

b. stimulus reward.

c. conspicuous consumption.

d. uncontrolled purchases.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 72

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-04 There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.
31) Car ads featuring attractive women have been found to be effective because the woman is:

a. modelling.

b. masking other effects.

c. vicarious.

d. a trigger feature.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 73

Skill: Recall

Objective: There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help consumers
to learn about products.

32) An advertisement for Axe Deodorant shows a young male being chased by a mob of attractive females. The
brand is hoping that male consumers will learn to purchase their products via a process of ______________.

a. observational learning

b. operant conditioning

c. classical conditioning

d. shaping

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 74

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-05 We can learn about products by observing others’ behaviour.

33) On her first visit to China, Jane did not know how to pay for the produce she had selected at a market. She
watched several Chinese women pay for their selections and then Jane copied their behaviour. This is an example of

a. motivated learning
b. retrieval learning

c. modelling

d. automatic conditioning

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 74

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-05 We can learn about products by observing others’ behaviour.

34) The process of acquiring information and storing it over time so that it will be available when needed is:

a. information acquisition.

b. memory.

c. retrieval.

d. chunking.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 75

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

35) The type of memory that processes stimuli by such attributes as their colour, taste, smell, or shape is relying on:

a. physiological memory.

b. sensory meaning.

c. semantic meaning.

d. episodic memory.
Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 78

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

36) Memory based upon the symbolic associations that consumers make between ideas and product use (e.g., that
virile men drive sports cars) is typically a function of:

a. physiological memory.

b. external memory.

c. semantic meaning.

d. episodic memory.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 76

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

37) One of the purposes of sensory memory is to hold sensations long enough for the brain to process them. The
sensory information from various modalities (sight, hearing, etc.) is held for differing lengths of time, corresponding
to the amount of information carried by a modality in a set period of time, before they are deleted. Knowing this, a
researcher would expect ________ information to be held longer in sensory memory than ________ information.

a. visual; hearing

b. visual; touch

c. hearing; visual

d. hearing; touch

Answer: c

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 78

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

38) According to the information-processing perspective, an attentional gate:

a. bridges access from the external world to the sensory memory, the first level of attention.

b. connects the episodic memory to the "store house" of flashbulb memory.

c. links sensory memory to long-term memory.

d. links sensory memory to short-term memory.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 78

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

39) "Working memory" is another name for:

a. episodic memory.

b. short-term memory.

c. sensory memory.

d. elaborative rehearsal.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 79

Skill: Recall
Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

40) Combining small pieces of information into larger ones to help in processing is called:

a. collapsing.

b. chunking.

c. elaborative rehearsing.

d. retrieving evoked set.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 79

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

41) A group of products recalled by consumers as sharing some attribute or quality are called:

a. a recognition product set.

b. a previously purchased set.

c. a stimulated set.

d. an evoked set.

Answer: d

42) In memory, energy spreads across nodes of varying levels of abstraction. This process is called:

a. cognitive transfer.

b. need-cue memory recall.

c. node transfer.

d. spreading activation

Answer: d
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 80

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

43) Activation models of memory consider that knowledge is coded at varying levels of complexity. The lowest
level of complexity, stored in nodes, is called:

a. meaning concepts.

b. propositions.

c. schemas.

d. scripts.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 80-81

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

44) When Stephanie thought of perfume, she thought of Chanel, French, Catherine Deneuve, expensive, alluring,
elegant. These examples make up her:

a. activation model.

b. evoked set.

c. network.

d. schema.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 81
Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

45) Sherri has learned to expect a certain sequence of events when she goes to the doctor. She may become
uncomfortable if the actual service differs from the:

a. meaning concept.

b. proposition.

c. intention.

d. script.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 81

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

46) In analogical learning, the existing product is called the ______ and the new product is called the ___________.

a. node/link

b. link/target

c. base/target

d. target/link

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 81

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

47) To facilitate consumer learning, BC Hydro compares wasting energy to wasting other things like time and water.
BC Hydro is hoping that ________ will occur.
a. rote learning

b. analogical learning

c. classical conditioning

d. observational learning

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 81

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

48) Ping, a senior, was having a problem remembering a phone number that was just given to him by a friend. This
problem with his retrieval ability is:

a. perceptual.

b. psychological.

c. physiological.

d. mood congress effect.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 82

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

49) The beer company chose to advertise during a TV drama because of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. pacing in some sports allows attention to wander.

b. the environment of the message affects recall.

c. shows with continuous activity fare better for recall.

d. shows punctuated with a series of acts are good for recall.

Answer is D

50) When Greg thinks of soft drinks he immediately thinks of Coca-Cola. For Greg, Coca-Cola is a ________ brand.

a. spontaneous

b. state-dependent

c. triggered

d. salient

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 83

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

51) Amy can recall her social insurance number quite easily because she groups the numbers into three sets. This
illustrates how ___________ can facilitate the memory process.

a. elaboration

b. rehearsal

c. salience

d. chunking

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 79

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

52) Lane was required to do a research project for a marketing class. He selected 100 people and put them into two
groups at random. Everyone in both groups tasted a candy made in Turkey. The candy was not as sweet as the
subjects expected. The first group then saw an ad that emphasized how sweet the candy was compared to other
candy from Turkey. The second group did not see the ad. According to the postexperience advertising effect, what
difference between the two groups should Lane expect?

a. Both groups will report the candy as being not sweet.

b. The first group will state that the candy is sweeter than will the second group.

c. The second group will state that the candy is sweeter than will the first group.

d. The postexperience advertising effect would give Lane no information to form an expectation.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 76

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

53) Learning produces structural changes in the brain; when these structural changes simply go away over time, the
phenomenon is termed:

a. interference.

b. decay.

c. memory lapse.

d. brain damage.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 84

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

54) Deliteful Donuts mentions its main competitor in its ads. This can result in:
a. recognition and recall.

b. poorer recall for its own brand.

c. improving the recall of the other brand.

d. the von Restorff effect.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 84

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

55) Some learning theorists maintain that forgetting takes place only through interference, but that decay strengthens
the ability of one piece of information to interfere with another. If this is true, which of the following would you
expect to find?

a. Retroactive and proactive interference would be equally strong as agents of forgetting.

b. Learning a new phone number would be more likely to cause you to forget your last phone number, but not the
phone number you had before that one.

c. Retroactive interference would be stronger for an old memory than would proactive interference.

d. A new brand name is more likely to be forgotten if it is matched with names of brands learned a month ago than if
it is matched with brand names learned yesterday.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 84

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

56) The Campbell Soup Company recently started using "the Campbell Kids" again in their ads. They and other
companies doing similar revivals of past imagery reflect the power of:

a. nostalgia.
b. the "wonder years" effect.

c. persuasive embed.

d. recognition.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 84

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

57) One way marketerscan trigger nostalgia in an individual is by:

a. increasing brand equity.

b. having the marketer's product present in their evoked set.

c. introducing a retro brand.

d. creating a new fashionable trend.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 84

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

58) The two basic measures of advertising impact used in the industry are:

a. power and persuasiveness.

b. readership and remembrance.

c. recognition and recall.

d. reliability and recall.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 85-86

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-07 Marketers use various measures to assess our memories about brands, products, and ads.

59) Donalda was stopped in the mall by a market researcher, who asked her what ads she had seen on TV the
evening before. This is an example of:

a. recognition tests.

b. short-term memory test.

c. free recall tests.

d. observational learning test.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 85

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-07 Marketers use various measures to assess our memories about brands, products, and ads.

60) In a typical ________ test, subjects are shown ads one at a time and asked if they have seen them before.

a. recall

b. recognition

c. remembrance

d. recovery

Answer: b

Diff: 1
Type: MC

Page Reference: 85

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-07 Marketers use various measures to assess our memories about brands, products, and ads.

61) In advertising research, a tendency of consumers to use middle values of a range, omitting extremes, to express
their ratings is known as:

a. normative social behaviour.

b. averaging.

c. identification.

d. compensating.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 86

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-07 Marketers use various measures to assess our memories about brands, products, and ads.

62) The market researcher showed Chuck five ads for a new product. Chuck, wanting to please the researcher,
agreed that he had seen four of the ads, even though 2 of them were bogus ads. This is an example of:

a. omitting bias.

b. averaging bias.

c. telescopic bias.

d. response bias.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 86

Skill: Application
Objective: L3-07 Marketers use various measures to assess our memories about brands, products, and ads.

63) According to the definition of learning, how could a researcher ever show that cognitive learning had taken
place in a subject?

a. Only by asking the subject if he or she had learned something.

b. By measuring a behavioural change that could directly be tied to a previous experience.

c. By measuring the brainwave pattern of the subject.

d. Through the process of elimination—by showing that the person had not learned through classical or instrumental

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 72-73

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-04There is a difference between classical and instrumental conditioning, and both processes help
consumers to learn about products.

64) Melissa knows that when she goes to the dentist she must make an appointment, show up on time, bring proof of
insurance, and have her teeth cleaned before any other

dental services will be performed. With respect to her visit to the dentist, Melissa has learned a knowledge technique
known as a ________.

a. service script.

b. punishment avoidance technique.

c. competitive distinction process.

d. maturation process.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 81

Skill: Application
Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

65) With respect to pictorial versus verbal cues, is one picture worth a thousand words? What does available data
tell us?

a. Verbal and pictorial cues are basically equal.

b. Verbal cues are stronger over time.

c. We are more likely to recognize information presented in picture form at a later time.

d. We are more likely to recognize information presented in verbal form at a later time.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 83

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

66) How are unipolar emotions and mixed emotions different?

a. Mixed emotions have both positive and negative components, while unipolar emotions are either wholly positive
or wholly negative.

b. Mixed emotions are either wholly positive or wholly negative, while unipolar emotions have both positive and
negative components.

c. Mixed emotions lead to better recall of a situation than unipolar emotions.

d. They are not different. They refer to the same thing.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 83

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

67) With respect to the information processing approach to memory formulation, in the ________ stage, information
is entered in a way the system will recognize.
a. storage

b. retrieval

c. encoding

d. decoding

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 75

Skill: Recall

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

68) In the information-processing approach to memory, one could think of the storage stage as being similar to a:

a. wheel

b. warehouse

c. boomerang

d. kaleidoscope

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 75

Skill: Application

Objective: L3-06 Understand how the memory process works.

69) In the information-processing approach to memory, ________ refers to how the mind accesses information.

a. storage

b. retrieval

c. encoding
d. decoding

Answer: a


1) Timothy ate just before his 11:00 class, but now he's beginning to feel hunger pangs. He goes off to buy
something to eat. Which need is being fulfilled?

a. self-actualization

b. psychogenic

c. hedonic

d. utilitarian

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 95

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

2) Satisfaction of ________ needs is often subjective and experiential in nature; the satisfaction may be motivated
by fantasy and imagination.

a. utilitarian

b. totalitarian

c. hedonic

d. subjective

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 95

Skill: Recall
Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

3) Jasmine bought a new Linda Lundstrom coat for both style and warmth. Based on this information, which of the
following statements is correct?

a. By purchasing the coat, Jasmine was only satisfying her utilitarian needs.

b. By purchasing the coat, Jasmine was only satisfying her hedonic needs.

c. By purchasing the coat, Jasmine was satisfying her utilitarian and hedonic needs.

d. By purchasing the coat, Jasmine was not satisfying any needs because people cannot satisfy needs, only wants.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 95

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

4) When there is a gulf between a consumer's present state and some ideal state, this gulf creates a state of tension.
The magnitude of this tension determines the urgency the consumer feels to reduce the tension. This degree of
arousal is:

a. motivation.

b. discomfort.

c. cognitive awareness.

d. drive.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 96

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

5) Two terms often used to describe motivation are:

a. its strength and its duration.

b. its strength and its direction.

c. its magnitude and its force.

d. its magnitude and its feeling.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 96

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

6) Billy has not eaten all morning and he impulsively eats a Mars bar, which normally he would avoid eating. Which
theory would best explain his behaviour?

a. protection motivation theory

b. drive theory

c. incentive theory

d. self-affirmation theory

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 96

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

7) Xavier developed a headache because he had skipped breakfast, but it went away after he ate lunch. He had
reached a state of:

a. biogenesis.

b. psychogenics.

c. equilibrium.
d. homeostasis.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 97

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-01 It is important for marketers to recognize that products can satisfy a range of consumer needs.

8) Which theory explains the view that one's behaviour is largely pulled by positive incentives, by anticipating that
one will get desirable results?

a. self-interest theory

b. attribution theory

c. expectancy theory

d. involvement theory

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 97

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

9) At work, Olivia is highly motivated by praise from her boss and coworkers. This type of motivation is accounted
for by:

a. self-interest theory.

b. attribution theory.

c. expectancy theory.

d. drive theory.

Answer: c

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 97

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

10) A goal has ________, which means it can be positive or negative.

a. valence

b. utility

c. ranking

d. voltage

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 98

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

11) People are born with needs for certain elements that are necessary to maintain life: food, water, air, and shelter.
These needs are called:

a. a priori needs

b. biogenic needs

c. psychogenic needs

d. actualization needs

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 98

Skill: Recall
Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

12) People acquire certain needs in the process of becoming a member of a culture: needs for status, power,
affiliation, and so on. These needs which reflect the priorities of a culture are called:

a. a priori needs.

b. psychogenic needs.

c. pre-learned needs.

d. actualization needs.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 98

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

13) A want is:

a. determined by its strength.

b. instinctive or inborn.

c. an ideal comparison point for the consumer's actual purchase decisions.

d. the particular way in which a need is satisfied, usually determined by a person's culture.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 98

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

14) Ryan and Jo were talking about which car was the better buy for their daily travel back and forth. Ryan wants
the status of driving a Porsche while Jo says he thinks a Honda is a more practical choice. The particular form of
consumption which would satisfy their needs is a/an:
a. want.

b. desire.

c. goal.

d. actuant.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 98

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-02 There are different theories that can be used to predict what will motivate consumers.

15) Denise is shopping for a dress. She has narrowed down her final choice to two dresses, but she has a new
dilemma. The black number is elegant, and she looks awesome in it and sophisticated. She anticipates Tim's
reaction. The blue dress flatters her figure, and besides it would be practical for future occasions. She wants to buy
both. She is experiencing which type of motivational conflict?

a. approach-approach

b. approach-avoidance

c. avoidance-avoidance

d. hedonic-utilitarian

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 99

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

16) Katrina had a difficult choice to make. The Honda Civic and Mazda 3 cars were almost identical in terms of
features and styling, but the Mazda 3 was priced $400 less. She decided to buy the Mazda, but the next day reads a
Consumer Reports article that says the Mazda resale value will be $800 less than the Honda after 3 years. In terms
of conflict, what is Katrina most likely facing?
a. approach avoidance

b. cognitive dissonance

c. caveat emptor

d. avoidance-avoidance

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 99

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

17) Why can approach-approach conflicts be resolved easier with cognitive dissonance reduction strategies than
approach-avoidance conflicts?

a. Approach-avoidance conflicts result when the positive alternative simply overwhelms the negative; thus, no
cognitive dissonance exists under this condition.

b. Approach-approach conflicts result when both alternatives are positive. The selection of one requires the rejection
of another, which creates a need for a cognitive explanation of why one was not selected. The approach-avoidance
conflict produces much less dissonance because one is positive and the other is clearly negative.

c. Approach-avoidance conflicts create inertia; thus, past habits are employed without the need to resolve the
cognitive inconsistencies.

d. Approach-approach conflicts are very confusing to resolve intellectually, but approach-avoidance conflicts are
typically simply resolved through behavioural aspects of reinforcement learning.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 99

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase
18) Denise liked some things about the dresses she saw even though the same dresses also had drawbacks. She
really wanted the stunning black dress, but it cost a steep $395. This purchase situation is typical of which type of
motivational conflict?

a. approach-approach

b. approach-avoidance

c. avoidance-avoidance

d. hedonic-utilitarian

Answer: b

19) When Toyota developed the Prius, it focused on offering customers all of the positive benefits of their current
models such as reliability and a good price, but it also was able to reduce consumer concerns about negative impacts
on the environment. In other words, the marketing managers were able to resolve a ________________ conflict.

a. approach-approach

b. approach-avoidance

c. avoidance-avoidance

d. hedonic-utilitarian

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 99-100

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

20) Georgio could not decide if it was worth trying to repair his ten-year-old VCR or buy a new one. This is an
example of an ________ conflict.

a. approach-avoidance

b. avoidance-avoidance

c. acculturation-avoidance

d. activation-approach
Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 100

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

21) Shaun became tired of his routine IT job and decided to enroll in a Fine Arts degree. He was trying to satisfy
which of Murray's psychogenic needs?

a. self-depreciation

b. superiority

c. achievement

d. change

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 101

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

22) When Carlos considers automobile purchases, he almost always ends up choosing high horsepower "muscle"
cars. This is most likely linked to a/an:

a. avoidance need

b. preliminary need

c. need for acceptance

d. need for power

Answer: d
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 101

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

23) The female manager chose dark tailored suits over soft feminine outfits. This suggested she had a:

a. high need for affiliation

b. high need for power

c. high need for achievement

d. high need for success

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 101

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

24) Harry tremendously enjoys his Saturday nights "hanging out with the guys" at the Drop In Tavern. He is
showing which of the following needs?

a. the need for uniqueness

b. the need for affiliation

c. the need for power

d. the need for hierarchy

answer is b

25) Cachet perfume has used the advertising copy theme of "as individual as you are," which appeals to a
consumer's need to assert one's individual identity, a need termed:
a. the need for self-actualization

b. the need for advancement

c. the need for uniqueness

d. the need for leadership

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 101

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-03 Consumers can experience different types of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase

26) Maslow's theory basically states:

a. people can jump levels in the hierarchy to reach the highest level.

b. satisfaction motivates behaviour.

c. dissatisfaction motivates behaviour.

d. lower level needs, once satisfied, remain satisfied.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 102

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

27) Certain clubs have limited membership and long waiting lists, and convey status. Membership in such clubs can
satisfy which needs?

a. self-actualization

b. ego

c. belongingness
d. safety

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 102

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

28) An Allstate Insurance ad that says "You're in good hands with Allstate" appeals to which level in Maslow's

a. ego needs

b. safety needs

c. self-actualization needs

d. belongingness needs

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 102

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

29) Ling's hierarchy of needs is different from those of his western friends since he values the welfare of the group
as more important than:

a. esteem needs.

b. self-actualization needs.

c. safety needs.

d. physiological needs.

Answer: a

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 103

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

30) Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

a. safety

b. self-actualization

c. materialism

d. self-esteem

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 102

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

31) In terms of SMART goal setting, “S” stands for:

a. Simple.

b. Specific.

c. Sensitive.

d. Successive.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 103

Skill: Application
Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

32) In terms of SMART goal setting, “M” stands for:

a. Metrics.

b. Monitored.

c. Measurable.

d. Managed.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 103

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

33) In terms of SMART goal setting, “T” stands for:

a. Time-bound.

b. Total.

c. Targeted.

d. Temperate.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 103

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

34) Research on goal attainment has found that consumers who felt they were closer to attaining their weight loss
goal were:

a. under cognitive load.

b. more motivated to achieve their goal.

c. more likely to achieve other unrelated goals too.

d. subsequently more likely to choose a chocolate bar over an apple.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 104

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

35) Research examining consumer goal attainment shows that:

a. all goals are conscious.

b. the Apple brand can activate hedonic goals.

c. the mere presence of a healthy option on a menu can vicariously fulfill nutrition related goals.

d. goals that don’t set a time frame are usually more effective.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 104

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-04 Maslow’s hierarchy outlines how various levels of needs can motivate consumers.

36) Juan, a high school student in Montreal, likes McDonald's so much that he had a special pin made for him that
says "I like McDonald's better than anyone." He is seen wearing this pin constantly. This is an example of:

a. extremism.

b. unhealthy attachment.

c. physiological needs.

d. consumer involvement.
Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 105

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

37) When consumers are intent on doing what they can to satisfy a need, they are inclined to pay attention and
process any information they feel is relevant to achieving their goals. This state is termed:

a. involvement.

b. motivation.

c. attribution.

d. participation.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 105

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

38) Given the definition of the term "involvement," which of the following would be least likely to modify the
consumer involvement a person may feel for a product?

a. the price of the product

b. the social risk of using the product

c. the basic needs of the consumer

d. the recommendations made by a reference source like Consumer Reports

Answer: d

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 105

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

39) The type of information processing that will occur depends upon the consumers' level of involvement. Which
type of information processing are consumers using when they make extensive comparisons of product claims with
their existing knowledge, weighing the alternatives?

a. simple processing

b. casual processing

c. elaboration

d. intersubjectivism

Answer: c

40) When a consumer becomes so involved with a product that he or she loses track of time, he or she has entered
into what is known as a ________ state.

a. flow

b. social

c. drive

d. need

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 105-106

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

41) Which of the following is not a "person" factor for creating involvement with an advertisement?
a. interest

b. importance

c. needs

d. occasion

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 106

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

42) Which of the following is not a possible result of an individual's involvement with a purchase decision?

a. choosing which decision rule to use for selecting between alternatives

b. perceived differences in product attributes

c. high influence of price on brand choice

d. low amount of information search

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 106

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

43) When John picks up a six-pack of Budweiser beer out of habit, without consideration of other choices, he is
making a decision characterized by:

a. inertia.

b. willed disinterest.
c. resistance.

d. ignorance.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 105

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

44) What do we call the type of involvement which relates to a consumer's level of interest in making a specific

a. simulated involvement.

b. message-response involvement.

c. product involvement.

d. motivated involvement.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 107

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

45) Ray's house needed a new roof. When he read the homebuilder's magazine, he was able to pause and reflect on
what he read on each page. This is an example of:

a. simulated involvement.

b. message-response involvement.

c. product involvement.

d. motivated involvement.
Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 107

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

46) When Hilary bought a new set of dishes for everyday use, she acted differently from the time when she bought a
set for her favourite nephew's wedding gift. This is an example of:

a. product involvement.

b. message-response involvement.

c. purchase situation involvement.

d. simulated involvement.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 108

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

47) If we achieve a "flow state" in regards to our company website, the visitor:

a. wants to buy immediately.

b. wants to exit immediately.

c. loses all track of time.

d. does not feel in control.

Answer: c

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 105-106

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-05 The way we evaluate and choose a product depends on our degree of involvement with the
product, the marketing message, and/or the purchase situation.

48) Moods are:

a. valenced reactions to events and objects that are not accompanied by high levels of arousal.

b. temporary positive or negative affective states that are accompanied by moderate levels of arousal.

c. related to a specific triggering event.

d. valenced reactions to events and objects that are accompanied by high levels of arousal

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 110

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

49) Eval

a. valenced reactions to events and objects that are not accompanied by high levels of arousal.

b. temporary positive or negative affective states that are accompanied by moderate levels of arousal.

c. relate to a specific triggering event.

d. valenced reactions to events and objects that are accompanied by high levels of arousal

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 109

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

50) Emotions are:

a. valenced reactions to events and objects that are not accompanied by high levels of arousal.

b. temporary positive or negative affective states that are accompanied by moderate levels of arousal.

c. related to a specific triggering event.

d. valenced reactions to events and objects that are accompanied by high levels of arousal

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 110

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

51) Which of the following is an example of marketers using positive affect to highlight product benefits?

a. Samsung showcasing the functional benefits of their new phone and the fact their rivals, the iPhone does not have
these features

b. a political campaign advertisement that conveys the opposing candidate in negative light

c. gambling ads showing the possible negative outcomes of excessive gambling

d. An ad for Viagra depicts a happy user of its products, who is walking to the beat of uplifting music.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 110

Skill: Application
Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

52) The term mood congruency refers to the fact that:

a. judgments are often consistent with our mood states

b. recall is more accurate when the same mood state is experienced at retrieval as at encoding.

c. we prefer products that are congruent with other products that we already own.

d. we prefer advertisements that are the same valence as the show we are watching.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 110

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

53) Research on linguistic structure suggests that consumers would prefer:

a. completely made up brand names like Encana.

b. brand names with sound repetition like Tutti Fruiti.

c. brand names starting with an uncommon letter such as Xerox.

d. brand names that are acronyms such as IBM.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 112

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

54) A technique called _________ scours the social media universe to collect and analyze the words people use
when they describe a specific product or company.
a. data scouring

b. sentiment analysis

c. mood monitoring

d. valenced reporting

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 112

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

55) When Lululemon monitors consumers’ emotional reactions to its products on Twitter it is engaging in:

a. data scouring.

b. a sentiment analysis.

c. mood monitoring

d. valenced reporting

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 112

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-06 Consumers can experience different types of affective responses, which can influence
consumption behaviours.

56) ___________ is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions.

a. Guilt

b. Happiness

c. Embarrassment
d. Anger

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 113

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

57) Research on material versus experiential purchases suggests that:

a. material goods are the secret to happiness.

b. experiential products make consumers happier than do material products.

c. material goods are more meaningful to one’s identity than are experiential products.

d. material products are more open to interpretation than are experiential products.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 113

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

58) Research on happiness suggests that:

a. material goods are the secret to happiness.

b. people report decreased levels of happiness when they spend money on others, as opposed to on themselves.

c. encouraging people to think about time (as opposed to money) motivates them to spend more time with family
and friends.

d. encouraging people to think about money (as opposed to time) induces people to socialize less more.

Answer: c

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 113

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

59) Research on happiness throughout the lifespan suggests that:

a. younger people are more likely to associate happiness with excitement.

b. younger people are more likely to focus on the importance of material goods in bringing happiness.

c. younger people prefer hedonic purchases.

d. older people are more likely to focus on the importance of experiential products in bringing happiness.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 113

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

60) An anti-smoking advertisement states that smoking can cause second-hand smoking to children and shows a
picture of two children with innocent expressions on their faces. What emotion is this ad trying to convey to the

a. Guilt

b. Happiness

c. Embarrassment

d. Anger

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 114

Skill: Application
Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

61) A commercial for Childrens’ Christian Fund shows a series of images of very thin and hungry-looking children
from Africa. What emotion is this ad trying to induce on the part of the audience?

a. Guilt

b. Happiness

c. Embarrassment

d. Anger

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 114

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

62) _________ is a negative emotion that is associated with the desire to reduce the gap between oneself and
someone who is superior on some dimension.

a. Guilt

b. Jealousy

c. Anger

d. Envy

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 114

Skill: Recall

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

63) Eli wishes that he didn’t have to take the bus to school and that he had a BMW like his friend Jonathan. Eli is
a. Jealousy

b. Embarrassment

c. Anger

d. Envy

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 114

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

64) An ad for a credit card shows a man and a woman going out on a date. While on the date, the man uses a rival
credit card to pay the bill and his card is rejected. The woman ends up paying for the bill and the man is smiling
awkwardly. What type of emotion is this commercial conveying?

a. Anger

b. Embarrassment

c. Happiness

d. Guilt

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 115

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

65) A Samsung commercial shows people lining up for the new upcoming iPhone. Other people with the Samsung
phone come up to the line and show them features that Samsung has that the rival phone does not. What emotion is
this commercial conveying?

a. Anger

b. Embarrassment
c. Happiness

d. Envy

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 114

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

66) A Coca-Cola ad uses a cute polar bear and pleasing Christmas music to advertise its products during Christmas
season. What type of emotion is this commercial trying to convey?

a. Guilt

b. Happiness

c. Sadness

d. Embarrassment

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 113

Skill: Application

Objective: L4-07 Marketers can tap into various discrete emotions to influence consumer responses.

67) _________ envy occurs when the consumer believes that the superior other does not deserve the status.

a. Malignant

b. Benign

c. Comparative

d. Malicious

Answer: b
Diff: 1


1) The concept of self is ________.

a. uniform in almost all cultures

b. a relatively new concept

c. a perception of other people

d. an idea that is untestable

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 121

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

2) Eastern cultures stress all of the following EXCEPT:

a. collective self

b. inner, private self

c. inherent separateness of each individual

d. interdependent self

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 121

Skill: Recall
Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

3) _____________ refers to the anxiety individuals feel when they fear they might behave in a way that confirms a
group stereotype.

a. Uncertainty avoidance

b. Stereotype threat

c. Confirmation anxiety

d. Self-concept threat

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

4) When Jennifer goes to the mechanic to get her car fixed she feels anxious and apprehensive that she will confirm
the stereotype that women don’t know about cars. This demonstrates:

a. uncertainty avoidance.

b. stereotype threat.

c. confirmation anxiety.

d. self-concept threat.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

5) When Allan signs up for a cake baking class he feels anxious and apprehensive that he will confirm the stereotype
that men are not good at baking. This demonstrates:

a. self-construal.

b. confirmation anxiety.

c. self-concept threat.

d. stereotype threat.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

6) James has a positive attitude toward himself. It could be said that he has a high:

a. behavioural anchor referent.

b. self-esteem.

c. ideal self.

d. self-monitoring system.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

7) Through research, the makers of Toblerone chocolate bars have identified a segment that prefers to buy a 30-gram
bar rather than their 100+ gram bars. This segment is most likely:

a. very worried about what others think.

b. low in self-esteem.

c. older and married.

d. younger and single.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

8) People who own the newest Mercedes convertible with 500 horsepower most likely:

a. are conservative and thrifty.

b. lack social comparison.

c. are difficult customers.

d. have high self-esteem.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

9) Attributes of self-concept can be described along several dimensions. If Rudi Gonzalez sees himself as being one
who is handsome (has a highly attractive face) rather than a person who is intellectual, which of the following self-
concept dimensions best applies to Rudi's view of himself?

a. Content

b. Positivity

c. Stability over time

d. Negativity
Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 121

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-01 The self-concept strongly influences consumer behaviour.

10) What people feel they would like to be is called the:

a. ideal self.

b. denied self.

c. submerged self.

d. reflected self.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

11) If a female consumer sees an ad about a woman who can no longer fit in her old bathing suit, the consumer
might think about her own situation and make a personal pledge to lose some weight before summer arrives. This
would be an example of marketing communications that attempt to influence a consumer's level of ________.

a. doubt and regret

b. dedication and control

c. strength and conviction

d. self-esteem

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

12) Amber likes to think of herself as being a smart shopper, but she admits that she cannot compare to her mother
whom she calls a "champion shopper." Amber has separated her ________ self from her ________ self.

a. ideal; actual

b. social; actual

c. actual; looking-glass

d. inner; outer

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

13) One study of young male beer drinkers found a segment that was characterized as "losers." These were men who
worked hard but had little chance of promotion, and although they enjoyed life, thought that they were never going
to get ahead. Beer ads made to this segment had a very high fantasy appeal. What relationship between the concepts
of self in this segment was being assumed by the marketers?

a. This segment had a strong looking-glass self.

b. This segment had a large gap between their real and ideal selves.

c. This segment had low self-esteem.

d. This segment had a culturally defined inner self that was much different from their public self.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Understanding
Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

14) Mary Jane is a very conservative businesswoman by day. However, when she decides to "go out on the town,"
she likes to party and "kick up her heels." This would be an example of a reaction due to the fact that many
consumers ________.

a. are not confident with their real selves

b. prefer their ideal self

c. have secret identities

d. have multiple selves

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122-123

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

15) Placing coolers of Powerade drinks and energy bars in high traffic areas of fitness centres indicates that
marketers are most likely trying to ensure that appropriate ________ are active.

a. competitive products

b. role identities

c. paired stimuli

d. profit centres

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 123

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

16) Grace Norris is a 50-year-old housewife who recently selected Chrysler's PT Cruiser as her new car. To some
extent, she selected the car because it is practical and has ample storage space for groceries and other items she gets
on her many shopping trips. On the other hand, she also confesses that she selected the car because of its "bad boy"
image. "It looks like a gangster car from the 1930s," says Grace. "It says 'don't mess with me,' " she tells her friends.
Grace is exhibiting ________ in her selection of a car.

a. gestaltism

b. symbolic consumerism

c. symbolic interactionism

d. compensation of weaknesses

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 123-124

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

17) The process of social comparison involves all of the following, EXCEPT:

a. social comparison is used by advertisers who show idealized images of happy attractive people who just happen to
be using their products.

b. social comparison is triggered when we try to evaluate our self by comparing it with other people and media

c. social comparison may make women who see beautiful models in ads become less satisfied with their own

d. is the process of imagining the reactions of others towards oneself.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

18) By acting the way we assume others expect us to act, we often wind up making these perceptions really happen,
in a form of:

a. the social coercion syndrome.

b. auto-suggestion.

c. social concession.

d. self-fulfilling prophecy.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 124

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

19) The "looking-glass self" is but one of many "selves" defining who we are; it is:

a. the ideal self we wish we were as we look at ourselves in the mirror.

b. the self we imagine others see when reacting to us.

c. the self we visualize we will be in our older years.

d. the self we see reflecting what our parents were.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 124

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

20) Consumers who score high on a scale of public self-consciousness:

a. are interested in clothing and are heavy users of cosmetics.

b. are usually older than average, mostly 50 and over.

c. are unconcerned about what others say about them in private, behind their backs.

d. go to great lengths to avoid appearing in public.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 125

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

21) The phrase, "You are what you consume," recognizes that products do more than influence the perceptions of
others about who we are. They also:

a. act as protection to enable us to keep others from learning too much about our true self.

b. help us determine our own sense of self as well.

c. hide us from ever really knowing who we are.

d. serve as a substitute for a well-developed self-concept.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 125-126

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

22) The first-year university student who brings personal items from home, such as his stereo, and puts posters on
his dorm walls, is:

a. making a bid for attention from others.

b. making sure that he becomes "a new person."

c. trying to break away from his parents' domination.

d. protecting his identity in a strange environment.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 126

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

23) Rachael decorated her college dorm with her stuffed animals, posters of pop stars, and photos of friends and
family. The ________ the objects helped her maintain her self-concept.

a. self-completion of

b. constellations of

c. symbolic interaction of

d. attachment to

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 126

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

24) A statement such as "I would probably make a good actor" would most likely come from a person who is:

a. high in self-monitoring abilities.

b. dishonest and untruthful.

c. never to be trusted.

d. low in self-esteem.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 125

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

25) Franz is very meticulous in appearance, and prepares his attire carefully before going anywhere as he wants to
feel confident. This is an illustration of ________ theory.

a. symbolic self-completion

b. low self-esteem

c. ego representation

d. power exertion

Answer: a

Diff: 2

26) Gilles arrives at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) training camp for duty and, upon registering, he is shaken
that they confiscate all his personal possessions. The CAF is most likely trying to:

a. manipulate his personality.

b. provoke a confrontation.

c. produce an avoidance-avoidance reaction.

d. repress individuality.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 126

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

27) Matching product attributes with some aspect a consumer holds to be true of his or her self is consistent with:

a. situation-actualization theory.

b. self-image congruence models.

c. symbolic self-completion theory.

d. self-as-other models.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 126

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

28) Brian is a product manager for a product sold to mature customers. His research has consistently told him that
his customers do not want to think of themselves as old. According to self-image congruence models, which of the
following would be the best slogan for his product?

a. "Isn't It Time to Act Your Age?"

b. "This Is Not Your Children's Product"

c. "Stay Active . . . Enjoy Life"

d. "Better for What Ails You"

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 126-127

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

29) Simply put, the ________ includes those objects that we consider to be a part of who we are.

a. external self

b. extended self

c. actual self

d. material self

Answer: b

Diff: 1
Type: MC

Page Reference: 128

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

30) A Haligonian, Duke, sees the famous Town Clock as part of his extended self. This is his ________ level of
extended self.

a. individual

b. community

c. group

d. national

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 128

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

31) The four levels of the extended self are:

a. individual, tribal, family, public

b. community, family, individual, group

c. family, private, public, individual

d. material, ideal, reflected, aspirational

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 128

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

32) In terms of the extended self, the level indicated by cars would be:

a. individual

b. prestige

c. power

d. physiological

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 129

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

33) In terms of the extended self, the level indicated by homes would be:

a. aspirational

b. family

c. occupational

d. group

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 130

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a pivotal role in defining the self-concept.

34) Jane told her friend Javier that she was frustrated because her manager at work did not seem to appreciate the
extra effort that she was putting in. Javier suggested that Jane speak to her manager and show her the work she was
doing. Later, Jane wondered why men just "don't get it." All she really wanted from Javier was some sympathy. One
of the problems that Jane and Javier are experiencing is that women have a tendency to use language for ________
goals, while men tend to employ ________ goals with language.

a. extended self; looking-glass

b. communal; agentic

c. social class; self congruence

d. androgyny; hierarchical

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 130

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.

35) In some cultures, women and men have languages that are spoken only in the presence of the same gender.
Some business analysts maintain that this applies partially within the American workplace. If gender-specific
languages did exist, what would be the major difference between them?

a. Men would speak more and women would speak less.

b. Men would be allowed to use more inflection and emotion in their speech, while women would be more
conservative and controlled.

c. The goals of the language would differ. Women's language would use more passive methods of attaining power,
while men would use more threats.

d. Women's language would be more attuned to forming community with other women, while men's language would
be more attuned to power and hierarchies.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 130-131

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.
36) Men around the world seem to prefer women who have reproductive potential, and women seem to prefer males
who have power and influence. In some cultures, both men and women seem to prefer lighter skin tones, while in
others both men and women prefer darker skin tones. What do these findings imply about how an ideal of beauty is

a. People have a tendency to be attracted to people that are like their own parents, implying that the beauty ideal is

b. All living organisms must have an instinctual ability to successfully reproduce. The examples show that the
human ideal of beauty is instinctually derived.

c. Part of the ideal of beauty seems to be genetic or instinctual, and part of it appears to be cultural, or learned.

d. Both examples show the importance of economics and class in the ideal of beauty. People who are rich and
successful are considered attractive.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 137

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-05 The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us what we should think) is a key
component of self-esteem.

37) All of the following are true, EXCEPT:

a. masculinity and femininity are biological characteristics.

b. maleness and femaleness are biological characteristics.

c. masculine behaviour is culturally derived.

d. a consumer's subjective feelings about his/her sex are crucial.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 131

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.
38) Jenine is a copywriter at a medium-sized ad agency, and she is eager to show off her superior skills and up-to-
date knowledge of the best ways to reach her target market. She is working with Mark on a new account with a line
of skin-care products. The line will carry the same brand name for both men's and women's products. The project
team members do not agree on how to position the product.

Mark argues that using the same brand name on both men's and women's products is a mistake. Men will think that
products for moisturizing their skin will be thought of as "sissy" products, or too feminine; "real men" won't use
them. Mark is saying that skin care products are:

a. gender-oriented.

b. ego-dominated.

c. sex-typed.

d. male-female bifurcated.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 131

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-04Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to meet
these expectations.

39) ________ refers to possessing both masculine and feminine traits.

a. Anthropology

b. Antithesis

c. Agnostic

d. Androgyny

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 131

Skill: Recall
Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.

40) In a study of a beer advertisement, two executions were prepared, one in masculine terms and the other in
feminine terms. What kind of people preferred this execution of the

ad: "Brewed with tender care, X Beer is a full-bodied beer that goes down smooth and gentle."

a. those whose self-ratings were highly masculine

b. men

c. those whose self-ratings were highly feminine

d. women

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 131

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.

41) A catalogue features products that appeal to men who are strongly sex-typed. Which of the following styles of
promotion would be most effective for the products in this catalogue?

a. ads that utilize stylish, sophisticated, and up-to-date examples

b. ads that show sensitive, spiritual, and introspective models

c. ads that have strong overall themes

d. ads that require elaborate processing of message content

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 131

Skill: Application
Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.

42) Johnny is a straight male who knows a lot about the fashion industry and interior decorating. Marketers would
most likely categorize him as a:

a. metrosexual.

b. trendsetter.

c. man's man.

d. city dweller.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 134

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.

43) Freddie is a homosexual. Which of the following is most likely not to be true of Freddie?

a. He is twice as likely to have attended graduate school.

b. He is more concerned about self-improvement.

c. He is more affluent than the general population.

d. He is more likely to be self-employed.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 136

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-04 Society’s expectations of masculinity and femininity help to determine the products we buy to
meet these expectations.
44) In its survey, Yankelovich asked a question about sexual identity for the first time, finding that about 6 percent
of the respondents described themselves as "gay/lesbian." Which of the following was one of their findings about
this group of people?

a. They are twice as likely as heterosexuals to have attended graduate school.

b. They are less concerned about physical fitness and self-improvement.

c. They encounter less stress in their daily lives.

d. They are much less likely to be self-employed.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

45) In a national survey of 1000 women, only ________ said that physical characteristics define true beauty.

a. 0%

b. 2%

c. 10%

d. 50%

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 137

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-05 The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us we should think) is a key
component of self-esteem.

46) A consumer's subjective evaluation of his or her physical self is called:

a. objective self-awareness.

b. body image.

c. personal beauty.

d. Adonis syndrome.

Answer: b
Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 136-137

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-05The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us we should think) is a key
component of self-esteem.

47) Claire's hair and eyes are more central to her self-concept than her hands and toes. This is a good example of
which concept?

a. body image

b. body catharsis

c. body referent

d. body cathexis

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 136-137

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-05The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us we should think) is a key
component of self-esteem.

48) Doug has large eyes, high cheekbones, and a narrow jaw. People around the world will perceive him as being:

a. arrogant

b. shifty

c. pleasant

d. healthy

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 138

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-05 The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us we should think) is a key
component of self-esteem.

49) Katie worked for an advertising agency. Her job was to computer enhance photos for magazine ads. She knew
that she would always make the face of the model more attractive if she ________.

a. added more hair to the model.

b. created at least one flaw on the face so the model wouldn't be perfect.

c. made the face more symmetrical.

d. made the skin tone lighter.

Answer: c

50) In terms of the ideal female body type, the ________ look has reappeared.

a. waif

b. athletic

c. hourglass figure

d. hippy look

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 138

Skill: Recall

51) Katie is constantly preoccupied with her weight. - She weighs herself twice a day. She is exhibiting behaviour
that is reflective of:

a. fattism.

b. ultra-slim-fast mania.

c. Carpenter's compulsion.
d. Sands' syndrome.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 141

Skill: Application

52) After a long and complex relationship ended, Beth wanted to signal to people that she was simplifying her life.
She changed her hairstyle by:

a. colouring it

b. shaving her head

c. cutting it short

d. adding extensions

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 141

Skill: Application

53) A distorted body image has been linked to eating disorders. People with ________ perceive themselves as being
too fat; they virtually starve themselves in the quest for thinness.

a. hypochondria

b. fattism

c. anorexia

d. an ideal self

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 142

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-06 Our desire to live up to cultural expectations of appearance can be harmful.

54) New members of a fraternity were required to participate in a series of activities that some considered
dangerous. These activities served the following purpose:

a. to enhance gender-role identification

b. to separate group members from nonmembers

c. to indicate desired social conduct

d. to indicate high status or rank

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 143

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

55) Men account for as much as twenty percent of cosmetic surgery. One of the more popular operations is:

a. pectoral muscle enhancements

b. lip enhancements

c. nose reductions

d. liposuctions

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 143

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-06 Our desire to live up to cultural expectations of appearance can be harmful.

56) All of the following are reasons for body adornment and/or mutilation, EXCEPT:
a. to separate group members from nonmembers.

b. to identify the individual's place in the social organization.

c. to display evidence of desired social behaviour.

d. to indicate undesirable social conduct.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 143-144

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

57) Gaelan, a gay man who lives in New York, wears an earring in his left ear to show his preferred role in a
relationship. This is an example of self-decorating serving the following purpose:

a. to place the person in a gender category.

b. to enhance gender-role identification.

c. to provide a sense of security.

d. to indicate desired social conduct.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 144

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

58) Which of the following purposes of decorating the self best explains why tattoos can be very popular for a
period of time and unacceptable in a different period of time within the same culture?

a. to place the individual in a social organization

b. to separate group members from nonmembers

c. to place the person in a gender category

d. to enhance gender-role identification

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 144

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

59) Although Gillian's eyesight is perfect, she feels that if she wears glasses her students will respect her more. This
is an example of self-decorating serving the following purpose:

a. to enhance gender-role identification.

b. to provide a sense of security.

c. to indicate desired social conduct.

d. to indicate high status or rank.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 144

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

60) When shopping, Denise chooses clothing and other products that will allow her to present herself in a positive
light to others. Denise is a person that engages in the practice of:

a. grandstanding.

b. impression management.

c. reactance avoidance.

d. instrumental conditioning.

Answer: b

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 122

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

61) Studies suggest that the ideal self appears to be more relevant than the actual self as a comparison standard for
highly expressive social products. Which of the following examples would best illustrate the relationship between
the ideal self and highly expressive social products?

a. expensive perfume

b. expensive undergarments

c. expensive cookware

d. high-yielding stocks and bonds

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 128

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L5-03 Products often play a key role in defining the self-concept.

62) One recent trend in our culture is for middle-aged women to get a tattoo. Which of the following best explains
the reason for middle-aged women to act in this way?

a. to declare their outcast status

b. to express their desire to breakaway from their baby boomer parents

c. to express their desire to bond with their younger counterparts that are half their age

d. to celebrate a milestone such as a big birthday, a divorce, or becoming an "empty-nester"

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 144

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L5-07 Every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or mutilation.

63) Online communities dedicated to offering tips on crash dieting, binging, and vomiting are representative of a
form of behaviour called:

a. body punishment

b. lookinggood

c. body shaping

d. group dieting

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 141

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-06 Our desire to live up to cultural expectations of appearance can be harmful.

64) Research has shown that beauty is about more than aesthetics. According to research findings, we use such cues
as ________ to make inferences about a person's status, sophistication, and social desirability.

a. height

b. hair length

c. hair colour

d. skin colour and eye shape

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 138

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-05 The way we think about our bodies (and the way our culture tells us we should think about them)
is a key component of self-esteem.
65) When Matthew assumes the virtual identity of Vlad the Conqueror and is able to see himself in a video game as
an armoured attack robot, his visual character appears as a(n) ________.

a. avatar.

b. subliminal fantasy.

c. symbolic fantasy.

d. virtual representative.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 123

Skill: Application

Objective: L5-02 Marketing communications can influence consumer self-esteem.

66) Which of the following is not true regarding men and their hair?

a. Men are secretive about dyeing their hair.

b. Men are more vain abut their hair than women.

c. Men openly talk about their hair.

d. Men are more prone to baldness than women.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 141

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-06 Our desire to live up to cultural expectations of appearance can be harmful.

67) Which of the following is not true regarding men and eating disorders?

a. Eating disorders have been documented in men.

b. Eating disorders in men are most common in athletes and male models.
c. Most men with distorted body images consider themselves too heavy rather than too light.

d. Men are more likely than women to express their insecurities about their bodies.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 142

Skill: Recall

Objective: L5-06 Our desire to live up to cultural expectations of appearance can be harmful.

68) Research shows that those who have a low sense of collective self-esteem about their gender identity:

a. berate members of the opposite gender.

b. are less susceptible to stereotype threat.

c. are more likely to choose gender-related products when they learn negative information about their gender

d. are less likely to choose gender-related products when they learn negative information about their gender identity.

Answer: d

Diff: 2


1) ________ may be thought of as a person's unique psychological characteristics and how these features
consistently influence the way that person will respond to his or her environment.

a. Configuration

b. The self

c. Personality

d. Self-focus cognate

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 153

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-01 A consumer’s personality can influence the way he or she responds to marketing stimuli.

2) Hannah was embarrassed when her friends teased her about dancing on a table on Friday night. She tried to tell
her friends that she is really quite introverted and shy. Her friends observed that Hannah does not appear shy when
she is out on a weekend evening. Which of the following statements about personality is most applicable in
understanding Hannah?

a. Personality is a set of consistent traits that does not change from one environment to the next. Either Hannah or
her friends are wrong.

b. Personality is a person's unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behaviour within a certain
environmental situation. Although behaviour will be consistent within similar environments, it may not be consistent
among different environments.

c. Personality is a hypothetical construct that grows stronger with age. As Hannah matures, her behaviour will
become more consistent in different environments.

d. Hannah's behaviour on a weekend night is due to her lifestyle, while her usual shy behaviour is a result of

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC
Page Reference: 153

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-01 A consumer’s personality can influence the way he or she responds to marketing stimuli.

3) Psychological approaches to the concept of personality in the early part of the 20th century were based on all of
the following, EXCEPT:

a. quantitative analysis.

b. qualitative analysis.

c. encounters with others.

d. accounts of traumatic experiences.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 153

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-01 A consumer’s personality can influence the way he or she responds to marketing stimuli.

4) The three Freudian systems are the:

a. id, psyche, superego.

b. identification, ego, superego.

c. subconscious, ego, id.

d. id, ego, superego.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 153-154

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

5) In Freudian theory, the ________ is that part of the mind guided by the primary desire to maximize pleasure and
avoid pain.

a. superego

b. ego

c. persona

d. id

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 153

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

6) In Freudian theory, the system that acts as a person's conscience is the:

a. mores

b. ego

c. superego

d. id

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 154

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

7) The "fight between temptation and virtue" in the mind is mediated by the:

a. id.

b. persona.
c. ego.

d. conscience.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 154

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

8) A child goes into a store, sees a Caramilk bar, and wants it right away. Freudian theory would say that this is
representative of the:

a. left hemisphere of the brain.

b. superego.

c. id.

d. ego.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 153

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

9) Andre would just love to have the cream puff that he sees through a bakery window, but he resists the urge and
keeps on walking. Freudian theory would say that his resistance is representative of the:

a. left hemisphere of the brain.

b. superego.

c. id.

d. ego.

Answer: b
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 154

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

10) Today most applications of Freudian theory in marketing are related to:

a. how we learn.

b. the sexuality of products.

c. gift-giving.

d. family purchase conflicts.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 155

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

11) The theories of ________ highlight the potential importance of unconscious motives underlying purchases.

a. Horney

b. Jung

c. Katz

d. Freud

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 155

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

12) In the 1950s, a perspective called ________ attempted to use Freudian ideas to understand the deeper meanings
of products and advertisements.

a. psychic research

b. sexual symbology

c. motivational research

d. psychographics

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 155

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

13) A basic principle ofmotivational research is:

a. Freudian theory has no basis in modern reality.

b. personality occurs when needs arise and then are satisfied.

c. consumers only buy when they are happy.

d. socially unacceptable needs are channeled into acceptable outlets.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 155

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

14) Motivational research attempted to use Freudian ideas to better understand consumer behaviour. Many
researchers believe that it is wrong to use this approach to study customers. Why?
a. Freudian theories have been shown not to apply to modern consumers.

b. Although the theories appear to have applications in psychological studies, they cannot be successfully used to
predict what happens in the marketplace.

c. The attempt was flawed in the first place because personality theories have been found to be unrelated to

d. Some researchers believe that motivational research is not valid or reliable, while others worry that it is too
powerful and may allow marketers to subconsciously manipulate consumers.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 156-157

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

15) The ad agency developed a marketing campaign for ice cream that placed heavy emphasis on the unconscious
motive of security. The ad was designed to make adults feel that they were well-loved children again. The agency
drew on the findings of:

a. Jung.

b. Katz.

c. Freud.

d. Dichter.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 156

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

16) According to motivational research thought, when Carol wears long white gloves with her evening gown and
removes them (a form of undressing in a sensual way), she is following which of the following motives?

a. femininity
b. eroticism

c. status

d. security

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 156

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

17) When Cathy buys cereal, she tends to buy well-known brands such as Kellogg's. According to Horney's
research, she can be described as:

a. detached.

b. aggressive.

c. compliant.

d. passive.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 157

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

18) Who was instrumental in advancing the idea that much of human behaviour could be understood by knowing
how motivation is related to the feeling of inferiority?

a. Sigmund Freud

b. Karen Horney

c. Carl Jung

d. Alfred Adler
Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 157

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-02 The various theories of personality differ.

19) Mary’s possessions play a central role in her life and influence her value systems. Mary can be considered as
having the trait of:

a. extroversion.

b. materialism.

c. self-consciousness.

d. innovativeness.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 177

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

20) James is a person who likes to think about things, especially when it comes to making selections between
products. According to trait theory, James could be characterized as having a strong:

a. interest in innovations.

b. need for acquiring and owning goods.

c. need for cognition.

d. emphasis on his appearance.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 160

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

21) When Linda saw the ad for the new and improved Swiffer mop, she rushed out and bought one. She can be
considered to have the trait of:

a. innovativeness.

b. materialism.

c. self-consciousness.

d. need for cognition.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 160

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

22) Consumers high in need for cognition:

a. find it hard to manage complex decisions on a daily basis.

b. prefer to take short cuts and rely on peripheral product information.

c. purchase more products related to science and technology than their counterparts.

d. enjoy thinking extensively about potential product purchases.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 160

Skill: Recall
Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

23) Jayleen prefers to shop at independent fashion and clothing stores where the products are original, one-of-a-kind
items that are only available for a short time period. She is likely high in the trait of:

a. need for uniqueness.

b. bargain orientation.

c. ethical consumerism.

d. innovativeness.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 160

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

24) The List of Values (LOV) scale identifies:

a. consumer attitudes to products that are connected to romance and online dating services.

b. how values relate to a five-dimension personality scale.

c. nine consumer segments based on the values they endorse.

d. consumption patterns that are motivated by price bracket concerns.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 176

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

25) Consumers high in public self-consciousness are likely to ___________.

a. be shy and self-aware in their product choices, preferring to opt for safe choices

b. routinely exhibit bravado in public situations

c. be easily embarrassed by poor consumer choices

d. make choices that allow them to present a positive view of the self to others

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 161

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

26) Julianne is very aware of her publicly displayed self image. She purchases clothing and cosmetics so convey a
positive image of her self to others. She is high in the trait of:

a. need for uniqueness.

b. bargain orientation.

c. need for cognition.

d. public self-consciousness.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 161

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

27) Meg finds out that all of the people she knows will be wearing jeans to a party. Knowing this, she decides to
wear a skirt. This demonstrates Meg's:

a. hierarchy orientation.
b. fashion orientation.

c. allocentric orientation.

d. need for uniqueness.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 161

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

28) Nick is redesigning an advertisement after his consultant told him his marketing segment was high in
idiocentrics. Which of the following would be the best promotion for this segment?

a. The promotion shows a man in his kitchen carefully preparing a meal for a group of his co-workers.

b. The promotion emphasizes the satisfaction that a customer gets when he works with a successful team at his

c. The promotion shows a man leaving his office late at night and smiling when he looks at a printout of his new
financial statement.

d. The promotion shows a man enjoying his spare time with his family.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 160

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-01 A consumer’s personality can influence the way he or she responds to marketing stimuli.

29) All of the following characterize peoplewho have an allocentric orientation EXCEPT:

a. they enjoy spending time in the kitchen and preparing meals.

b. they have more of an individualistic orientation toward products, associations, and society.

c. they have a group orientation and enjoy doing things with large groups of people.
d. They are more likely to have odd habits because of unresolved conflicts from their childhood.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 160

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-03 Trait theory proposes that various consumer characteristics can be measured and used to predict

30) Wind Outfitters most probably have adopted a wolf as part of their company logo to develop:

a. market share.

b. competitive fear.

c. corporate strategy.

d. brand personality.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

31) Old Spice created a series of commercials with a likeable brand representative and created several Youtube spots
to help viewers get to know the man behind the brand. This was to enhance:

a. consumer self-esteem.

b. company acceptance.

c. brand personality.

d. perceptual selectivity.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 162

Skill: Applicaiton

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

32) According to the text, the product symbol that is given credit for being the first "brand personality" (introduced
in 1886) was ________.

a. the Coca-Cola symbol.

b. the John Deere tractor symbol.

c. the Quaker Oats man.

d. the Kellogg's rooster.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 162

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

33) L. L. Bean products are known to be rugged, outdoorsy, tough, athletic, and dependable. Because the company
has worked very hard to establish these thoughts in the minds of consumers and has spent large sums of money to
make sure that their products maintain the L. L. Bean reputation, L. L. Bean has achieved ________ with their

a. brand dynamics

b. brand polarity

c. brand equity

d. brand logos

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 162

Skill: Application
Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

34) A certain brand of DVD player is priced at the high end of the market and is only sold in limited locations at up-
market stores. This implies which personality trait inferences?

a. versatile, adaptable

b. snobbish, sophisticated

c. reliable, dependable

d. flighty, schizophrenic

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 163

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

35) Eric has a St. Christopher's medallion that he received from his late grandfather. The magical qualities (good
luck qualities) of this gift have helped Eric to have less fear about the world around him and a sense of protection
(even if it is only imagined). Eric's feelings toward this medallion are part of a system called ________.

a. objectivism

b. animism

c. humanism

d. cultism

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 164

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

36) The second level of animism occurs when objects become ________; that is, they take on human characteristics.
a. accentuated

b. assimilated

c. anthropomorphized

d. alliterated

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 164

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

37) Although a brand's personality can be very difficult to change, marketers can accomplish this to certain extent
by ________ their product.

a. reanimating

b. skimming

c. allocating

d. repositioning

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 165

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-04 Marketers can use a variety of techniques to create “brand personality.”

38) ________ refer(s) to a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices of how he or she spends time and

a. Lifestyle

b. Motivation

c. Pattern development
d. AIOs

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 165

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-05 Consumers’ lifestyles are key to many marketing strategies.

39) A marketing consultant predicted that people fly fishing for trout in the Rocky Mountains would be attracted to
the Jeep Cherokee, if paved access to the streams were possible. A survey of a famous trout stream with paved
access found almost 50 percent of the vehicles parked at the stream access points were Jeep Cherokees. This
remarkable product complementarity showed the power of ________ in shaping product usage.

a. lifestyle

b. personality

c. environmental symbolism

d. geodemography

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 165

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-05 Consumers’ lifestyles are key to many marketing strategies.

40) Air Canada teams up with Tropical Vacations Inc. to offer package deals of compatible experiences. When the
symbolic meanings of different products are related, this is called:

a. co-branding.

b. product complementarity.

c. repositioning.

d. brand personification.

Answer: b
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 166, 168

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-05 Consumers’ lifestyles are key to many marketing strategies.

41) Sets of different products with symbolic meanings which are related are called:

a. symbolic investitures.

b. consumption constellations.

c. harmonic convergences.

d. symbolic market groups.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 168

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-05 Consumers’ lifestyles are key to many marketing strategies.

42) When interior designers integrate products from many different categories (such as appliances, furnishings, and
even artwork) into a unified whole or a specific decorating style, they are relying upon the principle of:

a. market complementarity

b. market consistency

c. product complementarity

d. harmonic convergence

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 168

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-05 Consumers’ lifestyles are key to many marketing strategies.

43) The use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors combined with demographic information to
identify potential markets is called:

a. power-driven segmentation.

b. ulstrith coding.

c. cultural segmentation.

d. psychographic segmentation.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 168

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

44) All of the following statements about psychographics are true, EXCEPT:

a. psychographics was developed to address shortcomings in motivational research, such as lack of reliability and

b. psychographics uses standard psychological scales.

c. psychographics was largely disappointing because purchase behaviours were not explained.

d. psychographics was needed because the usual large-scale qualitative survey research yielded only a little
information about a lot of people.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 168-172

Skill: Understanding
Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

45) AIO statements consist of consumer responses identifying their:

a. attention, interests, outcomes.

b. activities, interests, outcomes.

c. attention, interests, opinions.

d. activities, interests, opinions.

Answer: d

46) Contemporary psychographic research groups consumers according to a combination of all of these variables

a. knowledge of past advertising campaigns.

b. how consumers actually spend their time.

c. demographic characteristics of consumers such as income and education.

d. what consumers find interesting and important.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 170-171

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

47) Shopping, club membership, sports, and social events are all illustrations of which of the following lifestyle

a. activities

b. interests

c. demographics

d. outcomes

Answer: a
Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 171

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

48) Norma Shields is a researcher investigating lifestyles of the rich and famous. This week she is examining her
target audience's views on food, the media, fashion, and recreation. Which of the AIO categories does Norma seem
to be working on now?

a. activities

b. interests

c. demographics

d. outcomes

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 171

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

49) As a marketer, you would use psychographic segmentation for all of the following EXCEPT:

a. developing overall strategy.

b. positioning the product.

c. identifying characteristics of those with destructive consumption behaviours, such as drug use or excessive

d. measuring market volume.

Answer: d

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 171-172

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics in helping marketers understand and reach
different consumer segments.

50) A psychographic study of men aged 18-24 who drink and drive found four different groups:

a. nerds, yuppies, problem kids, well adjusted.

b. well adjusted, nerds, problem kids, rockies.

c. party animals, nerds, yuppies, problem kids.

d. good timers, nerds, problem kids, well adjusted.

51) The letters of VALS stand for:

a. vacation and leisure segments.

b. varied-attitude list survey.

c. values and lifestyles.

d. varied actions linked to strategy.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 172

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

52) Gen's main focus at the moment is her career, but she chose a government position over a private sector
company or entrepreneurial endeavour. According to the VALS typology, she can fit into which of the following

a. fulfilled

b. achievers
c. experiencers

d. strivers

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 173

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

53) Holding down a well-paid job, Jeremy is not short of resources, but he is impulsive and always seeking unusual
activities, such as trying to climb to the summit of Everest. According to the VALS typology, he can fit into which
of the following groups?

a. achievers

b. experiencers

c. strivers

d. makers

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 173

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

54) Doug comes from a family background where a strong ethical code was developed at an early age. He has few
resources, but he tends to favour brands that are tried and true. According to the VALS typology, he can fit into
which of the following groups?

a. fulfilled

b. achievers

c. strivers
d. believers

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 173

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

55) Erin likes to be self-sufficient. She grows her own vegetables, mows her own lawn, paints her house, and does
her own repairs. According to the VALS typology, she can fit into in which of the following groups?

a. fulfilled

b. achievers

c. strivers

d. makers

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 173

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

56) Sometimes Willy does not know how he is going to meet his everyday needs; he feels like a real survivor.
According to the VALS typology, he can fit into which of the following groups?

a. fulfilled

b. achievers

c. survivors

d. strivers

Answer: c
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 174

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-06 Psychographics go beyond simple demographics to help marketers understand and reach different
consumer segments.

57) A ________ is a belief that some condition is preferable to its opposite.

a. moral

b. value

c. need

d. want

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 174

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

58) Jill is a vegetarian because of health reasons and Robert is a vegetarian because of animal cruelty concerns.
While both may share the same consumption patterns, they differ in what fundamental aspect?

a. their politics

b. their values

c. their lifestyles

d. their education

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 174

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

59) It is rare to see "tree huggers" hanging out with "tree loggers." This can most likely be traced to:

a. flow states.

b. product preferences.

c. need assimilation.

d. different beliefs.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 174

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

60) When Naomi went to teach English in Taiwan, it took her ages to become:

a. enculturated.

b. acculturated.

c. easternized.

d. socialized.

Answer: b

61) The process of learning the beliefs and behaviours that are endorsed by one's own culture is called:

a. acculturation.

b. accomodation.

c. enculturation.

d. cultural valuation.
e. accustomization.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

62) Within each culture, there are usually beliefs or a set of underlying goals most people agree are important.
Values that can be thought of as desired end states or goals for both individuals and their society are termed:

a. terminal values.

b. behaviour objective values.

c. instrumental values.

d. means-end values.

e. self-actualization values.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

63) Values that specify the actions needed to achieve some higher-order value are termed:

a. terminal values.

b. behaviour objective values.

c. instrumental values.

d. means-end values.

e. self-actualization values.
Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

64) Each of the following is a type of socialization agent except:

a. parent.

b. friend.

c. teacher.

d. religious leader.

e. computer.

Answer: e

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

65) Which of the following is not a feature of people that fit into the LOHAS segment?

a. They worry about the environment.

b. They want products to be produced in a sustainable way.

c. They spend money to advance personal development.

d. They are also referred to as "society's innovators."

Answer: d

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 177

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

66) A household cleaner that advertises its durability is appealing to which type of value?

a. cultural

b. core

c. product-specific

d. consumption-specific

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Application

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

67) Consumers are beginning to place a high value on buying green brands and products from green companies.
This shift towards personal and global health has been termed by some researchers as:

a. conscientious consumerism.

b. a fad.

c. idealism.

d. environmentalist propaganda.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 176

Skill: Application
Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

68) Ease of use and durability are examples of:

a. cultural values.

b. product-specific values.

c. consumption-specific values.

d. core values.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

69) The Rokeach Value Survey is intended to measure:

a. consumption-specific values, such as convenient shopping and good service.

b. how consumer values are dependent on culture.

c. a set of terminal values.

d. comparative house prices across North America.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 175

Skill: Recall

Objective: L6-07 Every culture has a set of core values that it imparts to its members.

70) Frank Simms has decided to use Yoda (i.e., Star Wars wise man character) to promote a new model of a
notebook computer. Frank knows that many marketing messages use characters to convince people about the merits
of products. Frank has decided to use the technique to his advantage. Upon which of the following psychologist's
ideas has Frank based his advertising strategy?
a. Karen Horney

b. Sigmund Freud

c. Carl Jung

d. Alfred Adler

Answer: c

1) A lasting general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, and issues is:

a. an opinion.

b. an impression.

c. an attitude.

d. a value.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-01 It is important for consumer researchers to understand the nature and power of attitudes.

2) The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed by:

a. Maslow.

b. Jung.

c. Fishbein.

d. Katz.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.
3) Ruby believes that ice cream is fattening and therefore tries to avoid the temptation of eating it. Which of the
following best describes the relationship between Ruby and ice cream?

a. The ice cream is purely a product (P1).

b. The ice cream is a fantasy (F1) for Ruby.

c. The ice cream is an attitude object (Ao) because of Ruby's feelings toward the product.

d. Ruby would likely have a positive attitude toward an advertisement (AAD) that showed someone eating ice

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 188

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

4) According to the functional theory of attitudes, the ________ function is addressed by ads that stress
straightforward product benefits ("Drink Diet Coke 'just for the taste of it'").

a. utilitarian

b. value-expressive

c. ego-defensive

d. knowledge

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

5) Sarah sees an ad for a popular deodorant. In the ad, a young girl is embarrassed on prom night because of a
perspiration stain on her pink prom dress. The punch line of the ad says, "Is yours strong enough when you really
need it?" Sarah thinks about the brand she uses, an upcoming date with a new guy, and decides to switch to the
advertised brand. Which of the following attitude functions most closely matches the decision made by Sarah?
a. anxiety

b. utilitarian

c. knowledge

d. ego-defensive

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 188

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

6) A primary application of functional theory to the strategic positioning of products is:

a. that everybody uses functional theory for decision making.

b. in most cases, that a particular function will dominate a consumer's need.

c. that functional theory is more valid and reliable as a predictor of consumer needs than other models.

d. harmful to the development of favourable product associations.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 188

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

7) Julia's favourite magazines are Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, she loves French food, and is anti-abortion. Which
attitude function describes her motives?

a. utilitarian function

b. value-expressive function

c. motivation function
d. ego-defensive function

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

8) All of the following, EXCEPT, ________ are attitude functions.

a. utilitarian function

b. value-expressive function

c. motivation function

d. ego-defensive function

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187-188

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

9) According to the ABC model of attitudes, the relationships among knowing, feeling, and doing are combined in
different ways en route to the formation of an attitude. In contrast to the confident way Nancy ordered, Jan, an
occasional drinker, ordered her drink by saying, "Oh, I don't really care, I guess your house white wine will be fine."
Which of the following schematics best represents Jan's hierarchy of effects?

a. affect → behaviour → cognition

b. behaviour → affect → cognition

c. cognition → affect → behaviour

d. cognition → behaviour → affect

Answer: d
Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

10) Most researchers agree that an attitude has three components. In the ABC model of attitudes, they are:

a. attitude, behaviour, conscience.

b. affect, behaviour, cognition.

c. affect, behaviour, conscience.

d. attitude, belief, cognition.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 189

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

11) The concept that attempts to explain the relative impact of the three components of an attitude and the sequence
of steps occurring en route to the formation of an attitude is called:

a. ratio-explanation hypothesis

b. hierarchy of effects

c. attitude-belief hypothesis

d. mood-congruence effects

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 189

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

12) Zajonc's hierarchy of effects model involves:

a. beliefs → affect → behaviour

b. behaviour → affect → beliefs

c. affect → behaviour → beliefs

d. beliefs → behaviour →

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

13) Bonnie is a wine connoisseur. She has spent a lot of time studying the various wines, visiting vineyards, and
tasting various vintages. Her attitude can be described as:

a. based on cognitive consistency.

b. based on cognitive information processing.

c. based on the experiential hierarchy of effects.

d. based on hedonic consumption.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

14) Most researchers agree that an attitude is made up of ________ components.

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 189

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

15) Jeannette seeks out lots of information, considers information carefully, and arrives at a thoughtful decision
about a home theatre system. The hierarchy exhibited here is:

a. Zajonc's

b. low involvement

c. sensory selection

d. high involvement

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 189

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

16) Marketing managers often reject the concept of low involvement by consumers in processing product or brand
information because:

a. it implies that much of marketing communications would be wasted effort.

b. their bosses would fire them on the spot if they thought so.

c. the billions spent on advertising can't be wrong.

d. the proof is that consumers do buy their companies' brands.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

17) Acme Company knows its product has little brand loyalty, and customers don't have a strong preference for its
product or the competitor's. To develop a positive attitude in the market, Acme should concentrate first on ________
their product.

a. the emotional aspects of

b. the informational process related to

c. the hedonic consumption of

d. the behavioural intentions generated by

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 201

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

18) Bill is watching a television show. When an advertisement comes on, he has a predisposition to respond to that
advertisement in a favourable or unfavourable manner. This predisposition is referred to as a(n) ________.

a. advertisement potential

b. attitude toward the advertisement

c. promotional cheer

d. promotional influence

Answer: b
Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 191

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

19) Coke is attempting to combat erosion of the cola market by using phrases such as "unique taste sensation." They
are attempting to appeal to consumers':

a. prestige hierarchy

b. individualism

c. desire effect

d. emotional reactions

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190

Skill: Application

Objective: L7=03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

20) Are cognition and affect two separate elements of attitudes? Affective responses do not always require prior
cognitions according to the position taken by the:

a. cognitive-affect model.

b. experiential model.

c. independence hypothesis.

d. imbalanced-attribute hypothesis.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 191

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

21) Research has shown that at least three emotional dimensions have been identified in commercials. Two of these
emotional dimensions are pleasure and arousal. What is the third emotional dimension?

a. pride

b. social connection

c. influence

d. intimidation

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 192

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

22) Which of these statements about the way in which attitudes can form or be learned is NOT true?

a. Pairing an object (brand name) repeatedly with a catchy jingle is effective.

b. A brand name can elicit its own attitude.

c. The process is the same no matter what the product or ad.

d. Learning an attitude can be the outcome of a complex cognitive process.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-04 We form attitudes in several ways.

23) Molson's Ale depicts one male getting turned down for a date because an attractive female notices that he drinks
another brand. Shortly after, she accepts a date from a male drinking Molson beer. Molson is trying to get
consumers to:

a. be more assertive in product selection.

b. imitate the behaviour of successful models.

c. choose based on subliminal perception.

d. reject competitors based on selective learning.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-04 We form attitudes in several ways.

24) Harmonious feelings among your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours is the underlying principle of:

a. agreeable circumstances.

b. selective construction.

c. attitude constructs.

d. cognitive consistency.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

25) How strongly consumers hold an attitude toward an object is usually related to:

a. their level of involvement with the attitude object.

b. the available income they have in relation to the cost of the desired object.

c. their belief in the objective value of the attitude object.

d. the number of positive attributes the object has.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

26) A person may eat Snickers candy bars because this is the brand that all his friends eat and he doesn’t want to
rock the boat. This would be an example of which kind of attitude involvement, based on degree of commitment?

a. compliance

b. internalization

c. information acquisition

d. identification

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-04 We form attitudes in several ways.

27) When consumers change their behaviour or form attitudes intended to increase their similarity to another person
or to a group, the level of commitment to that attitude is said to result from:

a. internalization

b. identification

c. socialization

d. compliance

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-04 We form attitudes in several ways.

28) Cecilia has just purchased a new Jetta for $25 000 and is told that she has received a "super deal." A few days
later she is surfing the Internet and comes across the same Jetta for $2000 less from a dealership only 100 miles
away. Chances are that she will fairly quickly experience variables put forth by the theory of:

a. anger-frustration.

b. avoidance-acceptance.

c. cognitive dissonance.

d. Jungian possession.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 194

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

29) In an experiment, two groups drank the same brand of fruit juice. One group was simply asked politely to try the
drink. The second group was tricked into drinking the juice. Suppose that, on average, the second group liked the
juice more than the first. How could the theory of cognitive dissonance be used to explain these results?

a. It may violate a person's sense of consistency to be tricked; therefore members of the second group concluded that
they really drank the juice because it tasted good.

b. It may violate a person's self-esteem to be tricked; consequently the juice was liked more because the respondents
had paid a higher psychological price.

c. People who were asked politely would have more anticipation and more expectations of the juice than the other
group. These pre-tasting conditions were harder to meet than when people were simply tricked into tasting the juice.

d. It created a larger sense of cognitive dissonance in the first group because they agree to taste the juice simply by
being asked. They expressed their subconscious displeasure by rating the drink more negatively than the second

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 194

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

30) One way we maintain cognitive consistency is by inferring that we must have liked a product (have a positive
attitude) because we bought it. This is a key feature of which theory?

a. looking glass

b. objective self-awareness

c. self perception

d. role playing

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 194

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

31) Sally considered herself to be relatively liberal in her political and social views. Her best friend introduced her to
an environmental activist group. At the first meeting she attended, Sally agreed with everything that was presented
and decided to join the group. At the second meeting, however, a group member presented an argument that Sally
thought was "extreme." Sally later told her friend that she could never join this group because their ideas were
"crazy." Which theory would best explain Sally's change of attitude?

a. theory of cognitive dissonance

b. social judgment theory

c. balance theory

d. self-perception theory

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 196

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

32) In the ABC model of attitudes, is it possible to have a hierarchy that begins with behaviour? Why?

a. No. Behaviour must have a cause, which could be either a belief or an effect.

b. No. All known hierarchies begin with emotional or cognitive functions.

c. Yes. According to balance theory, it is possible for a person to simply react first.

d. Yes. Sometimes people simply do things and use the self-perception theory to explain it after the fact.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 190, 194

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-02 Attitudes are more complex than they first appear.

L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter one or
more of them.

33) Many attempts to correlate reported attitude toward something with actual behaviour have found:

a. people cannot be trusted.

b. saying something and actually doing can be very different.

c. when people say something, they generally do it.

d. there is a high correlation between the two.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 201

Skill: Recall
Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

34) After an automobile purchase, there is a good chance that buyers will come across some information (better
price somewhere; competitor superiority) that will conflict with their purchase. Knowing this, marketers should:

a. if customers call, immediately refund their purchase.

b. avoid customers, and let their emotions settle down.

c. call customers with additional information to support purchase.

d. send customers to an information website.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 194

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

35) Rather than selling someone on the price of a $150 000 Mercedes Benz right off the bat, marketers find that
getting agreement on a variable like colour or styling first helps. This relates to the ________ technique.

a. foot-in-the-door

b. cognitive association

c. brand strengthening

d. frame of reference

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 195

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.
36) We grant a certain latitude towards acceptance or rejection of new ideas about an object for which we already
hold an opinion. The tendency to characterize ideas falling in the area of rejection as farther from our position than
they actually are results in a/an ________ effect.

a. assimilation

b. contrast

c. distortion

d. dissonance

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 196

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

37) A well-known actor is used in an ad to create a positive sentiment for a newly-launched innovative moisturizing
cream. This is an example of the marketing application of which theory?

a. cognitive dissonance

b. social judgment

c. balance

d. self-perception

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 196

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

38) All of the following are true about balance theory, EXCEPT:
a. the attitude structures are called triads.

b. it assumes the triad desires balance.

c. a sentiment relation occurs where two elements are linked.

d. each triad consists of perception of an object, attitude to an object, and attitude to a person.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 196-197

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

39) According to the balance theory of attitudes, one element is seen somehow as belonging to or being part of
another element in a/an:

a. triad.

b. unit relation.

c. sentiment relation.

d. associative relation.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 196

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

40) According to the balance theory of attitudes, when two elements are linked because someone has expressed a
preference, either positive or negative, for the third, a/an ________ exists.

a. triad

b. sentiment relation
c. unit relation

d. frame of reference

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 196

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

41) Mary has always had a good relationship with her mother. At the university, she met a friend whom she grew
very fond of. Mary brought her new friend home to visit her family. Mary's mother really disliked her new friend.
According to the balance theory, what will Mary be motivated to do?

a. Mary will assimilate her mother's feelings, thereby understanding her mother without changing her attitude
toward her or her new friend.

b. Mary will begin to believe her own judgment is flawed and compensate by persuading herself that she really does
make good judgments in her relationships.

c. Mary will notice how her own behaviour was influenced by her mother and conclude that she really likes her
friend better than she at first believed.

d. She will try to get her mother to change her attitude. If that is unsuccessful Mary will change her attitude toward
her mother, or toward her new friend.

Answer: d

42) When celebrity endorser Cybill Shepherd confessed that she did not eat red meat, even though she had been
doing promotions for the beef industry, she was replaced as an endorser. According to balance theory, this
endorsement backfired because:

a. consumers believed that eating fish or chicken was better for them than eating beef.

b. the star-product unit relation was questioned.

c. beef had been a positively-valued attitude object.

d. Cybill Shepherd herself was found not be popular with the target group.

Answer: b

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 197

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-05 A need to maintain consistency among all of our attitudinal components often motivates us to alter
one or more of them.

43) Anything toward which one has an attitude, whether it is tangible, such as Coca-Cola, or intangible, such as the
idea of energy conservation, is referred to as an:

a. Aact

b. Aad

c. Ao

d. Aatt

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 199

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

44) A/An ________ implies that a consumer's attitude toward a product can be predicted by identifying the specific
beliefs s/he holds about the several product attributes and combining them into one overall measure of the
consumer's attitude.

a. product forecasting model

b. hierarchy of effects model

c. integrated-beliefs model

d. multi-attribute attitude model

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 198-199

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

45) Kenneth is using a multi-attribute model to make a decision on which college to attend. Scholarly reputation,
friendliness of students, and the adequacy of the college placement division are the most important areas that
Kenneth is using to measure his list of colleges. Which of the following elements is Kenneth primarily using in his
multi-attribute model to make his decision?

a. attributes

b. beliefs

c. importance weights

d. goals

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 199

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

46) Samantha is using a multi-attribute model to make a decision on which college to attend. She has decided that
scholarly reputation is more important than whether the college has a good sports program. Which of the following
elements is Samantha primarily using in her multi-attribute model to make her decision?

a. attributes

b. beliefs

c. importance weights

d. valences

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 199

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

47) The three components of the Fishbein model are:

a. notable beliefs, object-attribute linkages, evaluation.

b. salient beliefs, object-attribute linkages, evaluation.

c. attributes, beliefs, importance weights.

d. characteristics, beliefs, importance weights.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 199

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

48) Ben wanted to use the Fishbein model to measure attitudes toward a professional hockey team. What would Ben
have to do first to use this model?

a. Determine what salient beliefs people had toward professional hockey teams.

b. Determine the important attributes that would pertain to a professional hockey team.

c. Determine first what attitudes customers had toward the professional hockey team.

d. Determine whether some fans were more loyal than others.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

49) Multi-attribute attitude models specify three elements, which are:

a. attitudes, values, beliefs.

b. values, behaviours, attributes.

c. beliefs, importance weights, values.

d. attributes, beliefs, importance weights.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 199

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

50) All of the following are a strategic application of multi-attribute models EXCEPT:

a. capitalize on a brand's relative advantage.

b. strengthen perceived product-attribute links.

c. extend a product's life cycle.

d. add a new product feature.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 200

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

51) The extended Fishbein multi-attribute model recognizes a distinction between behavioural intentions and actual
behaviour. This is important because:

a. most people only intend to do about 10 percent of the things they actually get around to doing.

b. most people lie about their intentions, so intentions are not a very good indication of actual behaviour.

c. there are often a number of factors not under the control of the individual that will hinder the ability of any model
to predict behaviour perfectly.

d. the model depends upon consumers' actual knowledge of the product.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 201

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

52) Social pressure theory indicates:

a. people are inconsistent but stable emotionally.

b. people rarely tell the truth.

c. groups are not effective for strategic decision making.

d. others' preferences may win out over individuals' preferences.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 201

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

53) Despite improvements to the Fishbein model, all of the following are considered to be obstacles to predicting
behaviour using this model except ________.

a. the model does not consider social pressure.

b. the model was developed to deal with actual behaviour, not with the outcomes of behaviour.

c. measures of attitude often do not really correspond to the behaviour they are supposed to predict.

d. some outcomes are beyond the consumer's control.

Answer: a

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 202-203

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

54) A research firm was using Fishbein's model to measure attitudes, but found that the predictions of the model
were insufficient to explain the behaviour of its client's customers. The firm decided to try the extended Fishbein
model; what did they need to add to their original research?

a. the age and income of the average customer.

b. the social class and the income of the average customer.

c. an attitude-tracking program.

d. the influence of an individual's attitude toward the act of buying.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 202

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

55) Several of the following cultural roadblocks diminish the universality of the theory of reasoned action,

a. the model was developed to deal with actual behaviour, not with the outcomes of behaviour.

b. the model was developed to predict the performance of any voluntary act.

c. the relative impact of subjective norms may vary across cultures.

d. the model measures behavioural intentions and thus presupposed that consumers are actively thinking ahead and
planning future behaviours.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC
Page Reference: 202-203

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

56) Craig complained to his friend Jess that a class was too hard and he believed that the teacher was not being fair
with his grading standards. Jess replied, "Craig, you really have an attitude problem." What is the relationship
between the manner in which the term attitude is used in common conversation and the how it is defined in
consumer behaviour?

a. There is no relationship. Common usage is not the same as attitudes as seen by the researchers who study
consumer behaviour.

b. The term attitude is widely used in popular culture in much the same way it is used in studying consumer

c. They are different in that popular culture does not recognize that attitudes are temporary. Otherwise the usage is
the same.

d. They are similar except that popular culture assumes that attitudes are related to beliefs, and research scientists
have shown that there is no such relationship.

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 187

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-01 It is important for consumer researchers to understand the nature and power of attitudes.

57) Simi Ghandi is never quite sure which brand of gum to buy. She tries some, likes some, and rejects some.
However, through a process of behavioural learning she does remember those brands that taste good and make her
mouth feel fresh. The problem is that she cannot often remember the brands that are not so good and often repeats
purchasing mistakes. "Oh well," says Simi, "gum buying is not that big of a deal anyway." Which of the following
hierarchies would most appropriately describe Simi's situation?

a. experiential hierarchy

b. low-involvement hierarchy

c. habit hierarchy

d. cognitive hierarchy

Answer: b
Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 189

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-03 L7-03 Attitudes are made up of three components: affect, behaviour, and cognition.

58) Roger was really angry when Coca-Cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New Coke. He wrote
letters to Coca-Cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke," and complained to the
local grocery store manager. In this example, which of the following kinds of attitude involvement (based on degree
of commitment) would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes?

a. compliance

b. identification

c. information acquisition

d. internalization

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 193

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-04 L7-04 We form attitudes in several ways.

59) Which of the following best expresses what marketers mean by attitude?

a. how hard Jane will work to obtain a goal

b. the preference that Sam holds for Chinese food over Mexican food

c. how fast Kim learns to find her way around a new neighborhood

d. the unease that Kyle feels every time he is forced to stay in a small confined space

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 187

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L7-01 It is important for consumer researchers to understand the nature and power of attitudes.

60) The attitude accessibility perspective suggests that:

a. long-term memory retrieval affects a person's attitude.

b. it is difficult to access a correct attitude if there is no trigger feature present.

c. behaviour is a function of a person's immediate perceptions of an attitude object in the context of the situation in
which it is encountered.

d. attitudes are susceptible to proactive and retroactive interference.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-06 We use attitude models to identify specific components and combine them to predict a consumer’s
overall attitude toward a product or brand.

61) When the marketer communicates information about what people commonly do, a _________________ is being

a. descriptive norm

b. affiliation goal

c. injunctive norm

d. implicit expectation

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Recall
Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

62) When the marketer communicates information about what others believe the consumer should do, a
_________________ is being communicated.

a. consistency motive

b. descriptive norm

c. affiliation goal

d. injunctive norm

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

63) The City of Calgary airs an advertisement showing other members of the community recycling their bottles and
cans. This is an example of using a(n)__________ to influence attitudes and behaviour.

a. consistency motive

b. descriptive norm

c. affiliation goal

d. injunctive norm

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

64) The City of Toronto creates a series of radio spots that communicate the social expectation that city residents
should compost their organic household waste. This is an example of using a(n)__________ to influence attitudes
and behaviour.
a. consistency motive

b. affiliation goal

c. injunctive norm

d. implicit expectation

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203-205

Skill: Recall

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

65) Shirley tends to keep her room tidy, a task her mother requests of her. This is a response to what?

a. subjective norms

b. injunctive norms

c. peer pressure

d. social judgment

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203-205

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

66) A hotel leaves the message: “JOIN YOUR FELLOW GUESTS IN HELPING TO SAVE THE
ENVIRONMENT” in the bathrooms of their guest rooms. This is an example of using a(n) __________.

a. consistency motive

b. descriptive norm

c. affiliation goal
d. implicit expectation

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 204-205

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

67) A descriptive norm:

a. communicates what people commonly do.

b. communicates what is counternormative in society.

c. non-verbally communicates interpersonal feedback.

d. is a norm that communicates what others in society expect of us.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

68) An injunctive norm:

a. communicates what people commonly do.

b. communicates what is counternormative in society.

c. is a norm that communicates what others in society approve of.

d. verbally communicates negative reinforcement.

Answer: c

Diff: 3
Type: MC

Page Reference: 203

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

69) Research on social norms and compliance with hotel energy conservation programs finds that:

a. the most compliance occurs when a descriptive norm is linked to other guests who stayed in the same hotel room.

b. the majority of guests (85%) ignore normative messages.

c. injunctive norms are always more effect than descriptive norms.

d. descriptive norms that link the behaviour to unconscious motives induce the most compliance.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 204-205

Skill: Application

Objective: L7-07 Social norms can impact the degree to which consumer attitudes will influence their behaviours.

70) The “Rock the Vote” campaign used musicians and rock stars to communicate that voting is something that we
all should be doing. This is an example of using a(n)________.

a. behavioural judgment

b. descriptive norm

c. affiliation goal

d. injunctive norm

Answer: d


1) A central goal of many marketing communications is an active attempt to change a person's attitude, an action
a. persuasion.

b. selling.

c. promotion.

d. conversion.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 211

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-01 The communications model identifies several important components for marketers when they try
to change consumers’ attitudes toward products and services.

2) When Ford Canada includes a free oil change at your local dealership for filling out a research survey, this is

a. manipulation.

b. authority.

c. co-operation.

d. reciprocity.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 211

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-01 The communications model identifies several important components for marketers when they try
to change consumers’ attitudes toward products and services.

3) If Harley-Davidson only produces enough motorcycles to satisfy 70% of market demand, they are appealing to a
psychological principle known as:

a. scarcity.

b. denial.
c. authority.

d. consensus.

Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 211

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-01 The communications model identifies several important components for marketers when they try
to change consumers’ attitudes toward products and services.

4) When Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks about interest rates, people listen. This principle is known as:

a. politicization.

b. puffery.

c. authority.

d. consistency.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 211

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-01 The communications model identifies several important components for marketers when they try
to change consumers’ attitudes toward products and services.

5) Jason Fredrick has found that his company's sales message is much more targeted and successful if he allows
prospective customers to "opt out" of listening to his prepared message if they are sincerely not interested in the
message or the company's product. This new approach to communications and marketing is called ________.

a. relationship marketing.

b. permission marketing.

c. reverse communication.

d. normed communication.
Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

6) All of the following are true about the Frankfurt School theorists, EXCEPT:

a. the receiver is a passive "couch potato."

b. a message is perishable.

c. this school dominated mass communications in the latter half of the 20th century.

d. advertising is the process of transferring information to the buyer before the sale.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

7) The traditional communications model is ordered:

a. source, medium, receiver, feedback.

b. source, feedback, receiver, re-send.

c. source, medium, receiver, feedback, re-send.

d. source, message, medium, receiver, feedback.

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC
Page Reference: 213

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

8) When Sally sees an ad in a newspaper about a particular product, goes to the store, reviews the actual product
offer in the store, rejects the product, and tells the salesperson why she did not buy the product, she is providing
________ in the communications model established by the store.

a. noise

b. a message

c. media forms

d. feedback

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-01 The communications model identifies several important components for marketers when they try
to change consumers’ attitudes toward products and services.

9) Proponents of the ________ argue that consumers are an active, goal-oriented audience that draws on media as a
resource to satisfy needs (rather than passive receivers' of messages).

a. communications interactions theory

b. interactions theory

c. active receptacles theory

d. uses and gratification theory

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

10) The uses and gratifications approach to communications recognizes that:

a. most people are passive participants in regards to media usage.

b. all activities in the end have positive value.

c. distinction between marketing information and entertainment is blurring.

d. people would rather give time and money than receive them.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

11) When the consumer interacts with the marketer to influence the product, service, or outcome that is created. this
is called:

a. moblogging

b. transitional archiving

c. permission marketing

d. customer co-creation

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.
12) When Lush polls its customers regarding what new scent of bath bomb should be released, this is an example of:

a. customer co-creation.

b. content sourcing.

c. crowd funding.

d. permission marketing.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

13) Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn are all examples of:

a. content sourcing.

b. social media.

c. crowd funding.

d. permission marketing.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

14) Producing your own radio program that can be heard on an iPod is a form of ________.

a. moblogging.

b. transitional archiving.
c. podcasting.

d. consumer co-creation.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

15) Helen loves women's volleyball. She played in high school and watches every college match. A lot of her
friends expressed similar interests. Helen set up a network of more than a thousand students who were willing to get
messages about the school's volleyball team and the volleyball program on their cellphones. The athletic program
now pays Helen a small fee to place the team's schedule in her messages. Helen is engaged in ________.

a. blogging.

b. mobile commerce.

c. buzz management.

d. crowd sourcing.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

16) Roy saw the point-of-sale sample of cork flooring at the building supply company. When he got home he went
on the Internet to find out more about the product. This is an example of:

a. first-order response.

b. second-order response.

c. transaction response.
d. source credibility.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

17) The “Persuasion Knowledge Model” (PKM) suggests that:

a. consumers use their knowledge to exploit agents and persuade them to improve deals.

b. marketers exploit knowledge of attitudes to target consumer segments.

c. marketers exploit agent knowledge to target sales effectively.

d. consumers develop knowledge about persuasion and use this knowledge to cope with persuasive attempts.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

18) When Ashley enters the car lot to look at used cars, she draws upon her knowledge that car salespeople often use
“hard-sell” techniques and she raises her guard in order to defend herself from a persuasion attempt. This is
consistent with:

a. the Persuasion Knowledge Model.

b. a dual process model.

c. the existence of a sleeper effect.

d. the theory of cognitive dissonance.

Answer: a
Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-02 The consumer who processes a message is not necessarily the passive receiver of information
marketers once believed him or her to be.

19) Marketers want to use experts, such as medical doctors, because they would seem to be effective at changing
attitudes toward utilitarian products such as headache pills or liniments. Viewers who trust them realize the products
have ________ and need reassurance that they will work.

a. low credibility risk

b. high social risk

c. high performance risk

d. low knowledge bias

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 218

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

20) People who tend to be sensitive about the opinions of others:

a. avoid asking to keep from being embarrassed.

b. are more persuaded by an attractive source.

c. reflect cheerfully and then decide.

d. consult a communicative interactive model.

Answer: b

Diff: 2
21) A criminal could serve as a spokesperson for a firm because:

a. knowledge bias is high.

b. people would like to give others a second chance.

c. he or hse may be knowledgeable about the topic.

d. source bias is present.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

22) The marketer who is trying to develop favourable attitudes towards his graham-cracker cookies would find
which of these sources most effective in persuading consumers?

a. a celebrity chef

b. a sophisticated world traveller

c. a supermarket check-out cashier

d. an ordinary or "typical" consumer similar to the target audience

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

23) Two key characteristics of a source (such as an announcer or featured individual in an ad) for persuasive
purposes in marketing communications are:

a. credibility and experience.

b. credibility and attractiveness.

c. attractiveness and experience.

d. "Q" rating and believability.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

24) Source ________ relates to consumers' beliefs that a communicator is both competent and willing to provide the
information necessary for them to make an adequate evaluation of competing products.

a. honesty

b. "Z" factor

c. credibility

d. attractiveness

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

25) Consumers' beliefs about a product are affected by information they receive through marketing communications.
When the communicator's knowledge about the topic is judged to be inadequate or inaccurate, the source is said to

a. marketing deficiency.

b. knowledge bias.

c. knowledge gap.

d. reporting bias.
Answer Is B

26) If a marketing communications source has accurate knowledge about a product but does not seem to convey that
information willingly and in full faith, the source is thought to be exhibiting a/an:

a. intrinsic contradiction.

b. credibility paradox.

c. knowledge bias.

d. reporting bias.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 220

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

27) The ________ is said to have occurred when consumers appear to "forget" that they had disliked a message
source, yet over time show that the message got across, effectively changing their attitudes towards a product.

a. mis-attribution effect

b. delayed-response effect

c. sleeper effect

d. negative disassociation

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

28) Dan is doing marketing for an herbal supplier who has a new product that the developer believes will help
people to lose weight. Dan is reluctant to promote the new product directly, but attempts to create a lot of buzz
within the industry through secondary sources. What is Dan trying to avoid?
a. He is trying to avoid the sleeper effect.

b. He is afraid that if people really knew where his product came from, they would not be interested in it.

c. He is trying to avoid the negative spin created by the uses and gratification theory.

d. He is attempting to build credibility by avoiding the corporate paradox.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 220

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

29) An electronics firm hires a group of youths to go into websites and plant comments that are made to look as if
they came from actual customers. This practice is known as:

a. ethical malpractice.

b. market manipulation.

c. creating a stealth campaign.

d. caveat emptor.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 220

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

30) All of the following refer to the attractiveness of a source that emanates from his/her, EXCEPT:

a. physical appearance.

b. personality.

c. social status.
d. expertise.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 219-221

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

31) A former top American politician appears in an ad for Viagra. This is an example of:

a. reporting bias.

b. source credibility.

c. source attractiveness.

d. source bias.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 221

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

32) If John Holmes from the TV show Holmes on Homes were hired as a spokesperson for an electric power tool
firm, he most likely would have "star power" due to a/an:

a. representation of celebrity displacement.

b. allegiance with the firm.

c. allowance for being amateurish.

d. symbolization of home handyman.

Answer: d

Diff: 2
Type: MC

Page Reference: 222

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

33) If we assume that a source who is beautiful also rates highly on other dimensions, we are making an assumption

a. associative-cluster effect.

b. halo effect.

c. leniency tendency.

d. appearance bias.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 221

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

34) A spokesperson who is personally attractive may be more effective speaking to consumers about products
related to attractiveness or sexuality. One reason for this effect is that beauty can function as a source of information
and be instrumental in forming attitudes. This processing is explained by:

a. beauty attitude formation.

b. the social adaptation perspective.

c. the superficial-value perspective.

d. halo effect.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 221

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

35) Craig Spencer was a popular weatherman in the largest media outlet in a medium-sized market. He was known
for giving accurate forecasts with detailed scientific precision in a no-nonsense manner. According to the match-up
hypothesis, for which of the following products would Craig be best suited as a celebrity endorser?

a. A home weather station promoted by a slightly confused weatherman who makes lots of mistakes until corrected
by the home station.

b. A public service promotion countering negative feelings about minorities.

c. A computer program designed to help elementary school children learn science.

d. An anti-smoking advertisement that illustrates the symptoms of emphysema.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 222

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

36) A match-up hypothesis refers to:

a. ad copy and target market.

b. website and retail store.

c. celebrity's image and product.

d. sender and receiver.

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 222

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

37) A marketing study found that respondents believed that a dark-haired model would be more effective in selling
gold jewelry than would a blond-haired model, if the dark-haired model were not perceived to be ethnic. What two
ideas of using celebrities as communication sources are most likely to be in play here?

a. The celebrity's image should match that of the product, and blond-haired models are too common for the
exclusive image of gold.

b. The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural meaning.

c. The celebrity's image should embody cultural meanings that contrast with the product's cultural stereotypic image.

d. Dark-haired models are subject to ethnocentric evaluations, while blond-haired models are not.

Answer: b

38) Verbal elements of an ad (or ad copy) are more effective when reinforced by an accompanying picture. This is
especially true if the picture relates strongly to what is said in the copy, when the illustration is:

a. coordinated.

b. framed.

c. matched.

d. bonded.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 224

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

39) Messages in verbal form (print ad copy) are more appropriate for high-involvement situations because of all of
the following, EXCEPT:

a. verbal messages require more effort to process than visual forms.

b. the consumer is motivated to really pay attention to the ad.

c. the consumer can refer back to the printed material as often as needed, since verbal material decays in memory
more rapidly than visual.

d. verbal messages allow the receiver to chunk information.

Answer: d
Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

40) A charity group wants to raise money for famine relief for children. They know that people have little interest in
the faraway country where the famine is raging, or in the complicated causes of the famine, but they love children.
What type of ad should the charity run to increase contributions?

a. They should sponsor vivid ads with little abstract material.

b. They should sponsor highly verbal ads with little visual material.

c. They should sponsor one-sided ads with logical verbal material.

d. They should sponsor ads that raise the fear level of viewers.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

41) All of the following, EXCEPT ________, relate to advertising repetition.

a. habituation

b. dual-component model

c. two-factor theory

d. mere exposure effect

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225-226

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

42) The tendency for consumers to like things, including products, simply because they are more familiar to them is
called the:

a. mere exposure effect.

b. novelty wear-out effect.

c. barrier-to-entry effect.

d. preference consistency effect.

Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

43) When advertising a water filter, the advertiser limited the amount of exposure per repetition and slightly varied
the setting of the ads. This overcame the problem of:

a. habituation.

b. advertising fatigue.

c. exposure wear-out.

d. advertising wearout.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

44) A key concept of the two-factor theory on the effects of repetition of ads is that:
a. two separate psychological processes are operating when a consumer is repeatedly exposed to an ad.

b. the success of repetition in persuasiveness is dependent upon the factors of source credibility and attractiveness.

c. consumers are one factor in the success of an ad and the other factor in any given circumstance is largely

d. learning increases as forgetting decreases.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 225-226

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

45) A prestigious luxury car advertiser states that "the loudest thing you'll hear is the ticking of the clock," with the
implication that they're working on solving that problem right now. The advertiser is using ________ in the
construction of the message.

a. counter-attitudinal advocacy

b. refutational argument

c. open-ended strategy

d. proactive advocacy

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

46) In preparing ads, the use of supportive arguments only is typical of a ________ argument approach to

a. declarative

b. single issue
c. one-sided

d. positive

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 226-227

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

47) Generally speaking, comparative ads are more effective when:

a. the marketer of an established brand wishes to eliminate new competition.

b. the marketer of a new product wishes to point out faults in the dominant brand.

c. the marketer of an established brand wishes to freshen the image of his brand on selected attributes.

d. the marketer of a new product wishes to give his product a clear brand image close to that of the dominant brand.

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

48) When Bristol-Myers states that "New Liquid Vanish really does clean tough rust stains below the waterline
better than Lysol," it is using which of the following strategies?

a. cognitive differentiation

b. emotional appeal

c. comparative advertising

d. conclusion advertising

Answer: c
Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

49) In research studies, recall has been found to be higher for "thinking" ads than for "feeling" ads. One reason for
this finding is that:

a. feelings are more private; subjects pretend not to recall them as well.

b. tests that measure recall are more oriented toward recall of specific facts, or cognitive response.

c. the type of people who agree to participate in research studies are more the "thinking" type than "feeling."

d. such tests take into account the cumulative effects of learning from repeated exposures to an ad.

Answer is b

50) Sex appeals in marketing messages can do all of the following, EXCEPT:

a. create negative feelings and tension among female viewers.

b. attract a viewer's attention.

c. work well for products which are sexually related.

d. work well when used as a "trick" to grab attention.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 229

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

51) Scott found that the use of a sexually provocative picture in his magazine promotion got lots of attention, but
sales of his product seemed unaffected. What was the most probable reason for Scott's problem?

a. Readers liked the ad, but it attracted the wrong segment of shoppers.
b. Readers were highly offended by the ad.

c. The ad was noticed, but recall for the product was hindered.

d. Scott was using sex to sell a product related to sex.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 229-231

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

52) Ads containing puns or satire are examples of which type of message appeal?

a. rational

b. sex

c. humour

d. fear

Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 231

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

53) An advertisement for Canadian Club whiskey playfully compares trying one’s first whiskey to a man growing
his first chest hair. This is an example of a _________appeal.

a. rational

b. sex

c. humour

d. fear
Answer: c

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 231

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

54) In a commercial for Contac cold medicine, a construction worker was shown slogging through a rainstorm. He
says he has to take Contac so he can get to work that day, adding "No work, no pay," revealing an anxiety about
losing his job. Called the "slice of death" tactic, this is a demonstration of the use of:

a. emotional appeals.

b. humorous appeals.

c. fear appeals.

d. cognitive-avoidance appeals.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 232

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

55) Erika wanted her roommates to wash their own dishes and clean up in the kitchen when their turn came.
Everyone in the apartment had the stomach flu at least once in the last two weeks and Erika thought she was coming
down with it again. She was convinced that if the apartment were cleaner, she could stay healthier. What type of
message would be most effective for Erika to persuade her roommates?

a. Erika should create a moderate threat with her message, and then explain how the threat could be removed by her

b. Erika should emphasize the danger of the flu and how people could be adversely and permanently affected by it.

c. Erika should ignore the threat of the flu and emphasize how much happier she would be if the apartment was

d. Erika should lie about the effects of the flu, using extreme illustrations such as how the flu can lead to cancer.
Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 232

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

56) All of the following identify when fear appeals are most effective, EXCEPT when:

a. consumers are already afraid of the problem discussed in the ad.

b. a solution is presented for consumers to remove the threat.

c. a moral lesson is conveyed by a powerful character (e.g., Mr. Goodwrench, "good car maintenance" personified)
on how to avoid negative outcomes (accidents or death).

d. the threats displayed are excessive.

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 232-233

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

57) In a Pepsi ad, the visual was a picture of a crumpled Pepsi bottle cap lying on the sand. The headline was, "This
year, hit the beach topless." This was an example of the use of:

a. emotional appeals.

b. resonance.

c. a nonmonotonic relationship.

d. metaphors

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC
Page Reference: 234

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

58) Presenting an ad as if it were a drama, linking the viewer emotionally with a sensation from experiencing use of
the product, is termed:

a. a metaphor.

b. experiential advertising.

c. transformational advertising.

d. psychodrama.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 234

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

59) Once a marketing message is received, the consumer begins to process it. Depending upon how personally
involving the information is to the consumer, s/he will follow one of two routes to persuasion, according to the:

a. route-preference hypothesis (RPH).

b. affect-cognate model (ACM).

c. personal relevance hypothesis (PRH).

d. elaboration likelihood model (ELM).

Answer: d

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 235

Skill: Recall
Objective: L8-05 The elaboration likelihood model outlines how consumers will process a given message once it is

60) According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), the primary determinant of which route a consumer will
follow in processing a message depends upon the:

a. personality of the consumer.

b. personal relevance of the information.

c. type of message.

d. intelligibility of message.

Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 235

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-05 The elaboration likelihood model outlines how consumers will process a given message once it is

61) Careful consideration of message content, generation of cognitive responses to ad arguments, and a rational
evaluation of an ad's persuasive element are all typical of messages processed via the ________ route to persuasion.

a. main avenue

b. direct

c. tertiary

d. central

Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 235-236

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-05 The elaboration likelihood model outlines how consumers will process a given message once it is
62) A marketing consultant maintains that customers buy the "sizzle" and not the steak. When is that least likely to
be true?

a. It is less true when customers have low involvement with the product.

b. It is less true when customers typically purchase before they change their attitudes toward a product.

c. It is less true when customers are not very knowledgeable with the product category.

d. It is less true when customers when customers purchase only based on price.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 235-236

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-06 Audience characteristics help to determine whether the nature of the source or the message itself
will be relatively more persuasive.

63) Danielle and Kelli Jo both saw the same ad. The product being advertised was very important to Danielle, but of
only minor interest to Kelli Jo. According to the elaboration likelihood model, even if both women buy the product,
how will the relationship between attitude change and behaviour be different?

a. Danielle will think about it first and then purchase. Kelli Jo will purchase first and then change her attitude about
the product later.

b. Danielle will purchase first and then change her attitude. Kelli Jo will think about it first and then purchase the

c. Both women will change their attitudes first, but Kelli Jo will not purchase until she sees Danielle purchasing. She
will then model Danielle's behaviour.

d. Both women will change their attitudes first, but Kelli Jo will not change her beliefs about the product and
Danielle will.

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 235-236

Skill: Application
Objective: L8-05 The elaboration likelihood model outlines how consumers will process a given message once it is

64) Public hearings are being held to discuss whether a new nuclear power plant should be built. An expert on
nuclear plants testifies that modern safeguards make the plant secure from dangerous accidents. A local woman
speaks and states that she knows nothing about nuclear power, but the idea of having a plant close by frightens her
and her children. Which of the two parties has the most immediate ability to change attitudes of the audience? What
will happen over time?

a. The expert will have the most ability to change attitudes and his influence will be maintained even weeks later.

b. The expert will have the most ability to change attitudes, but his influence will decrease over time as the woman's
argument gains in force.

c. Because the local woman is most like the other people in the meeting, her opinion will have the most immediate
influence, but over time the expert's opinion will gain in force.

d. The woman's opinion will be more likely to influence the audience initially, and her influence will extend into the

Answer: b

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217-220

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of a message source.

65) What common communication technique listed below can be perceived of as a negative effect when used in a
television commercial?

a. showing the convenience of using the product

b. showing an actor playing the role of an ordinary person

c. demonstrating tangible results (e.g., bouncy hair)

d. graphic displays

Answer: d

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 224

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

66) Company Acme began to sell a digital camera called a Column to compete with Canon's digital cameras. In
terms of comparative ads, what should be the strategy of both Acme and Canon?

a. Acme should avoid comparative ads, and so should Canon.

b. Acme should avoid comparative ads, but Canon should use comparative ads.

c. Acme should compare its camera with Canon's, but Canon should not use comparative ads.

d. Both Cannon and Acme should use comparative ads.

Answer: c

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Understanding

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

67) A car advertiser says its cars are the most expensive within the model class and are not known for their styling,
but they have the best safety and quality record of any cars within the model class. What argument is the car
advertiser using?

a. a two-sided argument

b. a one-sided argument

c. a support argument

d. a negative argument

Answer: a

Diff: 3

Type: MC

Page Reference: 226-227

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.
68) In 2006, Sony launched a program in which it hired a person to pretend he was a huge PSP fan. The person
made a hip-hop song with a YouTube video as well as a website dedicated to his love for Sony's PSP (called This is an example of:

a. fraudulent marketing.

b. youtubing.

c. sock puppeting.

d. podcasting.

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Application

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of the source of a communication.

69) When a company pays a blogger to write about its products in a positive way, this is called a:

a. social media mavenry program.

b. paid influencer program.

c. online front program.

d. manipulative media program.

Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-03 Several factors influence the effectiveness of the source of a communication.

70) Many ads take the form of a(n) ________, in which a story is told about an abstract trait or concept performed
by a person, animal, or vegetable.

a. metaphor

b. comparison
c. allegory

d. autonym

Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 233

Skill: Recall

Objective: L8-04 The way a marketer structures his or her message determines how persuasive it will be.

71) Juanita has decided to post a virtual diary on YouTube. When she does this, what form of blogging most
accurately describes Juanita's actions?

a. moblogging

b. video blogging (vlogging)

c. podcasting

d. customer co-creation

Answer: b

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