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Sample questions and mark scheme

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3

Listening Task 1. Listen to the recording on Internet and answer the questions. (or teacher can
read the Listening Script)
1.Where are they planning to go in the morning? 4.The woman wants to go shopping to _____.
A. to an art museum A. pass the time
B. to a park B. buy souvenirs
C. to a shopping center C. return a gift
2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit 5. They are going to the sea by _____.
for lunch?
A. taxi
A. Indonesian
B. subway
B. Indian
C. bus
C. Italian
6. They are going to walk along the ______.
3.The man wants to visit the zoo because _____.
A. Beach
A. it is free to visitors that day
B. Sea
B. there are unusual animals there
C. Ocean
C. the zoo will be closed the rest of the week
Reading Task2. Read the text and complete the sentences using the words from the box in the
correct form.
Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime while
for others it’s an everyday routine. Some people love doing the shopping and they are happy if they
can pick up a bargain in the sales. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because
it’s a necessity.
In big cities and even many small towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as
supermarkets. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which sell all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and
canned meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and bread. Practically everything a family needs
can be found in a supermarket. There the customer serves himself and pays at the cash-desk on
leaving the shop.
Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, china and glassware, household electric
appliances, furniture and other goods. However, many people don’t like to shop in big department stores
as they are often overcrowded.

serve pay sell need love are

Some people 1……. doing the shopping.
Supermarkets 2…… primarily food stores which 3…… all kinds of food.
Everything a family 4………. can be found in a supermarket.
The customer 5………. himself and 6……. at the cash-desk on leaving the shop
Writing Task3 Look at the pictures and make sentences. (be going to)

1-. ____________________________________________________________ .

2- ____________________________________________________________ .

3- (NOT)______________________________________________________ .

4- (Not)______________________________________________________ .

5- ___________________________________________________________ ?

6- ________________________________________________________?
Speaking Task4. Choose one card, speak about the topic and answer the questions.

Music Reading books

1. Do you like to listen to music? 1. Do you like to read books?

Why? 2. How often do you read books?
2. How often do you listen to music? 3. When do you read books? Why?
3. Where do you usually listen 4. Where do you like reading books?
5. What is your favourite book?
to music?
6. Is reading important? Why?
4. What music do you like to listen?
5. Can you do other activities when
you listen to music?
6. What music do you like most?
Mark scheme

№ Answer Mark Additional


Chooses “A” 1
Chooses “B” 1
3. Chooses “B” 1

4. Chooses “B” 1

5. Chooses “B” 1

6. Chooses “A” 1

love 1
are 1
3. sell 1

4. needs 1

5. serves 1

6. pays 1

1. Tom is going to study Japanese. 1

2. I am going to watch Tv. 1

3. We aren’t going to travel to Paris. 1

4. They aren’t going to eat fast food. 1

5. Is Johny going to save money? 1

6. Are they going to go the beach? 1

king 6

Total 24
Mark scheme


Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, and language), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Criterio Development and Fluency Language

• Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make • Produces error-free simple sentences.
relevant contributions at some length. • Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make
• Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
• Can respond to change in direction of the conversation. • Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange
• Pronunciation is intelligible*. views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
• Intonation is appropriate.

• Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent • Produces error-free simple sentences.
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation. • Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a
• Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some range of general and curricular topics.
5 hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be • Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
• Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
• Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
• Intonation is generally appropriate

• Attempts to respond to questions and prompts. • Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
• Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, • Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
despite hesitation. general and curricular topics.

4 • Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only • Errors may cause comprehension problems.
partial success will be achieved.

• Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.

• May not follow English intonation patterns at times.

• Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent • Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple
3 hesitation. sentences.
• Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles • Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
to develop a conversation. limited range of general topics.
• There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely • Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
to impede communication.

• May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.

• Responses are so brief that little is communicated. • Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
• Barely engages in a conversation. OR
• Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty. • Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
• Does not follow English intonation patterns. • Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
very limited range of general topics.
• Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.

• No communication possible. • Cannot produce basic sentence forms.

1 • Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the • Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized
most sympathetic listener. utterances.

• No attempt at the response.

0 OR
• No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.
Listening Script

Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. [Okay] Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first
visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a
few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [ Oh . . umm . . well . . . ]
Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go
shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars
left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.

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