GCSE History Scheme of Work Paper 1 Option 13 Migrants in Britain v1

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Option 13

scheme of work

Migrants in Britain, c800–present

and Notting Hill, c1948–c1970
GCSE (9–1) History
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in History (1HI0)

This document provides a sample scheme of work for both the Thematic study Migrants in Britain, c800–present and the Historic
environment Notting Hill, c1948–c1970. This is intended as an example approach only and is not prescriptive: it should be adapted
by schools to fit their timetabling and staffing arrangements.
The scheme assumes 18 teaching weeks for Paper 1, with 12 weeks allocated to the Thematic study and 6 weeks to the Historic
The separate Course planner document provides a range of examples of delivery options that can be used for planning alongside this
The separate Topic booklet for Option 13 includes illustrative exemplification of content and of the role of factors in change.

In adapting this scheme of work, teachers might find it useful to consider the following:
● What, and how much, background and contextual material needs to be covered as an introduction and overview before
starting the main specification content.
● How the Historic environment is incorporated: for example, here it is taught separately after the main Thematic study content,
but centres might consider treating it as an extended case study within the Thematic study and then returning to more it
thoroughly after the Thematic study teaching. It will need to be clear to students that the assessment of the Historic environment
is separate from the Thematic study content.
● How, when studying the Thematic study content, students develop their understanding of how key features in the
development of migration are linked with the key features of society in Britain in the periods studied.
● How students can develop an understanding of the influence of factors in inhibiting or encouraging change within periods and
across the theme, and how factors worked together to bring particular developments at particular times. The factors are:
institutions (government and Church); religion; economic influences; and attitudes in society

In the Historic environment section, the following concepts of evidence have been included alongside the content: source utility and
following up a source. Note that each of these question types could be asked on any of the Historic environment content: they are
included in particular weeks only as suggestions for how they could be incorporated into the content.

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Week Key topic Specification content

1 ● Introduction and overview to Migrants in Britain, c800–present. When and why did key migrant groups arrive in
● Overview of key features in the development of Britain and how its context led to migration in the periods studied.
c800–c1500: Migration in medieval England
● Brief overview of earlier migration: the Romans and Anglo-Saxons. Brief overview of the period: medieval England.
1 The context for migration ● Reasons for migration and patterns of settlement, including Vikings, Normans, Jews
and other European traders and craftsmen.
2 ● The context of English society: landownership and the growth of towns; the role of the
wool industry; opportunities for migrants; the role of the monarchy, including the
need for royal finance; England as a part of Christendom.
2 The experience and impact ● The experience of migrants in England: their relations with the authorities and the
of migrants existing population, including the legal status of ‘alien’ and the impact of the Black
3 ● The impact of migrants in England, including the Danelaw, culture, trade and the built
3 Case study ● The city of York under the Vikings.
Review ● Summary of the influence of key factors on change and continuity in the years c800–

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c1500–c1700: Migration in early modern England

● Brief overview of the period: England c1500–c1700.
1 The context for migration ● Change and continuity in reasons for migration and patterns of settlement, including
migrants from Europe and Africa.
● The changing context of English society: changing social structures; economic growth,
including the cloth industry and global trading companies; privateering and trade; the
emergence of England as a predominantly Protestant nation.
5 2 The experience and impact ● The experience of migrants in England: their relations with the authorities and the
of migrants existing population.
● The impact of migrants in England, including culture, trade, industry and agriculture.
6 3 Case studies ● Sandwich and Canterbury in the sixteenth century: the experiences of Flemish and
Walloon migrants and their role in the local economy.
● The experience of Huguenots in seventeenth century England.
Review ● How much changed in the context of England, the reasons drawing migrants to
England and their experiences?
● How much impact did migrants have on England, c1500–c1700?
● Summary of the influence of key factors on change and continuity in the years c1500–
7 c1700–c1900: Migration in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain
● Brief overview of the period: Britain c1700–c1900.
1 The context for migration ● Change and continuity in reasons for migration and patterns of settlement, including
migrants from Ireland, Europe and the Empire.
● The changing context of British society: changing social structures; the Industrial
Revolution; urbanisation; Transatlantic Slavery; the growth of the British Empire; civil

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8 ● The experience of migrants in Britain: their relations with the authorities and the
existing population. The role of the media.
● The impact of migrants in Britain, including culture, trade and industry, politics and
the urban environment.
2 The experience and impact
of migrants
9 3 Case studies ● Liverpool in the nineteenth century: its role in migration and the experiences of
migrants, including Irish migrants.
● The experience of Jewish migrants in the East End of London in late nineteenth
Review century.
● How much changed in the context of Britain, the reasons drawing migrants to Britain
and their experiences?
● How much impact did migrants have on Britain, c1700–c1900?
● Summary of the influence of key factors on change and continuity in the years c1700–
10 c1900–present: Migration in modern Britain
● Brief overview of the period: Britain c1900 to present.
1 The context for migration ● Change and continuity in reasons for migration and patterns of settlement, including
migrants from Ireland, Europe, the British Empire and the Commonwealth; refugees
and asylum seekers.
● The changing context of British society: the World Wars; the end of the British Empire,
decolonisation and the development of the Commonwealth; EU membership;
legislation on immigration and nationality, including the Aliens Act (1905) and British
Nationality Acts.
11 2 The experience and impact ● The experience of migrants in Britain: their relations with the authorities and the
of migrants existing population, including anti-immigration and equal rights movements. The Race
Relations Act (1965). The role of the media.
● The impact of migrants in Britain, including culture, politics, the urban environment,
public services and the economy.

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12 3 Case studies

● Bristol in the mid-twentieth century: the experiences of migrants and their impact on
● The experience of Asian migrants in Leicester from 1945.
● Summary of the influence of key factors on change and continuity in the years c1900–
present day.
● How much changed in the context of Britain, the reasons drawing migrants to Britain
and their experiences?
● How much impact did migrants have on Britain, c1900–present day?
● How much has changed in the reasons pulling migrants to Britain and in their
experiences, c800–present?
● How much have migrants changed Britain in the period c800–present?
14 Notting Hill, c1948–c1970
Introduction to historic environment
● The local context of Notting Hill. The reasons for Caribbean migration to the area. The
problems of housing: houses of multiple occupation (HMOs), overcrowding and slum
landlords, e.g. Peter Rachman. Bruce Kenrick and the Notting Hill Housing Trust. The
development of Portobello Road market.
● Types of source relevant to this option.
15 ● The influence of Caribbean cultures on the area, in particular the development of
shops, markets, cafes and restaurants, shebeens, nightclubs and entertainment which
featured Caribbean food and music. The development of All Saints Road. Mutual self-
help organisations, e.g. ‘pardner’ schemes.
● Source utility.

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● Racism and policing. The Notting Hill Riots (1958). The murder of Kelso Cochrane and
the reaction of the local community. The impact of anti-immigrant groups, including
Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement and his 1959 election campaign.
● Following up a source.
17 ● Black activism in the Notting Hill area. Claudia Jones and the West Indian Gazette. The
1959 Caribbean Carnival and the later development of the Notting Hill Carnival. Frank
Crichlow and the Mangrove Restaurant. The British Black Panthers. The ‘Mangrove
● Source utility.
18 ● The national and regional context: Britain after the Second World War, reconstruction
and demand for labour; the connection to the British Empire and Commonwealth. The
‘Swinging Sixties’. Poverty in London. Policing in London.
● Following up a source.
● Review and assessment of Migrants in Britain, c800–present and Notting Hill, c1948–

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