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Colegio De Upi,Inc.

CDU Rizal Street, Nuro Upi, Maguindanao Del Norte

Subject: Natscie
Description: Physical Science
Instructor: Asna K. Abdul

Learning Objectives:
 Define and differentiate between various branches of science, including physics and
 Understand the nature of matter and its different states.
 Explore the concept of energy and its various forms.
 Introduce the scientific method as a systematic approach to understanding the natural
 Learn about the importance of measurements and units in physical science.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Physical Science

Physical science is a branch of natural science that focuses on understanding the fundamental
principles governing the behavior of non-living matter and energy in the universe. It
encompasses the study of various aspects of the physical world, including the properties of
matter, the forces and interactions between particles, the behavior of energy in its various forms,
and the fundamental laws that govern these phenomena. Physical science is divided into several
sub-disciplines, such as physics and chemistry, each of which explores specific aspects of the
physical world and seeks to uncover the underlying laws and principles that govern them.
Physics is a branch of physical science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and the
fundamental forces that govern the interactions between them. It aims to understand the
fundamental principles that underlie the behavior of the physical universe, from the smallest
subatomic particles to the vast expanses of space. Physics is characterized by its pursuit of
mathematical models and laws that can explain and predict the behavior of natural phenomena.
Key Areas of Physics:
Classical Mechanics
his area focuses on the motion of objects, the forces that act upon them, and the principles
governing the behavior of systems under various conditions. Newton's laws of motion and the
law of universal gravitation are fundamental concepts in classical mechanics.
Thermodynamics deals with the transfer of energy as heat and work between systems. It explores
concepts like temperature, heat, entropy, and the laws that govern energy conservation and heat
Electromagnetic theory studies the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, and how they
interact with charged particles. Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electromagnetic
waves, including light.
Quantum Mechanics
This area delves into the behavior of particles at the quantum level, where classical physics
breaks down. It introduced concepts like wave-particle duality, quantization of energy levels, and
the probabilistic nature of particle behavior.
Einstein's theories of special and general relativity revolutionized our understanding of space,
time, and gravity. Special relativity deals with high speeds and the equivalence of mass and
energy, while general relativity explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime.
Chemistry is the branch of physical science that explores the composition, structure, properties,
and changes of matter. It is concerned with understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and
the interactions that lead to chemical reactions. Chemistry plays a crucial role in various
scientific and practical applications, including medicine, materials science, environmental
science, and more.
Key Areas of Chemistry:
Physical Chemistry: This area combines principles from both physics and chemistry to study the
physical properties and behavior of chemical systems. It deals with topics like thermodynamics,
kinetics, and molecular interactions.
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic chemistry focuses on the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, which
generally do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. It includes the study of metals, minerals, and
coordination compounds.
Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is dedicated to the study of carbon-containing compounds, often emphasizing
the structure, synthesis, and reactions of organic molecules.
Analytical Chemistry
Analytical chemists develop methods to determine the composition of substances and quantify
their properties. Techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry are
commonly used in this area.
Biochemistry explores the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. It examines
biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, and their roles in biological
Physics and chemistry are interconnected disciplines, often influencing and complementing each
other in the pursuit of understanding the natural world at both macroscopic and microscopic
The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to investigate natural
phenomena, acquire new knowledge, and refine existing understanding. It provides a structured
framework for conducting experiments, making observations, and drawing conclusions based on
evidence. The scientific method is essential for ensuring objectivity, reliability, and
reproducibility in scientific research. Here is an overview of the key steps involved in the
scientific method:
The process begins with careful and systematic observation of a phenomenon or a problem in the
natural world. Observations can be made using the human senses or specialized instruments.
Question and Hypothesis:
Based on the observation, a specific question is formulated. This question often identifies a
pattern, anomaly, or curiosity that requires explanation.
A hypothesis is then proposed. A hypothesis is an educated guess or a testable statement that
provides a possible explanation for the observed phenomenon.
A hypothesis is used to make predictions about the outcome of experiments or observations that
have not yet been conducted. These predictions should be specific and testable.
Controlled experiments are designed to test the predictions of the hypothesis. Controlled means
that all variables except the one being tested are kept constant.
Experimental groups (those exposed to the variable) and control groups (those not exposed) are
established to compare outcomes.
Data Collection:
During the experiment, relevant data and measurements are collected. Data can be qualitative
(descriptive) or quantitative (numerical).
The collected data is analyzed using statistical and analytical methods to determine if it supports
or contradicts the predictions of the hypothesis.
Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the validity of the hypothesis. The hypothesis
may be supported, partially supported, or rejected based on the evidence.
Communication and Peer Review:
Scientists communicate their findings through publications, presentations, and other means. This
sharing of information allows other scientists to replicate and verify the results.
Peer review, where other experts in the field critically evaluate the research, helps ensure the
quality and accuracy of scientific work.
Iteration and Refinement:
The scientific method is iterative, meaning that the process can be repeated, refined, or expanded
upon. New hypotheses can emerge from the conclusions of previous experiments, leading to a
deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
Development of Theories and Laws:
Over time, well-supported and repeatedly confirmed hypotheses can develop into scientific
theories or laws. A theory is a comprehensive explanation that encompasses a wide range of
related phenomena, while a law describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in
The scientific method's systematic and empirical approach distinguishes science from other
methods of inquiry. It promotes the pursuit of objective truth, encourages critical thinking, and
allows for the continual advancement of our understanding of the natural world.
Lesson 2: Matter and Its Properties
Matter refers to anything that has mass and occupies space. It encompasses all the physical
substances in the universe, including everything we can see, touch, and interact with. Matter can
exist in different states—solid, liquid, gas, and even plasma—and is composed of tiny particles
known as atoms. These atoms are the building blocks of matter and combine to form molecules,
which make up the various substances we encounter.
In essence, matter is what makes up the entire material universe, from the planets and stars to the
tiniest particles. It includes everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and from
the rocks beneath our feet to the living organisms around us.
Properties of Matter:
Matter possesses several intrinsic properties that help us characterize and distinguish one
substance from another. Some of the key properties of matter include:

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It remains constant regardless of the
location of the object in the universe.
Mass is typically measured in units like kilograms (kg) or grams (g).
Volume is the amount of space that a substance occupies. It can refer to the space within a
container or the three-dimensional extent of an object.
Volume is usually measured in cubic units, such as cubic meters (m³) or cubic centimeters (cm³).
Density is the mass of a substance per unit volume. It describes how compact or concentrated the
matter is.
Mathematically, density (ρ) is calculated as density = mass / volume.
The unit of density is typically kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) or grams per cubic centimeter
Physical State
Matter can exist in three primary states: solid, liquid, and gas. A fourth state, plasma, is also
relevant in extreme conditions.
Solids have a definite shape and volume, liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of
their container, and gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
Melting Point and Boiling Point
The melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance turns into a liquid.
The boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid substance turns into a gas (vapor).
Color, Odor, Taste, and Texture:
These are sensory properties that help us perceive and identify different substances.
They are often used in qualitative observations to differentiate between materials.
Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance (usually a liquid) to form
a homogeneous mixture called a solution.
Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity:
These properties describe a substance's ability to conduct electricity or heat, respectively.
Conductivity is relevant to understanding the behavior of materials in various applications.
Malleability and Ductility:
Malleability is the ability of a material to be hammered or pressed into different shapes without
Ductility is the ability of a material to be drawn into thin wires without breaking.
These properties provide a basis for classifying, identifying, and understanding different types of
matter. They play a crucial role in fields ranging from chemistry and physics to engineering and
materials science.

Lesson 3: Energy and Its Forms

Energy is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the ability of a system to do work or
cause a change. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction. Energy exists
in various forms and can be transferred or transformed from one form to another. The concept of
energy is crucial for understanding and describing the behavior of natural processes and the
interactions within the physical world.
Different Forms of Energy:
Kinetic Energy:
Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. The energy is directly
proportional to both the mass and the square of the velocity of the object.
Mathematically, kinetic energy (KE) = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2.
Potential Energy:
Potential energy is associated with the position or configuration of an object in a force field, such
as gravity or a spring. It represents the capacity to do work when the object's position changes.
The potential energy of an object at height h above the ground is given by potential energy (PE)
= mass * gravitational acceleration * height.
Thermal Energy:
Thermal energy is the internal energy of a system due to the motion and vibration of its particles.
It is related to temperature and is responsible for heat transfer.
Chemical Energy:
Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between atoms and molecules within a substance. It can
be released or absorbed during chemical reactions.
Law of Conservation of Energy and Its Implications:
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only
be transferred or transformed from one form to another. In a closed system (isolated from
external influences), the total energy remains constant over time. This law has profound
implications for understanding the behavior of the universe:
 Energy Transformation: Energy can change from one form to another. For instance,
potential energy of an object on a hilltop can transform into kinetic energy as it rolls
 Energy Conservation: The total energy in a closed system remains constant. If one form
of energy decreases, another form must increase by an equivalent amount.
 Efficiency and Energy Loss: In real-world scenarios, energy transformations are not
perfectly efficient, and some energy is often converted into less useful forms (like heat)
during processes.
Real-World Examples of Energy Transformations:
Hydroelectric Power Plant:
Water stored at a higher elevation has potential energy. As it falls and spins turbines, this
potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which eventually generates electricity.
Plants convert radiant energy from the sun into chemical energy through photosynthesis. This
chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose.
Battery-Powered Device:
Chemical energy stored in batteries is transformed into electrical energy to power devices like
smartphones. This electrical energy is then transformed into various forms (light, sound, etc.) by
the device.
Gasoline Engine:
Gasoline contains chemical energy. In an engine, this energy is transformed into kinetic energy
as the car moves and thermal energy due to heat generated in the combustion process.
Nuclear Fusion in Stars:
In stars like our sun, nuclear fusion converts mass into energy through the famous equation
E=mc², where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light.
Understanding energy transformations is crucial for improving energy efficiency, developing
sustainable technologies, and comprehending the intricate processes that shape our world.
Lesson 4: Introduction to Chemistry
Differentiation between Chemistry and Physics:
Chemistry and physics are two distinct branches of science, but they are closely related and often
intersect in their study of the natural world:
Chemistry focuses on the composition, structure, properties, and transformations of matter. It
deals with atoms, molecules, and the interactions between different substances. Chemists study
the behavior of elements and compounds, chemical reactions, and the properties of materials.
Physics, on the other hand, is concerned with the fundamental principles that govern matter and
energy in the universe. It explores the forces, motion, energy transformations, and the behavior
of particles at both macroscopic and microscopic scales.
While chemistry primarily deals with matter and its properties, physics deals with the underlying
forces and interactions that drive the behavior of matter and energy.
Basic Understanding of Atoms and Molecules:
Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. They consist of a nucleus composed of protons
and neutrons, surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Different elements are characterized by the
number of protons in their nuclei, known as the atomic number.
Molecules are formed when two or more atoms chemically combine. These atoms can be of the
same element or different elements. Molecules are the smallest units of compounds and can have
distinct properties from the elements they are composed of.
Overview of the Periodic Table and Its Significance:
The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements based on their atomic numbers,
electron configurations, and chemical properties.
It organizes elements into periods (rows) and groups (columns), with elements in the same group
sharing similar chemical behaviors due to their similar outer electron configurations.
The periodic table allows scientists to predict the properties of elements, understand trends in
properties across periods and groups, and identify relationships between different elements.
Introduction to Chemical Reactions and Equations:
A chemical reaction involves the transformation of one or more substances (reactants) into new
substances (products) with different properties.
Chemical reactions are represented using chemical equations, which provide a symbolic
representation of the reactants and products. For example:
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
This equation represents the reaction between hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) to form water
Chemical equations follow the law of conservation of mass, which states that the total mass of
reactants is equal to the total mass of products in a chemical reaction.
Understanding chemical reactions is essential for various applications, from explaining the
behavior of substances to designing new materials, developing drugs, and ensuring efficient
industrial processes.
Lesson 5: Scientific Measurements and Units
Importance of Accurate Measurements in Scientific Investigations:
Accurate measurements are the foundation of scientific investigations and research. They play a
crucial role in various aspects of the scientific process:
 Data Reliability: Accurate measurements ensure the reliability of collected data. Precise
and correct measurements lead to trustworthy results, which are essential for making
valid conclusions and informed decisions.
 Reproducibility: Accurate measurements allow other researchers to replicate experiments
and obtain similar results. This is essential for confirming the validity of findings and
building upon existing knowledge.
 Comparability: Accurate measurements enable scientists to compare their results with
those of others and across different studies. This fosters collaboration, helps identify
trends, and advances the collective understanding of phenomena.
 Theory Validation: Accurate measurements provide empirical evidence to validate or
challenge theoretical predictions. Inaccurate measurements could lead to erroneous
conclusions about the validity of scientific theories.
 Innovation and Progress: Many technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs
are based on accurate measurements. Precision in measurements drives innovation in
fields such as medicine, engineering, and materials science.
Introduction to SI (International System of Units) and Its Base Units:
The International System of Units (SI) is a globally accepted system of measurement that ensures
consistency, clarity, and ease of communication in scientific research. The SI has seven base
units, from which all other units are derived:
 Meter (m): The unit of length, used to measure distance or displacement.
 Kilogram (kg): The unit of mass, fundamental in measuring the quantity of matter.
 Second (s): The unit of time, essential for measuring intervals and rates.
 Ampere (A): The unit of electric current, crucial in electrical and electronic studies.
 Kelvin (K): The unit of temperature, used in measuring heat and thermal processes.
 Candela (cd): The unit of luminous intensity, for measuring light emitted by a source.
 Mole (mol): The unit of amount of substance, important in chemical and biological
Converting Between Units and Using Dimensional Analysis:
Converting between units is essential for comparing measurements expressed in different
systems or units. Dimensional analysis is a method used to perform unit conversions
 Identify the starting unit and the desired unit for conversion.
 Set up a conversion factor that relates the two units, ensuring that unwanted units cancel
 Multiply the given value by the conversion factor to obtain the value in the desired unit.
Significance of Significant Figures in Expressing Measurement Precision:
Significant figures are the digits in a measured value that contribute to its precision. They
communicate the level of certainty in a measurement:
 Leading Zeros: Leading zeros (zeros before the first non-zero digit) are not significant.
 Captive Zeros: Captive zeros (zeros between non-zero digits) are significant.
 Trailing Zeros: Trailing zeros (zeros at the end of a number and after the decimal point)
are significant.
 The proper use of significant figures ensures that the precision of calculations and
measurements is maintained throughout scientific analyses.
Accurate measurements, a consistent system of units, and an understanding of significant figures
are fundamental for conducting reliable and meaningful scientific investigations.
Assignment: Submit a short essay discussing the scientific method and its importance in
advancing our understanding of the natural world. Include examples of how the scientific method
has been applied in historical scientific breakthroughs.

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