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Practice writing

Topic 1: Unplesant trip

I’m going to tell you about my unpleasant trip. I like to travel to other
places, but last week I had an unpleasant trip, I’m quite upset, and
unsatisfied. I and my family have plans for our holidays. So, we went to
the most beautiful beach in Da Nang. Before that, we rented a quite big
pretty hotel and went to a store to buy some presents. In the evening, we
ate dinner at a restaurant and enjoyed delicious food. Furthermore, we
had VIP tickets and were free to eat a lot more vegetables, fruit juice,
and seafood, I liked it. Tomorrow, we went to a gorgeous beach, but the
weather has changed, it was heavy rain and windy, in the sky the clouds
were very dark when we came to the beach. So, we went back to a hotel.
Moreover, the rain didn’t stop and it was stronger than when we went
back to the hotel. After a few days, the rains didn’t stop, but it was
smaller than yesterday. But we need to go back home because I went to
school and am quite busy with work. In short, I believe it was the worst I
know and I didn’t forget it.

Topic 2: The best gift you receive in the past

Every year, on my birthday, I receive a lot of presents from my friends
and my family. But the best gift I received in the past on my birthday
was from my dad. He gave me a tablet, and it was amazing, I wanted to
buy a new tablet but I didn’t have money. But on my birthday when I
was 17, I received it from my dad, I felt excited and happy. I used them
for my studies, they had bigger screens than smartphones and were more
convenient. Additionally, after school, I usually use them for
entertainment and sometimes use them to listen to music and relax. If I
have free time, I use it to video call my friends or my family, it is useful.
To sum up, that is the best gift I received In the past, I loved it.

7 years ago, I went to the beach with my family, that was the first time I
saw a beautiful beach, I felt so interested and happy. We stayed here for
about 5 days, not too long but enough to see the prettiest things here. We
go for a walk around the beach and play sports beach, my family loves
to lie on the beach and soak up the sun I like to build sand castles and go
around them. And Then, we went to different street food and enjoyed it,
the food was so tastest great. Also, I went to an amusement park and
played it, if I had more time, I would buy souvenirs nearby and go to
another place to play. When I got home, I remembered a beautiful beach,
I wish I could came back a beach one more time, I love it

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