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Workplace Readiness Assignment

Learner Name:Nyiko Tshabalala

Learner ID:0202035056086

Company:SITA aero
What is a diary used for?
Diary is a note book used to inscribe in tasks and activities that
That one must do to ensure preparations and accomplishments

Why is it important to enter accurate information in a diary?

Writing incorrect information in a diary have a direct opposite effect
That a diary must have and makes it ineffecient

What information is entered into a diary and who gives the

Typically the information that goes into a diary is at least the time,
Venue and details of a particular task/activity and the information
Is given by appointing associates
In the diary template below, enter the list of tasks from Question 01:
Please use the below table for your Initial Answer:

Time Details
7.30 In transport to work
8.00 Begin with my first class
8.30 Class activities
9.00 Begin with my second class
9.30 Class activities
10.00 Tea break
10.30 Begin my third class
11.00 Class activities
11.30 Begin with my forth class
12.00 Class activities
12.30 Lunch break
13.00 Begin with my fifth class
13.30 Class activities
14.00 Begin my last class
14.30 Class activities
15.00 Summarise all work done
15.30 Knock off
16.00 Take a nap
16.30 refreshment
17.00 Entertainment
Explain the correct etiquette / method for answering a telephone
Greet the caller politely and thank the call. Recite the name of the
Organisation and state your name, then you may ask how you can

Explain the correct etiquette / method for making a telephone call:

Prepare for a call and when it is answered introduce yourself and
Your organisation. State the reason for your call then listen
Carefully without interrupting . when communication is done give

List 5 products / service on offer by your organisation and the

features of each:
Leanerships for matriculants to further their grades and obtain
qualifications to jobs as according
Job vacancies for youth to explore the work field and earn some
Opportunities to get a good job with the organisation’s help
Experience and knowledge on particular careers

List your organisational procedure for identifying and handling

customer queries effectively:
To whom the complaint should be directed, what information must
be obtained from the customer and what records of the complaint
must be kept
The nature of complaint and the level at which it should be dealt
Identifying and routing serious complaints.
The action to be taken when complaints are rejected
How complain records will be used in the future
List the customer service principles adopted by your organisation
to serve customers effectively:
The organisation spends a large portion of effort, time, money and
other resources to ensure good costumer service on their point of
View. It also ensures that information provided is current and up to
date by training their agents

Explain the company’s complaint procedure and system in place to

deal with such complaints. Make use of examples to explain your
Actively seek to get in touch with customers to find out what is
making them unhappy
Isolate and deal with cause of problems
Adopt a customer-cummunication approach
Provide customers with information on making a complain

List and explain the methods and techniques used for

communicating with stakeholders involved in customer’s
complaints. Make use of examples to explain your answer:
Oral communication
Using words verbally to inform each other, it can be done through
phone call or face to face
Written communication
this can be given in form of documents to stakeholders
Body language
Smile, gestures and several other body movements send out
messages to audience

Explain the impact of resolving complaints quickly and effectively:

Actively dealing with complaint can win rather than loose you and
Your organisation repeat customer. If you resolve the complain
successfully, you are likely to have gained a valuable customer

Give examples and explain the use of the following techniques as

used by you in your organisation:
Open-ended questioning. This helps to get detailed
information about a solution
Closed-ended questioning. This helps to get specific and
direct answers
Responses I make shoukd always be respectful, appropriate
Simple and clear. It should be easy for the next person to
interpret and understand what I say
I listen carefully and attentively to all speakers. I avoid
interrupting and if I have questions I ask after the speaker is
done talking

4.General communication:
I use cultivated listening and speaking skills to ensure understanding
And keep caution of my body language because they may send a
different impression from what I say

Describe basic customer service principles as implemented and

followed by the staff in your organisation:
Knowing our product and service helps us troubleshoot the
Customers. The staff maintains positive attitude and creatively
The organisation also helps customers to help themselves

Give 2 different examples of approaches which could be taken to

resolve a situation with a difficult customer. Make use of examples
to explain your answer:

1. Approach 1:
Be clear and to the point without appearing dismissive of the
their demeanor. Explain transperantely why there is a problem
without getting into specifics. Let the customer know there is
effort invested in resolving the situation.

2. Approach 2:
Even if you dont feel warranted, begin the interaction by
apologising for the issue. Try to resolve the situation by
addressing pointed grievances they have regarding the subject
at hand
Remember to keep it brief.

Describe the methods and techniques used for active listening in

your department / organisation:
Facing the speaker and keep eye contact.
Listen to non-verbal clues and avoid interrupting
Listen without judging and jumping to conclusions
Stay focused and ask questions

Describe the typical products and services as offered by your

My organisation is in the business of advancing youth of south
Africa through high quality education

Describe basic customer service principles as applied by yourself

in your organisation:
Positive attitude and flexibility towards my work and colleques.
The gestures I make can have a great impact on communication
with people im working around , so im careful with the way i
Communicate with my body

Instructions: The following assignments must be completed by yourself
in full. Read the instructions carefully and ensure that you cover all the
requirements of the assignment thoroughly. Check to ensure that you
referenced each assignment correctly and included all the required
Assignment 1: Customer Service – Respond to a Customer
Objective: You are required to compose a formal response to a
customer’s complaint received by your company’s call centre. Your
response should adequately address the customer’s concerns and
reassure them that their complaint will be dealt with promptly.
Instructions: Consult with relevant stakeholders / staff in your
organisation for assistance and guidance where required to formulate
your response.
Outcome: Ensure that your response is concise, accurate and correctly
addressed as per your organisational requirements.
Evidence Requirements: Complete your complaint resolution
assignment on a separate Word Document and mark it as reference
Module 04 Assignment 01

Customer Complaint Letter Received

“Dear Sally’s Day-care representative,
I’m writing to inform you that I had a negative experience at your location
in Pretoria, Gauteng on August 4th. My account number is 512, and the
person who handled my complaint was named Melissa. First of all, I
recognize that you as the reader of this letter, are not responsible for my
bad experience, but I am still upset at the situation.
I went to the reception desk and asked for a statement for my account.
When I received my statement, I checked that all of my previous
payments have been deducted from the account and noticed that my
last 2 months payments for your child care services does not show on
the account.
I then returned to Melissa and asked her why my previous payments
which I have made is not reflecting on the statement. She then abruptly
informed me that if the payments are not showing on the statement then
I never paid it. She also continued to warn me that if I do not pay the
amount shown on the statement immediately that they will not continue
to provide day-car service to my child. I then asked her to please
investigate the payments as I have proof of payments which I have
made at home which I will bring in to her office the next morning. She
then shrugged me off and said that they don’t have time for “non-paying”
In addition to this allegations being false, it was also extremely
inappropriate. I was upset by the situation and shocked at her
accusation that I left the premises without having the issue resolved. To
fix the situation, I would like a discount and perhaps an apology from
Melissa. I have attached the proof of payments to this letter.

Best Regards,
Jim Korkell.

Module 04 Assignment 01

CC: Trausses

Subject: Response to your complaint.

Dear JimKokel

Absa Bank

Assignment 2: Design Customer Feedback Card

Instructions: You are required to design a customer feedback car to

gather and collect feedback from customers regarding their experience
at you establishment.

Objective: Ensure that your customer feedback collects and addresses

the following:

 Customer information
 Product or service used at the establishment with date and time of
 Name of staff member who assisted customer (if available)
 Positive feedback / comments
 Negative feedback / comments

Evidence Requirements: Complete your Customer Feedback Card on

a separate Word Document and mark it as reference Assignment 02
Preparation Notes:

Assignment 3: Customer Information – Design a Questionnaire

Instructions: You are required to design a template questionnaire which could be
used to effectively gather and record information obtained from customers to
accurately identify their needs.

Make use of the space provided below (or on a separate word document) to compile
a list of questions which would enable you to collect the necessary information
needed to make an accurate assessment of your customer’s specific needs.

Ensure that your questions are:

 Sequenced in a logical manner

 Formulated correctly and suits the information needs
 Meets your organisational requirements

Evidence Requirements: Complete your Questionnaire below or on a separate

Word Document and mark it as reference US 10350 Assignment 03
US 10350 Assignment 03
Capitec Bank.
Market Research Questionnaire.
Name and Surname :

Age Group: Gender:


This survey will take you only five minutes to complete.

1. How far do you stay from this shopping center.

2. Which services or products do you usually buy from us?

3. Are the products up to your expectation?

4 are the products effecient?

5 how would you rate our customer service on a scale of


6 what is it that you think we lack and how would you like to
see us improve ?

7 Do you agree that the prices of our products are fair?

8 how long does it take you to utilise our product?

9 do you think our product is environmentally friendly?
Explain your answer

In this assignment you have to write an application letter in response to a
job advertisement.
Advanced Assessment & Training
Address: Building 1 & 3 Boskruin Village Office Park CNR Hawken and, President Fouche Dr,
Boskruin, Randburg, 2188.


We are currently having an excellent opportunity in our Head Office, for an Office Administrator,
Ref: ADMI2015.


The ideal candidate should:

 Be able to Microsoft office.

 Be able to interact with our stakeholders especially students.
 Communicate fluently in English.
 Be able to work after hours.
 A matric with English and Mathematics passes.
 One year experience as an Administrator or receptionist.
How to apply.
Your application should be sent to Mr. Mpasek Hr Manager at the
following email
Attach your CV, ID Document and qualifications.
Select the most appropriate method of communication from the
options below for the following situations:

 E-mail
 Face to Face communication
 Telephonic communication

1. Present a new product to a top client:

Face to face communication

2. Send the meeting minutes out to all attendees:

3. Confirm that an urgent e-mail has been received:
Telephonic communication

When communicating in the workplace or socially, you will

experience barriers to communication. Identify at least 3 possible
barriers to communication and describe how you can overcome
Accusing, judging, and interrupting are 3 common communication
Barriers. We can overcome this barriers by educating the parties
Involved in the communication about them so they can avoid

What is body language and why is it so important in getting your

message across to your audience?
Body language is communication through body movements

Importance of body language

The gestures made send out messages to the audience
Using the open question words that have been discussed, fill in the
missing word:

A who was shouting?

B how is John treating you today?
C She did not tell me why she was late
D when are you going to finish that work?
E what is that? Oh, it’s a snake.
F who Is that? Oh, it’s Mavis.
G I do not know where aisle the tomato-
sauce is in.
H where is the accounts department?
I still watching the soccer match on T.V. tonight?
J what is this blanket?
K boxes did you unpack?

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